>China, Cuba FMs Hold Talks
>Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and his Cuban counterpart, Felipe Perez
>Roque, held a round of official talks at the Cuban Foreign Ministry Saturday.
>Tang, who arrived in the island Saturday, told the press that both sides
>exchanged opinions about issues of common concern and reached an ample
>consensus on bilateral and international issues.
>The Chinese foreign minister expressed his high regard for the notable results
>obtained by Cuba in the defense of national dignity and state sovereignty, as
>well as in the reactivation of the economy.
>Perez Roque expressed in his turn the gratitude of the Cuban government to the
>Chinese government for the solidarity and support received during the
>difficult years Cuba has gone through.
>The Cuban foreign minister said that his government attaches great importance
>to the role played by China in the international scenario, as a country that
>represents the aspirations and rights of the peoples of the Third World.
>The two ministers signed after the talks an agreement of academic cooperation
>between the Higher Institute of International Relations of Cuba, and the
>Diplomatic Institute of China. They also signed an accord of economic
>cooperation through which Beijing donated Havana almost 2 million U.S. dollars
>for the purchase of medicines.
>The Chinese foreign minister, who visits the island for the first time, will
>meet with the highest Cuban authorities and will tour several sites of
>Tang Jiaxuan will leave Havana Monday for Mexico City, the second leg of his
>Latin America tour, which also includes Brazil and Chile.


>China Stresses Supervision over Government Officials
>Zeng Qinghong, head of the Organization Department of the Communist Party of
>China (CPC) Central Committee Saturday called for strengthening supervision
>over government officials.
>Zeng, also an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central
>Committee, made the call at a national conference on the supervision of
>government officials.
>He stressed that strengthening the supervision over government officials
>promotes the rule of law, socialist democracy and political reform in China.
>It is also vitally important for the survival of the Communist Party, the
>country's political system and the socialist cause, he said.
>According to Zeng, the supervision of government officials should be stepped
>up in several levels, namely, self-supervision by officials, supervision by
>their superiors, the masses, the auditing and organization departments, as
>well as cross-supervision.
>Officials from the organization departments of provinces, ministries and the
>armed forces attended the conference.


>Kim Jong Il Meets CPC Top Official
>Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), Friday
>met Dai Bingguo, a senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
>Dai, head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee,
>arrived Tuesday for a visit.
>Kim also hosted a luncheon party in honor of the Chinese guest.Top WPK
>officials including secretaries of the secretariat Kim Guk Tae and Kim Yong
>Sun and Chinese Ambassador to Korea Wang Guozhang were present at the talks
>between Kim and Dai.
>Before the meeting, Dai on Wednesday held talks with Kim Yong Nam, member of
>the WPK Political Bureau, who is also the chief of the Supreme People's
>Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


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