>                            Green Left Weekly,
>                                 Issue #397
>                               March 15, 2000
>                         Australia's Radical Weekly
>                          http://www.greenleft.org.au
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
>environmental and left perspective.
>John Howard argues that he is more interested in ``practical'' measures for
>Australia's indigenous people than in symbols such as reconciliation
>documents. Yet his government has worked overtime since its election to
>popularise anti-Aboriginal ideas so as to smooth the way for deeper attacks
>by governments and big business on services and land rights for Aboriginal
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * The death of reconciliation?
> * Bob Brown: mandatory sentencing is not justice
> * `Welfare' capitalism and neo-liberal globalisation
> * Resistance to Hindu fundamentalists' `coup' in Bihar
> * West Papuans demand independence vote
> * Leftists attacked in Iraqi Kurdistan
> * Cuba's battle for socialist renewal
> * South Africa: `Guns not butter' budget criticised
> * Palestinian Authority forced to release students
> * The political economy of violence in Maluku
> * Human rights abuses in Indonesia still rampant
> * New anti-terrorism bill targets dissent
> * Pinochet awarded Oscar for `Best Actor'
> * Echelon: Lid lifted on global spy network
> * WTO, multinationals -- globalising poverty
> * Bring Seattle protests to Australia
> * Fighting for education rights in the Philippines
> * Free education, not privatisation!
> * Thousands march on International Women's Day
> * Indonesian IWD marchers demand working women's rights
> * IWD around the world
> * IWD celebrated in Cambodia
> * IWD: East Timorese women reflect on 1999
> * India: Deepa Mehta's latest feminist film disrupted
> * David Williamson: The playwright we deserve
> * Rage against Wall Street
> * How PR buries the environment
> * Western Sydney underground music breaks through
> * Kollontai: Revolutionary sex and free love
> * Living without violence
> * Buffy Saite-Marie: `Choke on your blue, white and scarlet
> * Radical art on the net
> * Successful radioactive waste conference
> * Nuclear waster dump: 10 reasons for a referendum
> * Arabunna Going Home camp to be re-established
> * Street artists v Sydney City Council
> * Rallies condemn mandatory sentencing
> * Police refuse help to dying man
> * Workers hit out at ACI
> * Arrests at Beverley uranium mine
> * Otways logging causing Geelong water shortage
> * Save Otways old-growth forests!
> * Union members reject undemocratic restructure
> * Newcastle holds People's Inquiry
> * Promises on WA forests broken
> * Inner-city bypass condemned
> * Bank merger will hit Tasmania hard
> * News briefs
> * Aboriginal communities face deregistration
> * Tax workers dissatisfied with pay offer
> * Staff resist individual contracts
> * Victorian bosses threaten lockout
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Articles posted are as they were before proofreading, and prior to any
>final changes in the printed version.
>All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly, and reprinted here, are
>copyright by their authors. However, most regular contributors have granted
>permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green, left,
>human rights or generally progressive publications.
>Where such permission has NOT been granted, articles are marked with the
>symbol && in the index above. Before reprinting such an article, or if
>uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint, please inquire by
>e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ALL cartoons are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of
>the artist.
>  We like to know what audiences we are reaching, and would therefore
>appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
>                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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