>    He saved the destiny of socialist Korea from the worst adversity and is
>leading all the people to build a rich and powerful nation while turning
>misfortune into blessing, adversity into favourable conditions with his iron
>will, grit and distinguished leadership ability. He is the defender of our
>country, nation and the cause of socialism and the great sun of guidance.
>    Possessed of extraordinary intelligence and distinguished capability, he
>has performed the immortal exploits which will shine for centuries by leading
>the socialist cause of the workers' party and people of Korea to victory for
>scores of years. It is the honor of Kim Il Sung's Korea and the greatest
>fortune for the Korean nation to have Kim Jong Il, the most experienced
>veteran statesman and the invincible and iron-willed commander, at the head of
>the revolution.
>    The reporter underscored the need for all the party members and other
>working people to vigorously push ahead with the WPK's cause of building a
>rich and powerful nation, holding fast to the line of attaching great
>importance to ideology, the military and science and technology put forward by
>him this year which marks the WPK's 55th anniversary.
>    Today when the Korean revolution has reached a new historical turning
>point, all the party members, officers and men of the people's army and people
>should devotedly defend him with sense of obligation and faith and in the
>spirit of human bombs and suicide bombers in any adversity, holding higher the
>banner of devotedly defending the leader though the situation remains
>complicated and the counterrevolutionary moves of the enemy are getting more
>Floral basket to Kim Jong Il
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
>floral basket from the central committee of the Communist Party of China on
>the occasion of his birthday.
>    The floral basket was conveyed by Chinese ambassador to the DPRK Wan
>Yongxiang to an official concerned today.
>Kim Yong Nam meets delegation of Thai political party
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
>of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a friendly talk with a
>delegation of the Palang Dharma (Righteous Force) Party of Thailand led by its
>leader Chaivat Sinsuwong at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
>    The head of the delegation said that the respected Kim Jong Il is the
>great leader who has the noblest sense of obligation to President Kim Il Sung,
>the eternal leader of the Korean people.
>    Kim Jong Il's unique army-first revolutionary leadership is a precious and
>excellent political mode which has to be followed by all countries, he noted,
>adding that his party shares the view on the need to enforce the army-first
>politics under the situation where the imperialists' moves have become more
>Japan urged to repeal "bill on prefectural suffrage"
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The Korean Democratic Lawyers Association
>on Monday issued a statement assailing the presentation of the illegal "bill
>on prefectural suffrage" to the diet by some political parties of Japan.
>    The "bill" introduced by the Japanese reactionaries is an extremely
>illegal one ignoring the requirements of the international law as it is
>intended to assimilate Koreans in Japan to Japanese, the statement said, and
>    The "bill" stipulates that if they are to be granted "suffrage", the
>Korean citizens in Japan should change the Korean nationality into other
>nationality. This is a breach of the universal declaration of human rights
>which says that no state and no organization can force an individual to
>abandon or change his or her nationality.
>    The statement bitterly denounced the "bill on prefectural suffrage," a
>product of the collusion and tie-up between the Japanese reactionaries and the
>South Korean ruling quarters, as an open challenge to the international law,
>another hostile act against the DPRK and Chongryon (General Association of
>Korean Residents in Japan).
>    Japan should not pursue such a policy of national alienation as fanning up
>the anti-DPRK confrontation of the South Korean ruling quarters or chiming in
>with them but honestly repent of and compensate for the crimes committed
>against the Korean people in the past and immediately withdraw the "bill", the
>statement said, expressing the expectation that all the international judicial
>organizations and lawyers of all countries would extend positive support to
>Chongryon, Koreans in Japan and all the Korean people in their just struggle
>against the moves of the Japanese reactionaries and the South Korean
>authorities to adopt a legislation on "suffrage."
>KCNA on S. Korean chief executive's utterance
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The South Korean chief executive in a
>recent interview with the Japanese Tokyo TV asserted that it was "effective to
>pursue the engagement policy based on a firm security system" and "Japan
>should approach the talks for establishing diplomatic relations with the north
>with the initiative to lead it to reform and opening." And he also argued that
>"it was a most desirable policy during the tenure of his office to follow the
>engagement policy towards the north through the South Korea-U.S.-Japan
>cooperation and joint efforts of the four countries of the U.S., Japan, China
>and Russia."
>    The "engagement policy" advocated by him is a policy of confrontation and
>war against the north, the policy aimed at stepping up the arms buildup, war
>preparations and the establishment of a fascist dictatorial system under the
>pretext of "security" in a bid to overpower the north. At the interview he
>revealed his sinister attempt to pursue the policy with increased frenzy in
>collusion with the U.S. and Japan and other foreign forces veiled with the
>phraseologies of "joint efforts" and "cooperation."
>    The South Korean chief executive, kowtowing to Japan, the sworn enemy of
>the Korean nation, spoke highly of its "Emperor" and made sheep's eyes at it,
>saying that his visit to South Korea would "mark the climax in the South
>Korea-Japan friendship." And this time he wooed Japan to take the "initiative"
>to lead the DPRK to "reform and opening." All this goes to prove that he is a
>wicked flunkeyist and traitor who does not have even an iota of Juche
>character and national identity.
>    The Korean nation has experienced the tragedy of division for over half a
>century because of the foreign forces, flunkeyist traitors and separatist
>    If the South Korean chief executive truly regards the "termination of Cold
>War and reconciliation between the north and the south, etc. as his supreme
>goal," he should think of the independent and peaceful reunification of the
>country before any other things and amend his policy towards the north for the
>sake of great unity of the whole nation in order to achieve the reunification.
>    If he continues to chant the "engagement policy" in a bid to prolong his
>remaining days depending on the foreign forces, he will meet the same
>miserable end as his preceding dictators did.
>Ill-natured jargon of S. Korean ruler condemned
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed
>commentary on the criminal, flunkeyist and treacherous jargon hostile toward
>the fellow countrymen and flattering the foreign forces made by the South
>Korean chief executive in an interview with a Japanese TV some days ago.
>    In the interview, the South Korean chief executive, referring to the issue
>of "relations with the north," said that the "engagement policy" should be
>pursued under the "firm security system." His utterances betray his
>anti-national attempt to do harm to and isolate the DPRK in league with the
>foreign forces, the commentary notes, and goes on:
>    His ulterior intention was more clearly pronounced when he asked Japan to
>"induce" somebody to "reform and opening" through the talks for establishing
>diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Japan.
>    The "engagement policy" is, in essence, a strategy for aggression with no
>gunfire against the north to realize a wild ambition for "unification through
>invasion of the north" by disintegrating the DPRK ideologically and disarming
>it mentally through the false "dialogue" and poisonous "exchange."
>    It is disgusting that the South Korean chief executive entreated the
>Japanese emperor to visit South Korea, praising relations with Japan.
>    His active pro-Japanese treacherous act is aimed at stifling the DPRK
>politically and militarily by making a compact with Japan, his master, in
>return for selling off the interests of the country and the nation.
>    His act is an unpardonable challenge and provocation against the people of
>the DPRK, who are regarding socialism as their lifeline and faith and valuing
>the dignity and sovereignty of the country like their life and soul. The DPRK
>can never remain an onlooker to it, the commentary stresses.
>S. Korea= "Ulsan Citizens Solidarity for General Election" inaugurated
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- 13 civic and social organizations in
>Ulsan including the citizens solidarity for autonomy and the Citizens
>Federation for Economic Justice had a rally on Feb. 8 to form an "Ulsan
>Citizens Solidarity for General Election," according to a South Korean
>    The organization declared that it would join the "Citizens' Solidarity for
>General Elections" in Seoul and other areas of South Korea in conducting the
>vigorous campaign for defeating the candidates forsaken by people in the
>run-up to "the election of national assemblymen."



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