TODAY'S NEWS (September.13.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Yong Nam meets Chinese party delegation

   * New Yugoslav ambassador presents credentials

   * Cambodian delegation here

   * 7th Pyongyang Film Festival opens

   * World's longest-term serving prisoner

   * National flag of DPRK

   * U.S. wild ambition to dominate world flayed

   * Film delegations and delegates arrive

   * Floral basket laid before Kim Il Sung's portrait in Cuba

   * U.S. administration authorities' obstructions flayed

   * Kim Jong Il praised

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * ex preso de larga condena de record mundial

   * es irrealizable heguemonia mundial

Kim Yong Nam meets Chinese party delegation

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, member of the political
bureau of the Central Committee
of the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK) and President of the presidium of the
DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met
and had a talk with a delegation of the international liaison department of
the central committee of the Communist Party
of China (CPC) led by its head Dai Bingguo, member of the central committee
of the CPC, at the Mansudae Assembly
Hall today.
    On hand were Choe Jin Su, vice department director of the Central
Committee of the WPK, and Wang Guozhang,
ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the DPRK.
    Dai Bingguo asked Kim Yong Nam to convey warm regards of Jiang Zemin,
general secretary of the central
committee of the Communist Party of China, to the great leader Kim Jong Il.
    The meeting and talks between Kim Jong Il and Jiang Zemin in may marked
historic events to further strengthen
the friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties and two
countries, he said.
    The CCP will make every effort to develop the Sino-Korea friendship, he

New Yugoslav ambassador presents credentials

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Milorad Kosovac, new Yugoslav
Ambassador E. P. to the DPRK,
presented his credentials to Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of
the Supreme People's Assembly of the
DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    The President conversed with the ambassador after receiving credentials.

Cambodian delegation here

   Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Ministry of
Information of Cambodia headed by
Minister Lu Lay Sreng arrived here yesterday.
    It was greeted at the airport by O Song Chol, vice-chairman of the
Information Committee of the DPRK, and Oum
Mannorine, Cambodian ambassador to Korea.

7th Pyongyang Film Festival opens

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The 7th Pyongyang Film Festival of
non-aligned and other developing
countries opened with large attendance at the Pyongyang International
Cinema House today.
    The Pyongyang Film Festival is an international festival of moviemen
aimed to strengthen exchange and
cooperation among moviemen of the world and encourage every country to
genuinely contribute to the development of
national film art and the construction of human culture, under the slogan
of "for independence, peace and friendship "
    Present at the opening ceremony were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of
the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, Jo Chang Dok, vice-premier, and Kang Nung Su,
Minister of Culture who is the chairman of
the festival organizing committee.
    Also present were delegations and delegates from different countries,
guests of honor, diplomatic envoys of
different countries here, embassy officials in charge of cultural relations
and foreigners.
    Kang Nung Su, in his opening address said that the 7th Pyongyang Film
Festival draws great attention of the
public at home and abroad as it is opened at a time when there is a bright
prospect for national reunification and the
DPRK enjoys ever growing international prestige in the wake of the historic
north-south summit talks and the
publication of the north-south joint declaration in June last under the
experienced and tested guidance of the great leader
Kim Jong Il.
    The festival will offer a momentous opportunity to adequately benefit
from valuable successes and experience
gained by moviemen of different countries who are reviewing what they have
done in the 20th century now drawing to
its end and seeking a way of developing independent national film art in
the hopeful 21st century and strengthen and
develop friendship, solidarity, cooperation and exchange among them, he said.
    Yang Hyong Sop made a congratulatory speech.
    I am very glad to see the 7th Pyongyang Film Festival of non-aligned
and other developing countries opening in
Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, at the historic turn of the
century and would like to extend my warm
greetings and hearty congratulations to all the delegations, delegates and
guests from different countries present here,
he said.
    Saying that the DPRK would as always make positive efforts to expand
and develop friendly and cooperative
relations with all the progressive people, men of culture and moviemen of
the world in the noble idea of independence,
peace and friendship, he wished the festival a big success.
    Then the floor was taken by vice-Minister of Culture and chairman of
the administrative council of the National
Film Center of Egypt Mohamed Kamel Mohamed El-Kaliouby and Iranian delegate
Afshin Sadeghi.
    Members of the international jury of the festival were announced at the
    The festival will involve a competition among the feature and
documentary films contributed to the festival and
informative, retrospective and special film shows.
    Films presented to the festival will be screened at the cinemas in the
city from.

World's longest-term serving prisoner

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Over 60 unconverted long-term
prisoners in South Korea returned to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea some days ago.
    Among them is Kim Son Myong, 75, who served 45 years of prison term.
    The international human rights commission and amnesty international
recognized him as the world's longest term
serving prisoner and registered him in the Guinness Book of World Records.
    He hails from South Korea.
    He joined the Korean People's Army as a volunteer in South Korea during
the Fatherland Liberation War and was
arrested while fighting the enemy at the age of 26.
    He was thrown behind bars in October 1951.
    The area of his solitary cell was no more than 0.75 square metres. He
was put to brutal torture and "ideological
conversion" was imposed upon him for scores of years.
    He suffered all sorts of mental and physical pain in prison due to
gastrointestinal disorder, neuralgia, hypertension
and cataract.
    But he remained true to his faith and will despite unbearable solitude,
hopeful of future.
    Kim Son Myong said:
    Although I lived in the north for one year only, I felt the real worth
of living in my life as I came to know what is
true love and what is genuine loving care.
    I could not betray the loving care of the sagacious leader Kim Il Sung
who helped me know the true human life
and provided it to me because I could not forget it even a moment.
    I felt reassuring at the thought that we had the socialist homeland led
by the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim
Jong Il.
    Kim Son Myong declared with pride that thanks to this mainstay he could
categorically push aside the physical
pressure and mental appeasement applied for 45 years to wrest "ideological
conversion" from him.

National flag of DPRK

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Film delegations and delegates
arrived here yesterday to participate in the
7th Pyongyang Film Festival of non-aligned and other developing countries.
Among them were delegations and
delegates from Russia, Malaysia, Switzerland, China, Cambodia, Finland,
Poland, Iran, Vietnam, Germany, Japan
and the delegation of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan.
    Also arriving were vice-Minister of Culture and chairman of the
administrative council of the National Film Center
of Egypt Mohamed El-Kaliouby, deputy secretary of state for the Ministry of
Culture and Art of Cambodia
Ouksochead and director of the Beijing office of the UNESCO Noguchi Noboru,
who are honorary guests of the
    They were greeted at the airport by Jo Chan Gu, vice-chairman of the
festival organising committee, and officials

U.S. wild ambition to dominate world flayed

   Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The national flag of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea, a symbol
of victory and glory, reflects the revolutionary spirit of the Korean
people working hard for the prosperity and
development of the country.
    The national flag has a rectangular form. The ratio of the width to
length is 1:2.
    The flag consists of a central red panel, bordered both above and below
by a narrow white stripe and a broad blue
stripe. The central red panel bears in the hoist, a five-pointed star
within a white circle.
    The red stripe of the flag symbolizes the blood shed by the genuine
Korean revolutionaries including the
anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters in the struggle for the freedom and
independence of the country and the internal
revolutionary forces of the DPRK single-heartedly united around the
Worker's Party of Korea.
    The white circle and the two white stripes of the flag mean the Korean
people are a homogeneous nation with
brilliant and ancient national culture and the pure features of the
inseparable nation.
    The two blue stripes in the outermost parts of the flag symbolize the
sky-high spirit of the Korean people
struggling for the cause of socialism and communism, the sovereignty of the
DPRK and the land of morning calm
under the bright rays of the sun and stars.
    The five-pointed star of the flag symbolizes traditions established by
the President Kim Il Sung in the course of the
arduous anti-Japanese struggle and the future of the eternally prospering
Korea and the heroism and bravery of the
Korean people who always advance towards victory.
    The national flag of the DPRK instills boundless pride and
self-confidence of having their fatherland into the
Korean people and redoubles their courage and strength to win certain victory.

Film delegations and delegates arrive

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries an
article titled "Wild ambition to dominate
world can never come true."
    The U.S. administration's recent decision to put off its plan to
establish the "National Missile Defence" system
(NMD) means a failure of its design to dominate the world, the article
says, and goes on:
    Through the nmd the U.S. sought to contain Russia and China and put the
west European countries under its strict
control while gratifying the greed of its military monopolies.
    The U.S. plan was too adventurous. It is virtually impossible to
completely contain Russia and China militarily
and technically given that both countries have nuclear potentials. It is
because it needs much bigger military and
technical capabilities than what it has at present.
    Initially, the U.S. planned to conduct 19 interception tests. But it
had only three tests, two of them failed.
    Its NMD plan met rebuff from big powers and many other countries.
    This made it impossible for the U.S. to go ahead with it any further.
Its moves gave impetus to the building of a
multipolar world, not a unipolar world.
    The old way of thinking does not work on anyone today.
    The U.S. should totally withdraw its plan to establish the nmd instead
of its temporary suspension. It should also
discard its intention to step up the development of the "Theatre Missile
Defence" system with Japan involved.
    It will also do the U.S. good.

Floral basket laid before Kim Il Sung's portrait in Cuba

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- A function took place on Sept. 7 to
lay a floral basket before the portrait of
the President Kim Il Sung at Kim Il Sung Agricultural College in Cuba on
the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Present there were the secretary general of the Cuban Committee for
Supporting Korea's Reunification and other
officials, the rector and teaching staff of the college, the DPRK
ambassador to Cuba and embassy officials.
    The rector in his speech said that the President is a great leader who
performed tremendous exploits for the Korean
revolution and the world revolution. The President is always alive in the
hearts of the Cuban people, he added.

U.S. administration authorities' obstructions flayed

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Egyptian organizations issued
statements denouncing the U.S.
administration authorities for barring the President of the presidium of
the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK
and his party from participating in the UN Millennium Summit.
    The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association in a statement issued on Sept. 6
said that the U.S. rude act against the
DPRK delegation is a clear indication that it is still pursuing its hostile
policy toward the DPRK, while clamoring about
"improved relations" with it.
    Such behaviour of the United States unprecedented in the history of the
UN Assembly, is a wanton encroachment
upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and a challenge to the UN and the UN
Millennium Summit, the statement said,
stressing that the United States will have to bear full responsibility for
the grave consequences to be entailed by its act.
    The Arab Art, Culture and Information Association of Egypt in a
statement on Sept. 7 said that such act of the
United States is an immoral act of ignoring international usage and
international law and a grave infringement upon the
sovereignty of an independent state. It hailed the strong step taken by the
DPRK against the shameless act on the part
of the United States.

Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Victor Oliva Miguel, general
secretary of the Revolutionary Socialist Party
of Peru, made public a statement on Sept. 4 as regards the repatriation of
unconverted long-term prisoners and said that
he highly appreciated the historic repatriation of unconverted long-term
prisoners to Pyongyang from South Korea as a
great event of humankind and extended warmest congratulations.
    Their repatriation is a great victory of the politics of love, politics
of trust consistently administered by Kim Jong
Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, he noted.
    He stressed that the unconverted long-term prisoners in South Korea are
the heroes of the nation and men of
strong will and General Secretary Kim Jong Il, who embraced them, is,
indeed, the warm sun of all people and the
incarnation of love and trust.

For Spanish-speaking people

ex preso de larga condena de record mundial

    pyongyang, 13 de septiembre (atcc) -- recientemente mas de 60 ex presos
de larga condena no abjurados
retornaron de sudcorea a la rpd de corea, entre ellos figura kim son myong
de 75 anos de edad quien llevo 45 anos en
    la comision internacional de derechos humanos y la amnistia
internacional lo reconocen como ex preso de larga
condena de record mundial y lo registraron en la agenda de notas.
    kim son myong, oriundo de sudcorea se alisto como voluntario al
ejercito popular y combatio a los enemigos.
    fue arrestado a los 26 anos de edad y encarcelado en octubre de 1951.
estaba encerrado en una celda solitaria de
0,75 metros cuadrados. se sometia a crueles torturas sin "conversion
ideologica" durante decenas de anos.
    en la carcel adolecia de gastroenteritis, neuralgia, hipertension y
    a pesar de todos los sufrimientos fisicos y espirituales insoportables
el defendio hasta el fin su credo y entereza con
la esperanza en el futuro.

es irrealizable heguemonia mundial

    pyongyang, 13 de septiembre (atcc) -- con igual titulo hoy el diario
"rodong sinmun" inserto un articulo, que
senala en particular:
    recientemente la administracion de ee.uu. postergo tomar la decision de
establecer el sistema de "defensa nacional
de misil". efectivamente esto significa el fracaso de su ambicion sobre la
heguemonia mundial.
    con el establecimiento de tal sistema ee. uu. se propone satisfacer la
codicia de los consorcios militares de su pais,
por una parte y por la otra aventajarse a rusia y china y poner mas
estrictamente bajo su dominio a los paises de europa
    el plan de ee. uu. es muy aventurero.
    es imposible que ee.uu. se aventaje por completo en lo militar y
tecnico a rusia y china que disponen de
potencialidades nucleares porque aquel debe superar su actual capacidad
militar y tecnica.
    originalmente ee. uu. tenia el plan de efectuar en total 19 veces el
ensayo de interceptacion de misil. pero, lo realizo
solo tres veces. fracaso dos veces.
    el intento de ee. uu. de establecer el sistema de "defensa nacional de
misil" choco con la oposicion de numerosos
paises incluidas las potencias.
    por lo tanto ee.uu. no podia promover tal plan que sirvio de un factor
que impulsa no la formacion del mundo
unipolar sino del mundo multipolar.
    el caduco modo de pensar no puede regir hoy.
    ee. uu. no debe postergar provisionalmente el plan de establecer el
sistema de "defensa nacional de misil" sino
renunciarlo por completo.
    tambien debe renunciar el desarrollo del sistema de "teatro de defensa
misil" al que trata de dar espuelas en
cotubernio con el japon.
    hacerlo asi sera bueno para los mismos ee.uu.


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