>The paper accused Kuwait of what it termed "regular theft" of Iraqi oil over
>the last decade. It said the emirate has been stealing 300,000 to 350,000
>barrels per day (bpd). Kuwait has denied the charge and says it was
>producing 46,000 bpd from a well on its side of the border.
>Baghdad's accusation against Kuwait was seen in the West and some Gulf
>states as a new Iraqi threat against the neighbour it invaded in 1990,
>leading to the 1991 Gulf War.
>But the official al-Qadissiya newspaper dismissed the idea. "Is it a threat
>if Iraq demands the return of its stolen oil wealth?" it asked.
>Iraq's Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi Saleh on Saturday denied that his
>country was making threats against Kuwait. "Iraq is not threatening any of
>its neighbours - it is the one being threatened by aggression," he said.
>The United States has said it would use force if Baghdad threatens its
>US will not let Iraq become threat again - Cohen.
>SINGAPORE, Sept 17 (Reuters) - The United States is watching Iraq closely
>and will not allow President Saddam Hussein to become a threat again, U.S.
>Defence Secretary William Cohen said on Sunday.
>Iraq recently revived old accusations that Kuwait was stealing its oil and
>warned of unspecified measures against the neighbour it invaded in 1990,
>leading to the 1991 Gulf War.
>"We have made it very clear to Saddam Hussein that he should not seek to
>pose a threat to his neighbours or to his own people as he has done in the
>past," Cohen told a news conference on board the U.S.S. Germantown, docked
>in Singapore. "Our forces stand ready. We are enforcing the no-fly zones in
>the north and south, watching very carefully," he said.
>Oman Urges Lifting of Sanctions Against Iraq.
>UNITED NATIONS, September 16 (Xinhua) - Oman Saturday urged the lifting of
>the sanctions against Iraq, saying that they doubtlessly have done great
>harm to the people of Iraq.
>Addressing the general debate of the 55th session of the United Nations
>General Assembly, Yousef Bin Al-Alawi Bin Abdulah, minister of foreign
>affairs of Oman, said that despite all the serious international and
>regional efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Iraqi people, the general
>situation in the country continues to deteriorate as a result of the
>economic embargo imposed for the last 10 years.
>Iraq Holds First Trade Expo in Lebanon in Decade.
>BEIRUT, September 16 (Xinhua) - Iraq held the first trade exposition in
>Lebanese capital of Beirut Saturday since the 1990 international economic
>embargo against it for its invasion of Kuwait.
>Lebanese Trade and Economy Minister Nasser Saidi said in the opening
>ceremony that both Lebanon and Iraq are facing economic and political
>challenges so "we should make economical and social cooperation." Fares
>Saad, one of the event's organizers, said the fair did not violate the
>United Nations' trade sanctions on Iraq.
>"The products that will be on display are part of a list of 41 products
>exempted from the sanctions on Iraq. These are food products and not
>strategic products such as oil," he said. A foreign ministry statement said
>that the decision was part of an economic cooperation deal concluded between
>the two countries in April 1967.
>Some 750 tons' load of Iraqi products, most of which are date palm, sweets,
>canned food, wool products, rugs, leather jackets and cereal, will be sold
>in Expo Beirut Hall from September 16 to 24.
>Iraqi ministers praise ties with Jordan, deny presence of crisis.
>Text of report by Jordanian newspaper 'Al-Ra'y' on 15th September
>New York, Damascus, Petra: Iraqi Foreign Minister Muhammad Sa'id al-Sahhaf
>has said that the Jordanian-Iraqi relations are developing and witnessing
>significant improvement in all domains.
>In a statement to the Jordan News Agency corespondent at the United Nations,
>Al-Sahhaf said that strenuous efforts are being made to deepen, translate
>and coordinate the positive relations between the two countries.
>He added that the reports published by some London-based Arabic newspapers,
>particularly the newspaper `Al-Quds al-Arabi', are untrue, a distortion of
>facts, and an attempt to drive wedges between the two countries. He said:
>Such reports did not, and will never, affect the strong brotherly ties
>binding the two sisterly states.
>Japanese Parliament Member in Iraq for Fact-Finding Visit.
>BAGHDAD, September 16 (Xinhua) - Iraqi National Assembly Speaker Saadoun
>Hamadi on Saturday held talks with visiting Japanese parliament member Ferma
>Kuma on means of promoting bilateral ties.
>During the talks, Hamadi reviewed the current bilateral relations and
>briefed the former Japanese defense minister about the miserable situation
>of Iraq which has been under United Nations sanctions since its 1990
>invasion of Kuwait.
>"Iraq has fulfilled all its obligations and it is time to lift the
>sanctions," he was quoted by the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) as saying.
>Russian Plane to Arrive in Iraq Next Saturday.
>BAGHDAD, September 16 (Xinhua) - A Russian plane will make a direct flight
>from Moscow to the Iraqi capital Baghdad on September 23 to pave the way for
>the resumption of civil flights between the two countries, the official
>Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported Saturday.
>The INA quoted a spokesman for Russia's Vinokova Airline as saying that some
>"prominent figures," as well as a delegation representing the Russian-Iraqi
>Friendship Society, will arrive aboard the plane and hold talks with the
>Iraqi side about resuming regular civil flights between Moscow and Baghdad.
>The plane will land at the newly-reopened Saddam International Airport, in a
>show of support to Iraq's defiance of the United Nations sanctions. Russian
>President Vladimir Putin made the decision to fly passenger planes to Iraq
>after his meeting with visiting Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz in
>July, and an Iraqi delegation is expected to visit Moscow later this month
>to make the final preparations for this purpose. Meanwhile, Russia is making
>contacts with relevant countries to grant permission for Russian planes to
>fly to Iraq through their airspaces.
>Iraq complains to Jordan over pilot ruling.
>BAGHDAD, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The speaker of Iraq's parliament has written to
>Jordan complaining about a court's decision to jail an Italian pilot for
>flying to Baghdad in defiance of U.N. sanctions, INA news agency said on
>The Jordanian court sentenced Nicola Trivoni last month in absentia to three
>years in jail and a fine of 10,000 dinars ($14,000) for breaching Jordan's
>airspace when he flew his light plane to Baghdad last April. "The air ban
>imposed on Iraq has no any legal ground and all U.N. Security Council
>resolutions against Iraq do not ban civilian flights from and to Iraq,"
>parliamentary speaker Saadoun Hammadi wrote in his letter to the Jordanian
>parliament. Hammadi urged Jordan's parliamentary speaker "to intervene
>directly with the Jordanian government and urge the authorities to cancel
>the sentence."
>Government allows citizens to open foreign currency accounts.
>Source: INA news agency web site, Baghdad, in Arabic 7 Sep 00
>Text of report by Iraqi news agency INA web site
>Baghdad, 7th September: The Iraqi Central Bank [ICB] has allowed Iraqi
>citizens inside Iraq and those residing abroad to open accounts in foreign
>currency at the branches of the Iraqi banks inside Iraq and abroad.
>In a statement issued today, the ICB allowed the Iraqi citizens inside Iraq
>to open an account at a non-Iraqi bank abroad after obtaining the ICB
>approval. The Iraqis and those residing abroad, as well as the foreigners
>were also allowed to open foreign currency accounts at the Iraqi banks
>inside Iraq.
>Mariam Appeal to launch Iraq International
>Work Brigades
>The London based Mariam Appeal recently announced their plans to form
>monthly international work brigades who will help build a friendship village
>in Iraq beginning May 2001. Mr Stuart Halford the Director of the Mariam
>Appeal told ISM that the monthly work brigades will under the supervision of
>Iraqi tradesmen and engineers engage in "reconciliation through
>reconstruction" in an original form of international solidarity.
>Brigadiers will be in Iraq for exactly one month at a time from May until
>October 2001 and every year thereafter. They will have a programme of
>construction work in the mornings, lectures and discussions in the
>afternoons and social and cultural activities in the evenings. Participants
>should be able to speak either English or Arabic (there will be a translator
>always on hand) and should be aged 18 and over. And of course they will need
>to be fit enough for light construction duties and the heat of the Iraqi
>summer. Brigadiers will be asked to make a contribution towards travel to
>Amman. All other costs will be met by the Mariam Appeal which will fundraise
>for that purpose.
>For further information please contact Stuart Halford at the Mariam
>Appeal on [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by telephone on (0044) 207 403 5200
>Position          Four Brigade Coordinators Required (Full Time - with 3
>months per year on site in Iraq) For the MARIAM APPEAL "Iraq International
>Work Brigades"
>Salary          £ 20,000 per annum
>To Start        January 2001
>The Mariam Appeal, which campaigns for the lifting of sanctions on Iraq, is
>sending a series of International Work Brigades to Iraq to build an
>international friendship village that will be used as a centre for
>international friendship and solidarity with the people of Iraq.
>The village will symbolise "reconciliation through reconstruction" and will
>upon completion, be used by Iraqi children for recuperation, rest, education
>and play. The project will enable people from all over the world to express
>solidarity with the people of Iraq, who have suffered grievously under the
>10 year embargo. The brigades will perform light construction duties (under
>the guidance of Iraqi tradesmen) hold discussion and education sessions and
>enjoy a variety of cultural and social activities.
>Interested ? think you have what it takes to organise international brigades
>? then please contact us at :
>Brigades Department
>13(a) Borough High Street
>London SE1 9SE
>Reports of Iraqi Missile Threat Are Greatly Exaggerated
>Scott Ritter
>Wednesday, September 14, 2000
>©2000 San Francisco Chronicle
>THE PENTAGON'S DECISION to place a Patriot missile battery on a heightened
>state of alert for deployment to Israel underscores the effort by the United
>States and others to create the perception of an imminent threat from an
>Iraqi ballistic missile. It doesn't seem to matter to the Pentagon that the
>Israeli Prime Minister himself downplays the Iraqi missile threat as
>In the nearly 20 months since U.N. weapons inspectors were last on the job
>in Iraq, there has been no shortage of speculation on what has transpired
>inside Iraq's weapons factories. Richard Butler, the former executive
>chairman of the now-defunct United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), has
>been at the forefront of those charging that Iraq is actively rearming.
>One of Ambassador Butler's favorite themes has been that ``Saddam Hussein is
>back in the business of making long-range missiles.'' The Pentagon's
>announcement appears perfectly constructed to play along with this theme.
>This is not the first time the United States has hyped an ``imminent''
>threat from Iraqi missiles. This past summer, the CIA reported that its
>satellites picked up evidence that Iraq had resumed flight testing of the
>Al-Samoud missile. Even though the Al-Samoud has a range of less than 150
>kilometers and is permitted under U.N. resolutions, the CIA highlighted
>these tests as proof that Iraq had more nefarious plans for long-range
>The United States has not been alone in ``exposing'' the threat from
>Baghdad. In a rare public statement earlier this month, the German
>Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) Intelligence Service confirmed a report that
>its agents had located a ``secret Iraqi missile factory near Baghdad,'' the
>Al Mamoun factory, which produces solid- fuel missiles known as the
>Although the Ababil-100, like the Al-Samoud, possesses a range less than 150
>kilometers, the BND cited this latest discovery as clear evidence that
>Saddam Hussein has continued to build up his arsenal.
>Given that inspectors have not been on the job for some time now, such
>information, on the surface, would seem compelling. But the reality is much
>Contrary to the BND report, the Al-Mamoun factory was well known to UNSCOM
>missile inspectors. Like the rest of the Iraqi weapons production infrastruc
>ture, the Al Mamoun factory had been under continuous monitoring by
>UNSCOM since 1993. The ``secret'' Ababil-100 missile project had in fact
>been declared to UNSCOM by Iraq in the spring of 1998. UNSCOM inspectors
>never felt that the Ababil-100 missile represented anything close to a
>viable project, let alone the potential threat to German cities that the BND
>report made it out to be.
>Why would the Germans publish such a report at this time? The answer lies in
>the current effort by UNSCOM's successor organization, the United Nations
>Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) to send
>inspectors back into Iraq. Iraq has made it clear that it rejects such
>inspections, and the Security Council is bracing itself for yet another
>confrontation. A report such as the one put out by the BND will play a
>prominent role in any discussion concerning Iraq's refusal to accept the
>UNMOVIC inspectors, and it closely parallels the CIA reports of the past
>summer and complements the recent Pentagon announcement on the Patriot
>Given the lack of substance behind the reports from the CIA, BND and the
>Pentagon, one couldn't help but conclude that these reports are part of an
>overall cam paign of disinformation designed to continue demonizing and
>isolating Iraq. Such disinformation campaigns have long been associated with
>the effort to contain Iraq through the continued economic sanctions. In this
>regard, the key issue isn't the truth about Iraq's weapons of mass
>destruction, but rather the perception, however incorrect, of the threat
>such weapons pose in the hands of Iraq.
>The continuation of economic sanctions, which have resulted in the deaths of
>some 1.5 million innocent Iraqi civilians, hinges on the issue of Iraq's
>weapons of mass destruction. It is high time that this issue be debated on
>the basis of fact, not fiction.
>By spreading such misleading and inaccurate reports, the United States and
>Germany have thrown away the credibility that comes by embracing the truth,
>and instead have surrounded themselves with a bodyguard of lies. Given the
>enormity of the tragedy unfolding in Iraq today, the citizens of these two
>great democracies deserve, and should demand, better.
>Scott Ritter, the author of ``Endgame'' (Simon & Schuster, 1999), was a U.N.
>weapons inspector in Iraq.
>tel: +44 (0)20 7403 5200
>fax: +44 (0)20 7403 3823
>web: www.mariamappeal.com
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