TODAY'S NEWS (February.21.2001 Juche 90)



Honorary certificate awarded to Kim Jong Il from Mexico

Kim Jong Il sends wreath to bier of late Pak Song Bong

Re-building of Mt. Paektu area makes headway

Implementation of north-south joint declaration called for

Press conference at Russian embassy

Kim Jong Il's works published abroad

Poem dedicated to Kim Jong Il by Russian

Best and excellent players selected

Greetings to prime minister of Saint Lucia

South side's delegation here

For Spanish-speaking people


clausurada quinta exposicion de kimjongilia

mexico concede diploma de honor a dirigente kim jong il

"rodong sinmun" senala necesidad de ejecutar cabalmente declaracion conjunta

Honorary certificate awarded to Kim Jong Il from Mexico
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- The Puebla city government of Mexico
awarded the honorary city certificate to leader Kim Jong Il on his birthday.
An awarding ceremony was held at the city office on February 16.
    The director of the foreign relations department of the city government
said at the ceremony that it presented the honorary certificate, which has
been traditionally awarded only to great men, to Kim Jong Il in high
recognition of his immortal great contributions to achieving the progress
and well-being of humankind despite all the difficulties with his
outstanding wisdom and indomitable fortitude.
    The deputy mayor conveyed the honorary certificate to the Korean charge
d'affaires ad interim to Mexico.


Kim Jong Il sends wreath to bier of late Pak Song Bong
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il yesterday sent a
wreath to the bier of the late Pak Song Bong, member and first
vice-department director of the WPK Central Committee, expressing his deep
condolence over his death. Pak Song Bong died of a sudden illness on Feb.
20, Juche 90 (2001) at the age of 69.
    He energetically worked to push ahead with socialist construction and
increase defence capabilities, holding a responsible post at a party and
state economic institution.
    The C.C., WPK released an obituary on Tuesday.


Re-building of Mt. Paektu area makes headway
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Big efforts are being made in the DPRK
to spruce up and preserve well revolutionary sites, battlesites and relics.
The re-building of Mt. Paektu area is pushed forward as part of the efforts.
    In the period of the Japanese imperialists' military occupation and rule
over Korea, President Kim Il Sung waged an anti-Japanese armed struggle to
liberate the country on Mt. Paektu, which has been called the ancestral
mountain from the olden times, and its surrounding area.
    There is also a secret camp where leader Kim Jong Il was born.
    For these reasons, the Korean people consider Mt. Paektu as the holy
mountain of the revolution and the native place dear to their hearts.
    A large-scale rebuilding of Mt. Paektu area is now under way amid the
great concern of the people.
    There will spring up on Mt. Paektu a waiting room for lecturers and a
boarding house for cable-car operators. A project will be undertaken to
reinforce the steel towers for cable-car service and Paektu and Hyangdo
railway stations will be spruced up.
    A hall preserving revolutionary relics and a combined lecture ground and
various service facilities for excursionists will appear in the secret camp
on Mt. Paektu and power and communications networks will be improved in the
secret camps on Mt. Paektu, Mt. Sono, Mt. Kom and Mt. Kanbaek.
    Samjiyon county where the Mt. Paektu secret camp is situated will be
given a face-lifting.
    New streets will appear in township and 2-3 storey apartment houses of
diverse shapes will stand on their either side.
    Several bridges will span streams and children's parks will be built.
    More big service facilities including hotels for excursionists will be
built to accommodate an increasing number of visitors while public buildings
and dwelling houses renovated and all the buildings will be put under an
electric heating system. Rimyongsu, Phothae and Mubong areas will be dotted
with modern dwelling houses and service facilities commensurate with the new
    When the projects are completed, Mt. Paektu area will turn into a huge
open-air museum. 


Implementation of north-south joint declaration called for
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A master key to bringing about an
epochal phase in the struggle for national reunification this year is to
implement the north-south joint declaration to the letter, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    This is because the joint declaration indicates the way of the
independent reunification.
    The only way for reunification is for the Koreans to join hands with
each other and settle the reunification question independently in the basic
spirit of the joint declaration.
    It is also because the declaration clearly indicates the way of the
independent and peaceful reunification, and its implementation guarantees
national reconciliation and unity.
    In the joint declaration the north and the south agreed to orient toward
the reunification based on the co-existence of differing systems. this marks
a signal advance in the efforts for national reunification.
    There should be no distinction between the north and the south, the
authorities and civilians, ruling and opposition parties as far as the
implementation of the joint declaration is concerned.
    All the fellow countrymen should be responsible for its implementation.
    As the Korean nation, which is the driving force for national
reunification and responsible for it, has a key to it, the door of the
independent and peaceful reunification is bound to be opened.


Press conference at Russian embassy
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A press conference was held at the
russian embassy here yesterday on the occasion of "the day of the defenders
of the fatherland." Vladimir Dombrovski, military attache of the embassy, in
his speech referred to the bravery and exploits performed by the soviet
people in the second world war.
    Saying that the russian armed forces have the mission to guarantee state
military security and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
the country, he referred to the newly-set out military principle of the
russian federation.
    He stressed that the historic meeting and talks between Russian
President Putin and leader Kim Jong Il marked a new occasion in developing
the relations between the two countries.
    The participants saw a documentary film showing the features of the
russian armed forces.


Kim Jong Il's works published abroad
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- "On Preserving the Juche Character and
National Character of the Revolution and Construction," a work of leader Kim
Jong Il, was brought out in booklet by the Victorial Publishing House of
Pakistan on Feb. 15 on the occasion of his birthday. The work was published
on June 19, Juche 86 (1997).
    The work contains in an integral way the history of the Korean people's
struggle to adhere to the Juche character and national identity in the
revolution and construction and their experience.
    The director of the publishing house said that the work is a declaration
little short of dealing a heavy blow to the imperialists, and that it can be
written only by such an outstanding thinker and theoretician, extraordinary
politician and military genius as Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Jong Il's work "Socialism Is a Science" was published in booklet by
the Wilhelm Pieck Publishing House of Germany on Feb. 15.
    The work was published on November 1, Juche 83 (1994).
    The work clearly proves the scientific accuracy of socialism as an
inevitable result of the social development on the principles of Juche and
comprehensively sets out the idea of the intrinsic advantages of the
socialist society and its invincibility.


Poem dedicated to Kim Jong Il by Russian
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A poem "ever-lasting red flag of
faith" dedicated to leader Kim Jong Il was written by Kantamirov Leonid
Pablovic, Russian war veteran and poet. He in the poem called upon the
revolutionaries and peoples of the whole world to follow Kim Jong Il,
holding aloft the same ever-lasting red flag of faith as that fluttering in
the DPRK. 
    The history of the working-class revolutionary struggle records red
flags of the commune of Paris and the October revolution, the poem said, but
it is only the red flag of the Korean revolution that is fluttering still
today. Noting that one can see enduring vitality and spirit of Korea on the
red flag of the DPRK, the poem praised Kim Jong Il as its bearer and
    The red flag in the DPRK remains fadeless despite rain and snow, making
the blue sky in the era of independence turn red.
    The red flag, which conveys Kim Jong Il's immortal feats to posterity,
is a pride of Korea in the east, honour of our planet, hope of humankind and
a bright future of the world, it emphasized.


Best and excellent players selected
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Some sportsmen and sportswomen were
recently acknowledged as best and excellent players for the year Juche 89
(2000). According to the results of the examination by the credentials
committee for the technical qualifications of sportspersons, Ri Song Hui,
woman weightlifter, was selected as best player. Chosen as excellent players
are Kye Sun Hui, woman judoist= Kim Un Chol, boxer= Kang Yong Gyun, wrestler
of Greco-Roman style= Pak Ho Gil, Rim Hyon Chol and Kwon Mi Hyon, Go
players= Jin Ju Dong and Ri Yong Sam, wrestlers of freestyle, and Hong Myong
Hui, athlete. 
    People's sportswoman Ri Song Hui set a new world record at the 13th
Asian women's weightlifting championships held in Osaka, Japan, in may last
year and received the cup of the Asia weightlifting federation for the best
    Jin Ju Dong and Ri Yong Sam bagged gold medals in 54 kg and 58 kg
categories respectively at the 14th Asian freestyle wrestling championships
held in China. Rim Hyon Chol and Kwon Mi Hyon came first at the 11th
international amateur Go mixed double championships.
    The other excellent players gave a good account of themselves at a
number of international and national sports games last year.


Greetings to prime minister of Saint Lucia
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Premier Hong Song Nam of the DPRK
cabinet sent a message of greetings to Kenny Anthony, prime minister of
Saint Lucia, on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of its independence.
Expressing the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries
would continue to develop on good terms in the new century, too, the message
wished the people of Saint Lucia progress and prosperity.


South side's delegation here
     Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A south side's delegation arrived here
today to attend the first meeting of the subcommittee for preventing flood
damage in the area along the River Rimjin of the committee for promoting
economic cooperation between the north and the south. The delegation was met
at the airport by north side's delegates to the subcommittee meeting.


For Spanish-speaking people

clausurada quinta exposicion de kimjongilia
     pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- ayer fue clausurada la quinta
exposicion de kimjongilia inaugurada el dia 14 en el palacio de estudio del
pueblo en pyongyang. mas de 500 mil personas recorrieron mas de 7 000
kimjongilias exhibidas esta vez.
    en el acto de clausura fueron adjudicados el premio mejor, el premio
excelente, el premio al merito, el premio al trabajo y los diplomas de
reconocimiento a las unidades que contribuyeron grandemente al aseguramiento
exitoso de la presente edicion.
    tambien, fueron conferidos el premio al trabajo y los diplomas de
reconocimiento a los destacados trabajadores, militares y estudiantes.
    jang chol, presidente de la federacion de kimjongilia de corea al hacer
uso de la palabra dijo que la quinta edicion fue un festival de flores que
refleja fervorosos sentimientos de elogio, veneracion y votos del pueblo
coreano, los coreanos residentes en el ultramar y la humanidad progresista
del mundo quienes respetan infinitamente como el sol del siglo 21 al
estimado general kim jong il.


mexico concede diploma de honor a dirigente kim jong il
     pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- el gobierno de la ciudad de puebla
de mexico concedio el diploma de honor de la ciudad al gran dirigente kim
jong il con motivo de su cumpleanos. el acto de otorgamiento tuvo lugar el
dia 16 en el ayuntamiento.
    en el acto el jefe de departamento de relaciones exteriores del gobierno
de la ciudad dijo que el diploma de honor de la ciudad de puebla que se
concede tradicionalmente a los grandes hombres se otorga esta vez al
estimado general kim jong il en alta evaluacion a sus grandes hazanas e
inmortal contribucion a los esfuerzos por el progreso y el bienestar de la
humanidad sobreponiendose a todos los obstaculos, con su excepcional
presciencia e indoblegable lucha.
    el subalcalde lo entrego al encargado de nogocios a.i. de la rpdc en su


"rodong sinmun" senala necesidad de ejecutar cabalmente declaracion conjunta
     pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" inserto
en el numero de hoy un articulo individual que senala: la llave principal
para registrar este ano un viraje trascendental en el cumplimiento de la
causa de reunificacion de la patria radica en cumplir estrictamente la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur.
    la ejecucion cabal de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur es la llave
principal de la solucion del problema de la reunificacion del pais porque
esta declaracion indica el camino de la reunificacion independiente. el
unico camino para la reunificacion es resolverla de manera independiente con
las fuerzas propias de la nacion coreana de acuerdo con el espiritu
fundamental de esta declaracion.
    otra razon por la cual la ejecucion cabal de dicha declaracion es la
llave principal para realizar la reunificacion de la patria reside en que
esta declaracion dilucida claramente los medios de lograrla de manera
independiente y pacifica y que dicha ejecucion propicia lograr la
reconciliacion y la unidad nacionales. en el documento el norte y el sur se
comprometen a lograr la reunificacion basada en la coexistencia de sus
regimenes diferentes, lo que constituye un avance trascendental en el camino
para la reunificacion de la patria.
    deben ser duenos de la ejecucion de esta declaracion todos los coreanos:
el norte y el sur, sus autoridades, los hombres civiles y las fuerzas en el
poder y de oposicion.
    se lograra ciertamente la reunificacion independiente y pacifica de la
patria cuya llave la tiene la nacion coreana, encargada y duena de esta

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