This news once more because of a mistake in the morning mail. Sorry.

September.16.2000 Juche 89


   * Greetings to Mexican President

   * U.S. troop pullout urged

   * International Day of ozone layer protection observed

   * U.S. embassy in Seoul on alert

   * British preparatory committee formed

   * Malian Association for Study of Juche Idea formed

   * Statement of spokesman for DPRK FM supported

   * Seminar on Juche-oriented party building held

   * 7th Korean Folk Art Festival

   * "Korea Visit" released in Nepal

   * Pyongyang Film Festival continues

   * Japanese women from Korea visit Korean Hall

Greetings to Mexican President

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of
greetings to Ernesto Zedillo Ponce De Leon, President of the United States of
Mexico, on the occasion of the 190th anniversary of its independence.
    The message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations
between the DPRK and Mexico would grow stronger and develop and wished the
President success in his work for the prosperity of the country.
    Foreign minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to Rosario Green
Macias, Foreign Minister of Mexico.

U.S. troop pullout urged

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The Latin American and Caribbean
Regional Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification and the People's Front
of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru and 13 other political parties and
organizations of Peru issued a joint statement on Sept. 5 55 years after
the U.S.
forces occupied South Korea.
    Owing to the U.S. forces' occupation of South Korea for 55 years, the
Koreans have been forced to live separated in the north and south, not
knowing of
the fate of their parents, husbands, wives and children, the statement said.
    It described the U.S. forces present in South Korea as the most shameless
occupationists, rulers, thrice-cursed murderers and plunders ever known in the
history of humankind.
    It strongly demanded the U.S. government and the U.S. military authorities
pull the U.S. forces out of South Korea at once as demanded by all the Korean
people and the progressive humankind.
    It earnestly appealed to governments, political parties, public
organizations and
individuals of all countries around the world aspiring after the independent and
peaceful reunification of Korea and world peace to wage a vigorous struggle
for the
withdrawal of the U.S. forces from South Korea.

International Day of ozone layer protection observed

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- Today marks the International Day of
ozone layer protection.
    Minju Joson carries an article by Jang Chol Gyun of the institute of
environment protection under the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection on
this occasion.
    Many countries around the world have various colorful events including
national seminar, public presentation of science and photo exhibition and
activities to protect ozone layer under the theme "Let us protect our sky,
let us
protect yourself and ozone layer" on the occasion of the international day
of ozone
layer protection, the article says, and goes on:
    Ozone layer useful to the people's health and the existence of organism is
    Under the correct policy of environment protection pursued by the Worker's
Party of Korea which values the people's health and life most, the DPRK
government approved the two basic conventions to protect ozone layer on January
27, 1995, and took a measure to remove production process of substance
destructive to ozone layer in 1996 when the international campaign for
ozone layer
protection was lukewarm.
    The DPRK government will carry through the program of reduction of
substance destructive to ozone layer laid down in Montreal protocol and
amendments and thus sincerely implement national and international
obligations in
the environment protection to realise the people's desire to live in the
safe and clean

U.S. embassy in Seoul on alert

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The U.S. embassy in Seoul is on the
alert to cope with the anti-U.S. struggle, according to the South Korean
    Installed over the fence are ten ultra high efficiency cameras.
    These cameras help see faces of those more than 30 m away in darkness, and
with them the embassy side watches its surroundings around the clock.
    Roadside trees outside the fence have been bound with belts with thick iron
needles so that people may not climb up the trees.

British preparatory committee formed

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- A British preparatory committee for
celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK) was
formed in London on Sept. 5.
    At the inaugural ceremony participants said that the birthday of the
WPK is a
significant day for the world people who are aspiring after independence, peace,
friendship, solidarity and socialism against imperialism.
    The ceremony decided to hold various celebrations on the occasion of
the 55th
anniversary of the WPK.

Malian Association for Study of Juche Idea formed

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The Malian Association for the Study of
the Juche Idea was inaugurated on August 15.
    An inaugural ceremony took place at the conference hall of the African
Party for
the Solidarity and Justice of Mali.
    The deputy secretary for administration of the executive committee of
the party
said that the Juche idea which was authored by the great leader Kim Il Sung
and has
been developed and enriched by the great leader Kim Jong Il is a great idea
illumines the road ahead of humankind and it is now displaying great
vitality in all
aspects of social life.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the ceremony.

Statement of spokesman for DPRK FM supported

   Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The Nepal-Korea Friendship
Association, the Nepal Institute for Juche Studies and the International
Study Center
for Juche-oriented Mass Media in Nepal issued a joint statement on Sept. 8 in
support of the statement of the spokesman for the DPRK foreign ministry.
    They were shocked at the news that the DPRK delegation was compelled not to
participate in the UN Millennium Summit owing to the U.S. shameless
obstructions, the statement said, and went on:
    The brazen-faced obstructions of the U.S. Air Security Agents, a product of
instructions of the U.S. government, are a wanton violation of the international
usage and elementary diplomatic usage, an unbearable intervention in the
sovereignty of an independent state and, furthermore, a grave challenge to the
international community and the UN.
    Such behaviour proves once again that the United States is clean
indifferent to
the independence and sovereignty of other countries as well as to
diplomatic usage
and international norms of conduct.

Seminar on Juche-oriented party building held

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- A seminar of political parties of Italy on
the idea, theory and experience of the Worker's Party of Korea on Juche-oriented
party building was held in Rome on Sept. 11.
    Speakers said at the seminar that the history of the WPK is a proud history
replete with the struggle against imperialism and for the sovereignty of
the people.
Today the Korean people are working world-startling miracles under the tested
leadership of the WPK, they noted.
    The WPK is the only party which most successfully solved the issue of
inheriting the revolutionary cause of the leader, they said, adding that
the WPK is
fulfilling its duty with credit as a guiding force of the popular masses because
General Secretary Kim Jong Il is carrying forward the Juche cause of President
Kim Il Sung.
    Noting that the realities of Korea prove the truth of history that
socialism is
invincible, they said that all the political parties in Europe should
follow the WPK
and keep pace with one another in expressing international solidarity with the
anti-imperialist struggle.
    A letter to the great leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.
    The seminar made participants keenly feel that the WPK is, indeed, a tested
guide of the socialist cause and a pioneer of the world socialist and communist
movement at the present time, the letter said.
    It noted that the participants gain faith and encouragement from the
fact that the
WPK is successfully building socialism of Juche and confidently peep into the
victory of socialism, the future of humankind.

7th Korean Folk Art Festival

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The 7th Korean Folk Art Festival took
place in Tashkent region on Sept. 9 under the sponsorship of the United
Confederation of Koreans in the Uzbek Republic to mark the 52nd anniversary of
the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The festival drew at least 800 Koreans, the DPRK ambassador to Uzbekistan
and embassy officials and officials of Tashkent region.
    It involved more than 300 artistes from 26 art organizations of Koreans.
    The festival featured "Moran Hill" and "My Country Is Best" and other Korean
songs and dances.

"Korea Visit" released in Nepal

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- A book "Korea Visit" written by
Narayan Man Bijukchhe, chairman of the central committee of the Nepal
Worker-Peasant Party, was released with due ceremony in Baktapur, Nepal, on
Sept. 6 to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of
    Printed in the book are a portrait of the President Kim Il Sung and a
of him receiving foreign party delegations.
    The book says the President liberated Korea, founded the DPRK, led the
three-year fatherland liberation war to a brilliant victory and put forward
and realistic proposals for reunifying Korea.

Pyongyang Film Festival continues

    Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The 7th Pyongyang Film Festival of
non-aligned and other developing countries which opened on Sept. 13 is going on
before full houses.
    Screening there were Chinese feature film "the National Anthem," Polish
feature film "With Fire and Sword," Malaysian feature film "Let Us Meet Again In
Dream," Iranian feature film "Lost Love" and other films.
    The films fully reflect the unanimous aspiration and desire of the people of
non-aligned and other developing countries to oppose all forms of domination and
subjugation and social inequality and live in happiness, bringing into full
their ideal and talents in a free, peaceful new world to their heart's content.
    The films vividly show the worthwhile struggle of the people in non-aligned
and other developing countries to create a new life and their traditional
customs and
noble spiritual world.
    Appreciating the films were delegations and delegates of different
countries and
honorary guests to the festival, working people in the city and foreign guests.
    Film screening continues.

Japanese women from Korea visit Korean Hall

    Tokyo, September 15 (KNS-KCNA) -- The head and some members of the
3rd home-visiting group of Japanese women residing in Korea visited the Korean
Hall in Tokyo on September 14.
    First vice-chairman So Man Sul, chief vice-chairman Ho Jong Man and
vice-chairman Nam Sung U of the central standing committee of the General
Association of Korean residents in Japan warmly greeted them and had a
conversation with them in an atmosphere overflowing with kindred feelings.


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