Communist Web
Wednesday 1st March 2000 9.30pm gmt

East Timor:
The situation on the ground

Ceu Brites was member of the Pacific Concerns Resource Centre
(PCRC)/Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific (NFIP) Executive Board between
1996 and 1999. She works for the East Timor Relief Association (ETRA) which
comes under the umbrella of the National Council of Timorese Resistance
(CNRT). Ceu returned to East Timor in late September last year to help with
the rebuilding of East Timor as the first wave of UN Peacekeepers moved
into the island. The following is the report (abridged) that she sent to
the Pacific News Bulletin in late December 1999 about the
experiences of the building process.

Tension and controversy

The current situation can be said to be the first period of the first three
months since the international Force for East Timor (INTERFET) landed in
Timor Lorosae.

This period is probably the most tense and controversial one due to two
reasons. One is the uncertain situation regarding security, which led to
"Operation Stability" led by Australian forces under the INTERFET umbrella.

The second problem was the issue of a "mandate". No one knew exactly what
the United Nations Assistance Mission for East Timor (UNAMET) was supposed
to do in Timor Lorosae, no one knew exactly what was the role of the
National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT), no one knew exactly what
was the role of Portugal and no one knew exactly who was supposed to be in
charge of law and order in the territory.

This uncertainty contributed to the high level of tension and controversy,
which characterised this first three-month period in East Timor since
INTERFET landed... 

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