>NY Times, February 17, 2000
>To Latin Neighbors, Cuba Plays the Good Doctor
>HAVANA -- Nieves Dinora graduated from high school in Nicaragua with good
>grades and no prospects. Since her father, a farmer, had no money to send
>her to college, she figured marriage and motherhood were her only options.
>"Like many of my friends there, I thought I would take the nine-month
>career," she said. "It does not cost anything, just nine months. Easy, no?"
>But rather than having babies, Ms. Dinora is now learning how to deliver
>She is among 1,900 students at the Latin American School of Medical
>Sciences who are enrolled in a six-year program that is a unique twist on
>the old concept of overseas medical schools. While many people think a
>Caribbean campus is the last-ditch resort for foreign students with fat
>wallets but slim grades, this one is the exact opposite, giving full
>scholarships to smart youths from poor rural areas in 18 Latin American and
>Caribbean countries.
>The medical school is the Cuban government's response to the devastation
>from Hurricanes Georges and Mitch, which ripped through the region in 1998,
>killing thousands as they destroyed villages and spawned public health
>problems. While Cuba sent medical teams to help, officials realized that it
>would be better in the long run to help educate a new generation of doctors
>who would return to their impoverished countries and work in remote
>communities where medical care was spotty and expensive.
>"Life has shown us some lessons that we cannot forget," said Juan Carizo
>Estévez, the school's rector. "That is the necessity of the right to health
>care that these countries have. We have a responsibility that these
>students return to their own countries with a solid foundation for dealing
>with the problems of public health they will find."
>The new medical school is the culmination of the Cuban government's decades
>of reliance on its reputation as a medically advanced society to burnish
>its international image. Starting in 1963, when it sent a team of doctors
>and nurses to Algeria, the government has gone on to establish medical
>schools in the third world, send thousands of Cuban doctors for long-term
>overseas assignments and offer scholarships to study alongside Cuban
>students in the island's medical schools.
>Medical aid was as important an aspect of President Fidel Castro's aid to
>the third world as his nation's training of guerrilla and terrorist groups
>was during the cold war. While cold-war conflicts have died down, Cuba's
>latest experiment in medical education is still tinged with the passions
>from that era.
>"By doing good, particularly in the field of health and education, Cuba
>would look better than the United States," said Julie Feinsilver, author of
>"Healing the Masses" (Berkeley, 1993), which examined the role of health
>care in Cuba's foreign and domestic policy. "This is a symbolic war, not
>that the U.S. looks at it that way. But Fidel said when he finished the
>revolution, his real destiny was war against the U.S. The war is not a
>material war, but a symbolic war. Anything that Cuba does that enhances its
>prestige on the world stage, which medical diplomacy and providing
>scholarships does, is a battle won for Cuba versus the United States."
>The school's very location is a sign of the changing battleground -- it
>occupies 82 blue-and-white buildings that hug the ocean along the campus of
>what was an academy for naval officers and merchant mariners.
>Students were selected through tests and interviews and are mostly chosen
>by their home countries. The first contingent, from Honduras, Nicaragua and
>El Salvador, the areas hit hardest by the hurricanes, arrived almost a year
>Cuban officials said they started the school as a gesture of international
>good will, and that they did not intend to politicize the students. Still,
>many students spoke about how many doctors in their countries were
>interested only in making money while the poor languished and children died
>from preventable diseases, echoing a common Cuban critique of modern
>Edmundo Blandón, 20, recalled how his mother in Nicaragua suffered from
>pains for years, being told all the time that she only had a kidney
>infection. Unable to see a specialist, she suffered and waited for two
>years until her daughter took a loan from a co-worker.
>"As a child, you see how in your family there are needs for a doctor to
>help you," Mr. Blandón said. "When she was 59, she finally learned she had
>advanced cancer. She could not have had the medical tests done earlier,
>because we did not have the money."
>She died soon after he enrolled in the school.
>"She had felt bad because she thought I would leave this school because of
>her," he said. "But she told me that in the first place, nothing could be
>done for her. So, if I was left alone with nobody to look after, I should
>take advantage of this opportunity."
>The students begin with six months of pre-medical studies in basic sciences
>like physics, chemistry and biology. They proceed to two years studying
>embryology, biochemistry and other medical subjects, followed by four years
>studying and working in Cuban hospitals and clinics.
>Teachers said they follow a curriculum that combines textbook lessons with
>practical experience, with an emphasis on problem solving and preventive
>care. It hews to the Cuban approach to health care, which stresses
>community-based medicine and public health.
>Although students from the same country live together in dormitories to
>ease their homesickness, the classes have a cross section of races and
>ethnicities, including a significant number of Indian youths from Central
>America. Some students encounter other ethnic groups from their own nation
>for the first time at the school.
>This month, 1,500 more students will arrive at the school, which expects to
>enroll some 5,000 students ultimately. Already, workers have been preparing
>new dormitories and lecture halls.
>The students, like those everywhere, grouse that the grind is rough,
>leaving them with little free time. But considering where they came from,
>many said it was a small sacrifice for the chance to become a professional
>instead of a cabdriver or farmer.
>Norlan López spent his high school years in Nicaragua getting up at 4 in
>the morning to work as a fisherman. He was still doing that when he was
>accepted into medical school.
>"I had more pressure on me when I was in high school," he said.
>"It was a hard life that I would not wish on anyone. That is why I am happy
>to be here."
>Louis Proyect
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