>May 7th Day for Mumia at the Theater at Madison Square Garden
>39 West 14 Street, Suite 206, New York, NY 10011
>(212) 633-6636 fax: (212) 633- 2889
>web: www.mumia2000.org
>March 6, 2000
>SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2000
>On Sunday afternoon, May 7 at 2:00 PM, the stage of The Theater
>at Madison Square Garden will be crowded with people like former
>New York City Mayor David Dinkins, Johnnie Cochran, Ossie
>Davis, Gloria Steinem, Susan Sarandon, Edward Asner, Reverend
>Al Sharpton, Mike Farrell, Congressman John Conyers, Alice
>Walker, Angela Davis, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey
>Clark and many others from the arts and entertainment world, as
>well as the world of politics and social activism.
>Joining the celebrities at “A Day for Mumia at the Theater at
>Madison Square Garden” on May 7 will be thousands of people
>from New York and across the country.
>The May 7 rally at this world famous address in the center of New
>York City will be the largest indoor event to date organized to
>oppose the death penalty and to call for a new trial for the most
>renown prisoner on death row in the United States, the journalist
>and political activist Mumia Abu-Jamal.
>Mr. Jamal, whose case is currently being appealed in Federal
>District Court in Pennsylvania, has been on death row in
>Pennsylvania for 18 years fighting for a new trial to prove his
>innocence after a 1982 trial hastily convicted him of killing
>Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Not only was
>Mr. Jamal’s original trial deeply flawed and the result of police and
>prosecutorial misconduct, a mountain of new evidence now exists
>that demands a new trial. The courts have yet to grant Mr. Jamal a
>new trial and he is running out of opportunities to appeal.
>The injustices that could result in the unthinkable execution of Mr.
>Jamal are not the exception but the norm in the courts and criminal
>justice system.  Newspapers like the New York Times and the
>Chicago Tribune have done extensive series on systemic pitfalls that
>compromise the rights to due process of the more than 3600
>prisoners on death row in the U.S.
>Revelations that the capital punishment system in Illinois almost put
>to death 13 people later found to be wrongfully convicted has
>compelled Illinois Governor George Ryan to become the first
>governor to declare a moratorium on executions. Moratoriums on
>the death penalty are being debated amongst lawmakers in several
>of the 37 states that execute people including in the Pennsylvania
>Still, a clear sign that the fight to end the death penalty faces a long
>uphill battle is the fact that all of the major presidential candidates,
>Al Gore, Bill Bradley, John McCain, and George Bush, as well as
>President Clinton, remain staunch supporters of the death penalty.
>Texas Governor Bush’s state leads the nation in putting people to
>To make matters worse, in 1996 President Clinton signed in to law
>the “Effective Death Penalty Act” as part of the “Anti-Terrorism
>Bill.” This unfortunate legislation severely limits the ability of
>condemned prisoners to appeal their cases in the federal courts thus
>speeding up the execution machine.
>“A Day for Mumia at the Theater at Madison Square Garden” is
>part of a national effort to give expression to the growing movement
>to end the injustices that send people like Mumia Abu-Jamal to
>death row without a fair trial, and to abolish the death penalty. As
>we enter the 21st century we cannot allow justice to continue to slip
>into the dark ages.
>Tickets for “A Day for Mumia at the Theater at Madison Square
>Garden” range from $15 to $500. Special group rates are available.
>For information contact “The May 7th Day for Mumia Mobilization”
>the sponsor of this event, at (212) 633-6646.


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