----- Original Message -----
From: W.M.
To: eGroups Digest
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 2:15 PM
Subject: [M-L L] Fwd: karovier Russia chides US, Japan over planned ABM

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              Russia chides US, Japan over planned ABM system

Russia on Thursday sharply criticized the United States and Japan for
plan to establish a regional anti-ballistic missile system in the

Moscow "has not let pass unnoticed the insistent attempts of the US to
expand its military union with Japan by way of setting up a theater ABM
system in the Asia-Pacific Region," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in
statement released on Thursday.

Russia is greatly concerned lest a regional ABM system be set up
near Russia's border, the Interfax news agency quoted the statement as

"It is obvious that this is being seen as a link in the first
echelon of the future US national ABM system," the statement said.

It warned that the appearance of such a system could "destabilize
stability in the region, destroy the regional balance of power and
an arms race."

Russia said all these fears could be dispelled by implementing its
that a global system be set up for control over the non-proliferation of
missiles and missile technologies.

It called for the formation of a multilateral security mechanism in the
Asia-Pacific Region with "equal rights and opportunities for all of its

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