----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 3:57 PM
Subject: FWD: Letter from Stella J.


Listen well, my friends, 
This is a message of hope. This is a message that must be shared with
you and with others who feel, too many times as I have, the frustrations
and the dispair that no one is listening. This is a message that proves
that hearts CAN be changed for which we all pray. That prayer, in my
case, has been answered. 
On August 24 1998, a letter was published in The Washington Times titled
"Serbian propaganda and the truth about Kosovo," written by Mr. Chad
Nagle. The letter, which consisted of three exceedingly long columns and
took up the entire Letters section, attacked both myself and the
Yugoslav Charge d'affaires for being Serbian propagandists and then
proceeded with his version of the truth about Kosovo based on books such
as Noal Malcolm's "Kosovo - A Short History." 
On 22 February, I received a copy of a letter Mr. Nagle had written to
the Serbian Unity Congress. I cannot tell you how stunned I was to be
reading a letter in which Mr. Nagle writes: I would like to take this
opportunity to express my regret for this irresponsible letter, and to
attempt to make amends," and also writes, "if my appalling letter
contributed even the most minute influence on policy-makers in
Washington who were considering the war on Yugoslavia, I am deeply
I have been given permission by Mr. Nagle's to publish his entire letter
which appears below. 
I wish to express my gratitude to Mr. Nagle for showing such strength of
character by writing the letter to SUC, for his honesty and for
expressing his good wishes towards the Serbian people as he could have
just as easily remained silent for his own protection. I wrote him
personally for "restoring my faith in humanity without sounding too
maudlin (as women tend to be) as it is not very often we find someone
who is fair minded enough to admit that they have erred in judgment and
are willing to make corrections [amends]. Thank you." 
From: Chad Nagle
Subject: Web Master message 2/22/100 19:49 
Dear Sirs: 
This message is long overdue. On 24 August 1998, I wrote a letter to the
editor of the Washington Times ("Serbian propaganda and the truth about
Kosovo"), in which I attacked both Stella Jatras and the Charge
d'Affaires of the Yugoslav Embassy, for what I characterized as extreme
Serbian nationalism. I would like to take this opportunity to express my
regret for this irresponsible letter, and to attempt to make amends. 
It is an unfortunate fact about most Americans, and I was no exception
in this case, that we tend to pass judgment on places to which we have
never been. I have never been to Serbia, and my letter was based on
merely having read a few books, most notably Noel Malcolm's "Kosovo - A
Short History." Dr. Malcolm has, since writing this book, apparently
sided with the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army, and is now an apologist
for the very worst atrocities being committed in the name of the
Albanians by the KLA. Friends and colleagues of mine who I trust, among
them John Laughland of the British Helsinki Human Rights Group (BHHRG),
have since dispelled my illusions on the subject of Serbia. I stand now
a convert to the belief that the sovereignty of Yugoslavia, which
includes Kosovo, must be respected and upheld. NATO's war was a criminal
act, and if my appalling letter contributed even the most minute
influence on policy-makers in Washington who were considering the war on
Yugoslavia, I am deeply sorry. I am sorry anyway, as I have no doubt
that the suffering of Serbs under the NATO occupation regime must be
very dire indeed. 
Christianity has a maxim: "To err is human, to forgive divine." I am
hopeful that my previous, misguided beliefs can be forgiven. I hope to
travel to Serbia in the near future, and to report on what is really
going on there. My European friends tell me that their port cities have
been overrun by Albanian drug-smugglers, thieves and other criminals,
and I am filled with shame at the thought that my own country, the
United States, is responsible for this. 
One day, I hope that the Serbs will allowed to peacefully raise their
proud nation from the ruins of NATO's aggression, and go on to prosper
in a manner they deserve. If I can be of some small help in this
process, I will. 
Sincerely yours, 
Chad Nagle.

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