June.23.2001 Juche 90



U.S. urged not to hamstring implementation of joint declaration

Juche philosophy academy formed in Mexico

Yang Hyong Sop meets leader of central headquarters of Chondoism from S.

U.S. to deliver vertical missile launching system to S. Korea

U.S. imperialists condemned for starting Korean War

KCTU holds rally and demonstration

Bush's outbursts under fire

Anti-U.S. meeting of Pyongyang students

Minju Joson on DPRK's stand on negotiations with U.S.

U.S. government's refusal to allow entry of DPRK delegation under fire

U.S. unreasonable refusal to permit entry of DPRK delegation denounced

Congratulations to Italian prime minister

Congratulations to Italian foreign minister

U.S. urged not to hamstring implementation of joint declaration
     Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The Communist Party of Syria (YOUSSEF),
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Syria, the Palestine
National Liberation Movement (FATAH), the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front
issued a joint statement on June 10 and the Lebanese Communist Party, the
Nationalist Socialist Party of Syria in Lebanon and the Lebanon Federation
of Workers a joint statement on June 13 to support the decision of a joint
meeting of political parties and organisations in the DPRK to pave the way
for reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation and mark the
first anniversary of the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration. The joint declaration of the north and the south of Korea
should be implemented to the letter in order to put an end to the division
of the Korean peninsula as early as possible and reunify Korea, the joint
statements said.
    They urged the South Korean authorities to stop joint military exercises
against the DPRK, reject outsiders' interference and cooperate with their
fellow countrymen in the spirit of the joint declaration.
    They also urged the U.S. not to interfere in the inter-Korean ties nor
put the brake on the implementation of the declaration but to withdraw its
troops from South Korea at once.
    They expressed firm solidarity with the Korean people in their struggle
to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.


Juche philosophy academy formed in Mexico
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The Mexican Academy of the Juche Philosophy
was formed in Puebla on June 15 on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of
leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the central committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea. Miguel Alba Vega, chairman of the union of working class of
Mexico, was elected chairman of the academy at the inaugural meeting. a
letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.


Yang Hyong Sop meets leader of central headquarters of Chondoism from S.
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Vice-president Yang Hyong Sop of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and conversed
with Kim Chol, leader of the central headquarters of Chondoism of South
Korea, and his party on a visit to Pyongyang at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
yesterday. Present there were Ryu Mi Yong, chairperson of the Korean
Chondoist Church central guidance committee, and officials concerned.


U.S. to deliver vertical missile launching system to S. Korea
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Seoul-based Yonhap News quoted the U.S.
military magazine Defense News on June 17 as saying that the U.S. defense
department decided to deliver mk 41 vertical missile launching system to
South Korea. According to the magazine, the launching system worth 98
million dollars will be mounted on destroyers of South Korea in November and
one launching system has eight missile launchers. Each South Korean
destroyer is expected to be fitted with four mk 41 launching systems, which
means that one destroyer is to possess 32 missiles in all, the magazine
added. Some time ago, the South Korean authorities requested the united
states to deliver to them three mk 41, the uptodate standard vertical
missile launching system applicable to the U.S. "Missile Defense" system,
and their parts. 


U.S. imperialists condemned for starting Korean War
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- Yun Song Sik, permanent member of the
consultative council of former South Korean politicians in the north for the
promotion of peaceful reunification, was interviewed by KCNA yesterday on
the lapse of 51 years since the U.S. imperialists ignited the Korean War. He
stated that the U.S. was the real criminal who provoked the Korean War.
    He continued: 
    The U.S. imperialists who landed in South Korea under the pretext of
disarming the defeated Japanese imperialists found a way out of their grave
economic stagnation and socio-political crisis in the late 1940s in
launching a war and stepped up preparations for the war against the DPRK.
    After rounding off the war preparations the U.S. ignited the war on June
25, 1950 and faked up an illegal "resolution" labelling the DPRK as an
"aggressor" at the UNSC meeting and left no stone unturned to mobilize even
armies of its 15 satellites to the Korean war under the cloak of "UN
    The U.S. imperialists instigated stooges of South Korea to unleash the
war according to the scenario carefully worked out for a long time. With
nothing can they justify this criminal act. The U.S. is keen to provoke a
new war against the DPRK.
    History clearly shows what a miserable end war maniacs met while playing
with fire. 
    The U.S. should not seek an anachronistic hardline policy toward the
DPRK, the policy of war, but replace the armistice agreement with a peace
agreement and withdraw its aggression forces from South Korea at once as
unanimously demanded by the Korean nation and the world progressives.


KCTU holds rally and demonstration
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- At least 3,500 unionists under the Ulsan
regional headquarters of the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions
(KCTU) held a rally and staged a demonstration in Ulsan on June 20 in demand
of a stop to the South Korean authorities' suppression of the KCTU,
Seoul-based Radio No. 1 reported. The unionists hurled Molotov cocktails at
riot policemen. 
    As the KCTU plans to go on a general strike with a full-dress
anti-"government" struggle in the future, resistance of workers is likely to
mount, the radio added.
    More than 300 workers under the Chungbuk regional headquarters of the
KCTU and others held a rally in Chongju that day, at which they demanded an
immediate stop to the suppression of the KCTU, Seoul-based Yonhap News


Bush's outbursts under fire
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- U.S. President Bush pulled up the DPRK at a
recent NATO summit meeting, asserting that there should be a "new framework
for security" including the "Missile Defense" program (MD) as the "ABM
treaty" signed between the United States and the former Soviet Union cannot
avert a "new threat". At a press conference held at the end of the summit
meeting Bush talked about the "need" to react to the DPRK's "missile and
biological and chemical weapons and cyber terrorism".
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    This is a trite trick to garner support from participants of the summit
by citing "threat" from the DPRK in a bid to improve the image of the U.S.
now being censured for its moves to establish the "Missile Defense" system
and bolting a "Kyoto Protocol".
    It was an insult and challenge to the Korean people that the U.S. hurted
the dignity of the DPRK in the international conference hall citing "threat"
from it. 
    After announcing its intention to resume the dialogue with the DPRK,
Washington has an axe to grind, attacking the other party to it.
    This reveals the shameless and sinister double-dealing tactics of the
U.S. the U.S. did not bother to cite "threat" from the DPRK for justifying
the MD at the NATO summit. This is an indication that the bush
administration is still clinging to its hostile policy to stifle the DPRK
with strength. 
    A spate of jargons let loose by bush about "threat" from the DPRK was
nothing but sheer sophism.
    The DPRK's missiles are for self-defence, not for aggression.
    The U.S. authorities are well advised to stop mud-slinging at the DPRK
intended to hurt its dignity and self-respect.


Anti-U.S. meeting of Pyongyang students
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- An anti-U.S. meeting of Pyongyang students
was held at the youth park open-air theatre here yesterday on the threshold
of the "June 25, day of struggle against the U.S. imperialists." First
secretary Ri Il Hwan of the c.c., the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League
delivered a report at the meeting, which was followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that the Korean War unleashed by the U.S.
imperialists was a criminal war of aggression, a scorched-earth war and a
war of the most barbarous genocide designed to impose the miserable fate of
colonial slavery upon the Korean people again and dominate the world with
Korea as a springboard.
    During the three years of the war the aggressors dropped over 428,000
bombs on Pyongyang to reduce it to ruins and massacred innocent people in
the most diabolic and outrageous way, they noted, and went on:
    The aggressive nature and wild ambition of the U.S. imperialists remain
unchanged though nearly a half century has passed since the ceasefire in
this land and a new century has come.
    If the U.S. imperialists ignite another Korean war, oblivious of lessons
of history, the Korean people including school, youth and children will
mercilessly punish them with resentment and hatred that have been pent up
for half a century.
    A letter of indignation was read out at the meeting.


Minju Joson on DPRK's stand on negotiations with U.S.
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- It is the DPRK's stand that the primary
agenda item of the DPRK-U.S. negotiations should be compensation for the
loss of electricity resulting from the delayed delivery of light water
reactors. Minju Joson today says this in a signed commentary on the U.S.
President's statement on resuming the dialogue with the DPRK.
    The news analyst says:
    The agenda items of the negotiations unilaterally set out by the U.S.
include nuclear, missile and conventional armed forces-related issues, which
deprive the DPRK of even the minimum right to self-defence. The DPRK,
therefore, can never accept the U.S. demand.
    It is clear that as the U.S. raised unpractical agenda items
unacceptable to the dialogue partner, success of the dialogue cannot be
    The U.S. demand suggests that the U.S. is seeking a sinister political
purpose in proposing to resume the negotiations.
    It is the DPRK's comment on the U.S. strange behaviour that the U.S.
tries to shift on to the DPRK the responsibility for the stalemated
negotiations and evade the blame for the aggravated bilateral relations.
    The top priority in the bilateral relations for the present is for the
U.S. to deal with the issue of the delayed delivery of the LWRs in a
responsible manner.
    Talking about the unpractical matters, putting aside the pending basic
matters, is, in actuality, waste of time and an escape from the
    The U.S. should give clear answers to the DPRK's questions as to whether
the former will persistently pursue the hardline hostile policy toward the
latter, whether the former will make a policy switchover and whether the
former has a political will to discuss and settle the compensation for the
loss of electricity, a pressing matter.
    The DPRK will follow the U.S. attitude.


U.S. government's refusal to allow entry of DPRK delegation under fire
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The Korean Democratic Lawyers Association
issued a statement today denouncing the U.S. government for its unreasonable
refusal to permit the entry of its delegation into the U.S. The statement
    Recently the U.S. government officially informed us of its unreasonable
decision not to allow the entry into the U.S. of the KDLA delegation to the
Korea War crimes tribunal to try GIs' mass killings of civilians during the
Korean War (1950-1953) slated to take place in New York from June 23 to 25.
    The KDLA bitterly condemns the U.S. government for this action, branding
it as an extremely impertinent and unreasonable step that wantonly violated
the publicly recognized international practice and norm and the basic
principles governing international relations.
    As far as the tribunal is concerned, it is a non-governmental
international event to be co-sponsored by the international association of
democratic lawyers, the world peace council and other non-governmental
international organizations, anti-war peace organizations and lawyers of the
u.s. the objective of the tribunal to be attended by judicial
representatives from over 20 countries including those states which
participated in the Korean War is to probe the truth behind GIs' mass
killings of civilians during the Korean War.
    The harder the U.S. government works to hamstring the DPRK's efforts to
probe the truth behind GIs' mass killings of civilians, the stronger
solidarity and joint actions the KDLA will undertake with the world
progressive lawyers so that the war criminals may be indicted and condemned
    The U.S. government will be held wholly responsible for all the ensuing
consequences of its unwarranted action.


U.S. unreasonable refusal to permit entry of DPRK delegation denounced
     Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- The delegation of the Korean Democratic
Lawyers Association today called a press conference with domestic and
foreign reporters to strongly denounce the U.S. government for its
unreasonable decision not to allow the entry into the U.S. of the delegation
to the "Korea War crimes tribunal to try GIs' mass killings of civilians
during the Korean War (1950-1953)" slated to take place in New York. A
statement of the association was adopted at the press conference denouncing
such behaviour of the U.S. administration.
    Kim Song, permanent member of the association, dismissed this action as
unwarranted. he stated that it was in violation of the publicly recognized
international practice and norm and the basic principles governing
international relations, not in line with the political tenet advocated by
the U.S. internally and externally but contradictory to the present
constitution of the U.S.
    He continued: 
    The U.S. government is only obliged to unconditionally allow the entry
of foreign delegates to the tribunal into the country and ensure their
safety and the opening of the tribunal according to the international
    From this point of view, we can not understand the decision of the U.S.
government not to allow our delegation's entry into the United States, the
socalled "showcase of freedom," to be exact into New York, venues of so many
international meetings every year as the UN is headquartered there.
    The background against which the tribunal was sponsored and its program
were introduced at the press conference.
    The content of the inter-Korean joint indictment submitted to the
tribunal and the criminal nature of gi atrocities were pointed out there.
    At the press conference the members of the delegation stressed that
though they did not participate in the tribunal owing to the U.S.
government's refusal to permit the entry of the delegation into the U.S.,
they will continue to wage a dynamic struggle until the U.S. makes an
official apology and compensation to the Koreans and withdraws its aggressor
troops from South Korea.


Congratulations to Italian prime minister
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- DPRK premier Hong Song Nam sent a
congratulatory message to Silvio Berlusconi on his assumption of office as
prime minister of Italy. Expressing the belief that the recent favorably
developing friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries
would continue to grow stronger, the message wished him success in his work.


Congratulations to Italian foreign minister
    Pyongyang, June 23 (KCNA) -- DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun sent a
congratulatory message to newly appointed foreign minister of Italy Renato
Ruggiero. The message expressed belief that the bilateral relations would
continue to expand and develop in the future in conformity with the
establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and wished
him great success in his responsible work.

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