>On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Rick Rozoff wrote:
>> http://www.centraleurope.com/yugoslaviatoday/news/php3?id=144778
>> "The situation in Kosovo is developing quickly in a
>> negative way and this could lead to an aggravation in
>> the situation not only in the province, but in the
>> south of Serbia and in the whole of the Balkans" -
>> Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov.
>> [Quiz for regular readers: In which paragraph does the
>> obligatory - incantatory - phrase 'fellow Slavs,
>> Orthodox brethren' occur?]
>   :-))
>  Indeed, they seem to always (or nearly always) leave for the very last
>paragraph... Sort of like the "current wave of violence in Kosovo is a
>Kosovar ALbanian retribution against the Serbs for a decade-long
>oppression of Belgrade" and similar lines.
>  They're no more creative than the baseball players giving interviews
>("we take one game at a time" and similar usual crap :-)))
>> ______________________________________________________
>> Russia Wants Special UN Mission In Kosovo
>> MOSCOW, Mar 22, 2000 -- (Reuters) Russia wants a
>> special U.N. Security Council mission to be sent to
>> Kosovo because the situation there is worsening
>> rapidly, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov was quoted as
>> saying on Tuesday.
>> "The situation in Kosovo is developing quickly in a
>> negative way and this could lead to an aggravation in
>> the situation not only in the province, but also in
>> the south of Serbia and in the whole of the Balkans,"
>> Ivanov told Itar-Tass news agency.
>> He said Russia had made a proposal to send such a
>> mission to the Security Council on Monday.
>> A United Nations resolution last year authorised the
>> presence in Kosovo of a multinational peacekeeping
>> force and a U.N. civil administration, known as UNMIK.
>> Russia's Foreign Ministry, is a separate statement,
>> blasted UNMIK's decision to introduce a special Kosovo
>> car registration, saying it smacked of recognising
>> Kosovo's independence from Yugoslavia, and said
>> Belgrade had not been consulted.
>> UNMIK says the new registration is aimed at
>> introducing order amid chaos in Kosovo, a magnet for
>> stolen cars from across Europe.
>> Russia, though it takes part in the peacekeeping
>> mission, says the NATO-led KFOR force does not do
>> enough to protect Kosovo's Serb minority, many of whom
>> have fled to Serbia.
>> An armed ethnic Albanian group emerged this year in
>> the southern Presevo valley region of Serbia, which
>> borders Kosovo, saying it aimed to protect local
>> Albanians against Serb repression. Many diplomats and
>> observers fear the area may explode in violence as
>> Kosovo did last year.
>> Russia has traditionally close ties with fellow
>> Orthodox Serbia. Moscow fiercely opposed NATO's air
>> strikes against Yugoslavia, which began nearly one
>> year ago and drove Serb forces out of Kosovo
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