>        WW News Service Digest #48
> 1) Thousands take the streets of New York: Protest acauittal of killer cops
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Subject: [WW]  Thousands take the streets of New York: Protest acauittal of
>killer cops
>Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 00:06:41 -0500
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>Via Workers World News Service
>Protest acquittal of killer cops
>Special to Workers World
>[Following is a first-hand account of the demonstration that swept through the
>streets of New York on Feb. 26. The account was written at about 8:30 p.m. as
>protest was continuing. Among the almost 100 arrested were several members of
>Workers World Party, including a managing editor of Workers World newspaper.
>Today, thousands of people joined together in a demonstration to protest
>Albany, N.Y., jury verdict acquitting four cops in the murder of Amadou Diallo
>of the
>In a multinational demonstration called by People's Justice 2000, thousands
>marched from 57th Street. & 5th Avenue through Manhattan. The mood was militant
>and angry.
>At 42nd Street and other points throughout the march, police tried to break up
>protest. The police kept pushing marchers back onto the sidewalk.
>However, demonstrators kept marching and as of 8 tonight, 500 people are at
>Chants today included "No Justice, No Peace,"
>41," [referring to the number of shots fired at Amadou Diallo], and "Whose
>Our streets!"
>The May 7 Mumia Mobilization banner saying, "Justice for Amadou Diallo," was in
>lead of the march. In front of St. Patricks Cathedral, 12 or so people were
>when they laid down in the street in a civil disobedience action.
>Others were arrested around the 42nd Street area, when the fully-armored police
>waded into the crowd and started grabbing leaders of the protest. The cops then
>the sound equipment being used by the protesters. Among those arrested at that
>point were five people with the May 7 Mumia Mobilization contingent.
>As of this writing, all of those arrested--around 100 estimated-- are awaiting
>processing at One Police Plaza. There are police in riot gear all around One
>Plaza and no one is being allowed in.
>The People's Justice 2000 includes the Audre Lorde Project, Center for
>CAAAV; Organizing Asian Communities, Capitol District Justice for Diallo Comm.,
>Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Social Action, Fellowship of
>Reconciliation, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Malcolm X Grassroots
>Movement, National Action Network, National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights,
>National People's Campaign, National People's Democratic Uhuru Movement,
>22 Coalition, Parents Against Police Brutality, Positive Workforce, Project
>SLAMl/USG Hunter, STRESS Magazine, and Youth Force.
>Statement from the International Action Center and the May 7 Mumia Mobilization
>on the verdict:
>Cops' acquittal = license to kill
>The International Action Center and May 7 Mumia Mobilization join with many
>labor, community, religious and student groups in condemning in the strongest
>possible terms the acquittal of four white New York cops in the brutal murder
>Amadou Diallo, an African immigrant worker living in the Bronx.
>The IAC extends its profound solidarity and sympathy to the family of Mr.
>Amadou Diallo's real, and only, "crime" was being Black in a city where white
>have now been granted a renewed license to kill people of color.
>The outcome of this case was manipulated by Mayor Giuliani and other city,
>police officials. They moved the trial to Albany, a much whiter and more
>conservative area, just as was done in the Rodney King trial in 1992. (The four
>who viciously beat Rodney King in Los Angeles in 1991 had their trial moved to
>predominantly white suburb, Simi Valley, and were acquitted, despite the
>evidence of their brutality.)
>The judge virtually directed the jury to acquit the NYPD cops in his
>instructions and
>the jury predictably carried out those instructions.
>The Diallo verdict is reminiscent of the infamous Dred Scott case. It says, in
>that 'Black people have no rights -- not even the right to live -- that the
>police are
>bound to respect.'
>There can be no doubt that these four white cops would never have shot Amadou
>Diallo once, let alone 19 times, if he had been white. What is needed now is
>and militant protest against this outrageously racist and anti-working class
>The verdict in Albany reaffirms the truth that we cannot achieve justice by
>relying on
>the courts, which are just another corrupt arm of a corrupt and racist system..
>the struggle of the people can win justice for Amadou Diallo.
>In related news, hundreds of people were at an event sponsored by the Rev. Al
>Sharpton Feb. 26 in protest of the verdict, and another demonstration is
>the United Nation Feb. 27. We have received news of protests in Albany,
>Newark, N.J., and Atlanta as well.
>Readers can send reports of demonstrations in your area to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For
>more information on protests being planned in New York City, contact the May 7
>Mumia Mobilization at 212-633-6646 or the International Action Center at
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
>distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is
>not allowed. For more information contactWorkers World, 55 W. 17
>St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription
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