Kim Yong Nam meets foreign guests

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, separately met and conversed with Zivadin Jovanovic,
Yugoslav Foreign Minister, and his
party and a delegation of the Palestine Liberation Organization headed by
Zakaria al Agha, member of the executive
committee of the PLO and director of its Arab and international relations
department, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
    Zivadin Jovanovic said that Yugoslavia highly appreciates the
solidarity expressed by the Korean leadership and
people with it during the NATO aggression against it.
    Noting that the position of Yugoslavia to develop the friendly
relations with the DPRK remains unchanged, he
stressed that Yugoslavia will boost cooperation with the DPRK in all fields
on the basis of mutual respect and trust.
    He hoped the Korean people would achieve greater success in the
struggle to achieve their aim under the wise
guidance of the great leader Kim Jong Il.
    Zakaria al Agha said that the friendly relations between the DPRK and
Palestine are based on the close intimacy
forged between the President Kim Il Sung and President Yasser Arafat and
this friendship will grow stronger and
develop in the interests of the two peoples.
    Holding that Korea's reunification should be achieved by a confederacy
formula set forth by President Kim Il
Sung, he declared the Palestinian people would further strengthen positive
support and solidarity with the just cause
of the Korean people.

Senior DPRK officials meet foreign guests

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme
People's Assembly, met and
conversed with Zivadin Jovanovic, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia, and his party at the
Mansudae Assembly Hall on sunday.
    At the meeting the foreign minister said that the relations between the
two countries are developing on the basis
of mutual respect and trust, and cooperation in various fields, including
mutual visits of the two parliamentary
delegations, will grow stronger in the future, too.
    Paek Nam Sun, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today met and conversed with
the delegation of the Palestine
Liberation Organization headed by Zakaria al Agha, member of the executive
committee of the PLO and director of
its Arab and international relations department.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Palestinian President

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from Yasser Arafat,
President of the State of Palestine, chairman of the executive committee of
the Palestine Liberation Organization and
head of the Palestinian National Authority.
    It was handed to an official concerned by Zakaria al Agha, member of
the executive committee of the PLO and
director of its Arab and international relations department who is the head
of the PLO delegation on a visit to Korea.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from the Foreign Minister of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and his party on a visit to the DPRK.
    It was handed to DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun by Yugoslav Foreign
Minister Zivadin Jovanovic.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from PLO delegation

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from the delegation of the
Palestine Liberation Organization.
    Zakaria al Agha, member of the executive committee of the PLO and
director of its Arab and international
relations department, on a visit to Korea handed it to an official concerned.

Yugoslav Foreign Minister interviewed

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Zivadin Jovanovic, Yugoslav Foreign
Minister, at a press interview here
today, expressed deep gratitude to the DPRK for the support and solidarity
manifested with the Yugoslav people in
their struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their country.
    He extended full support to the stand of the DPRK on achieving the
country's reunification independently and
peacefully free from foreign interference.
    He expressed the conviction that their visit to Korea would contribute
to developing the friendly and cooperative
relations between Yugoslavia and the DPRK.
    The foreign minister sincerely hoped that the Korean people would foil
sanctions and blockade imposed by the
imperialists and build a powerful nation under the wise guidance of the
great leader Kim Jong Il.

Meeting of KPA company political instructors

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- A meeting of company political
instructors of the Korean People's Army
was held in Pyongyang on February 26 and 27.
    The meeting reviewed the achievements and experience in the party
political work of strengthening companies,
the main combat unit of the people's army, and discussed the tasks to bring
about a revolutionary turn in the political
and military strengthening of companies in conformity with the development
of the Korean Revolutionary Armed
Forces and the requirements of the Juche revolution in the new era.
    Present at the meeting were Jo Myong Rok, director of the general
political department of the KPA, Kim Yong
Chun, chief of KPA general staff, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's
Armed Forces, and KPA vice marshals and
commanders of all services and arms.
    The participants listened to the recorded teachings given by the
President Kim Il Sung at the meeting of KPA
company political instructors on December 25, Juche 80 (1991).
    At the meeting Jo Myong Rok conveyed a congratulatory message of the
central military commission of the
Worker's Party of Korea to the participants.
    The congratulatory message sent warm congratulations to all the company
political instructors in the people's
army who are actively contributing to defending the defence line of the
fatherland as firm as an iron wall while
sharing life and death, bitters and sweets with soldiers in rain or snow
and to building a rich and strong country.
    Company political instructors helped toward preparing all the soldiers
to be human bombers of Ri Su Bok type,
self-blasting warriors of Kil Yong Jo type who absolutely worship, follow
and devotedly defend the Supreme
Commander Kim Jong Il in any adversity and trial, said the congratulatory
    It highly praised company political instructors for greatly
contributing to strengthening the combat power of the
people's army and completing combat preparations by firmly building up
companies as iron-like militant ranks in
response to the army-first politics of Kim Jong Il.
    KPA general Hyon Chol Hae made a report at the meeting.
    He referred to the achievements made in strengthening the revolutionary
armed forces since the meeting of
company political instructors was held in the presence of Kim Il Sung and
Kim Jong Il.
    He said that numerous companies grew into three-revolution red flag
companies, twice and thrice
three-revolution red flag companies and more than 280 DPRK heroes and
labour heroes were produced in the last 8
years of carrying through the last instructions of the President and the
words of the Supreme Commander.
    He called for building up companies as militant ranks full of the
spirit of devotedly defending the leader, the
spirit of human bomb and suicide bombers, establishing the revolutionary
system of command and strict military
discipline in the companies and improving officer-men relations,
army-people relations and the material and cultural
life of servicemen.
    He called for all the companies to conduct the three-revolution red
flag movement more vigorously with the
"movement for the title of O Jung Hup seventh regiment" as the general
direction of military and political work, so
that all of them may win the three-revolution red flag of higher degree on
the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the
    Speeches were made at the meeting.

Korean pheasants

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Pheasants are being massively
propagated in Korea.
    Recent years witnessed a sharp increase of pheasants in their number.
They are found not only in the area
around Mt. Paektu in the northern tip of the country but in all other parts
of it.
    There are many farms across the country that breed many pheasants. They
let them fly in mountains and
conduct brisk activities to provide good habitats for them.
    About 40 varieties of pheasants are known to exist in the world which
are largely divided into two categories
Korean and Japanese.
    A Korean pheasant has a long neck and tail.
    Many countries are improving breed of pheasants by using Korean
pheasants as a pure stock for they are
known for big bodies, good taste of their flesh and strong fertility and
    Flesh of pheasants is used not only as good tonic but for the treatment
of stomach, gall and roundworm
    Their beautiful feathers are used for decoration.
    The central committee of the DPRK natural conservation union is busy
disseminating science and technology on
Korean pheasants and protecting and propagating them with the approach of
the world bird conference slated to be
held in 2002.

Cambodian saved by KPA soldier

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Han Jae Hak, a soldier of Kim In Guk
unit of the Korean People's Army,
saved a Cambodian from danger at the risk of his life on Feb. 20. That day
the foreigner was taking a walk on ice in
the coastal waters. At about 5. 50 p.m. The ice was broken so that he took
a layer of ice, floating to sea.
    At that time Han Jae Hak noticed him while on duty. As soon as he
reported the fact to his unit commander, he
ran toward him.
    He jumped into the sea without delay and pushed the layer of the ice on
which the foreigner was to the shore by
exerting all his efforts for over one hour in the iced water. And then he
fell unconscious.
    He was restored to life by the first-aid treatment of the soldiers and
citizens who arrived there later. Refusing to
accept the foreigners' request to go to their lodging he left for his post,
saying he was on a duty.
    A foreigner who was moved by the self-sacrificing deed of Han Jae Hak said:
    "The Korean People's Army reared by Marshal Kim Jong Il is quite
different from the others. This fact can be
found only in Korea. I extend thanks to Kim Jong Il for having trained
these excellent soldiers."

Family of servicemen blessed by great leaders

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- There is a family of servicemen that
enjoys particular love and respect
from the people in the DPRK.
    It is the family of the Korean People's Army officer Om Pok Sun, 47,
whose 5 members all serve in the army.
    Om Pok Sun volunteered to join the KPA at a time when the situation on
the Korean peninsula was on the brink
of war due to the "Pueblo" incident sparked by the U.S.
    In the course of her service at the woman coastal battery, she realized
how dear the motherland was to her and
came to have the faith that the defence of the country was the greatest
patriotic devotion.
    The President Kim Il Sung inspected the battery in March, 1972.
    She had the honor of presenting the President with a bunch of flowers.
    He instructed the women soldiers to defend the country's coast as firm
as an iron-wall, saying it is very good
that women in charge of one of the two wheels of the revolution are
standing guard over the coastal post.
    Om has remained true to his instruction throughout her military service
and in the days after her discharge from
the army.
    She got married to an army officer. She made up her mind to give birth
to children and let them stand at the
defence post where she had done.
    Her wish came true 20 years later. She brought up a son and two
daughters and let them join the KPA. Her
elder daughter Son Kyong Sil was sent to serve at the same coastal battery
that she did.
    Son Kyong Sil had the special honor of being received by General
Secretary Kim Jong Il during his on-site
guidance to the battery in November, 1997.
    He was greatly satisfied to learn that Son Kyong Sil was standing guard
over the post to succeed to her mother
and acquainted himself in detail with what her family was doing.
    He spared time to meet Om Pok Sun and her husband and told them about
their daughter in January, 1998,
busy as he was providing the army-first revolutionary leadership.
    Taking into consideration the loyalty of Om who was devotedly working
in the revolutionary spirit of soldiers,
always considering herself to be in the army, even after her discharge, he
showed such loving care for her as letting
he rejoin the army and work as a political officer.
    And on Feb. 17 this year he asked all of them to come to see him so as
to arrange a meeting of the members of
her family serving at the different posts.
    He highly praised them as the first family of revolutionary servicemen,
and called on the whole country to
follow their example. He had a picture taken with them and hosted a
luncheon for them.
    Greatly inspired by this profound trust and love, Om Pok Sun's family
is firmly determined to uphold with
loyalty Kim Jong Il's army-first revolutionary leadership as a model of
revolutionary families of servicemen.

Korean people's struggle supported

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Hannu Harju, chairman of the Communist
Worker's Party of Finland for
Peace and Socialism, who was heading the party delegation which visited the
DPRK to congratulate General
Secretary Kim Jong Il on his birthday was interviewed by KCNA before his
    He said that during his stay he came to know well about the Worker's
Party of Korea which is conducting its
independent and creative activities in conformity with the interest of its
people and the reality of the country.
    He continued:
    The great exploits and experience established by the WPK in the party
building and activities, the revolution and
construction should be followed by all revolutionary parties in the world.
The WPK is now dignified as the most
powerful, ever-victorious and invincible party.
    Kim Jong Il is strengthening and developing the WPK into the
revolutionary party which holds Kim Il Sung in
high esteem as its leader and teacher and into the militant party which is
conducting its activities guided by his
revolutionary idea.
    There will be victory and glory ahead of the Korean people as they are
led by the great party, the WPK.
    Although imperialists are uttering the cry that Korean socialism will
collapse, it is a downright lie.
    The socialism built in Korea is the best and ideal society that should
be defended and is longed for by
    Our party will in the future, too, extend positive support and
solidarity to the workers' party and people of
Korea in their struggle to defend socialism to the last under the difficult

U.S. wild dream to stifle DPRK remains unchanged

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed
commentary denouncing the U.S.
for continuously staging joint military exercises against the DPRK this
year, saying that they are needed to cope with
"possible provocation" by the DPRK.
    "Possible provocation" is nothing but a fabrication, the commentary
says, and continues: The DPRK has neither
threatened nor provoked the U.S.
    The U.S. purpose is to strengthen the triangular military alliance of
the U.S., Japan and South Korea under the
pretext of the "possible provocation" by the DPRK and thus stifle it
through the massive military interference.
    We will further strengthen our self-defensive power if the U.S.
continues its moves to militarily stifle the
    It is our unchangeable stand to answer strength with strength and
aggressive war with revolutionary war.
    The U.S. is not interested in effective talks and improved relations
but hell-bent on provoking a war to stifle the
DPRK. If the U.S. employs double-dealing tactics, we will go our own way.

Talks between WPK and PLO

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Talks between the delegations of the
Worker's Party of Korea and the
Palestine Liberation Organization were held here on Feb. 27.
    At the talks they informed each other of their party activities and
exchanged views on developing friendly
relations between the two parties and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    The WPK side was represented by Kim Yang Gon, department director of
the c.c. of the party, and other
officials concerned and the other side by members of the PLO delegation
headed by Zakaria al Agha, member of the
executive committee of the PLO and director of its Arab and international
relations department.

Talks between DPRK and Yugoslav foreign ministers

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Talks between DPRK Foreign Minister
Paek Nam Sun and his Yugoslav
counterpart Zivadin Jovanovic were held here on Feb. 27.
    At the talks they informed of the situation of their countries and
exchanged views on the relations between the
two countries and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    On hand were vice foreign minister Pak Tong Chun and other officials
concerned and those accompanying the
Yugoslav Foreign Minister and charge d'affaires ad interim of the Yugoslav
embassy here Milorad Kosovac.

Spokesman of FM on Korea visit of Russian FM

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry
of the DPRK today answered a
question put by KCNA as regards the visit to the DPRK of the Foreign
Minister of the Russian Federation.
    He said:
    As already reported, the Russian Foreign Minister, I. S. Ivanov,
visited the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea between February 9 and 10.
    The Foreign Minister conveyed regards to General Secretary Kim Jong Il
from V.V. Putin, acting president and
Prime Minister of the government of the Russian Federation, and his
personal letter carrying the willingness to
upgrade the traditional relations of friendship between the two countries.
    During his stay in Pyongyang Foreign Minister Ivanov paid a courtesy
call on the President of the presidium of
the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.
    Talks were held between the foreign ministers of the two countries and
cordial and friendly negotiations took
place between military, trade and economic officials from the DPRK and Russia.
    At the open-hearted and in-depth talks and negotiations the two sides
agreed to comprehensively expand and
upgrade the bilateral relations in political, economic, military and all
other fields.
    In particular, the recent signing of the DPRK-Russia treaty of
friendship, good-neighborliness and cooperation
marked an important occasion in putting the bilateral relations onto a new
higher stage.
    Under the treaty the two sides are fully obliged to upgrade the
friendly relations on the principle of mutual
respect to national sovereignty, non-interference in other's internal
affairs, equality, reciprocity, territorial integrity
and other recognized international laws, and the two signatories are fully
obliged neither to conclude with a third
country any pact agreement nor to join in any action and measure against
the sovereignty, independence and
territorial integrity of the other.
    The two sides recognized that to achieve the reunification of Korea on
the three principles of independence,
peaceful reunification and great national unity fully accords with the
national interests of the Korean people and it is
a great contribution to world peace and security.
    They stressed the need to take a joint action against all moves for
aggression and war that threaten the
sovereignty and stability of a sovereign state, all manner of terrorism and
maneuverings against the reunification.
    Besides, the two sides had a wide-ranging and in-depth exchange of
views on a series of international issues of
mutual concern and confirmed that their stand was identical on the most of
    And the two sides were of the views that the U.S. intention to build
"unipolar world" and its moves to establish
the "National Missile Defence" system and the plan to wild the "Theatre
Missile Defense" system pushed by the
U.S. and Japan pose a grave threat to northeast Asia and world peace and
security and that a "missile threat" from
the DPRK does not exist. And the two sides agreed to closely cooperate in
the international arena to frustrate those
    The Russian Foreign Minister's visit to the DPRK and the signing of the
new treaty marked an important
occasion in developing the relations between the two countries based on the
long-standing friendship in conformity
with a new situation.
    It is the view of the DPRK that the relations of friendship and good
neighborliness between the DPRK and
Russia will dynamically develop in the future, too, by the concerted
efforts of the two sides in the spirit of the new

New type of laser weapon to be deployed

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The U.S. forces stationed in South
Korea are stepping up a plan to deploy
air-loaded laser weapon now under development by the U.S. airforce, in
addition to the existing missile defence
systems, under the signboard of "interception of medium- and long-range
missiles" of someone, according to
Yonhap News from Seoul.
    A U.S. high-ranking officer in South Korea said on Feb. 25 that the
U.S. airforce recently dispatched an
investigation group as an initial stage of this plan to survey and analyze
the atmospheric conditions of the Korean
peninsula and the group has already carried out flight missions on more
than 40 occasions and plans to make 2 or 3
more flights in order to survey the atmosphere.
    The U.S. is bluffing that when the weapons are installed in planes of
various type they can "destroy missile
bases" and "intercept long-range artillery and medium- and long-range

S. Korean rulers' crimes disclosed

    Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed
article disclosing the crimes
committed by the rulers of the "people's government" in South Korea in two
years of their office.
    South Korea has been seriously ruined in political, economic, cultural
and all other fields. This grim situation is
attributable to the authorities' flunkeyist, fascist and treacherous
misrule, the article says, and goes on:
    The South Korean chief executive begged for the U.S. aggression forces'
permanent presence in South Korea,
arguing that their presence "does not injure independence of South Korea"
and that "they should still remain in
South Korea even after the reunification of Korea."
    The South Korean authorities have engaged themselves in pro-Japanese
treacherous deed. They sold Tok Islet,
an inalienable territory of Korea, and fishing ground surrounding it to
Japan, decided to call the Japanese king
representing the criminal Japanese "Emperor" and opened door of South Korea
to the Japanese corrupt "pop
    They have turned South Korea into a harsher fascist society against
democracy than in the former dictatorial
    Their "people-veiled" fascist rule, the rotten politics, has reduced
the South Korean economy into total
bankruptcy, producing 8 million jobless people, 13 million absolute poor
and 1.1 million lunatics.
    Their heinous crime in the two years of office is that they laid a more
stumbling block in the way of national
    The present chief executive told without hesitation that "the
reunification will not be realized during his term of
office" and "he will leave this issue to his successor."
    The South Korean ruling quarters have taken the lead in carrying into
practice the "operation plan 5027-98", the
U.S.'s scenario of war against the DPRK, while crying that they would
continuously pursue the "policy of
engagement toward the north" under the "support" of the outside forces.
    They ran wild to develop and deploy long-range missiles capable of
attacking the whole territory of the north,
staged war exercises such as "Foal Eagle" and "Ulji focus lens" with the
U.S. aggression forces and committed
armed provocations against the north at the West Sea of Korea.
    As long as they are allowed to stay in power, South Korea can never
escape from the yoke of double colonial
subjugation by the United States and Japan and it is impossible to realize
its people's desire for democracy and
reunification. As a result, South Korea has gone to ruin in all fields of
politics, economy and culture.
    This is the lesson the South Korean people have again drawn from the
two years' rule by the "people's
    There is no future for traitors.
    If the South Korean authorities are insisting on the flunkeyist,
fascist, anti-reunification and confrontation
treacherous policies, they will only face a bitter curse and denunciation
by the people and be thrown into the
scrap-heap of history.

S. Korean authorities' intensified military provocations

   Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities are
persisting in military provocations in
waters under the DPRK's military control at the West Sea of Korea these
days, thus further aggravating tensions.
    As known, the DPRK, through a special communique of the general staff
of the Korean People's Army dated
September 2, 1999, clarified the Military Demarcation Line at the West Sea
of Korea and solemnly declared that the
"Northern Limit Line" set by the U.S. in an arbitrary and brigandish way is
invalid and its right to defend the MDL
at the West Sea of Korea will be exercised by various means and methods.
    Nevertheless, the South Korean authorities have illegally infiltrated
"ROK" army warships into waters under
our military control.
    These warships are still violating these waters under the pretext of
the "Northern Limit Line" unilaterally set by
the U.S. masters. Worse still, they are crossing and recrossing the "limit
line" like cat burglars as they did on
February 22 and 25.
    What cannot be overlooked is the fact that the South Korean authorities
set the "period for perfecting combat
preparations" from February 20 to march 30 and have drastically amassed
up-to-date war equipment in this zone in
view of the "lesson drawn from the naval battle at Yonphyong."
    Recently alone, they introduced a new type of 155 mm self-propelled
howitzers and a large quantity of shells
into Paekryong and Yongphyong islets. On February 23 and 24 including
mid-February, they staged a "test-firing"
under the simulated conditions of a battle to "destroy" warships of the north.
    In addition, they additionally deployed many guided weapons launchers
in islets in waters under our military
control including Paekryong, Taechong, Sochong and Yonphyong islets.
    The South Korean military have reorganized the commanding system of the
"ROK" army units deployed on the
west coast and dispatched high-level warmongers including commanders of the
second fleet and the marine corps to
five islets at the west sea including Paekryong Islet to examine the
"combat capabilities" and stage war exercises
under various names.
    We cannot but take a more serious view of these ill-boding developments
as they are timed to coincide with
those moves.
    All facts fully show that the South Korean authorities, encouraged by
the U.S., are openly preparing for a new
conflict at the west sea of Korea in a bid to use it as a pretext to ignite
a war of aggression on the DPRK.
    They should clearly know that our people's army is sharply following
every movement of the enemy with a
heightened vigilance and act with discretion, properly judging what will
follow the present silence.
    They will be held wholly responsible for all the serious consequences
to be entailed by their reckless acts.


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