TODAY'S NEWS (September.16.2001 Juche 90)



Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 194 honored with title of Kum Song

Korea's independent and peaceful reunification supported

Chairman of Yongnam District Committee of NDRP sentenced to penal servitude

Reception for IIJI director general

Japan's moves to evade compensation under fire

International Day of Ozone Layer Protection observed

Inter-Korean ministerial talks open

For Spanish-speaking people


establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas entre rpdc y holanda

victoria siempre con poderio de unidad monolitica

intriga relativa a "asunto nuclear" - comentario de atcc -


Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 194 honored with title of Kum Song
     Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the
Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission
and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected KPA unit no.
194 honored with the title of Kum Song lifeguard. He learned about the
unit's performance of its duty before watching the training of its soldiers.
He put forward highly important tasks which would serve as a guideline in
increasing the combat capability of the unit in every way.
    Then he took warm care of the servicemen's living, looking round
entertainment and logistic facilities of the unit.
    He said that the servicemen of the unit have prepared themselves to be a
matchless combat unit and created a fine model in the management of the unit
by embodying the fighting spirit and traits of the anti-Japanese guerrillas
in their work and life. He repeatedly praised them for their proud feats and
called on the whole army to earnestly follow the example set by the unit.
    He set forth tasks for further improving the supply service.
    After looking round the unit, he enjoyed an art performance given by
soldiers of a company under the unit.
    He was greatly satisfied to see that the soldiers of the company are
conducting drills, studying and living in a revolutionary and optimistic
manner as the anti-Japanese guerrillas did.
    He gave an automatic rifle to soldiers of the unit as a gift and had a
picture taken with them.


Korea's independent and peaceful reunification supported
     Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The Chilean government hopes that the
north and south of Korea will reunify the country independently and
peacefully, reconciling themselves and cooperating with each other as agreed
last year. Chilean President Ricardo Lagos Escobar said this when receiving
credentials from the newly appointed DPRK ambassador e.p. to his country.
    Expressing pleasure at the recently favorably developing friendly
relations between Chile and the DPRK, he said that he would make positive
efforts to boost the relations in the future.


Chairman of Yongnam District Committee of NDRP sentenced to penal servitude
     Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "supreme court" on
September 13 confirmed the original sentence of 2 years and 6 months in
prison passed on Choe Jin Su, chairman of the Yongnam District Committee of
the National Democratic Revolutionary Party, according to Seoul-based Yonhap
News. The "court" ruled that the "defendant" is charged with the violation
of the "security law" as the party is an "anti-state organization" and he
has played a leading role in the organization.
    In February the Seoul district court sentenced him to imprisonment, but
he appealed to the "supreme court" in protest against the unjust decision.


Reception for IIJI director general
     Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The Korean Social Scientists Society
yesterday hosted a reception in honour of Vishwanath, director general of
the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI), on the occasion of his
75th birthday. Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly who is also chairman of the society, made a speech
at the reception. 
    The director general is well known to the Korean and the world people as
an enthusiastic disseminator of the immortal Juche idea which was founded by
President Kim Il Sung and is being developed and enriched by leader Kim Jong
Il, he said, and went on:
    After beginning his activities to study and disseminate the Juche idea
as early as the middle of the 1970s, Vishwanath established the Asian
Regional Institute of the Juche Idea and successfully organized regional and
international seminars on the Juche idea several times.
    He wrote many works praising the greatness of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong
Il. After instituting "International Kim Il Sung Prize" on his own
initiative he took upon himself the responsibility as secretary general of
its council. Holding the post of director general of the IIJI from last year
at his advanced age, he is working more energetically to study and
disseminate the Juche idea with his single determination to devote the
remainder of his life to the cause.
    Vishwanath in his speech said that Kim Jong Il, the great leader in the
present era, showed great care of him on his birthday though he is just an
ordinary follower of the Juche idea.
    He said that Kim Il Sung, the founder of the Juche idea and eternal
teacher of the world progressives, is always with them and his care for them
is being carried forward by Kim Jong Il who is identical to him.
    He expressed the confidence that under the leadership of Kim Jong Il the
Korean people would surely build a powerful socialist nation and achieve the
reunification of the country by embodying the Juche idea.


Japan's moves to evade compensation under fire
     Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- Japan could see the 20th century out
without settling its past but it will not be able to evade its
responsibility in the new century and the United States, its patron, will
have to pay a very high price. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed
    It goes on: 
    The Japanese foreign minister said at a joint press conference held on
the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the "separate peace treaty with
Japan" that all the issues related to the post-war compensation were settled
with the conclusion of the "treaty" and the U.S. secretary of state chimed
in with her remark.
    These reckless remarks made by the top diplomats of Japan and the U.S.
are little short of looking down upon the Asian countries and peoples and
totally ignoring their demands.
    Her outburst represents Japan's official stand not to settle its past.
    In view of the background against which the "treaty" was fabricated and
its illegality and partiality, the assertions of the top Japanese and U.S.
diplomats do not stand to reason at all and lack propriety.
    The government of the DPRK in a statement of its Foreign Ministry issued
in September 1951 dismissed the "separate peace treaty with Japan" as
illegal and null and void and declared that it did not recognize it.
    The DPRK makes it clear that none of the issues related to Japan's
post-war compensation was solved with the conclusion of the "treaty."
    They are well advised to face up to the reality and tell truth if they
are willing to think with reason, properly judge things and phenomena and
deal with the issue rightly.


International Day of Ozone Layer Protection observed
     Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed article
observes the International Day of Ozone Layer Protection. The DPRK
government ratified two major international conventions on the protection of
the ozone layer on January 27, 1995. in 1996 when international activities
for the protection of the ozone layer were still lukewarm the DPRK,
regarding the protection as an important issue, took a decisive measure of
removing some industrial production processes to this end and thus greatly
contributed to the prosperity and well-being of humankind.
    The DPRK government will implement to the letter plans for the reduction
of substance depleting the ozone layer including the "Montreal Protocol" and
faithfully fulfil its national and international commitments to
environmental protection to ensure the independent and creative life of


Inter-Korean ministerial talks open
     Seoul, September 16 (KCNA correspondent) -- The 5th north-south
ministerial talks opened in Seoul today. Present at the talks from the north
side were members of the delegation headed by Kim Ryong Song, senior
councillor of the DPRK cabinet, and its suite members.
    Present at the talks from the south side were members of the delegation
led by chief delegate hong sun yong, minister of national unification, and
its suite members. 
    The head of the north delegation made a keynote speech at the talks.
    He said that the 5th north-south ministerial talks opened at a momentous
juncture when fresh energy should be injected into the implementation of the
historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. He noted with pleasure that
the inter-Korean ministerial talks have come to resume to provide both sides
with an opportunity to take practical measures for implementing the joint
declaration after the 4th ministerial talks held in December last year.
    Recalling that the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, a product of
the historic meeting of the heads of the north and the south in Pyongyang,
is a historic document indicating the road for the Korean nation to follow
in the new century and a short-cut to the national reunification, he said
that a work has been vigorously pushed forward to implement the joint
declaration thanks to the positive support of the whole nation.
    He went on to say:
    The north side, regarding the north-south joint declaration as the most
just landmark for the country's reunification which fully reflects the
desire and aspiration of the nation, has done all it can to implement it to
the letter and develop the north-south relations to be ties of
reconciliation and cooperation and open an epochal phase of national
    Ever since the first round of the talks the north side has exchanged
views with the south side after proposing the agenda of the talks on the
principle of solving the issue of north-south relations and the issue of the
country's reunification independently by the concerted efforts of the Korean
    It set out a new modelity of dialogue, away from the practice in the
past, and has worked hard to solve the issue in the spirit of trust and
    At the previous four rounds of the ministerial talks the north side
advanced a series of constructive and practical proposals on realizing wide
contacts, visits and cooperation between the north and the south and made
every sincere effort to reach an agreement between both sides. It
successfully waged a number of unprecedentedly large reunification functions
attended by compatriots in the north and south and overseas such as events
held on the occasion of august 15 liberation day and the first anniversary
of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    The north side favoured the south side's proposals and responded to the
discussion on them to meet the common interests of the nation in the spirit
of the north-south joint declaration. Even after the talks between the
authorities of the two sides stalled in march last it has briskly conducted
non-governmental visits, contacts and cooperation from a patriotic stand.
    After the start of the north-south ministerial talks for the
implementation of the joint declaration the spirit of national independence
mounted higher than ever before, the relations between the authorities of
the north and the south are shifting to those of reconciliation and
cooperation from those of confrontation, solidarity and unity between people
from all walks of life in the north and south are coming true and the
cooperation between the two sides in different fields is actively promoted
in favour of reconciliation, unity and the reunification of the country.
    Recalling that such abnormal thing as the suspension of the inter-Korean
authorities-to-authorities talks took place owing to moves of foreign forces
and conservative elements, he stressed:
    The lesson drawn from this clearly suggests that in order to improve the
north-south relations and solve the issue of national reunification at an
early date it is necessary to shatter the obstructive moves of the
anti-reunification forces and dynamically push ahead with all work by the
efforts of broad masses of people who support the north-south joint
    It is the sincere expectation of all the fellow countrymen that the
current talks will give momentum to the implementation of the declaration
and mark a new turning-point in improving the once abnormal north-south
relations, he noted and continued:
    It is the kernel of the north-south joint declaration and the supreme
interests of the nation, which allows no concession, to solve the national
issue by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation. only by doing so is it
possible to have a key to achieving reconciliation, unity, peace and
reunification of the north and the south and overcoming difficulties and
obstacles lying in the way of implementing the declaration.
    Underscoring the need for both sides to solve problems raised as they
had committed themselves to make the ministerial talks fruitful ones for the
nation at their outset, he referred to the north side's proposals. They
include the issues of relinking the Sinuiju-Seoul railways and the
Kaesong-Munsan motorway, setting up an industrial zone in Kaesong,
protecting flood damage in areas along the River Rimjin, supplying
electricity, using a fishing ground in the east sea of the north, exchanging
Taekwon-do exhibition teams, repatriating unconverted long-term prisoners in
South Korea, solving the matter related to the separated families and
relatives in line with the desire of the fellow countrymen and the country's
specific conditions, connecting the railways between the two parts of Korea
and Russia, letting gas pipeline pass through the north, the passage of
cargo ships through other side's territorial waters and taking measures to
pep up Mt. Kumgang tourism.
    Saying that the results of the 5th north-south ministerial talks would
have a strong impact on the development of inter-Korean relations, he called
on the delegates of the two sides to make every sincere effort to make the
talks yield good results, fully aware of their importance and the heavy
responsibility they have assumed before the nation.
    The south side's chief delegate made a keynote speech at the talks.
    The talks continue.


For Spanish-speaking people

establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas entre rpdc y holanda
     pyongyang, 16 de enero (atcc) -- fueron establecidas relaciones
diplomaticas entre la republica popular democratica de corea y el reino de
holanda y fue publicado ayer el comunicado conjunto sobre el particular que
senala: tuvieron lugar el 20 de diciembre del 2000 y el 15 de enero del 2001
en la haya conversaciones entre los delegados de los ministerios de
de la rpdc y el reino de holanda.
    las conversaciones fueron preparadas a traves del intercambio de las
cartas de los cancilleres de ambos paises relativas al establecimiento de
las relaciones diplomaticas.
    en ellas las partes acordaron establecer las relaciones diplomaticas a
nivel de embajador entre la rpd de corea y el reino de holanda a base de los
convenios de viena sobre las relaciones diplomaticas y las relaciones
    las partes manifestaron la esperanza de que el establecimiento de las
relaciones diplomaticas entre ambos paises ofrezca oportunidad mas favorable
para desarrollar eficazmente las relaciones bilaterales y profundizar la
consultacion sobre los problemas de interes e inquietud mutuos.


victoria siempre con poderio de unidad monolitica
     pyongyang, 16 de febrero (atcc) -- hoy el pueblo coreano conmemora
significativamente el cumpleanos del gran dirigente kim jong il. para el
pueblo coreano el 16 de febrero es la fecha historica que promete el
radiante porvenir de la patria y la victoria siempre de la causa
revolucionaria del juche.
    el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero de hoy inserto un editorial
senalando que la trayectoria revolucionaria del pueblo coreano bajo la
direccion del gran camarada kim jong il es la gloriosa historia que allano
el camino de victoria con la unidad monolitica.
    a continuacion el editorial senala:
    el camino de la victoria recorrido por el partido del trabajo y el
pueblo de corea es el camino de la orgullosa lucha por el cual el dirigente
y el pueblo avanzaron audazmente compartiendo la idea y el proposito, el
camino de la armonia completa por el cual el primero y el segundo avanzaron
fiandose y apoyandose firmemente y la historia de lucha por la unidad en la
cual ambos compartieron el destino, es decir, la vida y la muerte, la
tristeza y la alegria.
    el factor decisivo que permite acelerar hasta el fin la marcha
victoriosa del siglo 21 en que habra pruebas y dificultades reside en la
unidad monolitica en torno al gran dirigente.
    la unidad monolitica de las filas revolucionarias sirve de la fuerza de
impulsion que permite a la revolucion coreana seguir avanzando a paso firme
por el unico camino de la independencia.
    la unidad monolitica del partido del trabajo y el pueblo de corea
constituye la fuerza motriz que permite llevar a feliz termino la causa
socialista del juche.
    con la invencible unidad monolitica alcanzada en la batalla por la
defensa del socialismo no nos habra cosas irrealizables ni fortaleza
inconquistable en la construccion socialista. el presente sera un siglo en
que la politica de unidad del camarada kim jong il cree una gran realidad y
en que el socialismo coreano triunfe globalmente.
    debemos avanzar tenazmente por el camino de la victoria en pleno acato a
la politica del gran camarada kim jong il.
    el periodico "minju joson" en un editorial subraya que es infinitamente
radiante el futuro del pueblo coreano que allana el camino del avance del
nuevo siglo siguiendo la direccion del gran camarada kim jong il.


intriga relativa a "asunto nuclear" - comentario de atcc -
     pyongyang, 16 de junio (atcc) -- recientemente un alto funcionario del
departamento de estado norteamericano acuso sin fundamento a la republica
popular democratica de corea diciendo que por no estar bajo el control
suficiente el plan de armas nucleares de pakistan su capacidad podria
"proliferarse a los paises como norcorea". es un abuso de la palabra el que
ee.uu., promotor de la proliferacion de armas nucleares en este planeta y
pais criminal que aplico las armas nucleares contra la humanidad se
"preocupe" de alguien.
    al respecto el canciller pakistani rechazo tajantemente la insistencia
de ee.uu. segun la cual su pais tiene que ver con la exportacion de
tecnologia nuclear.
    el director del foro del pacifico del centro para estudios estrategicos
e internacionales de ee.uu. y bosworth, ex embajador norteamericano en
sudcorea insistieron en que la rpdc es mas fiel que ee.uu. a la ejecucion
del acuerdo de ginebra y no hay prueba de que aquella no lo ejecuta. asi se
confirmo que carece de fundamento la "preocupacion" de las autoridades
    la "proliferacion de la capacidad nuclear" de que acuso ee.uu. a la rpdc
es una prueba de que aquel pais maniobra vilmente para imputar a esta su
responsabilidad de haber dilatado unilateralmente la ejecucion del acuerdo
basico de ginebra. 
    como es conocido por todos, hoy que el ano 2003 no es lejano el destino
de dicho acuerdo se halla en una situacion de que no se puede estar
indiferente y la responsabilidad del particular cae enteramente sobre la
parte norteamericana.
    pero ee.uu. en vez de reflexionar con respecto al asunto del destino del
acuerdo y de tomar las medidas urgentes y practicas con una actitud y
posicion responsables persigue solo la malsana finalidad de crear la opinion
publica internacional a su favor y elevar su posicion en las negociaciones
pegando etiqueta de "sospecha nuclear" a la rpdc.
    ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia reflexionando de las graves
consecuencias de su malsana intriga rutinaria como la presente sobre sus
relaciones con la rpdc y las relaciones internacionales en general.

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