>FEBRUARY 18, 2000 12:16 PM
>CONTACT:  American Friends Service Committee
>Peter Lems 215 241-7170
>Resignation of Humanitarian Officials in Iraq Highlight Failures of the
>Sanctions Policy
>PHILADELPHIA - February 18 - When Hans von Sponeck, the United Nations
>Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq resigned on 13 February, he sounded a
>wake-up call to the world that a humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Iraq.
>But he is not alone. He is the second Baghdad-based Assistant Secretary
>General to resign: a powerful repudiation of the UN's sanctions policy and
>the oil-for-food program. His predecessor Denis Halliday resigned in 1998.
>On the day following von Sponeck's resignation, Jutta Burghardt, head of the
>World Food Program (WFP) in Iraq also resigned her post. Her resignation
>further highlights the frustration of the humanitarian community.
>The World Food Program is the United Nations agency that directly distributes
>food to the 3 million Iraqis living in the north. The project in Iraq
>represent the largest WFP program in the world. It operates within the
>oil-for-food program that allows Iraq to sell oil to buy food, medicine and
>other humanitarian supplies for the Iraqi people. The program is governed by
>tough U.N. sanctions imposed on the country since its 1990 invasion of
>The principled position taken by these career United Nations civil servants
>illustrates the failure of the Security Council to address the humanitarian
>disaster in Iraq. The oil-for-food program has been a failure.
>Instead of lifting the sanctions, the new resolution passed by the Security
>Council in December may ease the sanctions only after new weapons inspectors
>are satisfied with their visits to the country. In the views of these two
>officials the new resolution is hopelessly inadequate, and will do little to
>reverse the deprivations caused by the sanctions.
>According to Kathy Bergen, Coordinator of the Middle East Peace Building Unit
>at AFSC, "the US gains nothing by standing by a failed policy. It should now
>move toward the rapid lifting of the economic sanctions while working for a
>zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. As the principal
>supplier of arms to the Middle East, the US must end its policy of
>transferring arms to the Middle East and elsewhere."
>"The loss of life inflicted on ordinary Iraqis by the sanctions is
>incompatible with the United Nations Charter," says Denis Halliday former
>Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq who resigned in October 1998 to protest the
>continued use of sanctions. "The continuation of these sanctions in full
>knowledge of their deadly consequences constitutes genocide."
>AFSC applauds Hans von Sponeck's statement upon his resignation: "I'm not at
>all alone in my view that we have reached a point where it is no longer
>acceptable that we are keeping our mouths shut." We respect those willing to
>take a principled position on the calamitous misuse of sanctions in Iraq.
>The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization which
>includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace
>and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of
>every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and


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