TODAY'S NEWS (February.18.2001 Juche 90)



Independent reunification of Korean nation called for

Kim Jong Il's work released in Nepal

Greetings to Gambian President

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Ri In Mo

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated by overseas Koreans

Letter to Kim Jong Il from former unconverted long-term prisoners

Letter to Kim Jong Il from O Ik Je

For Spanish-speaking people


editado tomo 35 de "obras completas de kim il sung"

dirigente kim jong il recibe cartas de felicitacion de equipos de jugadores

Independent reunification of Korean nation called for
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- It is the basic spirit of the June 15
North-South Joint Declaration for the Korean nation to reunify the country
by its own efforts, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The
article goes on: 
    The basic spirit of the joint declaration is to settle the reunification
question of the country independently by concerted efforts of the people in
the north and the south who are responsible for it.
    The reunification question of the country is an internal affair of the
nation as it is an issue of reunifying the country and nation divided by
outside forces against its will.
    The reunification question can never be settled by depending on others.
Outside forces are not interested in the reunification of Korea, but in its
    Only when the Korean people pool their efforts and will can they settle
the reunification question, and they should do so under all circumstances.
Everything can go on well when they solve the reunification question by
their own efforts in that sense of responsibility and with that
    There is no doubt that the door of reunification will be opened when the
whole nation pool their efforts from the transparent independent stand that
they are responsible for the reunification of the country in the spirit of
the joint declaration.
    In order to open the door of the reunification by the Korean nation's
efforts in the spirit of the joint declaration it is imperative to
steadfastly maintain the stand of national independence.
    The principle of national independence is a fundamental principle of
national reunification. Only when everything is subordinated to the dignity
and interests of the nation from the steadfast stand of national
independence can the reunification question be properly settled.
    In order to open the door of reunification by the Korean nation's
efforts it is also necessary for the whole nation to unite under the banner
of reunification. 
    Only when the Korean nation is firmly united can they fully discharge
their responsibility and role as the driving force of reunification, remove
all the obstacles lying in the way of national reunification and bring about
a dawn of reunification.


Kim Jong Il's work released in Nepal
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of releasing leader Kim
Jong Il's famous work "Socialism Is What Keeps Our People Alive" was held in
Baktapur city, Nepal, on February 14. Present there were member of the
parliament Narayan Man Bijukchhe who is chairman of the Central Committee of
the Nepal Worker-Peasant Party and people from all walks of life.
    Invited there were the DPRK ambassador to Nepal and embassy officials.
    The chairman of the c.c., the Nepal worker-peasant party spoke at the


Greetings to Gambian President
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea, on Feb. 15 sent a message of greetings to Gambian
President Yaya A. J. J. Jammeh on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of
the independence of Gambia. Congratulating the president and people of
Gambia on the independence day, the message wished them great success in
their work for the national unity and prosperity of the country.


Letter to Kim Jong Il from Ri In Mo
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a letter
from former unconverted long-term prisoner Ri In Mo, incarnation of faith
and will, on Feb. 16 on the occasion of his birthday. Ri in his letter said
it was the great fortune of the Korean people and humankind and the highest
honour in history that kim jong il was born to be a general of Mt. Paektu
and a great sun of human love.
    He wrote: 
    My faith is growing stronger day by day though I am declining in health
as a man well over 80 years old. this is because your boundless love for me
has been my mainstay and served as a source of my faith and will.
    It is your unshakable view that love is more powerful than a sword and
virtue wins the whole world. Your love will help build a powerful socialist
nation on this land, bring the reunification to the 70 million fellow
countrymen and enable them to glorify the 21st century as kim jong il


Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated by overseas Koreans
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Compatriots overseas held colorful
events to celebrate leader Kim Jong Il's birthday. A celebration meeting of
Koreans in Russia took place in Moscow on Feb. 13 under the sponsorship of
the united confederation of Koreans in Russia.
    A report made by Ri Tong Chol, chairman of the confederation, at the
meeting was followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that socialism has been firmly defended
and world-startling events have taken place in the DPRK, adding that these
developments are the result of Kim Jong Il's outstanding and seasoned
leadership. They manifested their resolution to make a positive contribution
to the work to implement the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.
    A celebration meeting was also held in Uzbekistan on Feb. 11 under the
sponsorship of the international united confederation of Koreans where
speeches were made and a performance was given by Korean artistes.


Letter to Kim Jong Il from former unconverted long-term prisoners
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a letter
from 63 former unconverted long-term prisoners on Feb. 16, his birthday. The
letter said that Kim Jong Il's birth was a great auspicious event for the
Korean nation and humankind which promised them a successful succession to
the revolutionary cause of Juche and a bright future of Korea and humankind.
    It is thanks to you that our country is shedding its rays as an
impregnable socialist fortress and the Korean people enjoy highest dignity
and honour in the nation's history spanning 5,000 years, the letter noted,
and continued: 
    We could remain true to our faith and constancy despite savage torture
and appeasement for 30 to over 40 years of our prison life because you
bestowed upon us love, trust and indomitable spirit to brave death and
instilled into us confidence that the Korean revolution which started on Mt.
Paektu was certain to triumph.
    Though it is only half a year since we came into the care of the party
and the fatherland, we have keenly realized how warm and noble your love for
the revolutionary soldiers is.
    The letter said that under the guidance of kim jong il they would devote
themselves to carrying to completion the revolution which started under the
leadership of President Kim Il Sung.


Letter to Kim Jong Il from O Ik Je
     Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- A congratulatory letter was presented
to leader Kim Jong Il by O Ik Je, vice-chairman of the committee for the
Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, on Feb. 16 on the occasion of his
birthday. He said in his letter:
    Your birth gave a bright hope for independence to the Korean nation,
humankind and new century. It is thanks to you that the Korean nation,
blessed with the eternal sun of Juche, is demonstrating the dignity and
honor of being sun's nation to the whole world.
    Your steadfast spirit of national independence produced the army-first
politics, gave origin to the great history of defending the socialist
fatherland and glorified the revolutionary history of creation and advance
to pave the wide avenue for building a rich and powerful nation through the
"arduous march". 
    Your politics of independence, unity and patriotism are pulling down the
barrier of division as snow is thawing with the advent of spring and the
June 15 North-South Joint Declaration serves as a banner of the independent
    The spirit of national independence taught by you serves as a bright
beacon for the new century and an invincible banner.


For Spanish-speaking people

editado tomo 35 de "obras completas de kim il sung"
     pyongyang, 17 de febrero (atcc) -- la editora del partido del trabajo
de corea dio a luz el tomo 35 de "obras completas de kim il sung", coleccion
de la inmortal idea juche que compila de manera sistematica y globalmente
por orden cronologico las obras del gran lider, presidente kim il sung. el
tomo contiene 23 obras clasicas entre otros informes, discursos, discursos
resumen, conferencias y charlas del presidente kim il sung de marzo a
octubre del 54 (1965) de la era juche.
    sintetiza las ideas, teorias y orientaciones que el presento para
fortalecer en lo politico, economico y militar nuestras fuerzas
revolucionarias y acelerar la causa de reunificacion de la patria y el
movimiento revolucionario del mundo.


dirigente kim jong il recibe cartas de felicitacion de equipos de jugadores
     pyongyang, 17 de febrero (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il
recibio cartas de felicitacion que le dirigieran con motivo de su cumpleanos
los equipos de jugadores de varios paises participantes en el decimo
festival internacional de patinaje artistico sobre hielo por el "premio
paektusan". los jefes de los equipos de patinadores artisticos sobre hielo
de rusia, china, ucrania, belarus, gran bretana, checo y francia
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