>Russia Accuses U.S. Of Brainwashing The World
>GENEVA, Feb 17, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) A
>powerful Russian general accused the United States on
>Wednesday of trying to run the world and effectively
>pushing it towards a new Cold War.
>"The U.S. are brainwashing the world....even Russian
>people are being brainwashed," said the head of
>international cooperation for Russia's Defense
>Ministry General Leonid Ivashov in a presentation of
>Russian defense policy in Geneva.
>America and a group of western allies see the whole
>world as "a vital interest zone," Ivashov said and
>they increasingly interfere in domestic affairs "under
>the pretext of protecting human rights."
>This could lead "to a very dangerous cold war,"
>Ivashov said, with China, India and Russia uniting
>against the western "dictat policy."
>Ivashov accused the US and NATO of "undermining
>security" in smaller states and becoming "more
>aggressive, setting themselves up as judge and
>prosecutor" as NATO "expands its intervention zone."
>Ivashov said the US was undermining the UN system and
>absurdly ostracizing North Korea as a nuclear threat
>when it is "a country on the border of economic
>Meanwhile, in Moscow, Russia's Foreign Minister Igor
>Ivanov announced with NATO's George Robertson that
>Russia had decided to resume gradually its ties with
>NATO which have been frozen since last year's Kosovo
>crisis. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)
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