>        WW News Service Digest #49
> 1) Anger at State Repression Grows
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Mar. 9, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Leslie Feinberg
>The debate is on--but not among the capitalist
>presidential candidates. The real debate and discussion is
>taking place in work places, campuses, supermarkets,
>restaurants, video stores and gas stations--wherever
>working people gather.
>Angry discussion is raging about the brutality of the
>police and complicity of the courts, the unprecedented
>swelling of the prison population, and the use of the death
>penalty. Everyone is talking about police state terror.
>But not Gore, Bush, Bradley or McCain. There's not a peep
>from them about the tip-of-the-iceberg exposures of police
>frame-ups in Los Angeles or Philadelphia. Or about the
>youths shot down in cold blood by cops--from Jersey City to
>Riverside, Calif. These are "non-issues" in their
>Even at a time when broad and diverse segments of the
>population are demanding a moratorium on the death penalty,
>it's not just Mr. Serial Killer Bush--governor of the state
>of Texas known as "the killing machine"--that supports this
>legal lynching of the poor and oppressed. All these guys
>are lined up in favor of it.
>Those seeking to monopolize political power in the United
>States would like to sweep the issue of escalating state
>violence under the rug. But while they're fiddling, the
>population is burning with righteous rage.
>And this mass anger is beginning to spill into the streets
>in increasingly militant protests that are drawing together
>many more nationalities and ages and walks of life into its
>Thousands marched through the streets of Albany, the Bronx
>and midtown Manhattan in the days after the acquittal of
>the four white cops who pumped 41 shots at unarmed African
>immigrant Amadou Diallo. Brutal tactics by the NYPD and
>mass arrests did not intimidate the multi-national
>Even students at Lincoln High School in Jersey City, N.J.,
>could not sit idly by after the verdict. They organized a
>school walk-out in protest.
>On Feb. 28 thousands massed on the steps of the U.S.
>Supreme Court in Washington and choked off traffic in
>surrounding streets. They voiced their demands loud and
>clear: justice for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and
>stop the death penalty.
>That call for a moratorium on the death penalty, which is
>used as a state weapon against the working class,
>especially those from nationally oppressed communities, is
>resonating from ever-widening sectors of society.
>This movement against state repression shows no signs of
>running out of steam. On the contrary, it appears to be
>gaining momentum and determination.
>                         - END -
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>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
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