U.S. attempt to establish "NMD" system rejected

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Leonid Ivashov, head of the
International Military Cooperation Board of
the Russian Ministry of Defence in a report at the Geneva Security and
Political Centre on Feb. 16 repudiated the
U.S. attempt to establish the "National Missile Defense" system under the
pretext of the "ballistic missile threat"
from the DPRK, according to a report of Itar-TASS. He said that U.S.
assertion about a sort of "threat" was a lie
and an ulterior design to clamour about this "threat" was to tip the
strategic balance in favour of the U.S.

To bar conclusion of DPRK-U.S. peace agreement

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary assails the South Korean
authorities' "stand" concerning the issue of concluding a peace agreement
to be taken up at the talks and contacts
between the DPRK and the U.S. While clarifying their "stand" the South
Korean authorities made a far-fetched
assertion that they cannot "accomodate" the conclusion of a peace agreement
between the DPRK and the U.S. and
the replacement of the armistice agreement with a peace agreement is a
"matter to be handled between the north and
the south."
    They also talked the nonsense that they were "seeking" the
"establishment of a system based on a peace
agreement" through the "four-party talks" and the position and role of the
"U.N. Command" could be firmly
maintained only when the armistice agreement is preserved.
    The replacement of the old armistice system by a new peace-keeping
system is a matter to be handled by the
DPRK and the U.S., the signatories to the armistice agreement, not an issue
that allows an interference by the South
Korean authorities who do not have any real power, including the
prerogative of the supreme command over the
army, the commentary says, and continues:
    The South Korean authorities were not a signatory to the peace
agreement and are now keen on provoking a
fratricidal war. it is, indeed, ridiculous for them to assert that they
cannot "accomodate" the conclusion of the
agreement between the DPRK and the U.S.
    It is equally impertinent for them to talk about "seeking" the
"establishment of a system based on a peace
agreement" through the "four-party talks" as they have neither political
sovereignty nor independence.
    Their talking about the position of the "U.N. Command," adamantly
insisting on the armistice agreement,
which is only gathering dust, is a revelation of their criminal attempt to
maintain the outdated system of
confrontation and war and keep the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in
South Korea for an indefinite period in a bid
to escalate the moves for a war against the north with their master.
    Their assertions are, in a nutshell, intended to disturb and block the
conclusion of a peace agreement between
the DPRK and the U.S.
    They had imprudently behaved several times in the past to lay a hurdle
in the way of the talks between the
DPRK and the U.S. But every time their efforts went for nothing.
    The result cannot be otherwise this time, too.

Kim Yong Nam meets congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, met and had a talk in an atmosphere pervaded with
compatriotic feelings with the
congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan led by Ho Jong Man, chief
vice-chairman of the central standing
committee of the General Association of Korean residents in Japan
(Chongryon), on a visit to the socialist
homeland, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Feb. 20. The head of the
delegation said that Chongryon officials and
compatriots in Japan will struggle in step with the people at home who are
making efforts to glorify this year, the
WPK's 55th anniversary, with signal victory in the crucible of greatly
increased activity of Chollima.

Day of Machine Building in Korea

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- February 20 is marked as Day of
Machine Building in Korea. Late
President Kim Il Sung visited the Huichon Machine Tool Factory on Feb. 20,
Juche 60 (1971) to kindle the torch of
new technical innovation and open a great turning phase in developing the
nation's machine-building industry and
carrying on the technical revolution.
    The DPRK instituted this day as Day of Machine Building.
    It built modern machine-building industrial centres and completed its
technical equipment and production
structures in a short span of time, laying firm material and technical
foundations in this field.
    But in recent years the imperialists' vicious manoeuvres to isolate and
stifle socialist Korea and the continued
natural disasters inflicted a heavy loss on the whole economy of the country.
    Leading machine-building plants and many other units have not conducted
normal business activities with the
shortage of electricity, raw material and equipment.
    The working people in the machine-building industrial sector are
enjoying their holiday with high degree of
revolutionary enthusiasm and successes in their work even under the
difficult conditions that they are pressed for
    The workers of the Rakwon Machine Plant made progress in preparations
for the serial production of modern
and efficient electronic-hydraulic excavators in the revolutionary spirit
of self-reliance.
    Updated machine tools have been developed and introduced into
production at the Kusong Machine Tool Plant.
    Plants under the Ryongsong Machine-Building Industry management bureau
are effecting innovation in
producing ordered equipment and processing large-size accessories for the
Pukchang Thermal Power Plant, the Kim
Chaek Iron and Steel Works, the Musan Mine and the Komdok Mine.

Scenario to cope with "contingency" on Korean peninsula

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- The Japan Defence Agency recently
disclosed that a scenario to cope with
"emergencies" in areas surrounding Japan, the first of its kind, was to be
adopted with a computer simulation
exercise staged by the Japan "Self-Defence Forces" and the U.S. Forces
present in Japan to cope with those
"emergencies" as a momentum. The scenario to cope with "emergencies" in
areas surrounding Japan precisely
means one to cope with the "contingency" on the Korean peninsula.
    The Japanese reactionaries described the DPRK's satellite launch as a
"missile launch." They have escalated
their anti-DPRK campaign in a bid to build up public opinion at home and
abroad by floating the rumour about its
"missile launch" and "missile relaunch" since last year.
    Japan took great pain to make the "nuclear and missile threat from
North Korea" a fait accompli in the white
papers of the foreign ministry and the defence agency issued last year and
at the "Tokyo forum on nuclear
non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament." It also worked hard to
galvanize world public opinion over the "nuclear
and missile issue of North Korea" at the summit meeting of 8 major
industrialized nations, the 32nd meeting of
foreign ministers of the ASEAN and the 6th meeting of the ASEAN regional forum.
    Not content with this, the chief executive of Japan has gone the length
of declaring a "tough military
countermeasure" against "missile launch" of the DPRK, and the director
general of the defence agency crying out for
a preemptive strike at its "missile launching base in North Korea."
    Last year the Japanese reactionaries adopted legislations related to
the new "Japan-U.S. defence cooperation
guidelines", war laws that regard the DPRK as the "first imaginary enemy
state," thus legalizing their belligerency
with the DPRK.
    The projected adoption of the scenario to cope with the "contingency"
on the Korean peninsula means that the
plan for a war of aggression against Korea has reached the phase of its
perfection since the adoption of the
"Japan-U.S. defence cooperation guidelines".
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to stop such a reckless act
as jumping into fire with faggot on their
    The Korean People's Army and people will never pardon those encroaching
upon the security of the country
and the dignity of the nation. they are fully ready to deal a merciless
blow at them any time.

Popular writer

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- There is a very popular song "Road
Taken With Deep Love" in the
DPRK. It is based on the theme that the journeys made by the leader Kim
Jong Il for on-the-spot guidance, eating
rice balls and taking a short and uncomfortable sleep are to bring joy and
happiness to the people and glorify
socialist Korea.
    It was written by Ryu Tong Ho, a writer of the central committee of the
Korean Writers Union. He, 45, is one
of the famous poets who have distinguished themselves in the creation of
poems and songs in Korea in recent years.
On the new year's day the central television aired footage of Ryu standing
on the peak of Mt. Paektu at the sun-rise
and reciting a lyric poem about a rosy future of socialist Korea heading
for a powerful nation, thus deeply
impressing the viewers. His career as a writer began after graduation from
a three-year writer course at Kim Hyong
Jik University of Education in 1988. He has created at least 450 poems and
songs over the last more than ten years.
Typical of them are a lyric poem "supreme commander and guard soldiers" and
words of songs "Our Comrade Kim
Jong Il", "The Country and I" and "I Love My Hometown."
    The songs created by him are very popular among the people for their
truthful representation of the needs of the
times in Korea today. Particularly the song "Answer of Soldiers" is loved
by officers and men of the Korean
People's Army as it reflects their confidence of certain victory.
    He has grown to be such a popular writer under the particular care of
Kim Jong Il. He began to be interested in
creative activities when he worked as a lathe operator in a factory, after
finishing a senior middle school in Jonchon
county, Jagang Province. During 15 years of work at the factory he acquired
fundamentals of literary creation and
wrote several simple poems and words of songs.
    Taking into consideration his uncommon talent for literature, Kim Jong
Il made sure that he was given an
opportunity to get professional training. Saying that Ryu is a talented
poet produced from among workers, he has
led him to improve his creative skill with loving care. At least 200 poems
and songs out of over 450 pieces of his
work have been completed under Kim Jong Il's guidance.
    Kim Jong Il saw and guided his works in 1997 alone on more than 40
occasions. Under such loving care he
wrote words of five songs this year alone, including "Our Home Is Soldiers'
Family" reflecting the idea of the
Workers' Party of Korea on attaching great importance to the military.

Kim Yong Nam meets Russian delegation

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, politburo member of the
central committee of the
Workers' Party of Korea and President of the presidium of the Supreme
People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and
had a talk with the delegation of the Russian Communist Workers' Party led
by V. Tyulkin, first secretary of its
central committee, in a friendly atmosphere at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
today. Choe Jin Su, vice-director of a
department of the central committee of the WPK, was present there.

’vreath laid before bust of Choe Kwang

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the bust of
Choe Kwang, who was a communist
revolutionary fighter and minister of the people's armed forces, at the
revolutionary martyrs' cemetery on Mt.
Taesong today on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of his death. Present
at the wreath-laying ceremony were Jo
Myong Rok, director of the general political department of the Korean
People's Army, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the
People's Armed Forces, generals, officers and the bereaved family.
    Wreaths and bouquets were laid before his bust in the name of the
ministry of the people's armed forces and
KPA units.
    The participants observed a silent tribute to his memory.

Greetings to Prime Minister of Saint Lucia

    Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, sent a message of
greetings to his Saint Lucia counterpart Kenny Anthony on the occasion of
the 21st anniversary of the independence
of Saint Lucia. The message extended felicitations to him, the government
and people, and wished the people of
Saint Lucia progress and prosperity.

For Spanish-speaking people

declaracion conjunta de ptc y ptd

    pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- quedo publicada el dia 19 en esta
capital la declaracion conjunta del partido
del trabajo de corea (ptc) y el partido de trabajadores de dominica (ptd).
ivan rodriguez, presidente del cc del ptd
visito del 12 al 19 de febrero del 89 (2000) de la era juche la republica
popular democratica de corea
correspondiendo a una invitacion del cc del ptc.
    la declaracion conjunta senala:
    en las conversaciones sostenidas durante su permanencia ambas partes se
informaron de las actividades de sus
respectivos partidos, intercambiaron opiniones sobre el mayor desarrollo de
sus relaciones de amistad, la situacion
internacional y otros problemas de interes mutuo y llegaron a la identidad
de criterios.
    el ptc evaluo altamente al ptd que con la bandera de la independencia
antiimperialista y del socialismo en alto
desarrolla energicamente en dominica la lucha contra la dominacion e
intervencion de los imperialistas, y por la
construccion de una sociedad democratica popular e independiente y la
unidad con los partidos revolucionarios y
exteriorizo apoyo y solidaridad a su lucha.
    el ptd evaluo altamente al ptc y el pueblo coreano que segun la
original direccion revolucionaria de dar prioridad
al ejercito del gran dirigente camarada kim jong il, secretario general del
ptc mantienen con firmeza la linea de dar
importancia a la ideologia, las fuerzas armadas y la ciencia y tecnica y
respondiendo con la intransigencia a la politica
de fuerza y con el principio revolucionario a la estrategia de
apaciguamiento de los imperialistas defienden
fidedignamente el baluarte del socialismo y manifesto firme solidaridad con
la lucha del ptc y el pueblo coreano por
lograr la aspiracion historica a la reunificacion de la patria.
    el ptc y ptd se apoyaran y cooperaran estrechamente tambien en el
futuro en el camino de la lucha comun por la
victoria de la causa del socialismo, la de la independencia de la
humanidad, con la bandera revolucionaria del
antiimperialismo y de la independencia en alto.

comision de investigacion de fdrp denuncia crimenes de tropas norteamericanas

    pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- las masacres perpetradas por los
imperialistas norteamericanos contra civiles
en el periodo de la pasada guerra coreana en la comuna de rogun, distrito
de yongdong, provincia de chungchong
del norte, masan, changnyong y sachon de la provincia de kyongsang del sur,
phyongthaek de la provincia de
kyonggi y otros lugares de sudcorea fueron reveladas recientemente por el
archivo nacional de ee.uu., los
documentos desclasificados de la capa militar de este pais asi como por las
declaraciones y testimonios de los
soldados de las tropas agesoras imperialistas yanquis participantes en esa
guerra, victimas y testigos del mismo lugar
de sudcorea causando indignacion al pueblo coreano y la conciencia de la
humanidad. la comision de investigacion
del frente democratico para la reunificaion de la patria (fdrp) que
organizada al principio de la guerra de la liberacion
de la patria se dedica a la averiguacion a las atrocidades criminales de
esas tropas agresoras yanquis publico el dia 19
acta de acusacion no.1 que comprende un periodo del 25 de junio al comienzo
de agosto de 1950 a fin de volver a
dar a conocer al mundo una parte de los datos investigados y comprobados
durante los 50 anos pasados.
    el documento revela con fechas y lugares los actos criminales que
perpetraron las tropas yanquis desde los
primeros dias de la provocacion de la guerra coreana: lanzaron bombardeo y
canonazo indiscriminales contra la parte
norte de corea asesinando asi a numerosos habitantes inocentes, destruyeron
y quemaron las viviendas y los bienes,
numerosas escuelas, hospitales, teatros y otras instalaciones culturales e
industriales dedicadas a fines pacificos.
    segun el documento, del 25 de junio al comienzo de agosto de 1950 los
yanquis mataron e hirieron a mas de 10
mil 730 habitantes inocentes, destruyeron y quermaron 14 mil 119 viviendas
y convirtieron en cenizas mas de 100
instalaciones culturales y de fabricas industriales pacifistas en la parte
norte de corea.
    y continua:
    todos los hechos comprueban que las barbaras atrocidades de asesinato y
destruccion indiscriminada
perpetradas por los imperialistas norteamericanos en el periodo de la
pasada guerra coreana son crimenes
antihumanos nunca perdonables y que ellos son asesinos y cabecillas de la
agresion, saqueo y destruccion y son
enemigos jurados del pueblo coreano.
    saldaremos la cuenta para la dignidad nacional de esas atrocidades
criminales perpetradas por los agresores
imperialistas yanquis contra el pueblo coreano durante el periodo de la
pasada guerra de liberacion de la patria.


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