>Letter to Kim Jong Il from Moldovan party leader
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
>congratulatory letter from V. N. Voronin, first secretary of the central
>committee of the Communist Party of the Moldovan Republic, on the occasion of
>his birthday.
>    Secretary of the party central committee Borgula Lyudmila Viktorovna, who
>is heading the party delegation on a visit to the DPRK, conveyed the letter to
>an official concerned.
>Talks between delegations of WPK and Russian party
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Talks were held here yesterday between
>the delegations of the Worker's Party of Korea and the Communist Worker's
>Party of Russia.
>    Both sides informed each other of activities of their parties and
>exchanged views on the issues of mutual concern including development of the
>friendly relations between the two parties. Present at the talks on the WPK
>side were Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the party central committee, and
>officials concerned and on the Russian party side were members of the
>delegation headed by V. Tyulkin, first secretary of the party central
>Iranian ambassador hosts reception
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Mohammad Ganjidoost, ambassador of the
>Islamic Republic of Iran to the DPRK, hosted a reception yesterday at the
>embassy on the occasion of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    Congratulating General Secretary Kim Jong Il of the Democratic People's
>Republic of Korea on his birthday, he said he was pleased with the fact that
>he has inherited the idea of the President Kim Il Sung and further
>strengthened the relations between the Iran and the DPRK. Yang Hyong Sop,
>vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, said
>that Kim Jong Il has performed the immortal exploits on behalf of the times,
>humankind and the nation for the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of
>Juche pioneered by President Kim Il Sung.
>    He said:
>    We will make our energetic efforts for enlarging and developing the
>friendly and cooperative relations with the Iranian people in various fields
>true to the intention of Marshal Kim Jong Il.
>Chinese residents visit revolutionary museum
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Chinese residents in Pyongyang visited
>the revolutionary museum at Kim Il Sung University yesterday on the occasion
>of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    The visitors laid floral baskets before the full-length figure portrait of
>Kim Jong Il at the museum.
>    Then they went round the exhibited historic data and relics, being briefed
>on the facts that Kim Jong Il wisely led the work for the strengthening and
>development of Kim Il Sung University while studying there.
>Film show and friendly gathering held for foreigners
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Foreign Ministry arranged a film
>show and friendly gathering at the Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps
>yesterday in honor of officials of foreign embassies here on the occasion of
>the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    Invited to them were representatives and officials of the Polish, Romanian
>and Yugoslav embassies and the German Interest Section and the representative
>of the office of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for the
>Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
>    The participants saw a Korean documentary film "The Great Leader Comrade
>Kim Jong Il Gives On-site Guidance To Different Sectors" (Juche 88).
>    Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry gave a film show for representatives and
>members of Mongolian, Cambodian, Iranian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Indian,
>Laotian and Pakistani embassies.
>    The participants saw a Korean documentary film "Under the Guidance of the
>Great Brilliant Commander" part 12.
>Funeral service for Kim Ryang Mu held in Seoul
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- A funeral service for Kim Ryang Mu,
>permanent vice chairman of the south headquarters of the National Alliance for
>the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon), was held at the Korea University
>Hospital in South Korea on sunday, according to a Seoul-based radio report.
>    Present at the funeral service were members of dissident organizations,
>citizens and students, over 2,000 in all.
>    The funeral procession fought with policemen who were blocking its way.
>    Kim Ryang Mu devotedly worked for the patriotic cause of national
>reunification. At the end of last year when the condition of his illness grew
>worse, he wished he would get a medical treatment in the North Korea. However,
>this wish could not be realized owing to the South Korean authorities'
>anti-reunification, anti-national deed, and he died on January 26.
>Overseas Koreans and foreigners visit Kimjongilia exhibition hall
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Foreign diplomatic envoys and economic
>and commercial councilors' corps in Pyongyang yesterday visited the 4th
>Kimjongilia exhibition hall on the occasion of the birthday of General
>Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    Chief Pak Kwang Gi and members of the Pyongyang mission of the National
>Democratic Front of South Korea visited the exhibition hall on the same day.
>    Among the visitors were a congratulatory group of the General Association
>of Koreans in China, a delegation of the General Association of Koreans in the
>United States and other delegations of overseas Koreans and Koreans from
>Ministry of People's Armed forces gives reception
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of the People's Armed Forces
>gave a reception for military attaches of foreign embassies here on Monday on
>the threshold of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    Addressing the reception, minister Kim Il Chol described the birth of the
>respected Kim Jong Il as a historic event for accomplishing the revolutionary
>cause of Juche started by the President Kim Il Sung through generations to
>come and as a grandiose sunrise heralding the bright future of Kim Il Sung's
>    Stressing that the Korean people led by Kim Jong Il now see the bright
>future on the peak of the century, the minister said: The Korean people and
>the people's army men and officers, blessed with the illustrious leaders and
>the outstanding supreme commanders generation after generation, will
>successfully accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche and build a
>prosperous and powerful socialist nation.
>    Military attach of the Vietnamese embassy Vu Dinh Thang, who is doyen of
>the military attaches' corps, said Marshal Kim Jong Il was born in the period
>of the hard-fought anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle for natal liberation.
>The august name of the Marshal, a successor to the revolutionary cause of
>President Kim Il Sung, has been always linked with the revolutionary history
>of the Korean people, he said.
>    He expressed the belief that under the leadership of the Worker's Party of
>Korea headed by Kim Jong Il, the Korean people and servicemen would surely
>achieve a victory in socialist construction and in the struggle for the
>peaceful reunification of Korea, braving difficulties.
>Indonesian ambassador hosts reception
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Buchari Effendi, Indonesian ambassador to
>the DPRK, hosted a reception at his embassy yesterday on the occasion of the
>birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    He wished General Secretary Kim Jong Il who has led the work for building
>a powerful nation long life in good health on the occasion of his birthday.
>    He expressed his firm belief that the Korean people would surely
>accomplish their noble cause including the peaceful reunification of the
>country under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
>    He said that the leaders of the two countries laid the foundation to
>further consolidate and develop the relations between the two countries and
>the two peoples when Kim Jong Il paid a historic visit to Indonesia in company
>with the President Kim Il Sung 35 years ago.
>    Paek Nam Sun, Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that Kim Jong Il who was
>born at Mt. Paektu has performed immortal exploits for the country and
>revolution, the times and humankind, always travelling together with President
>Kim Il Sung for the people.
>    He said that the friendship between the DPRK and Indonesia is the
>protracted friendship provided by Kim Il Sung together with President Sukarno
>and has constantly developed with deep interest of the leaders of the two
>    He expressed sincere hope that the Indonesian people would make greater
>success in the struggle to realise the territorial integrity, overcome the
>economic difficulties and exercise the independent and neutral foreign policy
>to bring into practice the idea of ASEAN under the leadership of the respected
>President Abdurrahman Wahid.
>Anniv. of friendly relations between two schools marked
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held here yesterday to mark
>the 40th anniversary of the establishment of friendly relations between
>Changdok school in the DPRK and Yuwen middle school in Jilin, China.
>    Rim Jae Min, deputy headmaster of Changdok school, in his speech said that
>the two schools, associated with the President Kim Il Sung's early
>revolutionary activities, are well known to the two peoples as a symbol of the
>DPRK-China friendship, which would have been unthinkable without the concern
>and solicitude of the parties and governments of the two countries.
>    Pointing out that Jilin Yuwen Middle School has achieved great success in
>the work to bring up its pupils into talents equipped with good morality,
>ample knowledge and strong physique under the leadership of the communist
>party of China led by esteemed Jiang Zemin, he expressed the belief that the
>school would train many excellent boys and girls who would contribute to the
>cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the future.
>    Vice-director Cheng Qi, head of the delegation of Jilin Yuwen Middle
>School, said in her speech that the two schools have steadily developed their
>friendly relations and gained great success through close contact and
>interaction in teaching and upbringing.
>    She hoped that mutual visits would be strengthened between the two schools
>to make a new greater contribution to the work to bring up the future pillars
>of the countries.
>Celebrations held to mark Kim Jong Il's birthday
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Events took place on Monday to mark the
>58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    Ri Il Hwan, first secretary of the c.c., the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth
>League, made a report at the celebration meeting of youth and students in
>Pyongyang, which was followed by speeches of representatives of all social
>    The reporter and speakers said that all the people and youth across the
>country are most significantly celebrating Kim Jong Il's birthday as the
>greatest holiday of the nation. They referred to the great feats performed by
>him on behalf of the country, the people, the times and the revolution,
>leading the Worker's Party of Korea and revolution for scores of years.
>    They called on the youth and students to glorify this year, the WPK's 55th
>anniversary, with signal victory in the crucible of greatly increased activity
>of chollima, rallied close around Kim Jong Il, and make positive contributions
>to building a powerful nation of Juche as soon as possible on this land.
>    At a celebration meeting of officials and members of the Korean Democratic
>Women's Union speakers said that under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il
>today our country is standing imposingly as an impregnable fortress of
>socialism and heroines of the era and other loyalists and filial daughters
>remaining loyal to him are being produced from among the women.
>    They underscored the need to more firmly arm themselves with the
>revolutionary idea of the party, the Juche idea, give full play to the spirit
>of aiding the army and bring up their children to be talented persons who are
>able to make tangible contributions to building a rich and powerful country.
>    Meanwhile, performances of art circles of the ministries and national
>institutions and of agricultural workers across the country were given to
>celebrate February 16.
>    An art exhibition of the Songhwa Art Studio was opened on this occasion.
>Korean books presented to Guyana
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Ceremonies of presenting Korean books
>were held at the Ciril Porter Teachers' College and the President College in
>Guyana on February 7 and 8.
>    Conveyed at the ceremonies were celebrated works of the President Kim Il
>Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il and other Korean books.
>    Dale Bisunoth, Minister of Education of Guyana, said the books would
>enable them to have a better understanding of the Korean people and contribute
>to further strengthening the friendship with the Democratic People's Republic
>of Korea.
>    The rectors of the two colleges said they would make their teachers and
>students deeply study those precious works so as to grasp the profound ideas
>laid down in them and well know about the successes achieved by the Korean
>people in socialist construction under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
>Pledge of that day
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Many working people, youth and students
>are visiting Mt. Ryongnam on which Kim Il Sung University is located, on the
>occasion of the greatest auspicious holiday of the nation, February 16.
>    The mountain is a historic place where the great leader Kim Jong Il took a
>pledge "Korea, I Will Glorify Thee" with his great plan and ambition for his
>revolutionary activities in September, Juche 49 (1960).
>    The poem "Korea, I Will Glorify Thee" reflects his unshakable faith and
>will to lead Korea to a bright future as the master of the Korean revolution,
>upholding the high intention of the President Kim Il Sung.
>    It also carries his far-sighted plan and grit to brilliantly accomplish
>the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by the President.
>    His pledge 40 years ago has been brought into practice.
>    He, defending and carrying forward the revolutionary idea and cause of the
>President, has turned Korea into a powerful socialist country in single
>hearted unity by wisely leading the party, the state and the army from long
>    His firm faith and will to accomplish the revolutionary cause started by
>the President was more clearly verified in recent years.
>    The world worried about the prospects of Korea because of the demise of
>the President, intensification of the isolation and suffocation moves of the
>imperialists and continued severe natural disaster.
>    At the time he expressed his firm determination that no one could expect
>change from him and he would do everything as the President taught and did and
>for the sake of the President and inspired all the people to the revolution
>and construction.
>    Leading the "arduous march" and the forced march he visited many units of
>the Korean People's Army, industrial establishments and rural villages to
>instill conviction and optimism of the victory of socialism into the soldiers
>and people.
>    All the Korean people are now upholding his leadership with loyalty,
>taking his firm determination to build Korea into a powerful socialist nation
>as their unchangeable faith.
>Many poems and songs created in Korea
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- Nearly 200 poems and songs were created
>in a little more than a month this year in Korea.
>    Poems including "Song of Best Wishes Dedicated To February," "Song In
>Praise of the Sun of Mt. Paektu" and "Song Praising the Sun" were created on
>the occasion of the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. They
>reflect the great national pride of having the greatest man at the head of the
>revolution and the unbounded reverence of the people ardently wishing him a
>long life in good health.
>    The poems such as "Along the Road the Marshal Takes," "Another Year To
>Make Arduous March Cheerful" and "Before My Route of Charge" clearly mirror
>the indomitable faith and will of the Korean people to stoutly advance along
>the road of glorious struggle and victory under the leadership of Kim Jong Il
>breaking through manifold ordeals and difficulties in the same spirit as was
>displayed when making the "arduous march" and the forced march.
>    Many works truthfully depict on a high ideological artistic level the
>fighting spirit of the young builders and working people who are vigorously
>accelerating the 2nd grand Chollima advance for building a powerful nation in
>response to the joint New Year editorial. Typical of them are the poems "Torch
>Brightly Lit on the 40-km Long Road Being Built by Youth," "Eldest Son" and "I
>Wish To Become Fire." Other works deal with the struggle of the Korean people
>for the country's reunification.
>    More than 50 pieces of songs such as "I Will Always Live, Picturing
>Marshal In My Mind," "Let's Work and Work" and "Lake Dear To Me" were also
>    All the works are vigorously inspiring the Korean people to the struggle
>to glorify this year, the 55th anniversary of the foundation of the WPK, with
>signal victory in the crucible of greatly increased activity of chollima.
>Jonas gift animal house
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- An increasing number of citizens, school
>youth and children are visiting the Jonas gift animal house in the Central Zoo
>at the foot of Mt. Taesong in the suburbs of Pyongyang on the occasion of the
>auspicious February holiday, the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    It was opened in October Juche 74 (1985). It has an aquarium, a reptile
>cage, a crocodile cage, a small animal cage and a nocturnal animal cage. Kept
>there are more than 90 species of at least 1,360 animals including saimiri
>sciureus, alopex lagopus, constrictor and nasua narica.
>    These animals rare to be found in the world were presented to Kim Jong Il
>by Swedish Jonas Whalstrom.
>    Jonas, director of the Skansen Aquarium in Stockholm, is one of those well
>known to the world for his animal business.
>    In February 1984 he presented a pair of callithrix jacchus, a rare species
>of monkey, to Kim Jong Il in high appreciation of his tireless efforts to
>accomplish the cause of global independence.
>    Hearing the news that Kim Jong Il saw the animals presented by him, he
>presented again at least 1,000 animals of scores of species in a few months.
>    Since then he has presented animals to the leader on more than ten
>    He chose rare animals in southeast Asia, Latin America, etc, and presented
>them to Kim Jong Il out of his earnest wish to delight him and let him take
>even a short rest.
>    Kim Jong Il sent gift animals from Jonas to the Central Zoo and made sure
>that an animal house named after him was built. And he saw to it that on the
>day of the opening of the gift animal house a friendship order of the DPRK was
>awarded to him on a visit to Pyongyang. He also made sure that a documentary
>film "Jonas in Pyongyang" was produced and sent to him as a gift.
>    Jonas is widely known to the Korean people for his ardent reverence for
>Kim Jong Il.
>National meeting held to celebrate Kim Jong Il's birthday
>    Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the
>6,000-seat theatre of the April 25 House of Culture here today with a large
>attendance to celebrate the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok, Hong Song Nam and other
>senior party and state officials.
>    Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and
>Minister of the People's Armed Forces, made a report at the meeting.
>    The birthday of Kim Jong Il was a great auspicious event in which the
>Korean people, immensely honored to acclaim the President Kim Il Sung for the
>first time in the national history spanning five thousand years, had a great
>national honor of holding in high esteem another great man born of heaven when
>the day of national liberation was about to dawn, the reporter said.
>    On this significant occasion of celebrating the February holiday he
>extended highest glory and warmest congratulations to Kim Jong Il, reflecting
>the intense loyalty of all the party members, officers and men of the people's
>army and the people.
>    He pointed out that Kim Jong Il has wisely led the work of the Worker's
>Party of Korea, the military affairs, economic work and construction of
>culture to bring about a great change in all sectors of the revolution and
>construction, thus dynamically advancing the cause of building a rich and
>powerful country of Juche to a new higher stage and ushering in the golden
>days in the workers' party era.
>    Under his veteran and tested leadership the workers' party and people of
>Korea have stoutly advanced along the straight road of Juche despite the ever
>more pronounced upheaval of the international politics for scores of years and
>built an ideologically and militarily powerful nation, an impregnable fortress
>of socialism, on this land, the reporter said, adding that his greatness was
>more powerfully demonstrated in the struggle over the last five years in
>    Referring to his energetic leadership over the cause of perpetuating the
>memory of Kim Il Sung, the army-first revolutionary cause, the "arduous march"
>and the forced march, he continued:
>    Penetrating deep into the peculiar conditions of the Korean revolution,
>Kim Jong Il established a unique army-first political mode. His outstanding
>army-first politics is a powerful and perfect socialist political mode of our
>era and a decisive guarantee for the victory of the Korean revolution.


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