>examination did not take place because soldiers entered the treatment room.
>A check-up every six months is necessary but in two years only one check-up
>was possible.
>Gulten OZDEMIR: Abdominal hernia, bones in spine have merged together,
>rheumatism of the joints, problems with sugar and cholesterol, chronic
>bronchitis, as well as dental and eye difficulties. An MR is to be taken in
>Capa but the date for an appointment has not been fixed.
>Hacer ARIKAN: Migraine, acute bronchitis, anaemia and the beginnings of neck
>Ebru DINCER: Neck off-centre, rheumatism in joints, tension headaches.
>Allergic to vitamins and some medication.
>Yasemin OKUYUCU: Rheumatism, pains in stomach. In the past this was said to
>be colitis. Now it is said not to be colitis.
>Funda DAVRAN: Chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, rheumatism. Moreover, is
>suffering from depression.
>Alev YILDIZ: Chronic bronchitis.
>Ozlem ERCAN: Has suffered from tuberculosis. Treatment with medication is
>continuing. Has suffered from abdominal hernia since birth, the membrane in
>both ears is damaged and she suffers from anaemia.
>Ozgul DEDE: Neck problems, abdominal subsidence, back pains, muscles
>weakened, tension headaches, left leg shorter than right leg.
>Munevver KOZ: Heart murmur, muscle rheumatism, dental problems. Taking
>Fatma GUZEL: Chronic bronchitis, gastritis, sinusitis and rheumatism. When
>she was examined by the doctor , the doctor transferred her to Capa Hospital
>for an MR, saying that when she was a child her shoulder was broken and
>because of the dislocation of the shoulder the muscles in that area are
>deformed. But the soldiers prevented her from going to hospital.
>Hamide OZTURK: Hernia, anaemia (advanced) and bronchitis.
>Gulser TUZCU: Chronic bronchitis, pharyngeitis, 40% loss of hearing in right
>ear, no hearing in left ear.
>Sengul MERT: Advanced asthma.
>Fahrettin ALTUN: Heart disease (mitral deficiency)
>M. Salih DEMIR: Heart disease (angina pectoris, an illness of the blood
>Nurettin BAHTIYAROGLU: Kidney deficiency.
>Nusret KILIC: Angina pectoris, nephrotic syndrome, lung obstruction present.
>Nuran EKINGEN: Chronic hepatitis.
>Baki KAPLAN: Epilepsy, migraine.
>Leyla AKBAS: Hernia.
>Ikram NARIN: Visual problems connected to widening of the ventricle.
>Gafur SEN: Improper amputation of the foot (operation necessary).
>Halil UCAR: Has suffered from TBC, still suffers from bleeding.
>Nizamettin KAYA: Suffers from disease of the duodenum, bulbous ulcer in the
>cervical vertebrae C2-3-4.
>Seyithan LACIN: Lumbar disk hernia.
>M. Bahri KURT: Cervical-lumbar hernia.
>Mehmet TURHALLI: Obstruction in lung. Lumbar disk hernia.
>Kadir TEKIN: Lumbar disk hernia.
>Seyfullah AKDEMIR: L5 s1 protusion from left paracental disk.
>Ismail BALCA: Sleeping difficulties due to depression.
>Nahit EKELEK: Psychoneurosis.
>Enver ELBAT: Lumbar disk hernia.
>Ekin MORSUMBUL: Lumbar sacral stenosis, sleeping difficulties due to
>Selahattin BAGIR: Lumbar disk hernia.
>Serdar EJDEROGLU: Lumbar disk hernia.
>Mehmet YASAK: Lumbar disk hernia.
>Meryem ALGOR: PTSD, sleeping difficulties due to anxiety.
>Gulay SOKER: Bronchial asthma.
>Saime UGURLU: Epilepsy, anaemia.
>H. Aziz HUN: Cervical disk hernia, lumbar disk hernia, allergic dermatitis.
>Hakan CANPOLAT: Lumbar disk hernia.
>Gulderen BARAN: Damage to brachial plexus.
>Ali KURT: Disk hernia.
>Sukru TORE: Allergic bronchitis.
>Teslim TORE: Peptic ulcer, hernia.
>Menderes YILDIRIM: TBC.
>Fatma SAVCI: Fibrous adenoma.
>Gulfirik GUYUK: Heart problem.
>Zuhal SURUCU: Heart problem.
>Can Ali TURKMEN: Thorax-abdominal obstruction, venous circulation damaged.
>Hakki CICEK: Wernicke-Korsakoff, atrophy of the left arm.
>Mehmet Ali CELEBI: Wernicke-Korsakoff.
>Eyuphan BASAR: Wernicke-Korsakoff.
>Ahmet Turan ATMACA: Wernicke-Korsakoff as a result of 1996 Death Fast and
>psychological problems connected with this.
>Ilhan KILIC: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Kemal TUFAN: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Erol KOMUR: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Huseyin GUNDUZ: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Nurettin BAHTIYAROGLU: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Ercan SARI: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Nizamettin DEGERLI: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Mehmet DEGERLI: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Eylem CEVIK: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Fatima YILDIRIM: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>M. Resit ARSLAN: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Gencali KARABULUT: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Resit KESKIN: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Nezhar GULER: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Sukru TORE: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Semiye YILDIRIM: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Seyithan ULUTAS: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Orah GOK: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Baba ARI: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Nihat KONAK: Gunshot wounds to the foot and wrist. No operation has been
>Petek TURKMEN: Danger of skin cancer due to deficiency.
>Ulas GOCMEN: Bullet lodged in body. No diagnosis was made from a tomography
>taken in Canakkale State Hospital. Was transported to Istanbul Cerrahpasa
>Medical Faculty Hospital for advanced examination.
>Ilker BABACAN: Shortage of breath. At night this condition worsens. No
>result obtained from the KBB (Ear, Nose and Throat) department. There was a
>transport to the Chest Diseases Department. Has still not been taken there.
>According to a KBB expert, an operation is necessary.
>Huseyin AVSAR: Suffers from spastic colon. Has to continually take
>Yusuf Kenan DINCER: Was in the first team in the 1996 Death Fast. Needs
>constant medication as a result of this resistance. Has a problem of
>forgetfulness with regard to distant past.
>Ruhi UZUNHASANOGLU: Stomach ulcer. Has problem with reflexes for no obvious
>reason. Prison doctor said, "Your reflexes have become nothing."
>Murat BAHCELI: Low blood pressure.
>Sibel HORASAN: Before imprisonment, received treatment for nephritis. In
>prison has received treatment for frequent infections of the urethra. When
>she went to the urology polyclinic on October 25, 1999 she was said to have
>small kidney stones. On April 21, 2000 an ultrasound image was made and this
>ruled out kidney stones but an oval cyst was reported. She has still not
>received the results. Apart from this, there are lower back pains, bronchial
>asthma and other complaints. At the site of the lower back pain, above the
>coccyx there is a swelling which a doctor has described as an oily mass, but
>no results of analysis have been received.
>Kamile KAYIR: Death Fast resister. Frequently feels unwell and weak, with
>muscle pains and a great sense of tiredness with loss of balance. Very high
>cholesterol level.
>Sevgi SAYMAZ: Death Fast resister. Quickly becomes tired, unwell and weak.
>Apart from this there is a heart murmur. In 1997 suffered from tuberculosis,
>and check-ups are still continuing. Doctors have done nothing about the
>complaints of the Death Fast resisters. They say there is nothing they can
>do. In the face of persistent complaints, all they say is to be careful to
>eat properly.
>Gulumser TOSUN: Death Fast resister. Complains of feeling unwell, quickly
>tiring, palpitations from time to time, headaches and pain in joints from
>time to time.
>Turkan OZEN: Before being imprisoned, had an operation (goitre), and also
>one for the parathyroid glands. After the operation there was a diagnosis of
>hypoparathyroidism and he started using calcium on a continual basis. In
>April 2000 started taking a medication called Rocaltrol. Complaints of
>calcium deficiency continue.
>Leyla ALP: Had pneumonia in January 2000, treatment received. Urethra
>complaint at present. Doctor diagnosed small kidney stones.
>Yasemin KARADAG: Chronic nephritis in left kidney, 1994. Infections
>frequently recur in right kidney. Nephritis has been diagnosed there. Apart
>from suggesting she drink a lot of fluid and pay attention to what she eats,
>the doctors have done nothing. Continually uses Monopril (for high blood
>pressure). Stomach trouble and hernia. Has not received medication for
>stomach and kidney trouble. Because of the high blood pressure she suffers
>from varicosity and flat fee as well as constriction of the blood vessels in
>the eyes, allergic asthma and other complaints. Has anaemia but because of
>kidney situation is not receiving medication.
>Hatice OGUT: Has been receiving treatment for tuberculosis since March 6,
>2000. Still being checked by Verem Savas (War against TB, an organisation).
>Cigdem YIGIT: Stayed in the same prison ward as Hatice Ogut at the time the
>latter was diagnosed as having TB, she was given check-ups by Verem Savas.
>No diagnosis but she has continued to have her condition monitored by Verem
>Emel SAHANOGLU: Stayed in the same prison ward as Hatice Ogut at the time
>the latter was diagnosed as having TB, she has been monitored by Verem
>Savas. No diagnosis but she has continued to have her condition monitored by
>Verem Savas.
>Fidan KALSEN: Stayed in the same prison ward as Hatice Ogut at the time the
>latter was diagnosed as having TB, she was given check-ups by Verem Savas.
>No diagnosis but she has continued to have her condition monitored by Verem
>Gulnihal YILMAZ: Stayed in the same prison ward as Hatice Ogut at the time
>the latter was diagnosed as having TB, she was given check-ups by Verem
>Savas. No diagnosis but she has continued to have her condition monitored by
>Verem Savas.
>Ilkay OZCELIK: Allergic asthma.
>Hanim HARMAN: Allergic asthma.
>Aysen YAZICI: High blood pressure.
>Ozgur BASKAYA: Chronic bronchitis. Almost no attention paid to complaints.
>Must take medication continually. At the moment complaints continue.
>Rahsan EREN: Since the kneecap was broken, its condition has continued to be
>aggravated. Medication has been received from an orthopaedic clinic.
>Complaints continue. Difficulties also experienced from time to time with a
>collapsed arch.
>Hatice DEMIRER: Because of abdominal pains was transported to the Brain
>Surgeons' department. Sciatica and hernia were diagnosed. Medication taken
>when the pain grows worse. Because of stomach ulcers was transported to the
>gastroentology department.
>Aysu BAYKAL: Chronic nephritis. Started a diet in January 2000 after being
>diagnosed by a doctor as having uremia. The diet is continuing. The
>infection, and complaints of problems are continuing.
>Ulker KARAYEL: Because of a stomach ulcer, has had episodes of bleeding on
>four previous occasions. A diet is continuing but while complaints have
>lessened there has been no real improvement. Suffers from severe pain in my
>neck. Suffers from palpitations. Was told by a doctor in hospital that the
>condition was not infectious. At the moment there are no very serious
>complaints. Complaints of being physically exhausted are growing. Also has
>rheumatism of the joints.
>Pervin TUGAN: Chronic cystitis. Because of the narrowness of the bladder,
>urine is not being retained. Has used Minirin for two years, there have been
>side effects resulting from long-term use. Now does not use Minirin unless
>it is really necessary. Has achieved no results from treatment. Pain in
>abdomen and neck. Results of tomography normal. Has had treatment for
>sinusitis but pain continues.
>Ozlem CIBELIK: Palpitations. Receiving check-up in Ankara Numune Hospital,
>however no reason for the cardiac problem has been found. Is using Dideral.
>Also suffers from rheumatism of the joints and hernia.
>Nurten HASCELIK: Suffers from pain because of lengthening of the arm-bone.
>Has only receive muscle relaxants and pain killers for this. Kidney
>infections and small kidney stones. Reported that doctor has told her to
>start a diet after she complained of feeling unwell, weakness and tiring
>Hatice YAZGAN: Legs broken before she became a prisoner. For a long time had
>platinum implant, this was removed after an operation. Pain in knee and
>wrist joints. Pain grows worse with every day that passes but on this issue
>there has been no medical intervention from doctors.
>Yildiz BAGUC: Treatment received for infection of the middle ear. However,
>was transported to hospital because no results. Went to hospital on April
>24, 2000 but was not given examination because of the arbitrary practices of
>the soldiers.
>Mehdi TANRIKULU: Gastric Problems.
>Sultan SARI: Gastric Problems.
>Ayse CABALAK: Gastric Problems.
>Raife KOC: Gastric Problems.
>Safiye SEL: Ges Problems.
>Yasar SIMSIR: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Ibrahim DEMIR: Psychological problems.
>Mehmet EROGLU: Gastric Problems.
>Hediye AKSOY: Partial loss of vision in both eyes, kidney insufficiency,
>gynaecological illness.
>Gursel AKMAZ: Hearing difficulties, pain in feet and abdomen. No treatment.
>Saffet SARIOGLU: Chronic stomach and foot pains. No programme of treatment.
>Mehmet Inan ISIK: Throat inflammation and sinusitis. No treatment given.
>Levent DERICI: Chronic bronchitis.
>Suleyman EROL: Rheumatism. No treatment.
>Baris YILDIRIM: Constant eye problems, chronic pharyngeitis, sinusitis,
>hernia. No conditions for treatment present.
>Erkan KURAY: Chronic infection of the upper respiratory system.
>Abdullah BOZDAG: Breathing difficulties.
>Bulent ERSOY: Lower back hernia, stomach hernia, advanced deterioration of
>eyesight, partial hair loss. No treatment received.
>Faik ONDER: Hepatitis-B.
>Sadik BAYRAKCI: Violent abdominal pains, stomach ulcer and ringing in the
>ears. No conditions for treatment.
>Tamer CADIRCI: Anaemia and bronchial asthma. Has received treatment with
>Ismail ATACAN: Chronic bronchitis. No treatment received.
>Mahmut Gokhan OZOCAK: Cataract in right eye, pneumonia, stomach ulcer. Eye
>operation needed.
>Levent GOKTAS: Hernia.
>Sinan AKBAYIR: Continual pain in knees and joints, loss of hair, tonsillitis
>and impaired vision.
>Esat UCKAN: Rheumatism.
>Suleyman MATUR: Migraine, kidney stones, inflammation of the urethra,
>haemorrhoids, pain in abdominal region, lower back and heart trouble and
>rheumatism. Because of these illnesses, has spent time in the prison
>infirmary and been transported to hospital on several occasions.
>Ekrem KAVAL: Previously suffered from stomach ulcers, kidney and urethra
>Savas KARACAM: Suffered kidney disease (stones and smaller particles).
>Ali KOC: Crippling lower back trouble. Intestine not functioning properly.
>Sinan YAVUZ: Memory damage, visual problems and loss of balance caused by
>participation in 1996 Death Fast.
>Munur COLAK: Severe venous deficiency in the left leg. Operation needed.
>Unal ODABASI: Advanced loss of hearing in the right ear. Previously had
>operation while a prisoner in Ulucanlar Prison, Ankara. But the hearing
>problem did not subside.
>Metin YAVUZ: Hernia, sinusitis, kidney inflammation. Has been examined both
>in the prison infirmary and in hospital and has received medication but
>problems continue.
>Rabbena HANEDAR: Suffers from illness, lack of resistance to infections,
>chronic infections, sinusitis and rheumatism resulting from participation in
>Death Fast.
>Ali Osman KOSE: Chronic pharyngeitis, inflammation of the lymph glands and
>kidneys, prostate trouble, haemorrhoids, high blood pressure, constant
>headaches and loss of hearing in the left ear. Examinations in the prison
>infirmary and hospital have led to treatment with medication, but no other
>Aziz NAKCI: Partial loss of memory and loss of coordination caused by
>participation in the Death Fast. Apart from medication, no other treatment
>has been given.
>Ugur BULBUL: High blood pressure.
>Serdar DEMIREL: Hernia, rheumatism, chronic bronchitis. Apart from
>medication, no other treatment has been given.
>Talat KIZIL: Complains of constant headaches.
>Sinan OZSOY: Unable to assimilate sugar in any form. In connection with
>this, suffers from sense of weakness and exhaustion. Up to the present, no
>treatment has been received.
>Huseyin CINAR: Sinusitis and lower back pains.
>Erol EVCIL: Lower back pain.
>Serdal GELIR: Partial loss of memory and forgetfulness connected with brain
>damage caused by participation in the Death Fast. Apart from medication, no
>other treatment has been received.
>Yildiray EYUBOGLU: Sinusitis, sense of weakness, frequent and violent
>headaches, facial numbness, kidney malfunction. Constant diarrhoea.
>Polat HAN: Sinusitis, rheumatism, severe pain and numbness in the left arm,
>which had been broken previously.
>Cemalettin POLAT: Kidney infection, sinusitis and migraine, forgetfulness,
>constant numbness of the body and from time to time high blood pressure.
>H. Hayri ALP: Chronic pharyngeitis, lower back pain and Hepatitis-B. Blood
>samples were taken in connection with diagnosing hepatitis, but other than
>this nothing was done to treat the disease.
>Orhan OZBOLAT: Migraine, asthma, intestinal infection, lower back pain.
>Apart from medication, no other treatment received.
>Yusuf KUTLU: Rheumatism, continual feeling of weakness, sinusitis.
>Lutfu TOPAL: Migraine and hernia.
>Ismet OZDEMIR: Check-ups and analysis resulting from stays in the infirmary
>and transports to hospital have established the presence of sinusitis as
>well as inflammation in both ears, especially the inner part of the left
>ear. Almost all hearing has been lost in the left ear. Despite there being
>ear problems for a very long time, hospital doctors have made no effort to
>do anything, on the contrary they have interfered with treatment and used it
>to apply pressure. At the moment medication is being given. Has also
>suffered from Hepatitis-B. Latest tests in hospital have not mentioned
>hepatitis - instead Gilbert's disease has been diagnosed.
>Nihat KONAK: During the Ulucanlar massacre (1999), received a bullet wound
>in the right foot which smashed bone and caused the sole of the foot to
>collapse. Because of this, is only able to walk with a limp. Came here about
>one month after being wounded. Apart from treatment aimed at healing the
>wound in the infirmary and hospital, and the application of some medication,
>no other treatment has been given. Moreover, suffers from lower back and
>neck hernia and calcification of the hip, lower back and shoulder.
>Savas KOR: During the Ulucanlar massacre, suffered bullet wound in arm and
>the joints in three fingers no longer function. Bullet damage to the right
>hand and elbow have resulted in nerve damage and loss of feeling. For this
>reason the fingers are numb. There has been no treatment for this other than
>medication. (Despite an X-ray being taken in hospital, on two occasions
>bullet fragments have emerged from the arm.)
>Ilhan EMRAH: During the Ulucanlar massacre, fragments became embedded in
>various parts of the back of both legs. This has made it difficult to walk.
>Fragments are constantly passing through the body. Apart from medication, no
>other treatment received.
>Bulent CUTCU: Asthma.
>Haydar BARAN: Torture during the Ulucanlar massacre has caused nerve damage
>to the left leg and two fingers of the right hand as well as loss of feeling
>(the elbow cannot be moved properly). Lung damage. Transport to hospital has
>resulted in no treatment other than medication.
>Atlen YILDIRIM: Diabetes.
>Murat GUNES: During the Ulucanlar massacre, suffered severe torture and
>blows to the head, and still suffers violent pain. Pain from broken ribs and
>back pain. In the arm and legs (in the legs, at knee level) nerve damage has
>caused numbness and loss of feeling. Check-ups in the infirmary and hospital
>have given no treatment other than medication.
>Muhammet MUHAMMET: High blood pressure, peptic ulcer.
>Nail DEMIR: Spinal damage caused by torture, partial paralysis.
>Ismail TEMIZYUREK: Kidney disease.
>Sabri CELIK: Heart disease and TB.
>Huseyin SAHIN: Anaemia.
>Abdullah BALAT: Anaemia.
>Fevzi ONAL: Liver insufficiency, chronic bronchitis.
>Mustafa ARGES: Hyperthyroidism.
>Adep INCE: Psychological problems.
>Ferit SOYLU: Psychological problems.
>Sabri TAS: Psychological problems.
>Hikmet BOZKURT: Skull fracture, damage to cranial blood vessels.
>Turan UYSAL: Trauma.
>Avni TAS: Trauma.
>Mahmut KESKIN: Trauma.
>Bozan GUCLU: Trauma.
>Ismail KARDUMAN: Trauma.
>Yusuf BOZKURT: Damage to joints as a result of torture.
>Zubeyde COBAN: Disk hernia, operation needed (has been transported to
>Funda UGUR: TB. Disk hernia.
>Giyasettin GUNES: Lumbar disk hernia, TB.
>Ali TORE: Break in body fibres caused by torture.
>Mehmet OZEN: Trauma.
>Yasin YASAR: Trauma.
>Haluk DURAN: Trauma, loss of eye.
>Mehmet DURSUN: Burns.
>Fesih ERKAPLAN: Burns.
>Sukru AKBAS: Trauma (result of attack in Diyarbakir Prison).
>Ali KOC: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Yasar KIRMIZI: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Musa ALTUN: Brain trauma as a result of attack in prison.
>Mehmet AYLAK: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Ulas ASLAN: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Yilmaz YUREK: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Ahmet TUNELI: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Toksoy AKTI: Trauma (result of Diyarbakir Prison attack).
>Serdar TURAN: Sinusitis.
>Celal KELES: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Muharrem HOROZ: Chronic hepatitis-B, pain in joints and lower back.
>Hanefi ERDEM: Chronic hepatitis-B.
>Faik Ozgur EROL: Peptic ulcer.
>Metin YAVUZ: Sinusitis and haemorrhoids.
>Kerim YALCIN: Peptic ulcer.
>Emin KARATAY: Heart trouble, kidney insufficiency.
>Nadir KALKAN: Disk hernia, migraine, sinusitis, pharyngeitis and chronic
>Fethi KURSUN: Peptic ulcer, platinum in arm.
>Celal KILIC: Sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, venous deficiency, disk hernia.
>Nazim ASLAN: Sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, venous deficiency, disk hernia.
>Mekki DEMIR: Heart rheumatism, epilepsy, sinusitis, disk hernia.
>Ahmet OLCER: Gastritis.
>Memduh CELEBI: Vision impaired.
>Mesut KILINC: Heart deficiency, venous deficiency.
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan


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