DPRK news March 6

Kim Jong Il visits Chinese embassy
Condolences to FM of Mozambique
Kim Jong Il praised as great sun of 21st century
Solidarity with Cuban people's just struggle expressed
Social role of Korean women
Kim Jong Il's birthday commemorated in S. Korea
Attempt of S. Korean "Intelligence Service" to edge itself
Peru commemorates Sun's Day
Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in 60 odd countries

For Spanish-speking people.

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il visited the
Chinese embassy here sunday on
the occasion of the new year 2000 at the ambassador's request.
    He was accompanied by director of the general political department of
the Korean People's Army Jo Myong
Rok, chief of the KPA general staff Kim Yong Chun, Minister of the People's
Armed Forces Kim Il Chol,
secretaries of the WPK Central Committee Kim Kuk Thae and Kim Yong Sun, KPA
generals Hyon Chol Hae and
Pak Jae Gyong, col. general of KPA Ri Myong Su, first vice department
directors of the WPK Central Committee
Jang Song Thaek and Choe Chun Hwang, and vice department director of the
WPK Central Committee Ji Jae
    At the embassy he was received by ambassador Wan Yongxiang and leading
officials of the embassy.
    An official of the embassy presented him with a fragrant bouquet and
all its members warmly welcomed him.
    Kim Jong Il expressed thanks for the invitation and conversed with the
leading officials of the embassy in a
cordial and friendly atmosphere.
    The ambassador gave a dinner in his honor.
    Kim Jong Il posed for a picture with all members of the embassy.

Condolences to FM of Mozambique

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a
message of condolence to his
Mozambican counterpart Leonardo Santos Simao upon the news that the
strongest cyclone and downpour ever in 50
years recently hit the country, causing a great human and material loss.
    Expressing deep sympathy and condolences to him and, through him, to
the bereaved families and the afflicted
people, Paek in the message hoped that the Mozambican government would heal
the aftermath of disasters and bring
the living of inhabitants in the afflicted area to normal as soon as possible.

Kim Jong Il praised as great sun of 21st century

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- Hamilton Green, leader of the Good Green
Guyana, had an interview with
reporters here before his return home. He visited the DPRK on the occasion
of the February holiday.
    In the interview he said that it is great fortune and pride of the
Korean people to have the great leader Kim Jong
Il and that blessed with the illustrious leaders through generations, they
are the happiest people in the world.
    The revolutionary cause of the President Kim Il Sung who enjoyed deep
respect and high admiration not only of
the Korean people but also of all the people around the world is creditably
being carried forward by Kim Jong Il, he
    Kim Jong Il leads the Korean people along the road of victory and
glory, shaping the army-first politics, the
most peculiar mode of politics that can be found in no other country, he
said, and went on:
    Guided by him, the Korean people are sure of ever victory and
optimistic about their future. No force on earth
can break their strong will.
    There is nobody but Kim Jong Il who will steer the 21st century and he
is the great sun of the 21st century.

Solidarity with Cuban people's just struggle expressed

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun on Sunday dedicated a signed
article to the 40th anniversary
of the revolutionary slogan "Motherland or death, we will win" set forth by
Fidel Castro Ruz for the Cuban people.
    Under this slogan of faith the Cuban people have smashed the U.S.'s
repeated moves of aggression,
intervention, subversion and sabotage and honorably defended the fatherland
and revolution and the socialist gains,
the paper noted, and said:
    Today they are reliably defending socialism in the western hemisphere,
holding higher the slogan "Motherland
or death, socialism or death, we will win," rallied close around the
central committee of the Communist Party of
Cuba headed by Fidel Castro Ruz.
    From the first day of victory in the Cuban revolution the Korean people
have invariably stood on the side of the
Cuban people and expressed firm solidarity with their just struggle to
repulse the outrageous maneuvers of the U.S.
and defend the gains of the revolution.
    This position still remains unchanged.
    The United States should change its Cuba policy, squarely looking at
the trend of the times towards support to
the Cuban people's indomitable will and just cause.
    The just cause of the Cuban people, who are valiantly struggling under
the slogan of revolution and faith
"Motherland or death, we will win," is sure to win.

Social role of Korean women

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- Women, a half of the population in the
DPRK, take their share in society.
    They are taking an active part in state affairs with equal rights with
men and playing an important role in various
sectors of the national economy.
    Women account for 20.1 percent of deputies to the power organs at all
    The proportion of women in the composition of labour force of the
national economy is nearly 50 percent.
    In particular, women are playing a big role in the fields of education,
culture and public health as well as
commercial circulation, public service, textile, daily necessities and food
    Numerous factories, enterprises and educational and cultural
institutions are operated only by women and many
of them are working at the responsible posts.
    The state provides all conditions for all the women to participate in
public life.
    For example, the labour activity of women workers at the Pyongyang
Textile Combine can be seen.
    The factory with a plottage of more than 703,500 square meters is a
leading textile producer of the country.
    It is managed and operated by women who make up 75 percent of the total
    It has nearly 20 nurseries and kindergartens, a children's ward and a
fishing pond for children. It boasts of a
sanatorium, a hospital, shops, a rice cookery and other public service
    It has more than 60 workshops for mothers of children, who enjoy
additional benefits from the state.
    In February General Secretary Kim Jong Il took measures for solving the
attendance and leaving and housing
problems and supplying vegetables, meat and other non-staple food for women
workers even under the hard
economic situation. He also sent 1,140 cultural instruments including
accordions and harmonicas for their optimistic
    Scores of women workers became "Kim Il Sung Order" bearers, labour
heroines and merited weavers under the
infinite loving care of the party and the state.

Kim Jong Il's birthday commemorated in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- The Sonamu Publishing House of South Korea
brought out a picture album
"Architecture of Pyongyang" on the occasion of the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il, the
Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation reported.
    Carried in the album are sixteen pictures of the President Kim Il Sung
and General Secretary Kim Jong Il going
round grand monumental edifices in the workers' party era.
    It also contains 50 odd pictures of many edifices built in Pyongyang,
including the Grand People's Study
House, the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, the Tower of the Juche Idea, the
Arch of Triumph and the ice rink.

Attempt of S. Korean "Intelligence Service" to edge itself

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
denounces the "Intelligence
Service" of South Korea, headquarters of anti-north, anti-reunification
operations, for trying to edge itself into the
north-south dialogue for national unity and reunification. This is a
mockery of the dialogue and an intolerable insult
to the partner of the dialogue, the commentary says, and goes on:
    Gangsters of the "Intelligence Service" should not be allowed to use
the inter-Korean dialogue aimed at
promoting the national unity and achieving national reunification as a
lever in carrying out their anti-north
    The whole nation is now closely watching the moves of the "Intelligence
Service," an obstacle in the way of
national unity and reunification and a wrecker of the north-south dialogue,
and urges it to draw a proper lesson from
the crimes committed by the "Agency for National Security Planning."
    The north-south dialogue should not resign itself to a plaything of the
tricksters as it is aimed to achieve the
reconciliation and unity between the north and south and bring in national
reunification and prosperity in the new

Peru commemorates Sun's Day

    Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- A Korean photo, book and handicraft
exhibition and a film week opened in
Peru on February 22 with due ceremony to commemorate Sun's Day, April 15
when General Secretary President
Kim Il Sung was born.
    On display at the opening ceremony place were pictures, books and
handicrafts introducing the achievements
made by the Korean people in socialist construction under the leadership of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Speakers at the ceremony said that those pictures, books and
handicrafts exhibited to commemorate the birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung make them have a better understanding
of the developing culture of the
    Saying that independent politics is peculiar to the mode of politics
shaped by Kim Jong Il who is creditably
carrying forward the revolutionary cause started by Kim Il Sung, they
stressed that only when the world people
follow this independent politics of the DPRK can the global peace and
security be guaranteed.
    The participants saw a Korean film.

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in 60 odd countries

   Pyongyang, March 6 (KCNA) -- The progressive people of the world
splendidly celebrated February 16, the
58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Party and state leaders and political parties and organizations of
different countries sent gifts, floral baskets and
congratulatory cards to Kim Jong Il on his birthday. Among them were the
central committee of the Communist
Party of Cuba, the central committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam,
presidents of Congo, Guinea and
Democratic Congo, the general secretary of the Party for Unity and Progress
of Guinea and the council of ministers
of the Cambodian government.
    Prominent personages of political and public circles in many countries
paid congratulatory visits to the DPRK
embassies in their countries and laid baskets and bunches of flowers before
the portraits of Kim Jong Il at the
embassies. Among them were a delegation of the Khmer Combatants Party for
Mulinaka and Liberty of Cambodia,
a delegation of the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea, the general
secretary of the Good Green Guyana, the
former chairman of the National Council of Nepal and a Cuban woman lawyer,
Candelaria Rodriguez.
    The national executive committee of the Socialist Party of Peru decided
to elect Kim Jong Il Honorary Chairman
of the party. Piura National University of Peru awarded a certificate of
Honorary Doctor of philosophy and a gold
medal to him while the city of Latakia in Syria awarded the Title of
Honorary Citizen.
    Preparatory committees for celebrating his birthday were formed and
conducted brisk activities in 40 odd
countries, including India, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Russia, Italy, Guyana
and Mexico, with an involvement of
political party leaders, cabinet ministers and prominent public figures.
    Celebration meeting, seminar, lecture meeting, book and photo
exhibition, film show and other colorful
celebration events took place on over 500 occasions in 60 odd countries.
    Prominent personages of different countries published statements and
articles or called press conferences to
highly praise his greatness.
    At least 180 media of 60 odd countries gave special write-ups with his
portrait and pictures showing his
revolutionary activities and broadcast celebration programs on his birthday.
    Organizations of friendship with the Korean people and preparatory
committees also released special issues of
    The celebrations of the February holiday in different countries
represented the mind of the world's progressive
people praising Kim Jong Il as the great sun of the 21st century.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il visita embajada de china en rpdc

    pyongyang, 6 de marzo (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il,
secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea
y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la rpdc, hizo una visita el
dia 5 a la embajada de china en la rpdc a
invitacion de este embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario con motivo
del ano nuevo 2000.
    le acompanaron jo myong rok, jefe de la direccion politica general, kim
yong chun, jefe del estado mayor
general, del ejercito popular de corea, kim il chol, ministro de las
fuerzas armadas populares, kim kuk thae y kim
yong sun, secretarios del cc del ptc, los generales de ejercito hyon chol
hae y pak jae gyong, el coronel general ri
myong su, del epc, jang song thaek y choe chun hwang, primeros subjefes de
departamento del cc del ptc y ji jae
ryong, subjefe de departamento del cc del ptc.
    el dirigente kim jong il fue recibido por el embajador extraordinario y
plenipotenciario wan yongxiang y los
funcionarios dirigentes de la embajada.
    le entrego un miembro de la embajada un racimo de flores fragantes y
todos los miembros de la embajada le
dieron una calurosa bienvenida.
    el dirigente kim jong il expreso agradecimiento por la invitacion y
sostuvo conversaciones con los funcionarios
dirigentes de la embajada en un ambiente cordial y amistoso.
    wan yongxiang le ofrecio una cena.
    ese dia el dirigente kim jong il se fotografio junto a todos los
miembros de la embajada.

kim jong il envia ofrenda floral a difunto kim ryong jo

    pyongyang, 6 de marzo (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il,
comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea
envio ayer una ofrenda floral al difunto kim ryong jo, actor del pueblo de
los estudios cinematograficos "25 de abril"
expresando profundo pesame por su fallecimiento.

mas de 60 paises conmemoran cumpleanos de dirigente kim jong il

    pyongyang, 6 de marzo (atcc) -- la humanidad progresista del mundo
conmemoro con solemnidad el 58
cumpleanos del gran dirigente kim jong il.
    esta vez el dirigente kim jong il recibio presentes, cestos de flores y
tarjetas de felicitacion del cc del partido
comunista de cuba, el cc del partido comunista de vietnam, los presidentes
de congo, guinea y congo democratico, el
secretario general del partido por el progreso y la unidad de guinea, el
consejo de ministros del gobierno de camboya
y otros jefes de partido y estado, partidos politicos y organizaciones de
varios paises.
    la delegacion del partido de combatientes de khmer por mulinaka y
libertad de camboya, la delegacion del
partido democratico de guinea ecuatorial, el secretario general de
excelente guyana verde, el ex presidente del
consejo nacional de nepal, la jurista cubana candelaria rodriguez y otras
renombradas personalidades del circulo
politico y social de diversos paises realizaron una visita de felicitacion
a la embajada de la rpd de corea en sus paises
y depositaron cestos y ramos de flores ante el retrato del general kim jong il.
    el comite ejecutivo nacional del partido socialista del peru tomo una
decision de elegir al camarada kim jong il
como presidente honorario de su partido y le otorgo la universidad nacional
piura del peru el diploma de doctor
honoris causa de filosofia y la medalla de oro y la ciudad de latakia de
siria el titulo de ciudadano honorario.
    en mas de 40 paises entre otros india, nepal, zimbabwe, guinea, rusia,
italia, guyana y mexico se constituyeron
y actuaron los comites preparatorios por esa efemeride con la incorporacion
de dirigentes de partidos politicos,
ministros de gobiernos y otras personalidades de alto rango del circulo social.
    en mas de 60 paises se desarrollaron mas de 500 actividades por esa
fiesta como concentracion, acto, simposio,
conferencia, exposicion de libros y fotos y proyeccion filmica.
    las renombradas personalidades de numerosos paises del mundo elogiaron
en alto su personalidad mediante la
declaracion oral, articulo y rueda de prensa.
    mas de 180 publicaciones de mas de 60 paises dieron redaccion especial
acompanando de su retrato y fotos
alusivas a sus actividades revolucionarias e hicieron emision de felicitacion.
    las entidades de amistad con el pueblo coreano y comites preparatorios
por esa efemeride de diversos paises
dieron a luz en esta ocasion el boletin especial.
    en todos los continentes resonaron canciones de la humanidad
progresista del mundo dedicadas al dirigente kim
jong il, gran sol del siglo 21.

fdns denuncia asesinato de surcoreana por efectivo militar norteamericano

    pyongyang, 6 de marzo (atcc) -- segun la radio "voz de salvacion
nacional" en seul, el comite central del frente
democratico nacional de sudcorea (fdns) publico el 29 de febrero una
declaracion de condena al imperdonable
asesinato perpetrado por agresor imperialista norteamericano.
    el documento senala que el presente asesinato de una surcoreana por un
soldado de tropas norteamericanas no se
debe solo a su brutalidad individual y continua:
    la historia de ocupacion de mas de medio siglo del sur de corea por las
tropas agresoras imperialistas
norteamericanas es la de asesinato, violacion, brutalidad y bandolerismo y
otros actos criminales.
    en este lugar lleno de crimenes nuestro pueblo perdio centenares de
miles de habitantes, mayor numero que
durante una guerra entera.
    los efectivos militares norteamericanos estacionados en el japon y
alemania, paises vencidos en la guerra estan
restringidos por las leyes de estos paises. pero en la tierra surcoreana
disfrutan del privilegio de jurisdiccion
    la banda de kim tae jung, preconizando "aliadosanguineo" y "pais amigo"
ampara los crimenes de su amo
norteamericano, suplica la "permanencia perenne de las tropas
norteamericanas" causando asi la indignacion
    todos, para la dignidad y el honor de la nacion, deben levantarse
resueltamente en la lucha nacional antiyanqui
por castigar severamente a los criminales militares norteamericanos,
expulsar de esta tierra a las tropas agresoras
imperialistas norteamericanas y lograr la independencia.

ee.uu. debe atender labor de su pais

    pyongyang, 6 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de ayer denuncia el departamento
de estado estadounidense que en el "informe anual sobre el estado de
derechos humanos del mundo" evaluo
arbitrariamente a otros paises interviniendo en los asuntos internos de estos.
    el comentario senala que los estados unidos debieran atender solo los
quehaceres de su pais y continua:
    ese informe tergiversa la realidad de la rpdc como si tuviera un "grave
problema de los derechos humanos". esto
es una accion vil y descarada. ee.uu. no tiene honra ni derecho de hablar
de nuestro "problema de derechos
humanos" porque el mismo lleva en si un sinnumero de defectos al respecto.
no tiene calificacion de "juez de
derechos humanos" ni de hablar de ese asunto del otro.
    ee.uu. no resulve sus graves problemas de los derechos humanos. la
amnistia internacional lo acusa de un "pais
problematico en los derechos humanos" y se propone llevarlo al banco de los
    pero ee.uu. actuando de "juez de derechos humanos" del mundo habla de
este problema. su ridiculez es insulto
y burla intolerables a la conciencia y moral de la humanidad.
    ee.uu. debe poner fin a su absurda accion y atender solo los problemas
de derechos humanos de su pais y tomar
medida para el respecto.

"rodong sinmun" expresa solidaridad con justa lucha de pueblo cubano

    pyongyang, 6 de marzo (atcc) -- hoy el diario "rodong sinmun" consagro
un articulo al 40 aniversario de la
presentacion de la consigna revolucionaria "patria o muerte, venceremos"
por el companero fidel castro ruz.
    el articulista senala que el pueblo cubano con esta consigna del credo
en alto ha defendido honrosamente la
patria y la revolucion, las conquistas del socialismo rechazando a cada
paso las repetidas maquinaciones de agresion
e intervencion, subversion y sabotaje de los imperialistas yanquis.
    hoy el pueblo cubano unido solidamente en torno al cc del partido
comunista de cuba encabezado por el
camarada fidel castro ruz, bajo la consigna "patria o muerte, socialismo o
muerte, venceremos" ha salvaguardado
fidedignamente el socialismo en el hemisferio occidental, precisa el
articulo y continua:
    el pueblo coreano, estando siempre al lado del pueblo cubano desde los
primeros dias del triunfo de la
revolucion cubana, se ha solidarizado firmemente con la justa lucha del
pueblo cubano contra las perversas conjuras
de los imperialistas norteamericanos y por defender las conquistas de la
    esta posicion es invariable tambien hoy.
    ee. uu. al distinguir correctamente la firme voluntad del pueblo cubano
y la corriente de la epoca al apoyo a su
justa causa debe rectificar su politica con respecto a cuba.
    saldra siempre victoriosa la justa causa del pueblo cubano que libra
valiente lucha en acato a la consigna
revolucionaria y llena de credo "patria o muerte, venceremos".


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