DPRK News March 14

DPRK-Japan Red Cross talks held in Beijing

FM of DPRK meets new Nigerian ambassador

Kim Il Chol meets Vietnamese ambassador

Hanthongryon central committee meets

U.S. troop pullout called for

Working-level contact proposed to S. Korea

"Headquarters of movement of student voters for general election" formed

Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners brooks no further delay

S. Korea-U.S. military huddles

U.S. "disarmament" and "peace" assailed

Anniversary of publication of Kim Jong Il's work marked


DPRK-Japan Red Cross talks held in Beijing

    Beijing, March 13 (KCNA) -- Talks took place in Beijing on March 13
between the Red Cross Society of the
DPRK and the Red Cross Society of Japan to settle humanitarian issues of
mutual concern of the DPRK and Japan.
    Present at the talks were a delegation of the DPRK Red Cross Society
led by vice-chairman Ho Hae Ryong and
a delegation of the Japanese Red Cross Society led by vice-president
Tadateru Konoe.
    Also present there were government officials concerned of the two sides.
    According to the joint communique of the DPRK-Japan Red Cross talks
held on December 21, 1999, the two
sides made the following decision:
    1. The two sides agreed to arrange the third hometown visit of Japanese
women in the DPRK in April or May,
and continue after that, while realising the hope of their relatives in Japan.
    2. The DPRK side informed its Japanese counterpart of the start of a
deep-going search by an organ concerned
for "missing" Japanese nationals for which the Japanese side has already
asked and said that it will inform the
Japanese side if any missing Japanese are found through its investigation
and take an appropriate step.
    The two sides agreed to take up progress in the investigation at the
future Red Cross talks.
    3. The DPRK side will ask the Japanese side, according to normal
methods of the Red Cross, to look into
whereabouts of Koreans who went missing before 1945 and the Japanese side
accepted this and promised to make
an investigation and inform the DPRK of its results.
    The two sides agreed to take up progress in the investigation at the
future Red Cross talks.
    4. The Japanese side conveyed the March 7 decision of the Japanese
government to offer 100,000 tons of rice
in food aid through the world food program.
    The DPRK side expressed gratitude.

FM of DPRK meets new Nigerian ambassador

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the DPRK, today met and
conversed with Alhaji Daudu Sulaiman, new Nigerian ambassador to the DPRK
who paid a courtesy call on him.

Kim Il Chol meets Vietnamese ambassador

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's
Armed Forces of the DPRK, met and
conversed with Vietnamese ambassador to Korea Do Thi Hoa at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall today when the latter
paid a courtesy call on him.

Hanthongryon central committee meets

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The first meeting of the 7th central
committee of the Federation of South
Koreans in Japan for Democracy and Unification (Hanthongryon) was held in
Tokyo on Feb. 27, according to the
overseas Koreans' newspaper Minjok Sibo published in Japan.
    The meeting defined it as an orientation of action to wage a more
vigorous anti-U.S. struggle for independence,
achieve reunification by a confederacy formula with national independence
and great unity and struggle to protect
national identity, rights and interests of Koreans in Japan, etc, in view
of the U.S. war preparations against the
DPRK and the strengthened military alliance involving the U.S., South Korea
and Japan.
    At the end of the meeting, its participants held an "evening of unity,"
at which they vowed to take the lead in the
struggle to achieve independence, democracy and reunification.

U.S. troop pullout called for

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The "National Alliance for Democracy and
Reunification" and other
pro-reunification patriotic organizations in South Korea said that they
would wage an anti-U.S. struggle with South
Korea visit of the U.S. secretary of defence as an occasion, a Seoul-based
radio reported.
    The organizations will hold an anti-U.S. rally around the U.S. embassy
in Seoul on March 14, stage a protest
against GIs' crimes in South Korea and strongly demand their withdrawal,
the radio said.
    They would make clear the stand calling for the revision of the unequal
and shackling South Korea-U.S. "status
of forces agreement" and proving the justness of the struggle for U.S.
troop pullout.

Working-level contact proposed to S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The central committees of the Democratic
Front for the Reunification of the
Fatherland, the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, the Kim Il
Sung Socialist Youth League, the Union
of Agricultural Workers of Korea and the Korean Democratic Women's Union,
the north headquarters of the
National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) and other
public organizations in the DPRK on
March 13 sent a letter in their joint name to the south headquarters of
Pomminryon, the South Korean Federation of
University Student Councils, the "National Alliance for Democracy and
Reunification," the South Korean
Confederation of Trade Unions, the "National Federation of Peasants
Associations," the federation of women's
organizations and other patriotic organizations in South Korea, proposing
to have a working-level contact to form
the "nationwide ad hoc committee for probing the truth behind the GIs' mass
    Underscoring the need to hold a meeting of patriotic organizations in
the north, south and abroad to form the
nationwide ad hoc committee, the letter proposed to have a working-level
contact for this in Beijing as soon as
    It is the urgent task common to the nation to form the committee at an
early date and investigate and indict the
criminal atrocities the U.S. Imperialists committed against the Korean
nation over the 50 years, it said, and went on:
    The U.S.'s mass killings of Korean people which have been disclosed in
the north and south are a product of
their moves to obliterate other nation. Their thrice-cursed crimes should
be liquidated.
    If the committee is formed to start its work, all the criminal acts
committed by the U.S. against the Korean
nation for scores of years will be liquidated and the strong will of the
Korean nation to make them pay for the blood
shed by the fellow countrymen and restore the dignity trampled underfoot by
them will be demonstrated to the
    The letter expressed the expectation that patriotic organizations and
people in South Korea would show all
affirmative response to the constructive proposal of the DPRK.

"Headquarters of movement of student voters for general election" formed

   Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- General student councils and student
representatives of 55 universities in
South Korea, including Jeonbug National University, formed the
"headquarters of the movement of student voters
for general election" at Konkuk University in Seoul on March 12 and began
to work in earnest, according to a radio
report from Seoul.
    The organization reportedly set itself the goal of activating a
campaign to defeat corrupt politicians.
    The Citizens Solidarity for General Election (CSGE) held an inaugural
meeting of "action of one million young
voters", its affiliated organization, on March 12 and vowed to conduct
solidarity activities for political reform
together with the headquarters.
    At least 150 policy advisory professors of the CSGE decided to set the
"week for grand debate on general
election campaign" and conduct activities for political reform among students.

Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners brooks no further delay

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Measure Committee for the Rescue
of Unconverted Long-Term
Prisoners in South Korea in a letter to the South Korean Committee for the
Promotion of Unconverted Long-Term
Prisoners' Repatriation called for making joint efforts for repatriation of
those prisoners such as Kim In So, Ham Se
Hwan and Kim Yong Thae who were taken prisoner during the last Korean War,
before late June this year and
return of all other unconverted long-term prisoners who want to come to the
DPRK, until the 55th anniversary of the
liberation of Korea.
    The appeal proceeding from warm Pratriotic feelings, humanitarian stand
and viewpoint of national
reconciliation and unity is a positive initiative to solve the issue of
their repatriation with the concerted efforts of the
north and south of Korea at an early date, Minju Joson today in a
commentary says, and goes on:
    The repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners in South Korea is
an urgent matter which brooks no further
delay in view of their misfortunes and pain as well as in view of
humanitarianism and international law.
    The present situation makes it incumbent upon all the fellow countrymen
to pool efforts to smash the unjust
moves of the South Korean authorities against their repatriation and
resolve the issue of their repatriation without
    We express the belief and expectation that the South Korean committee
will cooperate for their repatriation in
response to the appeal of the DPRK measure committee.
    The South Korean authorities should not block the repatriation of
unconverted long-term prisoners to the north
but take a decisive step for their early return home.

S. Korea-U.S. military huddles

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA)-- The United States is reportedly going to
stage "commemorations of the half
centenary of the Korean War" together with the South Korean authorities and
high-ranking U.S. officers are flying
into Seoul to be closeted with them.
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today observes in a signed commentary: The
commander-in-chief of the U.S.
forces in the Pacific during his recent South Korean junket vociferated
about "possible conflict" on the Korean
peninsula and the U.S. Secretary of Defense is expected to tour South Korea
soon to discuss "security issues" with
its authorities.
    This frequent South Korean trips of American brass hats bring their
true colors as war maniacs into bold relief.
Referring to the mounting anti-U.S. feelings in South Korea, the commentary
goes on: It is the U.S. intention to
tone down the South Koreans' anti-U.S. sentiments and retain its grip on
the South Korean authorities. In order to
achieve this aim, the U.S. insists that its forces should stay in South
Korea as "war deterrent forces' because of the
possible start of a war by someone.
    In other words, the United States seeks to convince the South Korean
people of the need for the U.S. forces
presence in a bid to perpetuate it and ignite a war at the best time.
    The projected "commemorations of the half centenary of the Korean War"
are to serve this purpose.
    The U.S. bellicose elements' loudmouthed "possible conflict" and
strengthened "military cooperation" with the
South Korean authorities are intended to exacerbate the situation and
increase the danger of war on the Korean
    The U.S. warmongers are the chief architect of the Korean division and
arch criminal escalating tensions.

U.S. "disarmament" and "peace" assailed

    Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The United States is more loudly talking
about the "disarmament" and
"peace" than anyone. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article describes this
as a hypocritical act of covering up the
true face of the U.S., a source of arms race and escalating tensions, and
of trying to realise the policy of strength.
    The author of the article says:
    The U.S. President proposed to allocate 305.4 billion dollars as
military spending in the government budget for
fiscal 2001 recently submitted to the congress. If this is approved, the
U.S. annual military spending will increase to
the maximum for the second time after the Cold War.
    It is the final strategic aim of the U.S. to obliterate the world's
independent forces against imperialism and to
reduce the world into the unipolar world under its control by pursuing the
policy of strength. The U.S. plans to
allocate a huge amount of money for military expenditure to this end.
    The U.S. is engaged in the development of the "missile defence" system
and tries to amend or repeal the
"ABM" treaty it signed with the former Soviet Union in 1972. When things go
as it wishes, the present international
disarmament process will come to a stalemate.
    The U.S. conducted another sub-critical nuclear test on Feb. 3 and is
pushing ahead with the development of
researches and development of new nuclear weapons. That is a vicious
challenge to humankind aspiring after
    Though the U.S. is talking about "peace", it is escalating tensions to
retake its position in various countries and
regions around the world and to maintain and expand its domination.
    The U.S has amassed armed forces in northeast Asia, staging war
maneuvers and is attempting to stage a
military adventure against the DPRK by mobilizing all the armed forces in
the U.S. mainland and the Asia-Pacific
    The U.S. is running amuck to dominate and subordinate other countries
and nations with the loudmouthed
"disarmament" and "peace" as the people's struggle against domination and
subordination is gaining momentum and
the moves towards the establishment of a new international order are
    The world's revolutionary people should have a good understanding of
the U.S. changed method of aggression
and its danger and heighten their vigilance against its loudmouthed
"disarmament" and "peace".

Anniversary of publication of Kim Jong Il's work marked

    Tokyo, March 12 (KNS-KCNA) -- A meeting took place in Tokyo on March 8
to mark the 10th anniversary of
the publication of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Bringing
Up Young Korean People In Japan
To Be Dependable Successors To Patriotic Cause".
    The reporter and speakers at the meeting said that in the work Kim Jong
Il with a scientific insight into the actual
conditions and prospect of the movement of Koreans in Japan clearly
indicated the way of carrying forward the
patriotic cause.

For Spanish-speaking people

nuevo asesinato de sudcoreana por efectivo militar norteamericano

    pyongyang, 14 de marzo (atcc) -- una radio en seul transmitio que un
soldado de las tropas norteamericanas
ocupantes de sudcorea asesino a una mujer surcoreana sexagenaria.
    el dia 11 por la tarde se descubrio el cadaver de la mujer con la
cabeza sangrienta en su casa del barrio de kosan,
ciudad de uijongbu de la provincia de kyonggi.
    dicen que en la noche del dia 10 se oian de su casa los ruidos de bulla
de ella y el soldado yanki.
    estas sucesivas atrocidades muestran bien que los agresores
imperialistas norteamericanos son los barbaros que
matan sin ton ni son a los coreanos considerandolos como animales.
    tambien el dia 19 de febrero, otro yanki asesino apretando el cuello a
una empleada de una taberna en el barrio
de rithaewon de la ciudad de seul.

"desarme" y "paz" de que habla ee.uu. son mentiras

    pyongyang, 14 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" inserto hoy
un comentario individual, que senala
en particular:
    ee. uu. habla mas ruidosamente que nadie del "desarme" y la "paz". pero
esto es un acto hipocrita para encubrir
sus actos enderezados al aumento armamentista y exacerbacion de la tension
y para aplicar con el mas siniestro
metodo su politica de fuerza.
    el presidente de ee.uu. en los presupuestos gubernamentales para el ano
financiero 2001 recien sometidos a la
consideracion del congreso propuso destinar para gastos militares 305 mil
400 millones de dolares, cifra que
representa el mayor incremento por segunda vez despues del fin de la guerra
    los ee.uu. pretenden malgastar tremendos gastos militares para realizar
su meta estrategica general de estrangular
con la politica de fuerza las fuerzas antimperialistas e independientes del
mundo y construir el mundo unipolar a su
    ee.uu. se aferra de continuo al desarrollo del sistema de "defensa
misil" y maniobra para enmendar o anular el
"tratado de restriccion de misiles de interceptacion" concertado en 1972
con la ex urss. tal proceder esta orientado a
frenar por completo el actual proceso de desarme internacional.
    el dia 3 de febrero ultimo ee. uu. volvio a efectuar la prueba nuclear
subcritica. el desarrollo de nuevas armas
nucleares a que da espuela ee.uu. es un perverso desafio a la aspiracion de
la humanidad al desarme.
    ee.uu. habla de la "paz", pero crea tension para recuperar su antigua
posicion y mantener y ampliar su dominio
en varios paises y regiones del mundo.
    concentra sus fuerzas armadas en la region del noreste asiatico y
desarrolla alli freneticos ejercicios belicos y se
propone valer de fuerzas armadas de su territorio y la region de asia y
pacifico para perpetrar la aventura militar
contra la rpd de corea.
    se eleva mas el espiritu de la lucha de los pueblos contra la
dominacion y la subyugacion y se manifiestan
movimientos por el establecimiento del nuevo orden internacional, mientras
ee.uu. al vociferar hipocritamente del
"desarme" y la "paz" recurre con frenesi a las maquinaciones encaminadas a
dominar y avasallar a otros paises y
    los pueblos revolucionarios del mundo deben ver claramente el cambio
del metodo agresivo de ee.uu. y su
peligrosidad y guardarse del "desarme" y la "paz" de que vocifera este pais.

naturaleza de belicista

    pyongyang, 14 de marzo (atcc) -- "rodong sinmun" en un comentario de
hoy denuncia a estados unidos que
planea realizar junto con las autoridades surcoreanas un "acto por el 50
aniversario del estallido de la guerra coreana"
y a los funcionarios altos de la capa militar norteamericano que se
proponen visitar sudcorea para tramar conciliabulo
con las autoridades.
    el comandante general del ejercito del pacifico norteamericano, durante
su reciente visita al sur de corea, cacareo
de la "posibilidad del conflicto" en la peninsula coreana. el secretario de
defensa norteamericano viajara pronto
sudcorea para discutir el problema de la "seguridad" de la peninsula
coreana con las autoridades surcoreanas.
    esos sucesivos viajes de los funcionarios altos de la capa militar
norteamericana a surcorea demuestran
claramente su naturaleza belicista.
    el comentario, refiriendose al sentimiento antiyanki que se acentua en
el sur de corea, senala:
    ee.uu. pretende suprimir de todas las maneras el espiritu antiyanki de
los habitantes surcoreanos y poner de
continuo bajo su control a las autoridades surcoreanas.
    insiste en que sus tropas deben permanecer de continuo en el sur de
corea como "fuerza disuasiva de la guerra"
porque es posibile el estallido de la guerra por alguien en corea.
    procura lograr que los habitantes surcoreanos comprendan la necesidad
de la permanencia de sus tropas, para
eternizar su ocupacion militar en el sur de corea y luego desencadenar la
guerra acechando la oportunidad.
    he ahi el objetivo de ee.uu. de efectuar junto con las autoridades
surcoreanas un "acto por el 50 aniversario del
estallido de la guerra coreana".
    las fuerzas belicosas norteamericanas hablan de la "posibilidad del
conflicto" y el "fortalecimiento de
cooperacion militar" con surcorea, lo cual constituye un acto intencional
para hacer mas tensa la situacion de la
peninsula coreana y agrandar el peligro de guerra.
    precisamente, los belicistas norteamericanos son el autor de la
division de corea y promotor de la agravacion de
la tension.


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