>        WW News Service Digest #116
> 1) EMERGENCY ALERT! Save Gary Graham/Shaka Sankofa!
>    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>--Flood Bush with calls and emails
>--Demonstrations continue Wednesday and Thursday in
>     --New York
>     --San Francisco
>     --Detroit
>     --for more see http://www.iacenter.org/juneteenth.htm#nyc
>       (this site received over 500,000 hits in one day)
>URGENT: contact Gov. Bush NOW
>Flood Gov. Bush's office with calls and emails: (512) 463-2000 or
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] demanding that he stop the execution of
>Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham) immediately! Also call Gerald Garrett,
>Chairman of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles: (512) 463-1679
>or (512) 406-5852
>Two days in a row, Bush's $1000-per-plate dinners were disrupted by
>activists, Monday in Palo Alto and Tuesday in Los Angeles. There are
>continuing demonstrations, from New York to Huntsville, TX, to San
>*Wed., June 21, 5 pm, starting at the Republican Party HQ, 46th St. and
>Madison Ave.
>*Thur., June 22, 12 noon, starting at the same location
>*Rallies, marches and more will be ongoing.  Call for updates on
>locations and times.
>Shaka Sankofa's case is now the top story in the mainstream press.
>After days of protests and disruptions at his fundraisers, Gov. George
>Bush is under intense pressure to stop Sankofa's execution, which is
>scheduled for Thursday. For the moment, the death penalty and
>Sankofa's case have become the central issue of Bush's presidential
>campaign. This is an unprecedented chance to save Shaka's life!
>WEDS.: Rally at the State Office Building at Van Ness and McAllister in
>San Francisco from 4pm to 6 pm to demand Governor Davis send a
>strong message to George W. Bush that the people of California want
>him to stop the execution of Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham) and
>demand a new trial.
>THURS.: If there is still no stay granted by Thursday morning, there will
>be a direct action and legal support demonstration at 8 am outside the
>US Court of Appeals at 7th and Mission Streets in San Francisco.
>Detroit Hunger strikers completed there second day of a fast to demand
>that George Bush halt the execution of Shaka Sankofa, aka Gary
>Graham.  On day 1, Sunday, the hunger strikers were introduced to
>congregations at the Central United Methodist Church, and the New
>Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit where they spoke about the case.
>On Day 2 the hunger strikers set up camp outside the Detroit City
>Council Building where they will remain all week.  A banner calling for a
>halt to the execution of Sankofa is displayed.  The strikers and
>supporters leafletted people about the case and collected about 200
>petition signatures demanding a hald to the execution where were
>faxed to Governor George Bush.  A 12 noon rally was well attended and
>got media coverage by TV2, WWJ, the Metro Times and City View
>The hunger strikers include Shirley Sanders, African American
>community activist; Arnetta Grable of the Coalition Against Police
>Brutality, whose son was killed by Detroit cops; Groundwork for a Just
>World organizer, Jeff Nelson, and David Sole, president of UAW 2334.
>Today Sally Peck, a leading anti-death penalty activist in Michigan, and
>Elena Herrada, well known activist in the Latino community joined the
>hunger strike.
>The hunger strikers will be holding daily rallies at 12 noon at the Detroit
>City County Building to continue building support for a halt to the
>execution.  A vigil is scheduled for 5-7 pm on Thursday at the Detroit
>City Council building, the time the Sankofa execution is scheduled to
>take place.
>In other cities across the country and especially in Texas actions are
>taking place to halt this execution of an innocent man and to demand a
>moratorium on executions nationwide.  Join the rallies every day and
>visit the hunger strikers at the Detroit City County Building any time
>between 8-5pm to pick up petitions.
>Free Shaka Sankofa.  Free Mumia.  End the racist death penalty!
>International Action Center
>39 West 14th Street, Room 206
>New York, NY 10011
>web: www.iacenter.org
>CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
>phone: 212 633-6646
>fax:   212 633-2889


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