An extract.

Ninth Party Congress to Have Special Significance Members of the Communist
Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPV CC), eighth tenure, reached
unanimity that the Ninth Party Congress, to be convened in the early 21st
century, would be of special political and historical significance to the
country, said an announcement released at the close of their 10th plenum.
Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu, who chaired the plenum in Hanoi
between June 26 and July 4, delivered speeches at the opening and closing
sessions. Party advisors Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet were at the
plenum together with CPV CC members. Prior to the opening session, CPV CC
members observed a minute of silence in memory of former Party advisor Pham
Van Dong who passed away in late April. Following the two previous plenums,
attendees at the tenth one continued to discuss four major issues in draft
documents of the Ninth Congress, which the ninth plenum had decided to
assign the Politburo and the Document-compiling Sub-committee to prepare.
Those draft documents are scheduled to be completed after the 10th plenum.
The four issues are: - Assessment of the international and domestic context
and the opportunities, challenges and dangers for the country in the early
21st century; - Ownership and economic sectors in the transitional period
to socialism; - Building of an independent and autonomous economy and
international economic integration; - Orientation, tasks and solutions
regarding Party building work in the new situation. Together with the
above-mentioned issues, the plenum continued to discuss the draft political
report, the draft strategy on socio-economic development for the 2001-2010
period, the draft socio-economic plan for the 2001-2005 period and the
draft of the revised Party statute to be submitted to the Ninth Congress.
The Politburo delivered a report on implementation since the ninth plenum
of the Resolution of the sixth plenum, second phase, on Party building and
strengthening. CPV CC members brought into play wisdom and upheld
individual responsibility in their democratic, frank and open discussions
of the Politburo's report. They agreed that it is necessary to grasp big
opportunities and overcome great dangers and challenges to display the
whole nation's strength, continue with the renovation, boost national
industrialisation and modernisation and build and defend socialist Vietnam.
Based on what was agreed upon at the ninth plenary session, the tenth
session continued analysing in depth to clarify fundamental issues,
strongly affirming that during the renovation process, the country should
persist in the goals of national independence and socialism on the
foundation of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought; that the
achievements of the past 15 years of renovation had created new strength
and position, raised Vietnam's prestige in the international arena and
provided a major opportunity for the nation to enter a new era; and that
besides major opportunities, there were big challenges in the first decade
of the 21st century. To survive is to take opportunities, overcome
challenges and uphold the revolutionary spirit, continuously advancing the
country. The overall targets of the strategy on socio-economic development
for 10 years (2001-2010) to be submitted to the Ninth Congress are to
accelerate industrialisation and modernisation with focus on agriculture
and rural areas and bringing the country out of under-development; to
improve significantly people's living conditions; to form the
socialist-oriented market economy; to strengthen human resources,
scientific and technological capacity, infrastructure, economic potential
and national defence; and to consolidate and raise the country's prestige
in international relations, thus creating preconditions for the country to
become an industrial country by 2020. In the next five years, the country
must ensure sustainable economic development with high growth rates,
quickly restructure the economy and labour market in line with
industrialisation and modernisation, and markedly raise the competitiveness
of goods; bring human resources into play and develop science and
technology, education and training; solve the urgent problem of
unemployment, fundamentally eradicate hunger, sharply reduce the number of
poor households, stabilise and steadily improve people's lives, maintain
socio-political stability, social safety, national defence and security,
firmly safeguard national independence and territorial sovereignty; and
bring into play internal strengths, while positively integrating into the
international economy. The main impetus to develop the country is to bring
into play the strength of the entire people and great national solidarity,
the potential of all economic sectors and the whole society for the aim of
a rich people, a strong country, and a fair, democratic, and civilised
society. The plenum stressed that Party-building work is the key task so it
proposed the Congress to continue implementing the Party-building and
strengthening movement with determination. The Party should also bring into
full play the nature of the working class and the vanguard of the Party,
study Ho Chi Minh Thought, ethics and lifestyle, improve knowledge,
leadership and combatitiveness of Party organisations and Party members to
ensure that all officials and Party members have their political sense
raised, implementing political tasks efficiently, fighting bureaucracy and
corruption treating all violators, preserving internal solidarity and
disciplining first of all leading officials whose agencies witness lack of
solidarity. The 10th plenum of the CPV Central Committee assigned the
Politburo and the document sub-committee to sound out CPV Central
Committee's opinions and to complete the drafts to be sent to grassroots
congresses for comment before submission to the Ninth Party Congress. The
entire Party and people are busy with Party congresses at all levels in
preparation for the Ninth national Party Congress to be held in the end of
the first quarter of 2001. The Party Central Committee firmly believes that
Party grassroots congresses will serve as a campaign on political and
ideological activities nationwide, Persistent in national independence and
socialism, the entire Party, people and army should promote Party members'
responsibility and civil duties with ardent patriotism, and make valuable
comments on the draft documents of the Party's Ninth Congress. The 10th
Party Central Committee's plenum called on the entire Party, people and
army to boost strength, take advantage of opportunities, overcome
difficulties and challenges and participate in the patriotic movement to
push up socio-economic growth in 2000, effectively implement the
Party-building and strengthening movement, both important factors in the
success of the Ninth Party Congress and the country's entrance into the
21st century. (VNA)


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