>Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 15:22:13 +0000 (GMT)
>From: Rania Masri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From: "Kate Reuer, FOR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>National Mobilization to End the Sanctions Against Iraq
>"We are destroying an entire society.  It is as simple and terrifying as
>that."-Denis Halliday, former UN coordinator of the Oil-for-Food Program
>and Nobel Peace Prize nominee
>Dear Friend,
>The summer of 2000 is shaping up to be the largest mobilization we've seen
>yet to end the sanctions on Iraq.  Please join us August 6th (A6) for a
>mass demonstration and rally in DC.
>Why August 6th?  Why now?
>On August 6, 1990 the UN Security Council imposed a near total embargo on
>Iraq, the most comprehensive sanctions in the history of the United
>Nations.  For everyone concerned, the resulting crisis was thought to be a
>short-term problem created by the 1991 Gulf War and sanctions.  Yet, this
>summer Iraq's humanitarian crisis will enter its tenth year.
>The United Nations remains at odds with the U.S. overresolving this
>crisis; Washington insists the international embargo must continue.
>Caught in the middle are over 22 million Iraqis struggling to survive.
>According to UNICEF, in the seven years from 1991 to 1998, sanctions
>contributed to the excess deaths of over 500,000 children under the age of
>five.  The International Committee for the Red Cross recently described
>the situation in Iraq as "increasingly desperate."
>The U.S. response?  An air war.  Earlier this month, Associated Press and
>Reuters reported U.S. bombings of Iraqi cities for four days in a row
>(6/1/00).  Regular bombing raids since 1991 have caused hundreds of
>casualties, making America's war on Iraq the longest continuous air
>campaign since the Vietnam War.
>In response, members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), Peace
>Action, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), American
>Muslims for Global Peace & Justice, Voices in the Wilderness, Mennonite
>Central Committee (MCC), Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC),
>American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Life for Relief & Development
>(LIFE), and over 20 other organizations are calling for a national rally
>on August 6th (A6)  in our nation's capital to mark the tenth year of
>sanctions against Iraq.
>With a growing number of countries, former UN officials, Members of
>Congress, religious bodies, and organizations coming out against
>sanctions, the time has come for us to gather and take a principled stand
>against the Administration's genocidal policy toward Iraq.
>We hope that you will join us. If you or a representative of your
>organization are unable to attend, but are interested, let us know.
>Please see the attached endorsement form which includes the Mobilization's
>mission statement.  If you have any questions, please call us at (202)
>543-3649 or (202) 258-4958.  For recent updates, please check out our
>website at www.saveageneration.org/a6.
>In Peace,
>Stephanie Schaudel                                      Raed Battah
>A6 Outreach Coordinator                         A6 Outreach Coordinator
>National Mobilization to End the Sanctions on Iraq
>504 Eleventh Street SE, Suite #204, Washington, DC 20003
>Tel.(202) 543-3649, fax (202) 543-1062 &#61557; Cell (202) 258-4958
>National Mobilization to End the Sanctions Against Iraq
>August 5-7
>Although the Gulf War officially ended nearly a decade ago, the war
>against the people of Iraq continues.  Accordingly, we of various faith
>communities, peace and justice organizations, and concerned citizens
>demand that the economic sanctions and bombings end immediately.  We
>believe it is reprehensible to use the children, the poor, and the sick of
>Iraq as bargaining chips for a political standoff in which they, not
>Saddam Hussein, suffer. We oppose all sanctions that prevent or otherwise
>hamper a nation's ability to provide for the public health of its people.
>Our message is clear and direct: "Lift the economic sanctions, stop the
>Name of Organization:__________________________________________
>Individual Contact:______________________________________________
>City/State:______________________________Zip Code:___________
>Please Check:
>_____Yes, add my organization as an endorser of the mobilization*.
>_____Yes, we will advertise this mobilization in our newsletter and in our
>_____Yes, we will mail out/distribute _____ copies of the flyer or brochure.
>_____Yes, we will send _____ people to DC August 5-7.
>_____Yes, we are  enclosing a contribution to help defray the costs of the
>Return to:  Stephanie Schaudel or Raed Battah,  DC Organizers
>iac-list mailing list


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