>Communique of the Central Committee of the PCE(r)
>The I Plenum of the Central Committee elected in the IV Congress of the
>Communist Party of Spain
>(reconstituted) has been held. The order of the day has included, among
>other things, the study of the
>reports corresponding to the different fields of the Party's activity,
>the election of the Commissions of
>the C.C. and the approval of the plans of work for the next period. As a
>previous question, which
>was not included in the order of the day, the Plenum has agreed to put
>an end to the rectification
>campaign that had started before the holding of the Congress. One of the
>most important conclusions
>of the evaluation of that campaign is that it will still be necessary to
>develop others in the future since
>only in this way, that is to say, on the basis of criticism and
>self-criticism and the rectification
>of our own mistakes, does the Party learn, purge itself and become
>The current international situation was analysed in the meeting; we
>consider that the sharpening of the
>crisis of capitalism and the struggle among the big powers for a new
>sharing of the world are
>favourable factors for the re-launching of the activity of the Party and
>of the revolutionary movement
>in general.
>The Plenum has carefully studied Spain's political and social situation,
>stating the accurateness of the
>analysis and predictions made by the leadership of the Party concerning
>many matters. In particular,
>it has highlighted the justness of our position as regards the "peace
>process" in the Basque Country
>that has been sabotaged by the Government.
>A special attention has been paid to the movement of strikes and clashes
>in the streets
>launched by the proletariat of the shipyards, the mines, RENFE [State
>railway company], etc., at the
>end of 1999. In these combats fought by the working class the tendency
>to corner the official
>trade-unions, as real instruments of the employers and the Government
>within the companies, has
>imposed itself; and the independent syndical methods of struggle have
>opened their way. This
>resurgence of the working-class movement foresees a new stage in the
>development of the people's
>movement and has added a new aggravating element to the political crisis
>that the regime is
>Another important question that has been dealt with in this meeting of
>the C.C. is the one referring to
>the necessity of systematising and defining more our proposals and
>political slogans, putting a special
>emphasis on the fact that in Spain there is no other alternative nor
>solution to the serious problems
>and blights created by capitalism than the programme for the socialist
>revolution and the
>political line of resistance that the PCE(r) advocates for and tries to
>put into practice.
>Finally, the Plenum has taken the following resolutions:
>1st) The Central Committee alerts the people's masses about the
>accelerated preparations of the big
>powers in order to trigger a new war at a world scale. The Spanish State
>is taking an active part in
>these preparations; it is integrated in the military alliances of
>imperialism and participates in the
>blackmails, attacks, impositions and plundering of other countries.
>Likewise, the Party calls upon the
>working class and the oppressed peoples to join their forces in order to
>confront the plundering and
>the aggressions of the imperialist bandits.
>2nd) To carry out a wide and intense campaign of denounce of the regime
>and its repressive policy,
>linking it to the organization of the active boycott to its next
>electoral masquerade. We must create
>pro-boycott committees or groups in order to organize and carry out all
>kind of actions of refusal to
>the electoral farce, to support the workers in struggle, to demand the
>right of self-determination for
>the oppressed nationalities, to call for the release of the political
>prisoners and to denounce the open
>collaboration of IU [revisionist coalition] with the fascist State and
>the trade that they are doing with
>the workers' votes.
>3rd) The Party must head and give all kind of support to the workers and
>their resolute sabotage
>actions carried out in demand of their social and syndical rights; it
>must promote the holding of
>assemblies in the working centres and the election of delegates in them
>in order to negotiate directly
>with the employers from a position of force, disregarding the legal
>norms and the intermediation of
>the trade-union Mafias.
>4th) We call upon the working class of Spain to support the Basque
>working people in its just
>struggle for its social and national rights. The regrouping of all the
>forces interested in combating the
>fascist and imperialist regime until its overthrowing will only be
>achieved on the solid basis of the
>unity of the proletariat of all the nationalities of Spain.
>5th) The Plenum of the C.C. encourages all the militants, sympathizers
>and friends to strengthen the
>already-existing organizations of the Party and to build new ones in the
>localities where they do not
>exist, centring their efforts on the workers and the working youth and
>persevering. with the political
>line of resistance.
>6th) The armed struggle carried out by the guerrilla organizations is
>legitimate and completely
>necessary; all the class-conscious workers, the combative youth, as well
>as the true anti-imperialists
>and antifascists must support them. In particular, we encourage the
>working youth to join the active
>and organized struggle without hesitation and not to spare any effort in
>order to end with the
>capitalist exploitation, with fascism and imperialism.
>- Let's base the strengthening of the Party on the working class,
>insisting on developing a
>prolonged, hard and systematic political labour!
>- Let's organize the active boycott to the electoral farce!
>- Let's support the independent syndical movement!
>- Let's continue the consistent struggle for the democratic, social and
>national rights of all
>the workers!
>- Let's prepare ourselves in all fields to confront and to transform the
>imperialist war into a
>civil war!
>                    DOWN WITH THE TERRORIST STATE!
>                       LET'S REGROUP OUR FORCES!
>Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain (reconstituted)
>January, 2000
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