Communist Web
Sunday 27th February 2000 9.30pm gmt

Feel the mo'! Stop the death penalty
The weekly rant
by Terrie Albano

You can feel the mo'. (That's "momentum" in case you are not a sports fan.)
momentum is building. It's possible to put a nationwide moratorium on the
death penalty
this year. I have to be perfectly honest - until the Illinois moratorium I
didn't think it was
on the radar screen. But after this action taken - by of all people, a
Republican governor -
all bets are off. Public opinion is shifting, people are re-thinking the use
of the death
penalty and it is having an impact on public officials.

The Illinois moratorium was just the beginning. Now the Philadelphia City
passed a resolution urging a stop on executions. Moratorium Now! a project
of Equal
Justice USA, is on the move. They are doggedly building public pressure to
moratoriums across the country by collecting resolutions and organizing
other grass-roots

Now five Democratic Senators asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold
on the death penalty. In a letter to Judiciary Chairman, Orrin Hatch, Sens.
Durbin, Kennedy, Levin and Torricelli wrote, "We fear the problems of
fairness and
accuracy          associated with the death penalty including inadequate
lack of access to DNA testing, police misconduct, racial bias and even
simple errors - are
not unique to Illinois." Feel the mo'!

In a system where racism and class standing play a dominant role in deciding
who lives
and who dies, who has access to "good" lawyers and who is targeted by law
why should the state be...

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