>Dear Friends,
>We still need more letters in support of Leonard's release through parole!
>We are resending the sample letters for your convenience with this short
>reminder.  We know for a fact that the FBI and their organizations are
>"lobbying" constantly to stop Leonard from being released, so please help us
>collect an overwhelming amount of letters and ask your friends and
>especially local organizations (we have received very few) to do the same.
>We have already received hundreds, but we know there are thousands of you
>out there!  During this critical time before the parole review hearing, we
>also encourage you to keep up the phone banking campaign.
>Also, we just received a 60 day eviction notice from our office building who
>will be replacing us with more profitable businesses.  Not only is this bad
>timing, but it will cause our expenses to rise (deposit, phone installation,
>etc.).  If you are able to donate to the LPDC at this time it would be of
>great assistance to us.
>Lastly we thank you for your help, work, support, and sacrifice.  Keep up
>the good work!
>  Thank you.
>It is  really important that everyone write letters supporting Leonard's
>petition for parole. In the past there have always been a number of letters
>written for him: so we need to get far more such letters this year. These
>can be quite simple, and should just cover the basic points important for
>parole decisions. A sample letter is set forth here. Feel free to use it,
>but its even better if you can write one in your own words. The lawyers urge
>that the tone be courteous and concise (after all, the number one goal is to
>get the man OUT NOW). Then get as many friends to sign similar letters as
>you can. Carry a sheaf of spare letters with you. The best is to get one
>signature per letter, not petition form, our insider friends tell us.
>Most important, PLEASE SEND THE LETTERS BACK TO US HERE!! We will compile
>them all together and get them bound for Carl Nadler, the parole attorney
>for Leonard. That way he can present stacks of letters all at the same time.
>This will be more impressive than having them trickle in. We will keep
>copies for use with Congress, the press, White House contacts etc, as well.
>To: The United States Parole Commission
>Dear Commissioners,
>As a concerned citizen of this country, I am writing to express my full
>support for parole for Mr. Leonard Peltier. Mr. Peltier is a Native American
>leader who has now been incarcerated for some 24 years. He has served far
>longer than most prisoners convicted of similar crimes, and his conduct in
>prison has been excellent. I would be honored to receive him in my own home
>when he is released.
>I am particularly impressed with the many good deeds Mr. Peltier has carried
>out during his many years behind bars. He has worked with medical experts to
>improve health care delivery on the reservations, and has helped to
>establish an entrepreneur program for talented Native youth. He was
>instrumental in setting up a Native American scholarship program at New York
>University, and helped start up a Native American newspaper in Washington
>State. He has sponsored two children in rural El Salvador and Guatemala, and
>runs annual clothing and toy drives for the people of Pine Ridge
>Reservation, half way houses, and women's centers. He has also played a key
>role in assisting other prisoners to display their art work across country,
>in order to promote prisoner art programs and increase prisoner
>self-confidence and esteem. This man has proven himself to be a
>compassionate human being and a true leader.
>I am especially concerned with Mr. Peltier's deteriorating health. He is now
>55 years old, and suffers from a heart condition as well as diabetes. He has
>lost most of the vision in one eye due to poor medical care. He also has a
>jaw condition, which causes him constant pain and prevents him from moving
>his jaw or chewing his food.  Mayo Clinic specialist, Dr. Keller has offered
>free treatment in prison facilities, but has been denied authorization to
>assist Mr. Peltier.  All of these humanitarian issues weigh in favor of
>V. General Support Letters from Community Organizations:
>We also need to start stockpiling general letters of support from every
>community organization we can reach. This has a double benefit. First, it
>educated these organizations about Leonard's case, and pulls them into our
>support network; and second, during an election year it is very important to
>have piles of CURRENT letters on letterheads that represent large numbers of
>angry voters.
>This letter should just be addressed to "all concerned US officials". That
>way we can use them for our work with Congress, meetings with Janet Reno,
>and our efforts to work with the White House and Presidential Wannabees.
>A sample letter is set forth here but feel free to change it or have the
>community group change it or start from scratch as they wish.
>The challenge here is to go to every labor union, civic group, student
>group, religious organization or congregation, lawyers or doctors’
>organizations, women's association, civil rights group etc., in your
>community that you can reach. Have them put the letter on their letterhead
>paper and send it back to us. If you know a person of status, such as a
>well-known local religious leader, or professor etc., an individual letter
>is also good. (While you are at it, have them all join you're delegation to
>visit your congressperson and senators.  Make sure you have our fact sheet
>with you and other support letters as well. Again, these are on our web
>site, but if you need us to mail them to you, just give us a call.
>To: All Concerned United States Officials
>We wish to express our grave concern about the case of Mr. Leonard Peltier,
>a Native American leader who has now been incarcerated for some 24 years
>here in the United States. He has long been recognized as a political
>prisoner, by such human rights luminaries as, Amnesty International, the
>Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, the
>Rev. Jesse Jackson and, the Dalai Lama, the Archbishop of Canterbury and
>many others.  He has the massive support of the Native American people of
>this country. More than any other person, he has come to symbolize the
>tragic and disturbing relationship between the United States government and
>its own Native citizenry.
>We are particularly disquieted by the clear indications of FBI misconduct in
>the prosecution of this case. Specifically, Mr. Peltier was extradited from
>Canada on the basis of an affidavit signed by a Ms. Myrtle Poor Bear, who
>claimed to be an eyewitness to the murders in question. She later admitted
>that she had never met Mr. Peltier, and had signed only after being
>terrorized by FBI officials. However, she was not permitted to testify about
>this matter at his trial. The other young trial witnesses were intimidated
>and coerced as well by FBI officers. Moreover, at the trial a key FBI
>witness changed his long-standing description of the vehicle involved in the
>shoot out, so as to unjustly link Mr. Peltier to the scene. Perhaps most
>chillingly, the FBI concealed from the defense a ballistic test report
>reflecting Mr. Peltier's innocence. It would seem clear enough that a gifted
>Native American leader has just served twenty-four years in prison for a
>crime he did not commit.
>Despite the above, Mr. Peltier has been denied a new trial and is now
>overdue for parole. He has served more time than most prisoners convicted of
>the same crimes. His conduct in prison has been exemplary and he has
>participated in numerous humanitarian and civic activities from behind bars.
>By way of illustration, he has helped to establish Native American
>scholarships, and special programs for Native American youth. He has served
>on the advisory board of the Rosenberg Fund for Children, and has sponsored
>children in Central America, organized the annual Christmas drive for the
>people of Pine Ridge Reservation, and promoted prisoner art programs. He is
>clearly a man of great compassion, and should have been set free long ago
>through the mechanisms of parole or clemency.
>Lastly, we note that Mr. Peltier is now 55 years of age and in deteriorating
>health. He suffers from a heart condition as well as diabetes. He has lost
>most of the vision in one eye due to poor medical care. He also has a jaw
>condition, which causes him constant pain and makes it impossible to chew
>his food properly or move his jaw. The prison medical staff has been unable
>to treat Mr. Peltier. Although a Mayo Clinic specialist has offered to
>assist, free of charge, within prison facilities, authorization has been
>Soon it will be too late for justice in this tragic case. Should Mr. Peltier
>become disabled or die in prison, the damage to our relations with our
>Native American citizens will be irreversible. We ask that urgent action be
>taken to set Mr. Peltier free at long last so that he may share his gifts
>with his beloved people. We also ask that a thorough investigation of FBI
>misconduct in this case, and indeed with respect to the residents of Pine
>Ridge Reservation, be carried out at once. Until there is justice for all,
>our most dearly held concepts of democracy remain at risk.
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
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