Communist Web
Monday 6th March 2000 9.30pm gmt

Thugs' forest assault

An atmosphere of fear and hatred whipped up for years by logging
companies exploded into an act of thuggery on the night of February 21 in
Victoria's East Gippsland forest. Around midnight up to 50 loggers entered
a protest camp in the Goolengook forest and violently assaulted

The camp was set up three years ago as part of a campaign to have the
Goolengook forest included in the Errinundra National Park.

Following the assault an ambulance was called to the scene where a man was
assessed for head injuries and two others treated for cuts and bruises.

The attack followed a historic call by Aboriginal leaders for an immediate
end to old growth logging. When they informed loggers that the operations
contravene customary law on Bidawal and Krauatungalung land they were met
with violence.

"Violence of this kind has been used to suppress and control this land and
our people for the last 200...

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