
>subject: JC- to Cuba and back -Yr 2000

> With status as "temporary Cuban" and "Son of the Province of Sancti-
>Spiritus", receiver of Cuban Medal of Friendship for 7 years Internet
>support of Cuba and all the US-repressed Third World etc -approved by
>ICAP, the Council of State and the Cuban Communist Party -I was
>welcomed for a month from Havana to Guantanamo. Right through this
>period the US Miami mafia mobsters and its bought politicians have
>staged a cruel attempt to not only retain the Cuban child Elian, but
>also to practice psychological, daily torture, on his young mind, by
>surrounding him with dozens of adult males of doubtful criminal or
>corrupted intent, before sending him home.
>  The effect on the population of Cuba was swift and unshakeable. It
>speaks daily with one voice -"Send him home!!" Every segment of Cuban
>society voices its protest in turn, whether from teaching, science,
>art, poetry, music, sport, religion (less el papa?), labor, business,
>entertainment and politics.
>  The US Administration and Presidents continue to do what they have
>been elected always to do -just what their corporations instruct them
>to do - "ensure maximum profits for us, annexe or kill troublesome
>local or foreign dissidents -particularly socialists/communists, also
>any self-supporting indigenous peoples and Third World peoples who
>will never be able to buy US goods; and finally Third World nations
>like Cuba who have leaders who cannot be bought. The words of Cuban
>leaders particularly Fidel Castro, Ricardo Alarcon, Foreign minister
>Felipe Perez and many others speak words only of truth, peace and
>justice for all, distinctly opposing the death-dealing, planet
>destroying, threatening speeches of US/UK leaders, which are
>immediately approved by allied imperialist "politicians".
>  The imperialists' intention is to keep the workers and 'repressed
>world' in a state of tension bordering on traumatization, with wars,
>torture, cheap heroin/drugs -but no cheap drugs to cure HIV/AIDS for
>Africa and elsewhere. There will never be income taxes for the
>wealthy or corporations or media-moguls who prop up the US system, or
>the allied politicians who accept vast bribes to assist US
>annexations and plans such as recently paid to Turkey, Germany,
>Albania, Croatia -in the matters of Kosovo's US wars to silence
>Serbia and Russia.
> US bases in Kosovo are completed and will be used to secure all oil
>reserves in Central Asia. Now US is assisting its 'true friend'
>Israel to strengthen its grip on the lands and water reserves of
>Palestinians, Syria and Lebanon. Right-wing politicians of US and all
>imperialist allies fall under suspicion. Each is prepared to sell out
>his own country to get free tickets to Disneyland. An example is in
>the known Bank accounts of certain Turkish and German leaders. But
>other examples are closer to home.
> Cuba appears to be the one hope for a poor starving world about to
>be decimated by US imperialist greed. That greed boasts the largest
>number of billionaires, trillionaires, church-goers, jail inmates and
>obese citizens, plus 20% of people living below the poverty line. It
>also has laws which allow police to fire up to 60 shots into innocent
>black suspects if the police believe the man/woman was armed. It also
>has laws that say that Cuba belongs to the USA??    Never!! JC


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