TODAY'S NEWS (June.23.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il informed about names given to Phungsan hounds

   * Greetings to Bashar al Assad

   * Kim Yong Nam receives credentials from newly-appointed Indian

   * Greetings to Mozambican President

   * Korean socialism is invincible

   * Day of promulgation of labour law observed

   * Figure-skating development

   * Persimmon under nation-wide cultivation

   * Three principles of national reunification, program for reunification
     common to nation

   * Utterances of human scum flayed

   * Korean books presented to India

   * Warmest congratulations to Kim Jong Il

   * Three-point charter of Korea's reunification supported abroad

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * ley para obreros y oficinistas

   * avisan a dirigente kim jong il nombres de perros regalados

   * campana internacional de recogida de firmas de apoyo a tres cartas de
     reunificacion de corea

   * psr de peru riende calurosa felicitacion a camarada kim jong il

   * testarudez de basura humana

Kim Jong Il informed about names given to Phungsan hounds

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was informed
on Thursday about the names given
to a pair of Phungsan hounds, the gift President Kim Dae Jung and his wife
received from him during their Pyongyang
    President Kim Dae Jung and his wife named the male dog "Uri" and the
female dog "Duri" as a token of the unity
of the Korean nation.

Greetings to Bashar al Assad

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent a
message of greetings to Bashar al Assad
yesterday upon his election as general secretary of the central committee
of the Arab Socialist Baath Party.
    In the message Kim Jong Il said that his election is the expression of
high trust and expectation of the party and all
its members to him and steadfast aspiration and will of the party and
people of his country to carry to completion the
cause of Hafez al Assad under the leadership of the party headed by the
general secretary.
    The message expressed the belief that the traditional relations of
friendship and cooperation between the two
parties and peoples would further be strengthened through the common
struggle for independence against imperialism
and sincerely wished him great success in his responsible work.

Kim Yong Nam receives credentials from newly-appointed Indian ambassador

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, received credentials from
Binanda Kumar Gogoi, newly-appointed
Indian ambassador to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    Present there was Pak Kil Yon, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs.
    Then the President conversed with the ambassador.

Greetings to Mozambican President

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, on June 22 sent a message of
greetings to Joaquim Alberto Chissano,
President of the Republic of Mozambique, on the occasion of the 25th
anniversary of its founding.
    Extending warm congratulations to the President, his government and
people on the 25th founding anniversary of
the republic, the message wished them success in their work for the
development and prosperity of the country.
    It expressed the belief that the traditional relations of friendship
and cooperation between the two countries would
continue to grow stronger and develop on good terms.

Korean socialism is invincible

   Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Officials of foreign political parties
visited the monument to party founding during
their Korea visit and said that the Worker's Party of Korea is fully
displaying its might as an ever-victorious
iron-willed party.
    Serei Kosal, head of the delegation of the Funcinpec Party of Cambodia,
said the monument to party founding,
which was built well as a monument of the era, contains very deep contents,
noting that the WPK composed of
workers, farmers and intellectuals has always led all the people to
victory, taking deep roots among the working
    Madhav Kumar Nepal, general secretary of the central committee of the
Nepal Communist Party (UML), wrote in
the visitor's book that the WPK is the guiding force of the Korean people
and without its leadership no success is
expected in the revolution, construction and national defence of Korea.
    Hasanul Huq Inu, general secretary of the Bangladesh National Socialist
Party, said the WPK founded by
President Kim Il Sung and being strengthened and developed by General
Secretary Kim Jong Il is an invincible party
which set a brilliant example in the revolutionary party building.
    Socialism of Korean style is ever-victorious thanks to the great party.

Day of promulgation of labour law observed

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The labour law was promulgated in Korea on
June 24.
    The law is a democratic law for factory and office workers which was
laid down in "the 10-point program of the
association for the restoration of the fatherland" which was conceived and
worked out by the President Kim Il Sung
during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and in "the 20-point
platform" advanced by him after liberation.
    After national liberation President Kim Il Sung visited a number of
factories and enterprises, hostels and houses of
workers to acquaint himself with their working and living conditions,
working hours and labour protection, etc. in
order to build a genuine society for workers.
    He formulated the articles of the labour law one by one after touring
hot springs, spas and scenic spots to assess
the accommodation capacities of sanatoria and rest homes.
    On this basis, he promulgated "the labour law on factory and office
workers in North Korea" on June 24, Juche
35 (1946).
    Stipulated in the law are all the issues related to the lives of the
factory and office workers, including working
hours, remuneration, labour protection and social insurance.
    No sooner had the law been promulgated than all the people warmly
welcomed it and held demonstrations and
celebrations to support it.
    Though the country was in a difficult situation he took measures to
provide labour protection at the state expense,
enforce social insurance and social security system and build sanatoria and
rest homes in different parts of the country.
    The enforcement of the law brought about a radical turn in the work and
lives of the factory and office workers.
    In order to meet the requirements of the realities after the
establishment of the socialist system in the DPRK, he
saw to it that "the socialist labour law of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea" was instituted and promulgated in
Juche 67 (1978) to more firmly guarantee the independent and creative lives
of the Korean people.

Figure-skating development

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Figure-skaters from the Wolmido Sports
Group clinch top standings at national
and international contests in recent years.
    The pair of An Yong Hui, 20, and Rim Thae June, 25, and Han Jong In,
23, (individual men's contest) have
registered a winning streak in five rounds of the Pyongyang International
Figure-Skating Festival. They have
established an Asian reputation for their quadruple jump loop.
    The group's figure-skating performance was on a low level because of
its blind imitation of the training methods
of foreign powerhouses.
    The chief coach Han Sang Jon settled on a switchover to a training
schedule tailored to the Koreans' physical
    The players doubled their training hours with an eye on these two
points, and finally became less prone to a fall
after a double or triple jump.
    While making increasingly exact demands in training, the group held in
close touch with the research institute of
the science of physical culture to keep tabs on the world trends and give
scientific training according to individual
physique and predilection.
    Han says: "Korea is a late comer in the figure-skating world but its
skills are rapidly developing in recent years.
    Most of my players are capable of a quadruple jump loop."

Persimmon under nation-wide cultivation

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Persimmon trees are now under extensive
cultivation across Korea.
    The tree begins to bear fruit in four to five years and yields annual
batches for over 100 years, 100 to 150 kg at the
    The persimmon contains 12 to 17.6 percent of sugar, 0.33 to 1.18
percent of protein and 0.05 to 0.1 percent of
organic acid. It may be eaten raw or dried and used as an ingredient of
sweet rice dish, liquor and some medicines.
    The tree which was confined to coastal and warm areas has been
acclimatized to wider areas of the country.
    Its planting is now in full swing in the provinces north of
Pyongyang--north and south Phyongan and south
    Onchon, Jungsan and Phyongwon counties in South Phyongan Province
actively encourage every family to plant
at least two persimmon trees by the end of this year, while Jongju city and
Unjon and Pakchon counties in North
Phyongan Province have produced and distributed 20,000 saplings to homes.
    A similar trend is evident in Hwadae county and Kim Chaek city in the
northern province of Hamgyong. The
pomiculturists in Hwadae obtained a new, highly viable variety a few years ago.

Three principles of national reunification, program for reunification common to

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The three principles of national
reunification are program for reunification
common to the Korean nation, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    The article goes on:
    The three principles, independence, peaceful reunification and great
national unity, were confirmed and solemnly
proclaimed at home and abroad by the north and south of Korea through the
north-south joint statement issued on July
4, Juche 61 (1972).
    The three principles, the cornerstone of national reunification and a
great program for it, clearly indicate
fundamental stand and ways to solve the issue of national reunification by
the efforts of the Korean nation in
conformity with its will and interests.
    The principle of independence is a fundamental issue related to the
destiny of the country and nation and a principle
of reunification common to the nation.
    The Korean people's struggle for national reunification is, in essence,
a struggle to establish national sovereignty
throughout Korea.
    If all the Koreans firmly unite as one on the basis of patriotism,
guided by the principle of national independence,
they can successfully solve the issue of national reunification, the
cherished desire of the nation.
    The principle of peaceful reunification is the basic way of solving the
issue of national reunification in conformity
with the unanimous desire of the whole nation and the world peaceloving people.
    It is only the Korean nation who will suffer from a fratricidal war.
    The peaceful solution of the issue of reunification through the
north-south dialogue and negotiations is in line not
only with the fundamental interests of the Korean nation but with the
desire of the world peaceloving people.
    The principle of great national unity is a guideline for action as it
unites all the Koreans as one under the banner of
national reunification.
    The great national unity is a sure guarantee for the independent and
peaceful reunification of the country.
    If all the compatriots stand for national reunification, placing common
feature and interests of the nation above all,
they can achieve the great unity of the whole nation, transcending
difference in ideas and systems.
    The key to achieving national reunification and carving out the destiny
of the nation lies in invariably holding fast
to the three principles, independence, peaceful reunification and great
national unity, the article concludes.

Utterances of human scum flayed

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- All the Koreans in the north and south and
abroad and the world people warmly
hailed historic Pyongyang meeting and north-south summit and fully favored
and supported the north-south joint
declaration as a landmark of reunification.
    But Kim Young Sam, the most vicious human scum ever known in history
and anti-reunification traitor, did not
bother to let loose reckless remarks to tarnish immortal feats recorded in
the history of national reunification,
swimming against the trend of the times towards the reunification of the
    When being briefed on the historic Pyongyang meeting on June 19, he
dared slander the system in the North
Korea and the north-south joint declaration.
    Those remarks can be made only by a person ignorant of the trend of the
times and public opinion of South Korea
and obsessed with anti-communist idea.
    He lost a chance of a historic Pyongyang meeting in 1994 and has since
been given no opportunity to have a
dialogue with the north.
    During his term of office he engaged himself in heinous confrontation
with the north and totally blocked
inter-Korean dialogue that had been under way even under the preceding
military dictatorship.
    Especially, when all the Koreans were in profound grief over the death
of the father of the nation President Kim Il
Sung, the greatest loss of the nation, in 1994 he, far from mourning the
death, brandished a bayonet against the
people, the dialogue partner seized with deep grief over the great loss, in
a bid to achieve a sinister political aim. He
was a hooligan bereft of all sense of humanity and morality.
    His recent slander goes only to add to his thrice-cursed crimes.
    No matter what desperate efforts he makes to block national
reconciliation and reunification, the reunification of
the country longed for by all the people in the north and south will surely
come true and a new phase of national unity
and reunification will be opened without fail in the near future. He should
clearly know this.
    Our people and people's army will never tolerate such guys as Kim Young
Sam who tries to undermine the system
in the northern half of Korea, but certainly square accounts with them.

Korean books presented to India

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Korean books were presented with due
ceremony at the central committee of the
all-India Forward Bloc on June 16.
    Famous works of General Secretary Kim Jong Il and other Korean books
were presented to the central committee
of the bloc.
    After receiving the books general secretary of the bloc D. Biswas said
that the works authored by Kim Jong Il are
all powerful treasured sword for the human cause of independence, the
socialist cause, and a true textbook of work and

Warmest congratulations to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The Revolutionary Socialist Party of Peru
adopted a decision on June 15 to
extend congratulations to General Secretary Kim Jong Il on the occasion of
the 36th anniversary of his start of work at
the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Extending the warmest congratulations to Kim Jong Il, General Secretary
of the WPK and Chairman of the
National Defence Commission of the DPRK, and the WPK Central Committee, the
decision said:
    The WPK has grown strong and developed to be a force leading the Korean
people to every victory, an
ever-victorious steel-strong party and invincible organized ranks in the
struggle to build a powerful socialist nation and
achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country under the
36-year-long energetic leadership of Kim
Jong Il, brilliant thinker and theoretician and great master of leadership.
    The decision wished Kim Jong Il a long life in good health for the
victory of the Korean revolution and world

Three-point charter of Korea's reunification supported abroad

    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- More political parties and public figures
of different countries joined in the
international signature campaign for supporting the three-point charter of
Korea's reunification.
    A meeting for the signature campaign was held on June 7 by the Kampala
city committee of the National
Movement of Uganda.
    Niom Birembo, chairman of the Kampala city committee, said in his
speech at the meeting that the three-point
charter of Korea's reunification is the justest and most realistic great
program indicating the way of Korea's
reunification and extended full support and solidarity to the Korean people
in their struggle to reunify the country
according to the charter.
    The participants in the meeting inked the signature paper on behalf of
the Kampala city committee of the National
Movement of Uganda and Kampala citizens.
    David Kibirango, vice-chairman of the African Regional Committee of
Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean
People, joined in the signature campaign on June 8.
    Terence A. Marryshow, political leader of the Maurice Bishop Patriotic
Movement of Grenada, signed the
signature paper in the name of a thousand party members on June 10.
    The mayor of Butwal and members of parliament from the Nepali Congress
Party and the Nepal Communist Party
(UML), and other individual personages in Katmandu, Butwal, Pokhra and
other areas of Nepal inked the signature

For Spanish-speaking people

ley para obreros y oficinistas

    pyongyang, 23 de junio (atcc) -- el 24 de junio del 35 (1946) de la era
juche se promulgo la ley del trabajo en la
rpd de corea.
    se trata de una ley democratica para los obreros y empleados. el gran
lider presidente kim il sung la menciono en el
"programa de 10 puntos de la asociacion para la restauracion de la patria"
esbozado y elaborado personalmente por si
mismo en el periodo de la lucha revolucionaria antijaponesa y la
"plataforma de 20 puntos" elaborada despues de la
restauracion del pais.
    despues de la restauracion de la patria el presidente kim il sung
visito numerosas fabricas y empresas para preparar
un autentico mundo de la clase obrera y recorrio viviendas y albergues de
los obreros para enterarse en detalle de las
condiciones de trabajo y vida, jornada del trabajo, la proteccion del
trabajo, etc.
    al recorrer los lugares de aguas termales y minerales y lugares
pintorescos evaluo la capacidad de reposo para
completar un articulo por el otro la ley del trabajo.
    a base de eso el presidente kim il sung promulgo el 24 de junio del 35
(1946) de la era juche la "ley del trabajo para
los obreros y empleados de corea del norte".
    la ley indica todos los asuntos relativos a la vida de los obreros y
empleados como la jornada laboral, remuneracion
y proteccion del trabajo y seguro social.
    tan pronto como se promulgo la ley gozo de calurosa aprobacion de todo
el pueblo y en distintas localidades se
efectuaron mitines y manifestaciones de apoyo a ella.
    pese a la situacion dificil del pais el presidente tomo las medidas
para ejecutar la proteccion del trabajo a cargo del
estado e hizo implantar el sistema de seguro social y jubilacion y
acondicionar por doquier sanatorios y casas de
    como resultado se registro un viraje radical en el trabajo y la vida de
los obreros y empleados.
    despues el presidente kim il sung hizo promulgar en el 67 (1978) de la
era juche la "ley del trabajo socialista de la
republica popular democratica de corea" conforme a la demanda de la
realidad en que se establecio el regimen socialista
y asi aseguro con mas firmeza la vida del trabajo independiente y creadora
del pueblo coreano.

avisan a dirigente kim jong il nombres de perros regalados

    pyongyang, 23 de junio (atcc) -- el presidente kim tae jung y su esposa
avisaron el dia 22 al gran dirigente kim
jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea y presidente
del comite de defensa nacional de la republica
popular democratica de corea la decision de denominar a una pareja de
perros originales de phungsan presentes
recibidos de el durante su visita a pyongyang como "uri" a macho y "turi" a
hembra en el sentido de simbolizar la
unidad de la nacion coreana.

campana internacional de recogida de firmas de apoyo a tres cartas de
de corea

    pyongyang, 23 de junio (atcc) -- los partidos politicos y
personalidades de distintos sectores de varios paises
participaron en la campana internacional de recogida de firmas de apoyo a
tres cartas de reunificacion de corea.
    en el comite urbano de kampala del movimiento nacional de uganda se
efectuo el dia 7 del actual un acto relativo a
esta campana.
    en la ocasion niom birembo, presidente del comite de esta ciudad al
hacer uso de la palabra dijo que las tres cartas
de la reunificacion de corea son un gran programa muy justo y realista que
indica el camino de esta empresa y
exteriorizo irrestricto apoyo y solidaridad con la lucha del pueblo coreano
por lograrla segun estas tres cartas.
    los participantes en el acto pusieron firmas en el documento en
representacion del comite urbano de kampala del
movimiento nacional de uganda y de los habitantes de esta ciudad.
    el dia 8 del mes en curso, david kibirango, vicepresidente del comite
regional africano de amistad y solidaridad con
el pueblo coreano participo en esta campana.
    terence a. marryshow, dirigente politico del movimiento patriotico
"maurice bishop" de granada firmo el dia 10 de
este mes el documento en representacion de mil militantes.
    en nepal lo firmaron el alcalde de butwal, miembros del consejo
nacional procedentes del partido congreso de nepal
y el partido comunista unido de nepal (marxista-leninista) y otras
personalidades de varias regiones entre otras
katmandu, butwal, pokhra.

psr de peru riende calurosa felicitacion a camarada kim jong il

    pyongyang, 23 de junio (atcc) -- el partido socialista revolucionario
del peru aprobo el dia 15 la decision de
felicitacion al 36 aniversario del inicio del trabajo del gran dirigente
kim jong il en el comite central del partido del
trabajo de corea.
    la decision senala:
    el psr del peru riende las mas calurosas felicitaciones al camarada kim
jong il, secretario general del partido del
trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea y al cc del ptc.

    gracias a la dinamica direccion de 36 anos del camarada kim jong il,
genial ideologo y teorico y gran maestro del
liderazgo, hoy el partido del trabajo de corea se ha desarrollado en la
fuerza orientadora de toda la victoria del pueblo
coreano, invencible partido de acero y la indestructible organizacion en la
lucha por la construccion de potencia
socialista y la reunificacion independiente y pacifica de la patria.
    el psr del peru desea buena salud y larga vida al camarada kim jong il,
secretario general del partido del trabajo de
corea para la victoria de la revolucion coreana y la causa socialista del

testarudez de basura humana

    pyongyang, 23 de junio (atcc) -- hoy, todos los coreanos en el pais y
el ultramar y los demas pueblos del mundo
evaluan altamente el historico encuentro de pyongyang y las conversaciones
de nivel supremo norte - sur de corea y
exteriorizan entero apoyo a la declaracion conjunta de ambas partes, jalon
de la reintegracion de corea.
    pero kim yong sam, imbecil y basura humana nada contra la tendencia de
la epoca a la ruenificacion de corea y se
esfuerza desesperadamente por reducir a nada esas inmortales hazanas
logradas en la historia de reunificacion del pais.
    el pasado dia 19, al escuchar la explicacion de dicho encuentro se
atrevio a censurar el sistema de norcorea y dicha
    ese perverso traidor ignora la tendencia de la epoca y la opinion
publiica surcoreana.
    su presente peroracion no pasa de ser quejas de quien fue expulsado del
poder tras perder en 1994 la oportunidad
de sostener historico encuentro de pyongyang y connversaciones con nosotros.
    ese anticomunista, durante su mandato, se ocupo de las freneticas
maquinaciones de enfrentamiento con la rpdc y
bloqueo totalmente el dialogo con norcorea sostenido desde el periodo de
dictadura militar anterior.
    en 1994, cuando toda la nacion sufrio el mayor duelo nacional por haber
perdido su padre, no expreso pesame
sino se valio de esa ocasion para lograr su vil objetivo politico y blandio
bayonetas contra su interlocutor del dialogo
que sufrio gran perdida.
    esta vez volvio a perpetrar crimenes al censurar a dichos eventos
especiales registrados en la historia de la nacion
coreana por la reunificacion de la patria e insultar el sistema de norcorea.
    kim yong sam debe darse clara cuenta de que aunque ladra el perro el
tren expreso del norte y el sur para la
reunificacion de la patria correra con vigor hacia su destino y se abrira
en los dias cercanos la nueva coyuntura de la
unidad y la reintegracion nacionales.
    nuestro pueblo y ejercito popular no perdonaran a los que pretenden
atentar nuestro sistema como kim yong sam
sino los castigaran severamente.


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