On the 5th of February 500 Astrakhan workers went on strike demanding payoff their 9 months wages that they have not been paid since April 1999. Besides their wages have been reduced in half. Meanwhile the bosses are buying mobile phones with per hour payment equal to an avarige month wages of a woker.
The strike was organized by an independent workers' trade-union "Zaschita". All the attempts to start a talks with representatives of local authorities have failed. Vice-governer and ex-member of CPRF refused to meet with the workers' delegation and send riot police to deal with them.
When the Duma deputy for Astrakhan region Oleg Shein sent a letter to the Finance ministry of Russia he was told that wage arrears will not be paid befor autumn despite all the promises by Putin. Russian govrment needs money for the war and not for workers.
"Zaschita" trade-union appeals to all workers' organizations and militants to support Astrakhan strike and send telegrammes to Putin an Astrakan region administration.
Russia, Astrakhan, Sovetskaya str. 15
Governor Guzhvin A.P.
103132 Russia, Moscow
Kremlin, Putin V.V.

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