----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 12:11 AM
Subject: Pot Calling The Kettle Black?


"It is hardly appropriate for those who rained hundreds of thousands of
bombs and rockets on the residents of Yugoslavia and who continue
bombing women, children and old people in Iraq...to raise the issue of
Chechen humanitarian suffering."
Russia Roars At Washington Over Chechnya
MOSCOW, Feb 19, 2000 -- (Reuters) Russia roared angrily back at the
United States on Friday over criticism of its Chechnya campaign, saying
comments by a U.S. State Department spokesman were tantamount to aiding
"information terrorism".
In a strongly-worded statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said State
Department spokesman James Rubin's remarks about the Chechnya campaign
made at a Thursday briefing were "absolutely unacceptable, both in form
and content".
The quarrel came amid new reports from human rights groups that Russian
forces in Chechnya had beaten, raped and summarily executed civilians
suspected of aiding separatist rebels in Chechnya.
Rubin had called the reports "credible" and said Moscow should
investigate them. He also accused Russia of denying reporters access to
the war zone.
Russia has denied that its forces in Chechnya have carried out
systematic abuses and says it will check all reports. Russia places
strict limits on the travel of journalists and foreign observers to
Chechnya, but says it does so for their safety.
"Rubin, operating on clearly tendentiously selected reports, and even
blatant disinformation supplied by the terrorists themselves among
others, speculates on 'credible reports of the killings of civilians and
other violations'," the Foreign Ministry statement said.
"In fact, this is tantamount to cooperating in a campaign of information
On Thursday Russia denounced talks in Washington between a visiting
Chechen representative and State Department officials.
The statement said the United States had no right to criticize Russia's
conduct in Chechnya after last year's NATO bombing campaign against
Yugoslavia and amid continuing air strikes on Iraq, which Russia
strongly opposes.
"In this connection, one would like to remind Mr Rubin of his own
favorite phrase: 'the pot should not call the kettle black'.
"It is hardly appropriate for those who rained hundreds of thousands of
bombs and rockets on the residents of Yugoslavia and who continue
bombing innocent women, children and old people in Iraq...to raise the
issue of Chechen humanitarian suffering."
The sharp exchange over Chechnya came at a time when Russia and the
United States are taking public steps to thaw relations that have been
at their iciest since the Cold War.
A separate Foreign Ministry statement issued on Friday said the head of
Russia's advisory Security Council, visiting Washington, had handed U.S.
President Bill Clinton a note from Acting President Vladimir Putin
calling for warm ties.
"The message...notes that relations with the United States are one of
the priorities of Russian foreign policy. Unfortunately, in recent times
irritants and mutual pretensions have appeared in Russian-American
relations," it said.
"But the main element has been preserved: the understanding of the
strategic importance of cooperation between the two countries for the
fate of the world in the 21st century."

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