>Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 21:47:18 EDT
>Subject: [STOPNATO.ORG.UK] Belarus-US heading for Steel Dispute...

>Lukashenko Blasts U.S Report on Belarus Steel Sales
>ZHLOBIN, Belarus, Sep 17, 2000 -- (Reuters) Belarussian President Alexander
>Lukashenko on Friday attacked U.S. allegations that his country was selling
>steel abroad below fair value.
>The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) sent a report to the Commerce
>Department last month accusing Belarus and other countries of dumping.
>"I want to warn Americans - we will not allow them to rub our noses like
>kittens," Lukashenko, a frequent critic of the West, said during a trip to
>the country's main steel mill.
>He told reporters that Belarus, a former Soviet country west of Russia, would
>retaliate if the U.S. Commerce Department decided to levy anti-dumping duties.
>The Commerce Department is investigating Belarus and is due to announce its
>findings in December.
>"Then we will make a decision on their property in our country. Even if our
>losses total half a million dollars. We will see whose muscles are stronger,"
>said Lukashenko, addressing a crowd of several hundred steelworkers.
>The ITC report found that Belarus, China, South Korea, Indonesia and Latvia
>were selling steel used to reinforce concrete at below what it determined to
>be a fair price.
>Lukashenko, a former collective farm manager, has been criticized in the West
>for slowing up market reform in economically battered Belarus, where monthly
>salaries are about USD 50 a month.
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