----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2000 8:10 AM
Subject: Russia, China Opposed To U.S. Space-Based ABM Project



Russia: "If the United States implemented its
unilateral plans on national missile defense, the ABM
treay would be destroyed."
China: "...not only undermine global and regional
strategic balance and stability, obstruct or even
reverse the nuclear disarmament process, but also open
the door to the weaponization of outer space."  
Moscow And Beijing Opposed To U.S. Space-Based ABM

GENEVA, Feb 25, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia
and China Thursday denounced U.S. plans to deploy
anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs) in space as part of its
anti-missile defense system, in violation of the 1972
ABM Treaty.

"If the United States implemented its unilateral plans
on national missile defense, the ABM Treaty would be
destroyed," said Vasily Sidorov, Russian ambassador to
the UN Disarmament Conference.

The treaty, signed by Russia and the United States,
limits each country to just one ABM system.

Sidorov reiterated Russia's commitment to the ABM
Treaty, the preservation of which he said "corresponds
to US interests as well, especially in the context of
the non-ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty by the US Senate."

Sidorov also said Russia supported China's proposal to
create a special committee within the disarmament
conference to address the problem.

For Chinese ambassador Hu Xiado, a violation of the
ABM Treaty by the United States would "not only
undermine global and regional strategic balance and
stability, obstruct or even reverse the nuclear
disarmament process, but also open the door to the
weaponization of outer space."

Britain and France, two nuclear powers officially
allied to the United States, have never hidden their
opposition in principle to U.S. plans. ((c) 2000
Agence France Presse) 

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