
>From: Communist Party of Australia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Subject: Okinawan people needs your support
>> Dear friends,
>>The G8 Summit Meeting is going to be held in Okinawa, 21-23 July,
>2000. As you may be already aware, Okinawa is made a stronghold of
>U.S. military strategy with huge military bases. Utilizing this
>opportunity of G8 Summit, our committee is going to
>globally disseminate the reality of Okinawa almost occupied by U.S.
>military forces and suffering from burden of huge U.S. bases. At the
>same time, we would like to call upon all peace movements and peace-
>loving people of the world to express and to strengthen solidarity
>with the movements of Okinawan people and to pressurize Japan and
>U.S. government for the reduction and withdrawal of these bases.
> > Here we enclosed an appeal to which we would like to get your
>support (with signature). We are going to make public, before the
>opening of the G8 Summit Meeting, this international appeal with a
>number of signatures.
> > If you agree with the spirits and contents of the appeal, please
>send us your signature or notice of support by fax (+81-3-3451-6277)
> > We need : 1) your full name  2) name of your organization (if you
>can represent) & your function 3) message or coments (if you
>have) Please circulate and disseminate this Appeal to your members,
>partners, and friends as wide as possible in order to get the
>boradest support.
>> Thank you for your solidarity and cooperation. Yours in peace.   >
>Hiroshi Suda, General Secretary Japan Peace Committee
>> International Appeal > on the U.S. Bases in Okinawa
>> on the occasion of the G8 Summit Meeting
>> /Okinawa, Japan, 21-22 July, 2000/
>> We would like to draw your attention to the fact that coming G8
>> Summit Meeting (21-23 July) will be held in Okinawa.
>^This small group of islands, like a colony, are burdened with U.S.
>military bases, as has never been seen in other territory of
>sovereign states in the world.
>There are huge U.S. bases in Okinawa which occupies more than 10% of
>the whole territory (20% of the main island). These bases were built
>in violation of international law.
>> The US Military forces, occupying Okinawa in the Second World War,
>built their bases by force, sending surviving citizens to
>concentration camps and taking their land without payment. It was a
>clear violation of The Hague Convention that prohibits the
>confiscation of private property even during war, and that obliges to
>pay for their property requisitioned even in the case of military
>> Further more, since 1953, bulldozing houses and burning them,
>the U.S. Forces had outrageously promoted more large scale of
>requisition of the lands than it was just after the end of WWII. Thus
>huge U.S. military bases were built as we see now.
> > Today these bases are the root cause of the violation of
>human rights and security of Okinawan people. According to the
>statistics of Japanese Government as well as of Okinawa prefecture, a
>number of crimes committed by U.S. soldiers for these 30 years has
>reached around 5,000, and more than 10% of them are violent crimes
>such as murder, burglaries, and rapes.
> >However neither Japan's domestic laws nor U.S. laws are applied to
>the U.S. Forces in Japan, and in fact U.S. soldiers committing crimes
>are protected by prerogatives. Those who are disturbed by the noise
>pollution by U.S. bases reaches 37% of whole Okinawa's population.
>The crashes and the burning of military airplanes take place so
> > It is clear that above mentioned situation infringes a norm
>of international community envisaged in the Universal Declaration of
>Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security
>of person" (Article 3). At the same time, it is quite serious that
>these bases constitute a threat to peace of Asia and of the
>world. Okinawa is the only place in the world where the U.S. deploys
>Marine Corps outside its territory. The Marine Corps situated in
>front of Korean Peninsular and China are forces with a task of
>advance attack to other nations. Thus Okinawa is made an important
>stronghold of the U.S. Forces in Asia and the Pacific.
> > Moreover the US administration is reinforcing its military bases
>in Okinawa based on the military strategy of preemptive attack and of
>interference, as it plans to build a modern base on the beautiful
>seashore of Nago City, a venue of the G8 Summit Meeting. It is
>obvious that such a situation infringes principles of the United
>Nations such as peaceful solution of conflicts, respect to
>sovereignty, non-interference into internal affairs, and so on, and
>that it goes against the current of peace in Asia and the world.
> > The nations of G8 declared that they share common "value"
>of democracy, human rights, and peace. Okinawa where they are coming
>together is nothing but a spot where these values are violently
>trampled upon. The last G8 Summit Meeting in the 20th century being
>held in Okinawa, both governments of Japan and the United States
>should immediately start actions for the reduction and removal of
>U.S. bases in order to normalize the situation in Okinawa.
> > Okinawan people has been fighting against the burden of
>U.S. military bases and for the release from it. It is high time, on
>the eve of the 21st century, that their demand should be immediately
>realized. We support the demands of Okinawan people and express our
>cordial solidarity to them.
>> July 2000
>> We, undersigned, support this appeal:


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