TODAY'S NEWS (September.13.2001 Juche 90)



Spokesman for CPRF on resumption of inter-Korean ministerial talks

Russian diplomats visit DPRK consulate general in Shenyang

Floral baskets placed before portraits of Kim Il Sung in Cuba

Wreaths laid before KPA martyrs' cemetery in Vietnam

Second Pyongyang Flower Show closes

Greetings to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian King

Portuguese party leader meets WPK delegation

Pullback of U.S. forces from S. Korea demanded

Harvest of blueberry brisk

Unity of driving force of nation called for

Messages exchanged between DPRK and Cuban foreign ministers

For Spanish-speaking people


vocero de ministerio de industria pesquera declara

modernas plantas avicolas

rpdc: nevada y frio intensos


Spokesman for CPRF on resumption of inter-Korean ministerial talks
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the
Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland today released a statement as
regards the 5th inter-Korean ministerial talks slated to take place in Seoul
from September 15 to 18. The statement says:
    The inter-Korean ministerial talks will be resumed 6 months after they
stalled in March. This is entirely ascribable to the initiative taken by us
to solve the issue of the north-south relations independently by the efforts
of the Korean nation according to the historic June 15 North-South Joint
    This reflects our will for the independent reunification and painstaking
positive efforts. 
    This also represents the unanimous aspiration and demand of the whole
nation, which were confirmed at the recent August 15 Grand Festival for
National Reunification held in Pyongyang.
    The review of the past 6 months proves that if the outside interference
in our national issue is allowed, the inter-Korean relations in the process
of favorable development will be frozen and deteriorate overnight.
    It is also a lesson taught by the long history of national division and
its review. 
    That is why the first point of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration
calls for settling the issue of country's reunification independently by the
concerted efforts of our nation responsible for it.
    National independence is the kernel and quintessence of the declaration.
    Whether the overall inter-Korean relations including the north-south
ministerial talks develop smoothly or not entirely depends on how the south
side respects the spirit of the June 15 joint declaration and maintains an
independent stand. 
    The south side should draw a proper lesson from the review of the past 6
    The outside forces should no longer stand in the way of the development
of the inter-Korean relations and our country's reunification in collusion
with the anti-reunification forces in south korea.
    The anti-reunification elements swimming against the trend of the
history can not go scot-free.
    We will as ever make every sincere effort to implement the historic June
15 North-South Joint Declaration.


Russian diplomats visit DPRK consulate general in Shenyang
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Officials of the Russian consulate
general in Shenyang, China, paid a congratulatory visit to the DPRK
consulate general in Shenyang on September 7 on the occasion of the 53rd
anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK. They conveyed a floral basket in
the name of the Russian consulate general in celebration of the DPRK's
birthday and warmly hailed the successful Russia visit of leader Kim Jong


Floral baskets placed before portraits of Kim Il Sung in Cuba
     Havana, September 11 (KCNA) -- Floral baskets were placed before
portraits of President Kim Il Sung at the Organization of Solidarity of the
Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL) and the Kim Il Sung
Agricultural Special School in Cuba on Sept. 6 and 7 with due ceremonies on
the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the DPRK. The participants laid
floral baskets before the portraits of the president and paid homage to him.
    The director for political affairs of the OSPAAAL noted that the members
of the organization were looking back with deep emotion on the immortal
feats of the president on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the DPRK.
    He went on: 
    We preserve Kim Il Sung's work carried in the first issue of the
magazine of the OSPAAAL as a historic treasure.
    Though it is over 30 years since then the idea of Kim Il Sung clarified
in his work serves still today as a guiding principle for the OSPAAAL.


Wreaths laid before KPA martyrs' cemetery in Vietnam
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the cemetery
of the fallen soldiers of the Korean People's Army in Vietnam on September 5
on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the DPRK. Present at the
wreath-laying ceremony were leading officials of the Vietnam-Korea
Friendship Association, delegates of different friendship organizations in
Bac Giang province where remains of the fallen KPA soldiers are buried and
the DPRK embassy officials.
    They laid wreaths before the cemetery and observed a moment's silence in
memory of the KPA martyrs who fell while heroically fighting in the
anti-U.S. national salvation resistance of the Vietnamese people in the
noble internationalist spirit.
    Meanwhile, a friendly meeting was held that day under the co-sponsorship
of the Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association, the Vietnamese Committee for
Supporting Korea's Reunification and different friendly organizations in Bac
Giang province to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of the DPRK.


Second Pyongyang Flower Show closes
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The Second Pyongyang Flower Show
which was opened on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the DPRK was
closed. The show was highly appreciated by visitors for displaying
Kimilsungia and Kimjongilia and other beautiful flowers, potted plants,
floral decorations and peculiar exhibits.
    A closing ceremony was held at the April 15 Children's Flower Garden
    Present there were Han Song Ryong, secretary of the c.c., the Workers'
Party of Korea, Jo Chang Dok, vice-premier of the cabinet, and others.


Greetings to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian King
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia,
sent a congratulatory message to leader Kim Jong Il on Sept. 3 on the
occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the DPRK. The whole Cambodia extends the
highest glory to eternal President Kim Il Sung, founder of the DPRK and
father of Juche Korea, on this occasion, the message said.
    The message extended congratulations to Kim Jong Il, rejoicing over the
successes achieved in carrying out the policy for the peaceful reunification
of the Korean peninsula.
    The kingdom of Cambodia has always supported and will continue to
support your just proposals for the independent and peaceful reunification
of Korea, it said, adding:
    As there was Kim Il Sung, the most prominent and eternal president, and
is Kim Jong Il, the respected supreme leader of the DPRK, the DPRK has
emerged as a great model of building socialism and communism of Juche and is
demonstrating the invincible might of sovereign, independent and prosperous
Korea, which has rapidly developed in all fields of state building.


Portuguese party leader meets WPK delegation
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Secretary General of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Portugal Carlos Carvalhas on Sept. 9 met
the delegation of officials of the Workers' Party of Korea participating in
the festival of "Avante", the organ of the Communist Party of Portugal.
Saying that he is well aware of the miraculous successes recently made in
the DPRK under the outstanding guidance of leader Kim Jong Il, the secretary
general said that his party is greatly encouraged by them.
    Socialism is firmly defended and emerging victorious in the DPRK in the
east. This is the common victory of many communist and workers' parties in
Western Europe including the Communist Party of Portugal and a clear
manifestation of the validity of the socialist cause and its inevitable
victory, he stressed.
    Saying that it is the common task and duty of the progressive political
parties and people the world over to defend socialism in the DPRK, he said
that his party would always stand by the WPK in the struggle for socialism
against imperialism and extend positive support to the WPK and the Korean
people in their struggle to build socialism and achieve the independent
reunification of the country.


Pullback of U.S. forces from S. Korea demanded
     Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The Asian Regional Committee for
Supporting Korea's Reunification and the Indian Committee for Supporting
Korea's Reunification issued a joint statement on Sept. 7 in support of the
statement released by the spokesman of the DPRK Foreign Ministry 56 years
since the U.S. troops' occupation of South Korea. Terming the U.S. troops'
presence in South Korea a stumbling block in the way of achieving the
independent and peaceful reunification of Korea and the source of disturbing
peace and security in Asia and the rest of the world, the statement bitterly
denounced the U.S. forces' presence in South Korea.
    The statement continued:
    The U.S. troops which occupied South Korea 56 years ago under the mask
of "liberator" are occupation troops from a to z. They are aggressors who
provoked the war of aggression against the DPRK in the 1950s and brought
untold misfortune and sufferings to the Korean people and they are totally
to blame for the national division of Korea.
    The U.S. defined the DPRK as its "no. 1 enemy" and is now staging war
exercises against the DPRK while massively reinforcing its forces in and
around South Korea and arming them with sophisticated weaponry.
    Considering the U.S. troops' pullback from South Korea to be an urgent
issue in ensuring peace and security in the Korean peninsula, northeast Asia
and the rest of the world, we strongly urge the u.s. to immediately withdraw
its troops and nuclear weapons from South Korea.


Harvest of blueberry brisk
    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The harvest of blueberry is brisk in
the northern highlands of Korea. Blueberry is one of the famous special
products of Mt. Paektu.
    It is growing luxuriantly in the area of Mt. Paektu.
    The average height of the plant is 30 to 40 centimeters and the tallest
is 1.2 meters. 
    It blossoms between late June and late July and bears fruits between
late July and late September. Fruits turn dark lilac when they get ripe.
    Blueberry contains sugar, protein, adipose, pectin, fibre, etc. It is
rich in vitamin c, in particular.
    The blueberry peculiar in taste and aroma is used as a raw material for
the production of a variety of foodstuffs such as wine, jelly and soft
drinks. It is also widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.
    There are tens of thousands of hectares of blueberry fields in the area
of Mt. Paektu. 
    A variety of processed blueberry is served to the tourists and visitors
to this area. 


Unity of driving force of nation called for
    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
article calls upon the Korean nation to achieve the unity of its driving
force in the spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and thus
realize the country's reunification, its cherished desire. The article says:
    The whole nation should rally as one under the banner of great national
unity and thus firmly build up the driving force for national reunification.
Herein lies a key to shattering the anti-reunification moves of the
separatist forces inside and outside Korea and independently achieving the
cause of national reunification. It is the DPRK's consistent stand and an
urgent need of the present situation to adhere to the principle of national
independence in achieving the unity of the driving force of the nation.
    What is important for this is for the whole nation to pool efforts and
check and frustrate foreign forces' interference and obstructions to efforts
to solve the issue of national reunification.
    The fellow countrymen in the north and the south and overseas should
heighten vigilance against the U.S. unreasonable interference in the issue
of Korea's reunification and moves for aggression and thoroughly check and
frustrate them by their concerted efforts.
    In order to achieve the unity of the driving force of the nation the
people from all walks of life in the north and south and overseas should
undertake a more dynamic joint solidarity movement.
    It is one of the important tasks of achieving the unity of the driving
force of the nation to set store by the spirit of the joint declaration and
thoroughly implement it.


Messages exchanged between DPRK and Cuban foreign ministers
    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun and
Cuban foreign minister Pelipe Perez Roque exchanged messages of greetings on
the occasion of the 41st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the DPRK and Cuba. Paek in his message said he notes with
pleasure that the two countries have steadily consolidated and developed the
friendly and cooperative relations over the past 41 years, closely
supporting and cooperating with each other in the struggle to shatter the
imperialists' persistent moves to isolate and stifle the countries and
defend socialism. 
    The message expressed full support and solidarity to the fraternal Cuban
people in their just cause of defending the socialist gains made by them at
the cost of blood. 
    The Cuban foreign minister in his message said that the two ministries
have contributed to the common efforts to lay a solid foundation for
checking the imperialists' incessant aggression, building a socialist
society and putting the fraternal relations between the two countries,
parties, governments and peoples on a high level.
    The message reiterated full support to the Korean people in their just
cause to achieve the reunification of the country.


For Spanish-speaking people

vocero de ministerio de industria pesquera declara
     pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- el vocero del ministerio de la
industria pesquera de la republica popular democratica de corea hizo publica
hoy una declaracion oral proponiendo de nuevo a la parte sur sostener pronto
el contacto de los expertos de pesca norte-sur acordado por ambas partes
para entablarlo en la zona del monte kumgang. luego de expresar la esperanza
de que la parte sur responda activamente a esta propuesta y brinde
cooperacion a esta el vocero dijo:
    en la cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro norte-sur
efectuada a finales del ano pasado en pyongyang nuestra parte adelanto la
proposicion de ofrecer a la parte sur una parte de la pesqueria de la parte
norte en el mar este de corea.
    en el "acto del ano 2001 para abrir la puerta de la reunificacion con
las fuerzas propias de la nacion" efectuado el pasado dia 10 en pyongyang se
manifesto la esperanza de que la propuesta sincera de la parte norte llegara
cuanto antes a los pescadores de la parte sur.
    esto partio de la concepcion de autenticos hermanos y compatriotas segun
la cual para lograr la coprosperidad nacional no se debe distinguir el norte
y el sur ni anteponer los intereses economicos.
    el problema de la cooperacion norte-sur en la esfera de la industria
pesquera se presento ya a principios de la decada de los 70 por iniciativa
de la parte norte. 
    despues, en varias ocasiones la parte norte se esforzo activamente por
llevarlo a efecto. 
    reconocemos que la labor de cooperacion de pesca norte-sur debe
realizarse sin demora en la nueva circunstancia de hoy en que se ha puesto
en el orden del dia el problema de la cooperacion economica a resueltas del
historico encuentro de pyongyang de los maximos dirigentes de ambas partes y
de la aprobacion de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio para
promover el desarrollo equilibrado de la economia nacional y la cooperacion
y el intercambio en la esfera economica.


modernas plantas avicolas
     pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- se reconstruiran a la moderna las
plantas avicolas de mangyongdae, sopho, ryongsong, sungho y hadang de esta
capital. los planes de las obras preven eliminar con audacia los equipos y
edificios caducos y transformarlos.
    una vez terminadas las obras todos los procesos productivos de estas
grandes granjas avicolas se controlaran por computadoras.
    seran establecidos ordenadamente las bases de aseguramiento y sistemas
de suministro de piensos y nuevas bases de elaboracion de pienso combinado.
    se introduciran las nuevas variedades que permitan rebajar la norma de
consumo de pienso y elevar la productividad de huevos.
    estas granjas avicolas contribuiran a mejorar la vida alimentaria de los


rpdc: nevada y frio intensos
     pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- en corea desde finales del ano pasado
continuan la nevada y el frio intensos.. en todas las regiones del pais
hasta el dia 10 cayo la nieve de mas de 4-5 veces mayores que los anos
    particularmente en la region de la provincia de kangwon la cantidad de
nieve caida llego a 130-150 cm y en la provincia de hwanghae del sur a 85
    esta mayor cantidad de nevada se ha registrado por primera vez a partir
de 1994. 
    en pyongyang y la provincia de phyong-an del sur ayer la temperatura
minima fue de 27-30 grados bajo cero, es decir 14-16 grados menos que los
anos ordinarios. 
    en las provincias de ryanggang y jagang y otras regiones internas
septentrionales la temperatura es de 30- 37 grados bajo cero.
    varios dominios de la economia nacional padecen de las consecuencias de
la nevada y el frio intensos.
    en algunas regiones de las provincias de kangwon y hwanghae del sur
ocurrieron aludes de nieve que paralizaron el transito y las redes de
    se preve que en el futuro sigan la nevada intensa y el frio glacial en
todas las regiones del pais.

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