
>subject: Where is Elian?

>Thursday Morning, 8 a.m. Eastern
>    Journalist sources in Miami are raising questions as to the
>whereabouts Elian Gonzalez.
>    Late last night the relatives claimed to have brought Elian back
>to Lazaro Gonz·lez's house in Hialeah. However, all that anyone was
>able to see was a child-shaped bundle wrapped in a blanket. The
>child's face was not visible, nor was any movement by the child
>    This despite the Miami relatives practice of constantly parading
>the child before the cameras and the mob in front of the house as if
>he were some sort of war trophy.
>    Concern has been heightened by the fact that Marisleysis
>Gonzalez, Lazaro Gonzalez's daughter on whom Elian has become
>extremely dependent, is not at the house. Given the three-ring circus
>surrounding the house, the child, if he is there, would find out as
>soon as he wakes this morning that something important has happened,
>and may well learn the details, too. It certainly doesn't fit
>Marisleysis's carefully cultivated surrogate mom image to let the
>child face this new uncertainty alone.
>    Also, the Miami relatives have done a 180-degree about face in
>the past week, since the Cuban government announced Juan Miguel's
>initiative to come to the United States to cut through all the
>legalistic bullshit and delaying tactics that the Justice Department
>and the Miami Mafia have been using to prevent the child's
>    Before then, a day did not go by when the Lazaro Gonzalez family,
>Inc., through a member, a lawyer or a press spokesperson, did not
>denounce Juan Miguel for not coming to the United States, saying they
>were only keeping the child because Juan Miguel wasn't here.
>    They repeatedly said that Juan Miguel really wanted the child to
>stay, and was being prevented from coming to the United States
>himself by the Cuban government, and the second he set foot on
>American soil they would gladly hand him over. No less of a figure
>than Marisleysis herself was asserting on CNN Tuesday a week ago that
>she would never hand over the child voluntarily to the INS, but she
>WOULD hand him over to his father, who was being, in effect, kept
>hostage by Fidel.
>    The monstrous nature of this lie has now been exposed beyond any
>doubt whatsoever by Juan Miguel's trip. And the feeble attempts of
>Mafia lawyers and mouthpieces to claim that Juan Miguel is still
>under the control of the Cuban government have been torpedoed by the
>Cuban authorities, who have voluntarily and unilaterally waived the
>diplomatic immunity of the diplomatic residence where Juan Miguel
>will be staying. What this means concretely is that all Juan Miguel
>would have to do if he wanted to "defect" would simply be to call out
>the door or a window to one of the secret service agents guarding the
>residence that he was being kept against his will. That residence
>will be fully within U.S. jurisdiction.
>    So the Miami relatives have now worked out another line of attack
>to prolong the kidnapping. This has consisted of accusing Juan Miguel
>of child abuse, and of imposing all sorts of "conditions" to the
>child being transferred, such as Juan Miguel coming, ALONE and
>therefore UNGUARDED to Lazaro Gonzalez's home in Miami, that a panel
>of psychologists decide whether or not the child can be handed back
>to his father and so on.
>    For her part, Janet Reno seems to have learned nothing from the
>past three months, and the Justice Department is insisting on
>following its policy of appeasement towards the kidnappers. The
>Justice Department has announced it plans a letter to the
>Lazaro Gonzalez family, more negotiations, more letters saying pretty
>please, more negotiations, more letters saying pretty please with
>sugar and honey on it, more negotiations, a court order, more
>    Each phony "ultimatum" and "deadline" will be used by the mafia
>to whip the Miami mob into an ever-more-hysterical frenzy, placing in
>danger not only the peace and good order of Miami, but also the
>child's life.
>    What needs to be done now is to terminate Lazaro Gonzalez's
>custody of Elian immediately and decisively. When he goes to
>negotiate this morning, Justice should tell him he'll either walk out
>of there a free man after handing over the child or he'll walk out of
>there in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit to be arraigned on capital
>kidnapping charges. His pick.
>No more negotiations, no more lawyers, no more press statements, no
>more psychologists, no more bullshit.
>NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
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>            *************
>      April 4, 2000
>         Leaflet distribution in front of Gonzalez
>            house sparks incident
>A minor skirmish broke out yesterday outside the house of Lazaro
>Gonzlez, Elian's great-uncle, when the crowd that gathers there
>each day began insulting a couple who, according to witnesses, was
>passing out leaflets in favor of the child's return to Cuba and
>against the Cuban American National Foundation, El Nuevo Herald
>Miami police officers intervened and took the couple away, for its
>own protection, according to witnesses, but despite insistent
>telephone calls, the police did not report the incident or the
>identity of those involved. Lizzette Espinosa, one of the
>demonstrators, was the one who recognized the couple.
>"They were handing out the leaflets [at the Versailles restaurant]
>and gave an interview to some Brazilian and German journalists. We
>were having lunch and we saw them. The man even came to our table
>and gave us one of the leaflets, and my mother told him she didn't
>agree with that. In any case, we took one of the leaflets, to bring
>it here and show that someone has infiltrated our ranks."
>The leaflet has a photo of Elian Gonzalez in the center and reads in
>Spanish, "The Cuban American Foundation, along with mafia politicians
>from Miami, has financed the kidnapping of a child, Elian Gonzalez."
>In English, bordering the photo, it reads, "Send Elian home to his
>father in Cuba." JC
>              *************
>            [MORE THAN A WEEKLY]
>  Letter from Juan Miguel and his family to Senate leaders
>            Havana, March 30, 2000
>Hon. Trent Lott  Senate Majority Leader
>Hon. Tom Daschle Senate Minority Leader
>            Dear Senators,
>We have learned that some senators have put forward a proposal to
>give permanent residency to Elian Gonzalez Brotons and ourselves.
>We are frankly surprised that someone could assume the right to take
>this initiative without our consent and without even having asked
>any of us for our opinion. We would like to make it clear that we do
>not agree with the aforementioned proposal and hope that the U.S.
>Senate will not approve it.
>We would like to remind the honorable senators of the American
>declaration of humanityÕs rights and duties, approved in the 9th
>American International Conference in Bogotı in 1948, in which
>Article 8 specifically stipulates that everyone has the right to
>establish residence in the territory of the state where he or she is
>a national, to move freely within it and not to leave it except
>We reject the attempt to arbitrarily deprive us of this right. We
>particularly reject, even more steadfastly, the real aim of this
>proposal, which is nothing other than to extend Eliın GonzılezÕs
>retention in U.S. territory, in clear violation of international
>norms, and in spite of the decision announced by the INS on January
>5, whose full validity was confirmed by Federal Judge Moore.
>Elian Gonzalez was only five years old when, after losing his mother,
>he was preventing from returning to his family. More than four months
>have gone by since then, and this has inflicted unspeakable suffering
>on the child and on us.
>We have never harmed the United States, its people or its senators.
>Why do they continue to punish us so unjustly and cruelly?
>In the hope that you will place respect for the institution of the
>family above and beyond any other consideration, we remain yours
>            Juan Miguel Gonzalez
>            Juan Gonzalez
>            Mariela Quintana
>            Nersy Carmenate
>            Hianny Gonzalez
>            Rolando Betancourt
>            Raquel Rodriguez "
>Spanish | French | Portuguese | German | Italian | Javier Sotomayor |
>    © Copyright. 1996-1999. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. GRANMA
>                        INTERNATIONAL/ ONLINE EDITION " JC
>                  *************
>              [MORE THAN A WEEKLY]
>Cuba accuses exiles of attempting to provoke a military conflict
>with the United States
> Havana, April 1 (Notimex).- Cuban Defense Minister Ra¦l Castro has
>accused the anti-Castro Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) of
>trying to promote a Washington-Havana military conflict over the
>case of Cuban child Elian Gonzılez.
>            Elian's case "is inscribed in the context of an
>            ultra-right wing plot aimed at fomenting a
>            military conflict," Ra¦l Castro stated this
>            Saturday to some 40,000 people attending an open
>            rally in Niquero, in the eastern province of
>            Granma.   [Ra¦l Castro]
>In his speech, the minister of defense [Pueblo de Niquero]also
>criticized U.S. presidential candidates Al Gore and George Bush for
>backing Elian's Miami relatives in their attempt to have the child
>live in the United States.
>He affirmed that the political, legal and family disagreement
>created around Elian had strengthened the Cuban people's unity,
>which "is the most powerful weapon that we have in this globalized
>world of today."
>Ra¦l emphasized that even when Elian comes back, the Cuban
>government will continue to demand that the United States terminate
>the Cuban Adjustment Act, which benefits with residence and work
>permits persons from the island reaching U.S. territory; as well as
>the economic embargo of the island.
>                ONLINE EDITION " JC


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