Kim Yong Nam meets Dominican party leader

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, met had friendly talks with Ivan Rodriguez, chairman of
the c.c., the Dominican Worker's
Party, on a visit to Korea to celebrate the birthday of General Secretary
Kim Jong Il, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
    On the occasion Ivan Rodriguez expressed his heartfelt greetings to Kim
Jong Il on his birthday.
    He said that during the stay he has seen the Korean people rallied
close around Kim Jong Il make signal
achievements in socialist construction in defiance of the imperialists'
challenges and pressure.
    Under his leadership the workers' party and people of Korea will
achieve greater success, he hoped.

Greetings to Dominican Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, Prime Minister of the
DPRK cabinet, sent a message of
greetings to Rosie Douglas, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
    The message congratulated him on his assumption of office as Prime
Minister and wished him success in the
performance of his new duty.

Floral basket to Kim Jong Il from Palestinian President

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a basket of flowers and a
congratulatory letter from Yasser Arafat, President of the State of
Palestine, on the occasion of his birthday.
    Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Ambassador E.P. of the State of Palestine to
the DPRK, today conveyed them to
Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of

Flower baskets and letters to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
baskets of flowers and
congratulatory letters from the diplomatic corps, the military attaches'
corps and economic and commercial
councilors' corps in Pyongyang on the occasion of his birthday.
    They were handed to choe thae bok, secretary of the C.C. of the
Worker's Party of Korea, by doyen of the
diplomatic corps Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Ambassador E.P. of the State of
Palestine to the DPRK, to vice
marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's
Armed Forces, by military attach of the
Vietnamese embassy Vu Dinh Thang, doyen of the military attaches' corps,
and to an official concerned by Sergei
Leushikin, commercial councilor of the Russian embassy, in the name of the
Economic and Commercial Councilors'
Corps on Feb. 14.

Gifts to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
gifts from the Unified Communist
Party of Italy and the Party of Communists of the Moldovan Republic.
    The gifts were conveyed to an official concerned by the visiting member
of the leadership of the Unified
Communist Party of Italy Pasqufale Felice and the visiting secretary of the
c.c., the Party of Communists of the
Moldovan Republic Borgula Lyudmila Viktorovna who are heading the
delegations of the parties.
    And a gift to Kim Jong Il from the delegation of the Palang Dharma
(Righteous Force) Party of Thailand was
conveyed to an official concerned by its leader Chaivat Sinsuwong who is
leading the delegation.

Talks between WPK and foreign political party delegations held

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Worker's Party of
Korea had talks respectively with
delegations of the Communist Worker's Party of Finland for Peace and
Socialism, the Unified Communist Party of
Italy and the Party of Communists of the Moldovan Republic yesterday here.
    At the talks both sides informed each other of their party activities
and exchanged views on developing the
relations between those parties and on issues of mutual concern.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Thai party leader

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a congratulatory letter from
Chaivat Sinsuwong, leader of the Palang Dharma (Righteous Force) party of
Thailand, on a visit to the DPRK, in
the run-up to his birthday.
    Chaivat Sinsuwong conveyed the letter to an official concerned.

Korean people significantly celebrate February holiday

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- Colorful events have been taking place
one after another in the DPRK to
celebrate the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    An increasing number of the people visit his native home in the secret
camp on Mt. Paektu with the approach of
the February holiday.
    Kim Jong Il was born in that secret camp on February 16, Juche 31 (1942).
    Young model soldiers of the Korean People's Army in a winter excursion
to his native home left Hyesan on
Feb. 8 and arrived at its destination on the 13th and held a meeting to
make their resolution. The group was made up
of over 1,500 KPA youth league officials and active servicemen.
    Similar excursions of members of the General Federation of Trade Unions
(GFTU) and the Union of
Agricultural Workers (UAW) of Korea have already been finished.
    An excursion to the native home of school youth and children from
across the country is going on.
    Meanwhile, seminars and celebration meetings were held by the GFTU, the
UAW and the Korean Democratic
Women's Union.
    It was stressed at the seminars and meetings that the rise of the
bright star over Mt. Paektu in February has
made it possible for the Korean people to carry forward to completion the
revolutionary cause of Juche with credit,
being blessed with the illustrious leaders generation after generation.
    There were a forum of youth and students to speak highly of his virtues
on the subject of "under guidance of the
great Marshal" and the 12th national loyal festival of youth and children.
The participants highly praised the undying
feats of Kim Jong Il who is leading the Korean youth movement to victory.
    Celebrations get all the more brilliant with the birthday coming nearer.

4th Kimjongilia Show opens

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- The 4th Kimjongilia Show was open here
on the occasion of the February
holiday, the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Exhibited there are at least 4,500 pots of Kimjongilia contributed by
many units and people from all walks of
life across the country and foreigners.
    It has been sponsored by the DPRK Kimjongilia Federation since Juche 86
    An opening ceremony took place at the Pyongyang International House of
Culture today.
    Present there were Yang Hyong Sop, Kim Ki Nam and other leading
officials, delegations and delegates from
Japan, China, France and the United States and a delegation of the General
Association of Korean Residents in
Japan which came here to participate in the show.
    The flower, a perennial plant, came into being in Juche 77 (1988)
thanks to the research and painstaking efforts
of a Japanese horticulturist Mototeru Kamo for over 20 years.
    He named the flower after Kim Jong Il, the most distinguished great man
in the present era, and presented it to
him as a gift on the occasion of his 46th birthday.
    The flower was awarded a special prize and a gold medal at the 12th
international flower show, grand prize, the
highest prize, and a diploma at the Kunming Global Flower Fair of China and
the highest prize at the Jilin Flower
    More than 700,000 Kimjongilias are in full bloom in at least 60
countries of the world.
    The show continues.
    A symposium is expected to take place during the show to exchange
experience gained in the cultivation and
propagation of the immortal flower.

Taekwon-do exhibition performance given

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- An exhibition performance of the DPRK
Taekwon-do players and
instructors was given at the Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps on
Saturday on the occasion of the February
    Invited to it were representatives and officials of foreign embassies
in the DPRK and members of international
organization missions here.
    Kim Jong Hyong, vice-chairman of the DPRK Taekwon-do Committee, and
officials concerned were present
    The performers conducted powerful movements of Taekwon-do, a martial
art showing resourcefulness and
bravery of the Korean nation.

Greatest national holiday in Korea

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- Colorful functions are taking place in
the DPRK to celebrate the 58th
birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il (February 16), the greatest
national holiday.
    Excursion teams of soldiers, youth and students, working people and
visitors are streaming to his birthplace at
the secret camp on Mt. Paektu and Kim Il Sung University, Jangsan, Rihyon
and other revolutionary sites.
    A national art exhibition, a national photo exhibition and an
exhibition of photos showing sunrise on Mt. Paektu
opened in Pyongyang to celebrate his birthday.
    The 4th Kimjongilia Show is open at the Pyongyang International House
of Culture amidst concern of
horticulturists, floriculturists and people at home.
    An international figure skating festival is proceeding at the ice rink.
    Documentary films showing the greatness and revolutionary activities of
Kim Jong Il and scores of feature films
are screened at cinema houses across the country.
    Sports contests for paektusan cup are in full swing at stadiums and
    Song and dance performances and light comedies, prepared by art troupes
including the Mansudae Art Troupe,
the State National Art Troupe and the State Theatrical Company, will soon
raise the curtain.
    Seminars on the outstanding ideological and theoretical activities and
immortal revolutionary feats of Kim Jong
Il are being held.
    People, soldiers, youth and students are sending messages of greetings
and congratulatory letters to Kim Jong
Il, carrying their wishes for his good health and their pledge of faith.
    Mass media give special write-ups on his revolutionary feats every day.
Many songs and poems praising him
are being created and disseminated.
    Celebration posters, large picture boards and ornaments have been set
up on streets and at villages, adding to a
festive mood.

Servicemen vow loyalty to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- Officers and men of the three services
of the Korean People's Army met
before the native home of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il at the secret camp
on Mt. Paektu yesterday morning to
vow their loyalty to him on the occasion of the auspicious February
holiday. Before and after the meeting
firecrackers were displayed in the sky over Jong Il Peak in the camp to be
followed by shouts of "hurrah" by its
participants. This was a striking manifestation of their firm faith and
will demonstrated in celebration of the holiday
of February when the nation acclaimed the rise of the bright star of Paektu
58 years ago.
    Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political department of the KPA,
in his report at the meeting said that the
birth of Kim Jong Il was a historic event which promised eternal prosperity
of Juche Korea and a bright future of the
era of independence.
    The reporter said that he has stood in the van of the revolution for
scores of years to perform immortal exploits
on behalf of the times and history through his outstanding ideological and
theoretical activities and great
revolutionary practice.
    He said that all the officers and men of the KPA should absolutely
worship and follow only the Supreme
Commander, be human bombs and suicide bombers to defend the headquarters of
the revolution with their lives and
vigorously struggle for security and prosperity of the socialist fatherland.
    Then, led by representatives of the KPA three services, all the
officers and men made a solemn pledge to be
vanguard fighters upholding the army-first policy of the Worker's Party of
Korea with loyalty and reliably guarantee
the ultimate victory of the Korean style socialism and the building of a
powerful nation with arms, cherishing the
honor and happiness of holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem.
    Among those present at the meeting were Kim Il Chol, Minister of the
People's Armed Forces, general Pak Jae
Gyong and general officers of the KPA, commanders of arms and services of
the KPA, leading officials and
working people.

Kim Jong Il's birthplace at Paektusan secret camp

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- More people and excursionists are
visiting Kim Jong Il's birthplace at the
Paektusan secret camp to mark the auspicious holiday of February.
    More than 3,040,000 people of different social standings, overseas
compatriots and foreigners have visited
there since the secret camp opened in Juche 76 (1987).
    The secret camp native house is a historic place where General
Secretary Kim Jong Il was born on February 16,
Juche 31 (1942) and spent his childhood.
    He grew up at this house as a great son of the nation, hearing gun
reports like a lullaby.
    Preserved at the native house are historic relics including a blanket,
a wooden pistol, a pair of binoculars and a
Korean map which he used.
    Set up at the yard is a monument engraved with an ode the President Kim
Il Sung wrote in praise of the
immortal revolutionary feats of Kim Jong Il on his 50th birthday.
    Jong Il Peak beside the house rises high in the sky.
    The Korean people carved big letters "Jong Il Peak" on the peak in
November 1988, carrying their infinite
respect and reverence for him.
    It was confirmed by an observation datum that 216.42 metres high from
the yard of the house to the top of the
peak coincide with the date of his birth.
    Trees bearing slogans inscribed by the Korean people, celebrating his
birth as the great auspicious event of the
nation and highly praising him as "Paektu Kwangmyongsong" (bright star over
Mt. Paektu), are seen at the secret
camp and many other places of Korea.
    Mt. Paektu, sacred mountain of the revolution, has become the native
place dear to the Korean people for his
birthplace on the mountain.

KCNA on outstanding issues between DPRK and Japan

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- A persistent rumour about "outstanding
issues between Japan and the
DPRK" is afloat in Japan with regard to the scheduled talks for bilateral
diplomatic relations.
    The right-wing forces of Japan raise as an outstanding issue the
"suspected abduction" whose true nature has
been already disclosed. Worse still, some of the right-wing politicians are
asserting that a solution of the "suspected
abduction" issue should be a prerequisite to the talks.
    Such arguments are carefully hatched political plots to disguise the
assailant as "victim." So to speak, through
this they seek to evade the liquidation of the past, an outstanding issue
that can never be turned aside from political,
moral and legal points of view.
    The core of the outstanding issues between the DPRK and Japan from
those points of view, is for Japan to
make an apology and compensation for the political, moral, material and
human losses it imposed upon the Korean
people as well as the heinous crimes it committed against the Korean nation
during its occupation of Korea.
    The history of relations between Korea and Japan evidently proves which
of the two countries has been an
assailant or victim.
    During the occupation of Korea the Japanese imperialists abducted or
walked away over six million young and
middle-aged Koreans, murdered more than one million innocent people and
took away nearly 200,000 Korean
women as "comfort women for the Japanese army."
    They also plundered Korea of a huge amount of gold, iron ore, lead,
zinc, magnesite, anthracite and other
resources and a lot of cultural wealth and, during the "Pacific War,"
deprived each family of Korea of even spoons
and chopsticks.
    Such unprecedented atrocities in the 20th century as murder,
kidnapping, raping and plunder can never be
denied or erased though Japan plays tricks, raising the issue of some
Japanese who had been reported missing in
their territory without reason.
    We don't care about whether Japan will have diplomatic ties with us or
not. However, Japan, an assailant, must
make clear apology and adequate compensation to the Korean people, a
victim. This is the primary outstanding issue
between the DPRK and Japan, whose solution brooks no further delay and
which can never be turned aside.
    It is preposterous to argue about other issue without a solution to
this basic issue. Such mode of thinking and
argument only reveals a short-sighted mode of politics and poor diplomacy.
    The right-wing forces of Japan must not act rashly, mindful that
dialogue channels arranged with so much effort
may be cut off if they persistently raise other matters than the
outstanding issues.
    We will keep tabs on Japan's attitude.

S. Korean authorities revision of election law assailed

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities passed a
"bill on revision of the 'election
law' on allegedly checking election of undesirable persons and unfair
election" through the "national assembly." Its
key point is that the "election campaign" by the civic organizations would
be "allowed" only for 17 days fixed for
the "election campaign" and even in that case, it can be done only in the
form of press interview or through internet.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses this as a
legislation intended to put into practice the
authorities' political stratagem to commit "election" fraud more easily by
mercilessly cracking down upon the
struggle of the civic organizations and democratic forces against
fraudulent "election" as an "illegal one".
    The commentary goes on:
    The revised "election law" is a reactionary evil law which shortens the
period of "election campaign" by the
civic organizations and outlaws the "anti-nomination and anti-candidate
campaign" of broad democratic forces
targeted at the corrupt politicians.
    This is clearly evidenced by the fact that no sooner had the "revision
of the election law" begun than the
"supreme public prosecutor's office" of South Korea let out the fascist
outcries that it will "stringently deal" with the
civic organizations' "anti-nomination and anti-candidate campaign" banned
by "law," and mercilessly "punish" those
staging rallies, street propaganda and signature campaign.
    The South Korean rulers, who have revised the "election law" in a bid
to fake up a "landslide victory" of their
parties in the "election" come what may at the point of bayonet and through
irregularities, are a group of fascist
tyrants and political gangsters. It is quite natural and unavoidable for
the corrupt philistines, going against the
aspiration and desire of the people, to face a stern trial by history.

Japan hit for its ever more reckless moves for overseas aggression

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- The Japan Defense Agency unveiled a
plan to introduce a new
communication network to integrate the commanding communication systems of
the ground, marine and air
"Self-Defence Forces" which are now operated separately and to organize a
patrol helicopter corps aboard escort
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses this as an
undisguised design of Japan for overseas
    The commentary observes:
    The Japanese reactionaries try to justify their moves to turn Japan
into a military giant under the absurd pretext
of someone's "threat", talking about "peace" and "security" in northeast
Asia. This is nothing but a nonsensical
    They have secured a legal basis on which the Japanese "SDF" can
participate in military actions for aggression
in the "event of contingency in areas surrounding Japan" under the cloak of
"cooperation" with the U.S. forces.
They are now keen on readjusting and reinforcing the commanding systems and
enhancing efficiency of military
    Their plan to organize a patrol helicopter corps aboard escort ships is
part of the moves to beef up the marine
forces of aggression.
    They are acting rashly, obsessed with the design for overseas
aggression. But it will bring only disgrace and
destruction to them.
    They are foolish enough to designate the DPRK as the first target of
their overseas aggression. But this only
enrages the Korean People's Army and people.
    If they unleash a war of aggression against the DPRK, our people's army
and people will deal merciless blows
to the aggressors to give vent to their pent-up resentment and hatred. Then
it will be too late for them to repent of
their aggression.

Kim Jong Il's work published in Italy

    Pyongyang, February 14 (KCNA) -- A publishing house of Italy brought
out in booklet the great leader Kim
Jong Il's work "the Worker's Party of Korea Is the Party of the Great
Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung" on the
occasion of his 58th birthday.
    Carried in the work published on October 2, Juche 84 (1995) is the will
of Kim Jong Il to carry forward to
completion the revolutionary cause of President Kim Il Sung, the founder of
the WPK.

For Spanish-speaking people

en varios paises comites preparatorios

    pyongyang, 14 de febrero (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el dia 5 en praga un acto
constitutivo del comite preparatorio del
partido comunista de checoslovaquia por el 58 cumpleanos del gran dirigente
kim jong il.
    como presidente del recien constituido comite fue electo el secretario
general del cc de ese partido comunista.
    al hacer uso de la palabra en el acto el secretario general senalo que
el camarada kim jong il al mantener el firme
principio revolucionario ha hecho esfuerzos incansables por el desarrollo
del movimiento comunista y obrero
internacional y la causa socialista.
    gracias a su direccion se realizara ciertamente la causa socialista en
corea, preciso el secretario general.
    el comite permanente del cc del partido comunista de tadjikistan aprobo
el dia primero la decision de constituir el
comite preparatorio por esta efemerides.
    segun la decision, como presidente del comite preparatorio fue electo
el presidente de ese partido comunista.

16 de febrero - maxima fiesta nacional

    pyongyang, 14 de febrero (atcc) -- en la republica popular democratica
de corea se desarrollan variadas labores
para celebrar con solemnidad la maxima fiesta nacional 16 de febrero, 58
cumpleanos del gran dirigente kim jong il.
    a su casa natal en el campamento secreto del monte paektu, la
universidad kim il sung, los lugares historicos de
la revolucion de jangsan, rihyon y otros concurren sin cesar los visitantes
y columnas de peregrinacion de militares,
jovenes y estudiantes y organizaciones de masas.
    fueron inauguradas en esta capital la exhibicion central de bellas
artes, la fotoexhibicion central y la
fotoexhibicion de la salida del sol en el monte paektu por el 16 de febrero.
    en la casa internacional de cultura de pyongyang esta montada la cuarta
exhibicion de kimjongilia en medio del
gran interes de los jardineros y aficionados a las plantas decorativas y
los pueblos en el pais y extranjero.
    en el patinadero cubierto se efectua el festival internacional de
patinaje artistico sobre el hielo.
    en todos los cines del pais se exhiben con gran animacion los
documentales alusivos a la personalidad y las
actividades revolucionarias del dirigente kim jong il y decenas de
peliculas de ficcion.
    en los estadios y gimnasios tienen lugar los juegos de las disciplinas
de la competencia deportiva por el "premio
    se ofreceran pronto las funciones de musicas y danzas y de las comedias
ligeras preparadas por el conjunto
artistico mansudae, el conjunto artistico nacional y conjunto dramatico
nacional y otras organizaciones artisticas.
    tienen lugar simposios sobre las destacadas actividades ideo-teoricas e
inmarcesibles hazanas revolucionarias del
dirigente kim jong il.
    los habitantes, militares y jovenes y estudiantes de todo el pais
dirigen al dirigente kim jong il mensajes y cartas
de felicitacion con votos de buena salud y larga vida y juramento de credo .
    los periodicos, emisiones y otros medios de prensa hacen cada dia
redacciones especiales sobre las hazanas
revolucionarias del dirigente kim jong il. se crean y se divulgan muchas
canciones y poesias dedicadas a el.
    las calles y aldeas estan engalanadas con affiches.
    grandes dibujos, varios adornos y otros colores de fiesta.

vocero de minrex se refiere a ataque de israel a libano

    pyongyang, 14 de febrero (atcc) -- el vocero del ministerio de
de la republica popular democratica de
corea, al responder a la pregunta formulada por un reportero de la agencia
telegrafica central de corea en relacion con
el recrudecimiento del ataque militar de israel al libano, dijo el dia 13
como sigue:
    el dia 8 israel bombardeo a los objetos civiles del libano. e
intensifica la ofensiva militar a las posiciones de
hezbollah y amenaza y chantajea con convertir todo el territorio libanes en
un mar de fuego.
    el ininterrumpido ataque militar de israel siendo una flagrante
violacion a la soberania del libano, estado
independiente interpone gran obstaculo en el proceso de paz en el medio
oriente en su conjunto.
    las autoridades de israel deben poner fin a sus temerarios actos
militares y retirar incondicionalmente a sus
fuerzas armadas de las alturas de golan, el libano meridional y todos los
demas territorios arabes ocupados, segun
las resoluciones internacionales pertinentes y el "principio de cambio de
la tierra por la paz".
    apoyaremos activamente la lucha de los pueblos arabes hasta que se
solucione justamente el asunto del medio
oriente conforme a su deseo y demanda y se logre la paz duradera en esta

inaugurada cuarta exhibicion de kimjongilia

    pyongyang, 14 de febrero (atcc) -- en ocasion de la fiesta de febrero
quedo inaugurada con un acto el dia 14 en
la casa internacional de cultura de pyongyang la cuarta exhibicion de
    estan exhibidas mas de 4 mil 500 unidades de flor cultivadas por
numerosas entidades y habitantes de distintos
sectores del pais y amigos extranjeros.
    la exhibicion viene realizandose desde el 86 (1997)de la era juche bajo
auspicios de la federacion de kimjongilia
de la republica popular democratica de corea.
    en el acto inaugural participaron yang hyong sop, kim ki nam y otros
cuadros y las delegaciones y delegados de
japon, china, francia y ee.uu. y la delegacion de la asociacion general de
coreanos residentes en el japon a la
    kimjongilia es una planta perenne creada en el 77 (1988) de la era
juche por el jadinero japones mododeru kamo
al cabo de 20 anos de investigacion y esfuerzos tenaces.
    el puso a esta flor el nombre del gran dirigente kim jong il, mas
insigne hombre de la epoca actual y se lo regalo
en ocasion de su 46 cumpleanos.
    la flor fue condecorada con el premio especial y medalla de oro en la
12 exposicion internacional de plantas
decorativas, el premio supremo "grand" y diploma en la exposicion mundial
de floricultura de kunming de china y el
premio de primer lugar en la exposicion de plantas decorativas de jilin, china.
    mas de 700 mil unidades de flor se cultivan en mas de 60 paises de los
cinco continentes.
    la exhibicion continua.
    en el marco de la exhibicion tendra lugar el seminario sobre las
experiencias de cultivo y divulgacion de esta
inmortal flor de los mejores jardineros.

mensaje de felicitacion a primer ministro de commonwealth de dominica

    pyongyang, 14 de febrero (atcc) -- hong song nam, primer ministro del
consejo de ministros de la rpdc envio al
primer ministro de commonwealth de dominica, rossie douglas, un mensaje de
felicitacion en el cual le felicita por su
toma de posesion del premier y le desea exitos en el cumplimiento de nueva


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