Communist Web
Thursday 17th February 2000 9.30pm gmt

South Lebanon Ablaze

Despite daily Israeli air-raids, Lebanese resistance forces were continuing
to attack Israeli
and puppet troop positions in the occupied south of Lebanon as the Guardian
went to
press.Two Israeli soldiers have been killed and a number of Israelis and
"South Lebanese
Army"        auxiliaries wounded by the guerrillas.Israeli warplanes are
continuing to
bomb villages they claim are guerrilla bases. They have destroyed three
power stations,
cutting off the power to the Lebanese capital for a time.

Lebanese Hezbullah (Party of God) guerrillas said in a statement: "the
soldiers will remain steady targets for the bombs, rockets and ambushes of
fighters."The enemy will not be able to impose a new formula in the
confrontation field",
Hezbullah said, referring to Israel's attempts to deter attacks on its
soldiers by hitting the
Lebanese economy.
Northern Israel is under a state of emergency and the settlers are taking
cover in their
shelters fearful of Hezbullah rocket attacks while others have left for
safety in central

Lebanese Electricity Minister Sleiman Trabousli said after touring the
wreckage of the
Jumhour power station on the outskirts of Beirut - the third time it has
been raided by
Israel since 1996 - that all three stations bombed in the midnight assault
had been...

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