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Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 4:20 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] (Fwd) "UN's" Bildt: "international community cannot sit


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From:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:      Wed, 1 Mar 2000 00:44:47 EST
Subject:        "UN's" Bildt: "international community cannot sit around and
To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

February 29, 2000
UN Envoy Pushes for Milosevic Ouster
Filed at 6:22 a.m. EST
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- A U.N. envoy to the Balkans has warned that
Yugoslavia's two republics are on a ``slow collision course'' that could
lead to Serb military intervention in smaller Montenegro. Carl Bildt,
addressing the Security Council on Monday, warned that Serbia and
Montenegro -- the last remaining republics of Yugoslavia -- ``are set on a
somewhat slow but very steady collision course.'' He said the situation
between the two republics was deteriorating ``marginally faster'' than he
anticipated a few weeks ago, with Milosevic building up forces and
equipment ``for a direct intervention.'' ``There is no doubt whatsoever in
my mind that he's actively creating the preconditions for exercising that
option,'' Bildt said. Bildt said achieving peace in the Balkans will be
nearly impossible as long as hard-line Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic remains in power. But he said the international community cannot
sit around and wait for Yugoslavia to change. ``If we do that, we might
well be faced with further conflicts,'' he said. ``We must actively seek
change. We must meet the provocations that are there and actively try to
prevent existing tension from boiling over into open conflict.'' Bildt
said the international community must stand firm on its policy not to deal
with Milosevic and other top political and military leaders who have been
indicted for war crimes. At an open briefing, the United States, Britain
and the Netherlands strongly endorsed the need to get rid of the current
Yugoslav government, with U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke saying
must be reinvigorated to bring those indicted to justice. ``We remain
handicapped by the regime in Belgrade,'' Holbrooke said. But Ambassador
Sergey Lavrov of Russia, Yugoslavia's closest ally on the Security
Council, said Milosevic's government is legitimate. He accused the U.N.
war crimes tribunal, which indicted the Yugoslav leaders, of
``politicization.'' Bildt stressed that the international community can't
make peace with Belgrade nor can it talk about regional issues without
including Serbia, the dominant republic in Yugoslavia. But people indicted
for war crimes ``are de facto excommunicated from any sort of dialogue or
diplomatic contact,'' he said. That leaves the international community in
``a gigantic holding operation until change in Serbia opens up the
prospect of moving forward with a proper peace process,'' he said. Bildt
is a former Swedish prime minister who was the international community's
top representative in Bosnia and who now serves as Secretary-General Kofi
Annan's special envoy for the Balkans. In an effort to halt a Serb
crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo last year, NATO forces entered the
province following a 78-day bombing campaign. Since then, more than
100,000 Serbs have fled the province to escape revenge attacks by ethnic
Albanians. Despite attempts by NATO-led peacekeepers in Kosovo to maintain
peace, violent clashes in Mitrovica in eastern Kosovo have erupted in
recent weeks between Serbs and ethnic Albanians. Bildt said Belgrade must
be told firmly to keep its special police out of Kosovo. At the same time,
armed Kosovo Albanian groups ``that are obviously operating across the
border'' in Serbia must be told to stop, Bildt said. ``They are both
playing with fire and that message should be loud and clear,'' he said.

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