>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)
>Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 18:16:42 -0500 (CDT)
>Times of India
>September 17, 2000
>Russia, India to sign ambitious defence projects
>MOSCOW: Moscow and New Delhi are on the threshold of signing on
>ambitious defence projects, when President Vladimir Putin visits India
>on October 2, the Kremlin announced on Friday night.
>Besides science and technology cooperation and joint ventures in various
>fields, the defence projects likely to be initialled by both the sides
>are joint production of T-90 tanks, MIG-29 shipboard fighters and
>submarine repair arrangements, Russian arms export chief Rulan Pukhov
>was quoted by Novosti as saying.
>Moscow has reiterated its desire to transfer renovated and re-equipped
>aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov to India in accordance with New
>Delhi's needs, Radio Moscow reported.
>A high-level Russian delegation led by deputy premier Ilya Klebanov will
>reach New Delhi on September 19 on a three-day visit to finalise the
>draft agreements to be signed between India and Russia when President
>Vladimir Putin visits India on October 2, the Voice of Russia reported
>on Friday evening. (UNI)
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