Choe Thae Bok meets Italian parliamentary delegation

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme
People's Assembly of the DPRK,
met and conversed with the visiting delegation of parliamentarians from the
Democratic Union for the Republic of
Italy led by Guido Folloni, member of the senate, at the Mansudae Assembly
Hall today.

Congratulatory message to Finnish President

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, today sent a congratulatory message to Tarja Halonen
on his assumption of office as
President of Finland.
    The message wished the President success in his responsible work for
the prosperity of the country and
expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two countries would further develop on
good terms.

Reception at Yemeni embassy

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Awadh Abdulah Ali Mashbah, charge d'
affaires of the Yemeni embassy here,
hosted a reception at the embassy on Feb. 29 on the occasion of the
birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    The charge d'affaires in his speech said that the birth of Kim Jong Il
on Mt. Paektu is a great auspicious event
and joy not only for the Korean people but also for the world progressives.
    He said it is under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il that the Korean
people are displaying indomitable spirit in
face of the enemies' wicked and harsh blockade.
    The relations between the two countries are now developing day by day
under the leadership of President Ali
Abdullah Saleh and Kim Jong Il, he said, adding that these relations will
be expanded and developed in all fields in
the future, too.
    Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, in his speech
said that the DPRK-Yemen friendship is a precious one provided by the great
leader Kim Il Sung in his lifetime
together with the state leaders of Yemen and today the peoples of the two
countries are deepening the bonds of
friendship, supporting and cooperating with each other.
    He noted that Kim Jong Il always pays deep attention to developing the
friendly and cooperative relations
between the two countries on good terms. We will do our best to further
consolidate and develop the bonds of
friendship with Yemen true to the intention of Kim Jong Il, he added.

Paektusan Cup sports contest closes

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The Paektusan Cup sports contest which
opened on Feb. 4 on the occasion of
the greatest auspicious February holiday of the nation closed yesterday.
    Athlete Kim Ryong Chol of the Kigwancha Sports Group and woman athlete
Pyo Un Suk of the Sobaeksu
Sports Group respectively came first in the man and woman marathon race.
    The Amnokgang Sports Group, the Pyongyang City Sports Group, the April
25 Sports Group and the
Sobaeksu Sports Group won the basketball and volleyball games.
    And players gave a good account of themselves in boxing, speed skating,
figure skating and other events.

Satellite data processing technology perfected in Korea

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- scientists of the DPRK have put the method
of processing satellite information
on a scientific basis.
    Those at the institute for system of telemetering and information on
physical geography under the academy of
sciences completed the technology of processing satellite information by
Korean-style computer programme, thus
updating the interpretation and processing of satellite information needed
for development of the national economy.
    They perfected the method of interpreting and processing satellite data
on forest resources by computer, which
makes it possible to put on a scientific basis the estimation of forest
area by types, boundary and range of
distribution of plants by species, growth of forest and right number of
plants on right places.
    They also newly defined the method of raising the rate of land utility
to the full for grain output and
development of stockbreeding. This method helps estimate on a scientific
basis the area sown with seeds of varieties
of grain, crop conditions according to seasons and harvest prospects.
    Meanwhile, mathematical patterns and information processing method were
perfected to testify geological
features of the country and fields of underground resources on a scientific
basis. As a result, the circumstance of the
subterranean heat and position of spas and underground waters have been
confirmed with new fields of various
minerals such as coal and copper discovered.
    In addition to them, those scientists completed the maritime analytical
method from a new angle whereby to
confirm marine resources and oceanographic features objectively and correctly.

Kim Jong Il's immortal feats in defending socialism

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The revolutionary history of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il shines as that of a
defender of justice as he has firmly defended and glorified the cause of
socialism with rare wisdom and outstanding
leadership, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    The article goes on: Kim Jong Il's famous work "Abuses of Socialism Are
Intolerable" made public on March
1, Juche 82 (1993) holds an important place in his glorious history because
in the work he frustrated a reactionary
"theory" of the enemy of the revolution with his farsighted wisdom and
scientific logic and provided an ideological
and theoretical weapon whereby to defend the cause of socialism to the end.
    The validity and vitality of the work lie, above all, in that the
Korean people, taking socialism as their faith, are
firmly defending and glorifying Korean-style socialism. In the work he laid
bare with scientific logic the reactionary
nature of the imperialists' assertion that socialism is an inhuman society
devoid of any freedom and democracy.
    The work deeply convinced the Korean people that the wind sent by the
imperialists and social democrats to
allure people is a corrupt way of life, the way of seeking only personal
comfort and luxury, the wind of
liberalization intended to introduce the capitalist political mode and
undermine socialism under the cloak of
"democracy" and a counter-revolutionary trend designed to force people to
give up their anti-imperialist struggle and
disarm them ideologically under the watchword of a "new way of thinking."
    The Korean people have further consolidated the single-hearted unity of
the whole society under the
strengthened party leadership when the imperialists talked about
"democracy", and thoroughly implemented the line
of building an independent economy under the uplifted banner of
self-reliance, tightening their belts, when others
went in for "reform" and "opening".
    The validity and vitality of the work also lie in that it visualized a
bright future to the revolutionary people of the
world aspiring after socialism and encouraged them to turn out in a
courageous struggle to revive socialism.
    In the work a profound analysis was made of deviations manifested in
socialist construction and their
consequences, and the essence and advantages of true socialism were
comprehensively clarified.
    Brisk activities are under way among the revolutionary parties,
progressive social organizations and people
from all walks of life in the world to study and disseminate famous works
of Kim Jong Il, including "Abuses of
Socialism Are Intolerable" and "Socialism Is a Science."
    An ever-growing number of the world people are aspiring after
socialism, saying socialism is an ideal of
humankind and a society representing its future.

Ro Chol Ho and his daughter welcomed

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- A Pyongyang mass meeting was held on
February 29 in welcome of Ro Chol
Ho and his daughter who have defected to the North Korea.
    At the meeting a DPRK order was awarded to Ro Chol Ho and prize money
and souvenirs to him and his
    Vice-chairman of the Pyongyang city people's committee Choe Yun Sik in
his welcome address warmly
welcomed them in the name of the Pyongyang citizens, saying their defection
was a due resistance against the South
Korean society which has been turned into a living hell by the harsh
colonial rule and corrupt politics of the U.S.
and their stooges.
    Ro Chol Ho in his reply referred to the honor of being awarded a state
order and his emotion of receiving a
large sum of prize money though he did nothing for the country and the
nation. He extended warmest thanks to the
great leader Kim Jong Il for opening a way of his rebirth and giving him a
true life.
    Experiencing and witnessing the realities of the north, he has been
convinced more than once of the truth that
the rise and fall of a nation is influenced by a leader, he said, and stressed:
    Kim Jong Il, a great sage of Tangun's nation born of heaven and sun of
a reunified country, is the national
prestige and power of the DPRK shining all over the world, the happiness of
posterity and the eternal heaven of our
    He said he would hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem and do his best to
bring earlier the day when they will enjoy
happiness in a reunified country generation after generation.

Over 190 espionage flights

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. lets strategic and tactical
reconnaissance planes of different types fly
for aerial espionage on the DPRK on over 190 occasions in February,
according to the military sources.
    "RC-135" strategic reconnaissance plane carried out aerial espionage on
five occasions, an "E-8C" airborne
commanding, warning and control plane on over 20 occasions and "U-2" high
altitude reconnaissance plane on over
30 occasions.

KCNA on piffle of anti-reunification element

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- South Korean "Minister of Unification" Pak
Jae Gyu in a recent "written
interview" with Yonhap News talked nonsense that the north is, in fact,
interested in the "engagement policy"
though it is outwardly critical of it.
    This jargon let loose by him out of abnormal thinking is a mockery of
our principled stand bitterly critical of the
"engagement policy."
    As already known, the South Korean rulers' loudmouthed "engagement
policy" is an extremely reactionary and
criminal policy of confrontation with the north, the policy aimed at
leading the north to "reform and opening" on the
basis of "security" and finally to collapse.
    As far as "economic exchange and cooperation", the core of the
"engagement policy," is concerned, it is nothing
but a foolish attempt to poison the people of the north and a
window-dressing to cover up their ill-natured intention
to invade the north.
    It is the height of absurdity for them to assert that the north is
"positively interested in such engagement policy."

    This only betrays their foolish attempt to make the "engagement policy"
workable on the north, come what may.

Bikini tragedy should not be repeated

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The imperialists' moves for nuclear
weaponization should be checked so as
not to repeat Bikini tragedy, stresses Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
article dedicated to the 46th anniversary of
the H-bomb test committed by the U.S. in Bikini Island.
    The article says:
    The Bikini tragedy proved that the imperialists are the nuclear
fanatics who threaten the existence of humankind
and harass peace.
    Saying that the U.S. is resorting to nuclear politics to repeat Bikini
tragedy, the article discloses that it applies
double standards in dealing with the nuclear issue.
    Japan, the only country that suffered from nuclear calamities, is going
to have nuclear bombs in contravention
of its people's desire and to use them for overseas aggression, the article
says, stressing that it should never be
    It goes on:
    As long as the imperialists remain and nuclear weapons exist in the
world, humankind can never evade such
causalities as the Bikini tragedy.
    The world peace-loving people should unite and wage an active struggle
to foil the imperialists' reckless moves
for nuclear arms buildup and completely eliminate all nuclear weapons.
    This is the only way of helping humankind get rid of the second and
third Bikini tragedies.

Japan urged to liquidate past

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Hong Son Ok , chairperson of the Measure
Committee for Demanding
Compensation to "Comfort Women for the Army" and the Victims of the Pacific
War, yesterday issued a statement
to the press, denouncing Japan for getting overheated in the anti-DPRK
campaign, embellishing its criminal history
instead of honestly apologizing and compensating for its past unethical crimes.
    Japan illegally occupied Korea for over 40 years, reduced nearly
200,000 Korean women to sex slaves for the
"imperial army," conscripted more than 6 million Korean young and
middle-aged people as cannon fodder for the
war of aggression and murdered more than one million people, inflicting
heaviest mental, human and material
damage upon the Korean people.
    Hong Son Ok said:
    The measure committee vehemently condemns with surging national wrath
and indignation the Japanese
reactionaries for refusing to liquidate their past crimes in the year 2000
and conducting a more frantic anti-DPRK
    This is the 55th year since the defeat of Japan in the war of
aggression on the continent.
    We demand in the name of all the victims and their bereaved families
and the whole nation that Japan take
practical measures for liquidating the past this year, a turning point of
history, as follows:
    Firstly, Japan should make state apology and compensation for the past
    Secondly, Japan should open to the public all the documents and
materials of crimes and punish those
    Thirdly, Japan should immediately stop embellishing its past history.
    Fourthly, Japan should take state and legal steps to prevent the same
crime as in the past.
    The measure committee will wage a dynamic struggle of justice to make
Japan liquidate the crime against
"comfort women for the army" and other crimes of the past, intensifying
solidarity with the organisations and public
figures of different countries who value peace, justice, human rights and

GI's brutal murder condemned

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Rallies condemning the GI's brutal killing
of a South Korean woman were
held across the country.
    At the rallies of employees of the Koryo service administration bureau
and Okryu Restaurant speakers branded
the recent killing of a South Korean woman by one of the U.S. aggressor
troops as a shocking murder which could
be committed only by the U.S. bloodsuckers.
    They emphasized that only a fight for revenge upon the U.S. for the
sake of national dignity and honor is a way
for the South Korean people to live and retake the dignity of the South
Korean women and that the resistance against
the authorities is the way for them to enjoy a genuine vital right.
    All the women in the North of Korea will always extend positive support
to the South Korean women and other
people in their just struggle to retake national sovereignty and dignity,
said the speakers.

Frantic war exercises

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities are getting
more frantic in war exercises,
according to a radio report from Seoul.
    Army unit "Jingun" is performing war exercises by various computer
    Besides, they are planning to launch aerial surprise attack exercises
in Seoul and a "drill to provide against local
provocation" with infantry units of the army and other armed forces and
military equipment.

End to GIs' rape and killing of S. Korean women demanded

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- A few days ago, McCarthy, 22, a GI of a
unit of the U.S. forces stationed in
South Korea, strangled to death a 33 years old waitress, her body covered
with blood, at a bar in Seoul, touching
off towering indignation of the Korean nation.
    He committed this brutality when his attempt to rape her met a strong
resistance from her.
    This is another unpardonable sexual assault and shuddering murder
disclosing the brutality of the U.S.
aggression forces.
    The rights of South Korean women are most savagely violated by the GIs.
    The U.S. has raped South Korean women and killed them in cold blood
over the last 55 years since their
occupation of South Korea in September 1945.
    There have been too many atrocities committed by GIs against South
Korean women to enumerate, including
"the incidents of cutting a woman's hair short in Tongduchon and painting a
woman in Uijongbu and sexual assault
against a child".
    In October 1992, Kenneth Michael of the second division of the U.S.
Army present in South Korea hit Yun
Kum I on the head with a bottle, drove it into her womb and an umbrella
stick into her anus after raping her in its
Tongduchon base, Kyonggi Province.
    Four soldiers of the U.S. aggressor forces beat down a 26 years old
woman, when she offered a resistance to
them, and raped her before throwing her into a sewer system in Taegu in
August 1995.
    A dead body of woman named Sin Cha Gum was found, undressed and her
neck tied with electric wire in an
office of a unit of the U.S. aggressor forces in January last year.
    A GI James Perman killed Jon Ji Na and her child and threw them into fire.
    Gis violate, assault and kill South Korean women, be they little girls,
pregnant and old women, almost every
day. This is the reality of South Korea.
    The world public is now demanding the U.S. administration officially
apologize to the Korean people and the
world conscience for the GIs' hair-raising rape and murder of South Korean

Papers observe anniversary of March 1st Popular Uprising

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate editorials to
the 81st anniversary of the March 1st
Popular Uprising, a resistance of all the Korean people against the
brigandish Japanese imperialists.
    The uprising was an all-people resistance and a nationwide patriotic
struggle against the brigandish Japanese
aggressors which was waged in every corner of the country and even overseas
where Koreans resided with the
massive anti-Japanese demonstration held in Pyongyang as a torch.
    Rodong Sinmun says that the March 1st Popular Uprising showed the
Korean people are the people with
steadfast independence who do not want to become slaves to others and the
brave and patriotic people who wage
stubborn struggle against the aggressors without flinching from sacrifices.
    The paper says that the desire of the demonstrators has been realized
only in the half of the country but the
outsiders' colonial rule continues in South Korea as yet.
    The paper goes on: The Korean nation should get the foreign forces
withdrawn from South Korea and
accomplish the cause of the country's reunification to realise the national
sovereignty throughout the country.
    All the Koreans in the north and south and abroad should wage a
vigorous struggle for getting the U.S.
aggressors withdrawn from South Korea in firm unity.
    The U.S. colonial rule over South Korea and the Japanese militarist
forces' scheme for re-conquest of Korea
have been intensified as days go by due to the pro-U.S., pro-Japanese
flunkeyist treacherous acts of the South
Korean rulers of the "people's government" and their policy of dependence
on the outside forces.
    Unless the reckless anti-DPRK confrontation and war moves of the
aggression forces at home and abroad are
smashed, the country cannot be reunified nor can the nation extricate
itself from the scourge of nuclear war. All the
Koreans at home and abroad should wage the nationwide struggle.
    Minju Joson lays emphasis on the need to accomplish the cause of
national reunification under the uplifted
banner of national independence.

Withdrawal of Japan's "bill on prefectural suffrage" demanded

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The Japanese authorities have come in for
strong criticism in a signed
commentary of Rodong Sinmun here today for working hard to adopt the "bill
on prefectural suffrage" at the diet,
while paying lip-service to "improvement of relations" with the DPRK.
    This move of the Japanese authorities is a violation of the sovereignty
of the DPRK and an unpardonable
mockery of the national dignity of the Korean people, the commentary notes,
and goes on:
    The "bill" is aimed at forcing the Korean residents in Japan to abandon
the DPRK's nationality and choose
instead the "ROK nationality".
    This means that the Japanese authorities have reflected in their policy
the premeditated strategy of the South
Korean authorities to split Korean residents in Japan from the General
Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon) and put them under their control and thus destroy it as well as
their persistent demands.
    The ulterior aim of the "bill" is to deprive the Koreans in Japan of
their national identity and assimilate them to
    If Japan is interested in the dialogue and improved relations with the
DPRK, it should immediately withdraw the
"bill" aimed at spoiling the atmosphere for them and halt its anti-DPRK,
anti-Chongryon campaign.

U.S. crimes against humanity

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Truths about genocide committed by the
U.S. aggressor forces during the
Korean war (June 1950-july 1953) are being disclosed one after another.
    Over 40 cases of GIs' mass killings of civilians have been disclosed in
South Korea.
    The truth about the atrocities has been proved by documents of the U.S.
national archives and declassified
documents of the U.S. military and testimonies of GIs, who participated in
the war, South Korean victims and
    The Investigation Committee of the Democratic Front for the
Reunification of the Fatherland began issuing a
series of indictments exposing only part of the crimes investigated and
confirmed by it over the last 50 years. This
committee was organized at the outset of the Korean War to investigate and
record the criminal atrocities perpetrated
by GIs.
    According to the investigation, one million civilians were killed by
them in the southern half of Korea in less
than a year after the start of the war.
    It was disclosed recently that over 1,140 civilians were massacred in
Suwon, at least 2,060 in Chungju, more
than 2,000 in Puyo and Chongju respectively, at least 800 in Thongyong,
over 600 in Kongju and Phyongthaek
respectively and at least 400 in Kunsan and Anyang each.
    They killed more than a million innocent civilians in the North Korea.
Their mass killings committed during
their temporary occupation of some areas of it were unprecedented.
    They brutally murdered at least 15,000 civilians in Pyongyang and over
35,380 or a quarter of the population of
Sinchon county, South Hwanghae Province, in just 50 odd days. The number of
those killed by them stood at At
least 19,070 in Anak county and 13,000 in Unryul county of South Hwanghae
Province, at least 1,560 in Cholwon
county, Kangwon Province, over 1,500 in Nampho and at least 1,400 in
Sonchon county, North Phyongan
    These genocide are the most blatant breach of the wartime law, the
international law on human rights and the
international law of humanitarianism.

DPRK FM spokesman on U.S. "annual report on human rights"

    Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry today answered a question
put by KCNA as regards the U.S. anti-DPRK diatribe made in its "annual
report on human rights".
    The U.S. State Department in this report issued on Feb. 25 pulled up
the DPRK over "human rights",
commenting on human rights situation in at least 100 countries as it pleases.
    What matters is that the United States does not bother to resort to
such arrogant practices as arbitrarily
commenting on human rights situation in other countries by "its own standards".
    No one has given such right to the United States.
    To speak honestly, the United States that likes to criticize other
countries over their "human rights issue", and
is, in fact, ill-famed for its poorest human rights performance and its
most serious violation of human rights.
    The United States which is not in a position to settle its serious
human rights issue is imprudently finding fault
with other countries over this issue while styling itself a world's "judge
of human rights". This is a height of folly.
    It is true human rights that all the members of society not only freely
participate in the state management and
socio-political life with equal rights but also lead an independent and
creative economic and cultural life.
    Under our socialist system guided by the Juche idea human rights are
deeply respected, all the people fully
enjoy true political freedom and rights and are provided with every
condition for economic, social and cultural life.
    It has become clear once again from the "report on human rights" that
the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK
and its ulterior intention to stifle the DPRK system remain unchanged.
    The United States is well advised to mind its own business before
foolishly meddling in the human rights
performance in other countries.

For Spanish-speaking people

mas de 190 espionajes aereos de ee.uu.

    pyongyang, 1 de marzo (atcc) -- segun una fuente militar, en febrero
los aviones de reconocimiento estrategico
y tactico de diversas misiones norteamericanos perpetraron mas de 190
espionajes aereos contra la republica popular
democratica de corea.
    lo perpetro 5 veces el avion de reconocimiento estrategico "rc-135",
mas de 20 veces el avion de mando y
control "e-8c" y mas de 30 veces el avion de reconocimiento de gran altura

denuncia a japon

    pyongyang, 1 de marzo (atcc) -- hong son ok, presidenta del comite por
medidas de indemnizacion a
"consoladoras a militares" y otras victimas de la guerra del pacifico
publico el 29 de febrero una declaracion oral
denunciando al japon que embellece su historia criminal y recurre
freneticamente a las maquinaciones contra la rpdc
en vez de pedir disculpa y hacer indemnizacion sincera por sus crimenes
antihumanos perpetrados en el pasado.
    durante mas de 40 anos de su ilegal ocupacion a corea el japon
convirtio a cerca de 200 mil coreanas en esclavas
sexuales del "ejercito imperial", inmolo a mas de 6 millones de jovenes y
adultos coreanos para la guerra agresiva,
asesino a mas de un millon de habitantes y dio tremendos danos
espirituales, humanos y materiales al pueblo
    hong son ok senala:
    el comite por medidas de indemnizacion a "consoladoras a militares" y
victimas de la guerra del pacifico
denuncia con vehemente rencor e indignacion nacionales a los reacccionarios
japoneses que hasta hoy, al comenzar
el ano 2000, no saldan cuenta de sus crimenes del pasado sino hacen mas
abiertas sus maquinaciones anti-rpdc.
    se cumplen 55 anos desde cuando el japon sufrio derrota en la guerra de
agresion al continente.
    en nombre de todas las victimas y sus familiares y de toda la nacion
coreana, demandamos del japon tomar este
ano, al umbral del nuevo milenio las siguientes medidas de practica para la
liquidacion de su pasado:
    primero, el japon debe hacer la disculpa e indemnizacion estatales de
sus crimenes del pasado.
    segundo, el japon debe poner en publicidad todos los documentos y datos
sobre sus crimenes y castigar a los
    tercero, el japon debe dejar de embellecer su historia pasada.
    cuarto, el japon debe tomar las medidas estatales y juridicas para no
repetir sus crimenes del pasado.
    el comite por medidas de indemnizacion a "consoladoras a militares" y
victimas de la guerra del pacifico
reforzara tambien en el futuro la solidaridad con las organizaciones y
personalidades de varios paises del mundo que
aprecian la paz, la justicia, los derechos humanos y la conciencia y
desarrollara con vigor la justa lucha por saldar
cuenta de los crimenes del pasado de japon, en particular de los
relacionados con "consoladoras a militares".

rpdc: cientifizacion en tecnica de tratamiento de datos de informacion de

    pyongyang, 1 de marzo (atcc) -- la rpd de corea logro cientifizar la
tecnica de tratamiento de datos de
informacion de satelite.
    el instituto de averiguacion a distancia y de sistema de informacion de
geofisica de la academia de ciencias al dar
toque final a la tecnica del tratamiento de datos de informacion de
satelite por el programa coreano realizo la
modernizacion de la interpretacion y el tratamiento de datos de informacion
de satelite necesarios para el desarrollo
de la economia nacional.
    los cientificos dieron cima al metodo de interpretacion y tratamiento
por computacion de los datos de
informacion de satelite sobre los recursos forestales y asi permitieron
realizar la cientificacion del area por tipo del
bosque y tierra, el limite de distribucion de especie de arboles y su area,
la cantidad de medicion del bosque, el
estado de crecimiento de arboles, la estimacion de tierra y arboles
adecuados y etc.
    solucionaron el metodo para utilizar al maximo la tierra para la
produccion cerealista y el desarrollo de ganaderia
y asi posibilitaron interpretar y evaluar cientificamente el area de
sembrada por especies de principales plantas
agricolas, la calificacion del estado de plantas agricolas segun
estaciones, el pronostico de su rendimiento y etc.
    por otra parte, dieron cima a la maqueta matematica y el metodo de
tratamiento de informacion para dilucidar
cientificamente la composicion geologica y cuenca de recursos subterraneos
del pais.
    asi comprobaron nuevamente el estado de geotermia, la posicion de aguas
termales y aguas subterraneas y las
cuencas de carbon, cobre y otros minerales.
    los cientificos solucionaron el metodo de analisis objetivo de los
recursos maritimos y las peculiaridades

vocero de minrex de rpdc responde

    pyongyang, 1 de marzo (atcc) -- al responder a la pregunta de un
reportero de la agencia telegrafica central de
corea formulada en relacion con que ee.uu. en su "informe anual sobre el
estado de derechos humanos del mundo"
acuso arbitrariamente a la rpdc, el vocero del ministerio de de la
republica popular democratica de corea dijo el
dia primero como sigue:
    el pasado dia 25 de febrero, el departamento de estado de ee.uu.
publico ese "informe" en el cual evaluando a su
manera el estado del particular de mas de cien paises del mundo acuso a la
    segun su "norma de derechos humanos" evaluo arbitrariamente a otros
paises y actuo con arrogancia.
    nadie dio a ee.uu. tal derecho.
    ee.uu. que tiene la costumbre de intervenir en el "asunto de derechos
humanos" del otro para censurarlo es el
famoso lugar de pisoteo de derechos humanos.
    aun no resolviendo debidamente su grave asunto de ese particular actua
con arrogancia como "juez de derechos
humanos" del mundo y censura a otros. pero no puede convencer a nadie.
    a traves del presente "informe" comprobamos una vez mas que son
invariables la politica de hostilidad de ee.uu.
a la rpdc y su intencion de suprmir nuestro regimen.
    ee.uu. debe hacer su cosa antes de intervenir absurdamente en los
derechos humanos de otro pais.


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