Kimjongilia Show

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- The 4th Kimjongilia Show has drawn
capacity visitors since it was open
in the Pyongyang International House of Culture in the central part of
Pyongyang on Feb. 14.
    On display there in peculiar and diverse styles are at least 4,500
immortal Kimjongilias contributed by more than
50 organizations in the capital city and local areas, including the
Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, the
Ministry of Public Security, the Academy of Sciences and the Central
Botanical Garden.
    The Ministry of the People's Armed Forces exhibited Kimjongilias
against the backdrop of the Portrait of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il with a bright smile on his face in the
uniform of Marshal displayed in the center and
letters "long live Marshal Kim Jong Il, the sun in the 21st century " seen
on the left is the truthfully depicted
fluttering flag of the Supreme Commander.
    The more than 580 immortal flowers on display were cultivated with
great care by the officers and men of the
KPA who are stalwartly standing guard over the sky, the land and the sea.
They look like a huge floral basket.
    The academy of sciences arranged its exhibition against the background
of the pictures of Jong Il Peak and the
native home in the secret camp on Mt. Paektu. A revolving huge globe is
decorated with over 120 Kimjongilias and
other rare flowers.
    A red ribbon bearing the letters "I attach great importance to science.
Kim Jong Il" hanging from the globe is
illuminated with more than 2,500 electronic lamps.
    Displayed before it are materials on tissue culture of the flower.
    The central botanical garden displayed a photograph of the President
Kim Il Sung seeing Kimjongilia, while
exhibiting hundreds of flowers flanked by letters "celebration of February
16" and "best wishes" on both sides.
    Also displayed there are Kimjongilias contributed by the "Dandong
Kimjongilia Hothouse" of China and the
Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea.

Mass foundation for party building

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- The mass foundation for building the
Worker's Party of Korea was laid
and consolidated during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle (1925-1945).
    Korean communists worked hard to awaken the masses to consciousness and
unite them in organizations in the
rigorous period of the armed struggle, the main trend of revolution at that
    The President Kim Il Sung dispatched a number of political underground
workers to all parts of the country
during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle so that they might conduct
political work among the masses to lay
mass foundation for founding the party. They formed mass organizations
across the country to rally the masses.
    The work of building the mass ground for party foundation was carried
out in close relation to the anti-Japanese
national united front movement.
    The President founded the Association for the Restoration of the
Fatherland on May 5, 1936, involving people
from all walks of life who were against Japanese imperialism. This was a
historic event in strengthening the mass
ground for the party foundation.
    The network of the association rapidly spread out to areas around the
Amnok and Tuman rivers, different parts
of Korea and even to residential quarters of Koreans in Manchuria and
Japan. Organizations under the association
which were formed under various names according to local specific
conditions involved at least 200,000 people of
different social standings -- workers, farmers, students, urban
petty-bourgeoisie, nationalists and patriotic
    The President dispatched excellent party members to leading posts of
sub-organizations at all levels and enlisted
commanding officers and members of the main forces of the Korean People's
Revolutionary Army into those
sub-organizations. Therefore, the association played an important role in
consolidating the mass ground of the party
as well as organizing the masses of broad sections in the anti-Japanese
    This mass ground laid during the anti-Japanese struggle was one of
important factors of founding the WPK in a
less than two months after the liberation of the country (August 1945).

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated abroad

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Koreans in China held a meeting on
Feb. 14 in Beijing to mark General
Secretary Kim Jong Il's 58th birthday.
    At the meeting a letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted.
    A meeting was held on Feb. 13 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, under the
sponsorship of the International United
Confederation of Koreans.
    The participants saw an art performance given by an overseas Koreans'
art troupe "Osandok".

Friendly meeting held

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- A friendly meeting was held at the
Taedonggang club for the diplomatic
corps yesterday on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the
establishment of the friendly relations between
Changdok school in Pyongyang and Yuwen middle school in Jilin, China.
    Invited there were the members of the delegation of the Yuwen middle
school in Jilin, China, headed by
vice-director Cheng Qi and councilor of the Chinese embassy in Pyongyang
Liu Bingyi.
    It was attended by hong son ok, vice-chairperson of the Korean
Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries who is also vice-chairperson of the central committee of the
Korea-China Friendship Association, and
other personages concerned, vice-director Rim Jae Min and other teachers
and pupils of Changdok school.
    The participants appreciated an art performance given by pupils and had
amusement games.
    They talked with each other, deepening the feelings of friendship.

Gifts to Kim Jong Il from foreign party and party delegation

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
gifts from the Good Green
Guyana and a delegation of the Greater Romanian Party.
    The gifts were handed to an official concerned by Hamilton Green,
leader of the Good Green Guyana, and
Dorin Lazar Maior, vice-president of the Greater Romanian Party who is also
head of its delegation, on a visit to the

Senior DPRK officials meet foreign delegations

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Senior DPRK officials met with
visiting foreign delegations.
    Choe Thae Bok, alternate politburo member and secretary of the Central
Committee of the Worker's Party of
Korea, today met and conversed separately with Hasanul Huq Inu, general
secretary of the National Socialist Party
of Bangladesh, and a delegation of the Funcinpec Party of Cambodia led by
its deputy secretary general Serei Kosal,
and Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, with a delegation
of the Union of Communist
Parties-the Communist Party of the Soviet Union led by its member of the
council of the union Vladimir Tolstikov.
    Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly and chairman of
the Korean Social Scientists Society, today met with a delegation of the
International Institute of the Juche Idea led
by its secretary general Kenichi Ogami.
    On the 17th, Kim Yong Nam, politburo member of the WPK Central
Committee and President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met with a delegation of the
Communist Worker's Party of Finland for
Peace and Socialism headed by its chairman Hannu Harju, Choe Thae Bok with
a delegation of the Unified
Communist Party of Italy headed by member of the party leadership Pasqufale
Felice, and Kim Ki Nam with a
delegate of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil Paulo Eduardo,
secretary of the c.c. of the movement.
    The general secretary of the National Socialist Party of Bangladesh
said that the Korean people are firmly
defending socialism despite the ceaseless isolation and suffocation moves
of the imperialists, thanks to the invincible
vitality of the Juche idea which was fathered by the great leader Kim Il
Sung and has been developed and enriched
by Kim Jong Il.
    The deputy secretary general of the Funcinpec Party of Cambodia said
that the President Kim Il Sung is the
eternal leader not only of the Korean people but also of the world
revolutionary people. Today Marshal Kim Jong Il
is leading the Korean people to a victory, fully personifying the idea and
traits of the President, he added.
    The chairman of the Communist Worker's Party of Finland for Peace and
Socialism said that the army-first
politics is unique just politics under the present situation. He noted that
his party would extend full support and
solidarity to the workers' party and people of Korea in their dynamic
struggle to defend socialism.

Jail sentences passed on pro-reunification champions

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- The South Korean ruling quarters on
Feb. 15 sentenced two persons
including Ra Chang sun, advisor to the south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification,
to two years and six months in prison and two years of suspension of
qualification each under the "security law," a
Seoul-based radio reported. The charge brought against them was that they
visited Pyongyang to participate in the
grand pan-national pro-reunification festival last year.
    They also sentenced Hwang Hye Ro, who visited the north in the capacity
of a delegate of the South Korean
Federation of University Student Councils that represents the south
headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth
and Students for the Country's Reunification, to two years and six months
in jail, and three persons including Kang
Hyong Gu, a deputy spokesman for the National Alliance for Democracy and
Reunification, to two years and six
months in prison and three years of suspension of sentence each.
    In the "decision" they charged them with making a secret visit to the
north on the order of someone.

U.S. assailed for its massive arms buildup

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Recently, Henry Shelton, chairman of
the U.S. joint chiefs of staff,
confessed the fact that the U.S. has massively beefed up its forces in
South Korea and the "ROK" army under the
pretext of meeting the "challenge of North Korea."
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary observes this is a clear
indication that the U.S. wild ambition to
militarily stifle the DPRK remains unchanged and it is the arch criminal
harassing the peace and security and
escalating the tensions on the Korean peninsula.
    The commentary continues:
    The U.S. is paying lip-service to the "improved relations" with the
DPRK, pretending to be interested in
"guaranteeing peace and security" at multi-faceted contacts and dialogues
with it. But it is nothing but a trite
double-dealing trick to cover up its aggressive nature.
    The U.S. is apt to talk about "peace" whenever it sits face to face
with the DPRK but, no sooner had it left the
conference room than it hatched a plot to hurt the latter and accelerated
its moves to put it into practice.
    The massive arms buildup disclosed by Shelton recently was a
premeditated and intentional action to make the
second Korean war a fait accompli and put it into practice.
    It is foolish of the U.S. to try to justify its aggressive maneuvers
under the absurd pretext of the non-existent
"threat" from the DPRK.
    If the enemy recklessly unleash a war of aggression, they will not
escape from merciless and deadly blows.
    The U.S. is well advised to listen to our warning and immediately halt
its reckless arms buildup.

Attempt to twist history of Japan's occupation of Korea

    Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
article rails against the Japanese
reactionaries for asserting that the Japanese imperialists' occupation of
Korea was not one by military forces.
    Pointing out that they cited the "treaties" and "agreements" fabricated
by the Japanese imperialists between 1905
and 1910 to support their argument, the article dismissed this as a
brazen-faced attempt to justify their military
occupation of Korea.
    The article continues:
    It was clearly proved by undeniable historical facts and legal evidence
that the Japanese imperialists occupied
Korea by force of arms.
    The "five-point treaty of 1905," which the Japanese imperialists
claimed to be a basic document that provided
for their occupation of Korea, did not have any legal justification as it
was of their own making.
    The treaty which the Japanese used as a basic framework for "annexing
Korea" did not conform to any legal
requirements of the treaty.
    It was a sheer fabrication in contravention of procedures for the
conclusion of an international treaty.
    Any international treaty should be drafted and an agreement be reached
on it after getting an formal approval of
the state and signed by a representative invested with full authority.
    However, that treaty was not made with the approval of the state. Ko
Jong, king of the country at that time,
objected to the conclusion of the treaty to the last moment, stating he
could not approve its conclusion as it meant
leading the country to a ruin.
    After its fabrication, the Japanese presented it to the king of Korea
for ratification many a time but in vain.
    Under this situation the diet of Japan could not ratify the treaty.
    The treaty was not properly written in a legal style but was full of
aggressive words wantonly encroaching upon
the sovereignty of Korea.
    It also lacked a proper title because Japan could not reach a formal
agreement with Korea, the other contracting
    Generally, it was called "five-point treaty of 1905" as it was
fabricated in 1905 and contained five points. But
the Japanese side gave different titles to it such as "Japan-Korea
agreement", "new Japan-Korea agreement" and the
"treaty on negotiations between Japan and Korea." The "treaty" also
contained criminal points that called for
depriving Korea of diplomatic rights and interfering in her internal
affairs. The "treaty" was a criminal document
fabricated by the Japanese imperialists at the point of bayonet.
    On November 17, 1905, the day when the treaty was concluded, the
Japanese imperialists ordered the
commander of the Japanese army stationed in Korea and the provost Marshal
to throw many soldiers and military
policemen into the venue of the cabinet meeting where the treaty was to be
concluded to keep a watch over its
    The UN Commission on International Law clearly stated in 1963 that
there were only four treaties in the world
among many international treaties which lacked legal validity from the very
time of the conclusion and the
"five-point treaty of 1905" was one of them.
    Branding the Japanese imperialists as the aggressor who occupied Korea
by force of arms, the article concludes
that the Japanese reactionaries can never twist the history of their
military occupation of Korea.

For Spanish-speaking people

exhibicion de kimjongilia

    pyongyang, 18 de febrero (atcc) -- la cuarta exhibicion de kimjongilia
quedo montada el dia 14 en la casa
internacional de cultura de pyongyang, situada en el centro de esta capital.
    estan exhibidas en diversas formas especificas mas de 4 mil 500
unidades de kimjongilia - inmortal flor,
cultivadas con esmero por mas de 50 entidades del centro y localidades
incluidas el ministerio de las fuerzas armadas
populares, el ministerio de seguridad publica, la academia de ciencias y el
jardin botanico nacional.
    en el centro del fondo del mostrador preparado por el ministerio de las
fuerzas armadas populares aparece la
imagen con amplia sonrisa del camarada kim jong il, comandante supremo del
ejercito popular de corea, vestido de
uniforme de mariscal y las letras " viva el general kim jong il, sol del
siglo 21 ".
    a su izquierda esta descrita bien en lo artistico la bandera del
comandante supremo que flamea.
    en el mostrador estan exhibidas en forma de un gran cesto de flores mas
de 580 kimjongilias cultivadas con
esmero por los oficiales y soldados del epc, fidedignos defensores del
cielo, la tierra y el mar de la patria.
    el mostrador de la academia de ciencias tiene al fondo cuadros del pico
jong il y la casa natal del camarada kim
jong il en el campamento secreto del monte paektu y mas de 120 kimjongilias
y otras flores preciosas adornando con
estas la circunferencia del globo en revolucion.
    en la cinta roja del perimetro central del globo brillan las letras
"doy importancia a la ciencia.
    kim jong il" por mas de 2 mil 500 elementos luminosos.
    en la parte delantera estan expuestos los materiales visuales sobre el
cultivo de tejido de kimjongilia.
    el mostrador del jardin botanico nacional coloca la imagen del gran
lider, presidente kim il sung observando la
inmortal flor kimjongilia y a ambos lados lleva cientos de kimjongilias
junto con las letras "en homenaje al 16 de
febrero" y "votos".
    en la exhibicion podemos ver tambien las kimjongilias enviadas por el
"invernadero de kimjongilia en dandong"
de china y la representacion del frente democratico nacional de sudcorea en

ee.uu. debe poner fin a su tonteria

    pyongyang, 18 de febrero (atcc) -- henry shelton, presidente de la
junta de los jefes de estado mayor
norteamericano confeso el hecho de que los estados unidos han aumentado en
gran medida sus tropas ocupantes de
surcorea y las fuerzas armadas del "ejercito nacional" so pretexto de hacer
frente al "desafio de norcorea".
    esto prueba que es invariable la ambicion de ee.uu. de aplastar con
fuerzas armadas a la rpdc y aquel pais es el
autor que destruye la paz y la estabilidad de la peninsula coreana y
exacerba la tension, senala el diario "rodong
sinmun" en un comentario de hoy y continua:
    en los dialogos y contactos con la rpdc los ee.uu. fingen tener interes
en la "paz y la seguridad" hablando de la
"mejora de sus relaciones" con la rpdc.
    pero esto no pasa de ser rutinaria tactica de dos caras dirigida a
ocultar su naturaleza agresiva.
    los ee.uu. vociferan de la "paz" en el dialogo con la rpdc y detras de
la cortina de este discuten el plan de
derrocarla y se apresuran a llevarlo a la practica.
    la confesion de shelton sobre el aumento armamentista de su pais es un
acto premeditado para hacer un hecho
consumado la segunda guerra coreana y desatarla.
    ee.uu. busca justificar sus maquinaciones agresivas pretextando
absurdamente una "amenaza" de la rpdc, pero,
en vano.
    si los enemigos desatan temerariamente la nueva guerra no podran evitar
un despiadado y demoledor golpe de
    ee.uu. debe prestar oidos a nuestras advertencias y poner fin a su
insensato aumento armamentista.


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