TODAY'S NEWS (September.24.2000 Juche 89)


   * GIs' massacre of civilians disclosed in S. Korea

   * Kim Jong Il praised

   * Kim Jong Il's work published abroad

   * Preparatory committees formed abroad

   * Reunification is supreme task of nation

   * "Kidnapping" of Japanese has nothing to do with DPRK

   * Working-level delegation for north-south economic cooperation leaves

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * "rodong sinmun" refuta insistencia erronea de director general de oiea

   * parten de pyongyang canciller de rpdc y su comitiva

GIs' massacre of civilians disclosed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- At least 30,000 innocent citizens
were massacred in Pusan,
Ulsan and other areas of South Kyongsang Province before and after the
Korean War, according to
Yonhap News from Seoul.
    Among them are those killed by GIs and victims of the news federation
    This was disclosed at an inaugural meeting of the "south Kyongsang
provincial preparatory meeting
for settlement of the issue of massacres of civilians" and a seminar held
at the Catholic Public Education
Hall in Changwon, South Kyongsang Province on Sept. 20.
    Kim Ju Wan, head of the public media team of "Kyongnam Provincial
People's Daily News" said
that "at least 10,000 members of the news federation were killed by GIs in
south Kyongsang province
and that 1,000 civilians in over 20 places, 10,000 political prisoners and
members of the news
federation in Pusan, 1,600 people in Kochang, Sanchong and Hamyang
incidents and those in
Oegong-ri of Mt. Jiri, Sichon of Sanchong county and Samjang incident,
30,000 in all.

Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- Abdul Rahman Matar, chief of
information of the permanent
secretariat of the organization of socialists in the Mediterranean, issued
a statement on September 10 on
the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the DPRK.
    In the statement he expressed his respects for Kim Jong Il, General
Secretary of the Worker's Party
of Korea and Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, who
has carried forward the
revolutionary cause of Juche with creative and original idea and achieved
great successes, on the
occasion of the birthday of the DPRK and said that he has rallied the
popular masses and led the Korean
people to progress and victory.
    Kim Jong Il is wisely leading the struggle to achieve national
reunification on the basis of the
three-point charter of national reunification, he said, and added:
    Under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il progress has been made in the
Korean people's struggle
for national reunification after the historic Pyongyang meeting.

Kim Jong Il's work published abroad

    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il's
famous work "On
Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and
Construction" was
published in booklet by the secretariat of the Latin American Institute of
the Juche Idea on September
    Contained in the work released on June 19, Juche 86 (1997) is the idea
that the Juche character and
the national character of the revolution and construction should be
preserved in order to thwart the
dominationist moves of the imperialists and reactionaries and to push ahead
with the popular masses'
cause of independence, the socialist cause.

Preparatory committees formed abroad

    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees were formed in
Italy and at the
Karachi Association for the Study of Self-reliance in Pakistan to celebrate
the 55th anniversary of the
Worker's Party of Korea.
    At the inaugural meeting in Italy the secretary general of the
Italy-DPRK Association for Friendship
and Cooperation was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    The meeting in Pakistan decided to hold various functions including a
seminar on the superb
leadership and immortal revolutionary exploits of the great leaders
President Kim Il Sung, founder and
leader of the WPK, and general secretary Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the
55th anniversary of the
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Reunification is supreme task of nation

    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- To terminate the division of Korea
and reunify the territory
and the nation is the supreme task of the nation to achieve independent and
unified development of the
country and the nation, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    The article goes on:
    The division of the Korean nation into the north and south is an
abnormal happening and a national
misfortune forced by the foreign forces and it is a temporary misfortune
which should be overcome
without fail.
    Reunification of the Korean nation is a necessary trend in the history
of the nation and a
law-governing requirement of the national development.
    The territorial bisection and national division are expanding
differences between the north and the
south in all domains of political, economic and cultural life and making
ambiguous the national
commonness of the homogeneous nation.
    And the division rules out the possibility to tap the resources of the
country and utilize the wisdom
and talents of the people in a uniform way and obstructs the independent
development of the country and
the nation.
    Owing to the national division, the Korean people are not free to come
and go across their country
and do not know whereabouts of their kinsmen, relatives and friends.
    If Korea remains divided into the north and south and they are kept
confronted with each other, the
Korean nation cannot be free from the domination and subjugation of foreign
forces but be a plaything
of foreign forces.
    Without national reunification, any communist and any conscientious
nationalist of Korea cannot
say he did his task.
    It is supreme patriotism to devote oneself to the sacred cause of
national reunification and it is a
felony to hamper national reunification.

"Kidnapping" of Japanese has nothing to do with DPRK

    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, the Japanese chief
executive said that it is
unthinkable for the Japanese government to establish diplomatic relations
with North Korea in disregard
of suspected kidnapping cases and that "Tokyo will not open diplomatic
relations with Pyongyang
before their settlement."
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that kidnapping has
nothing to do with the
    It goes on:
    It is not Japan but the DPRK to talk about "kidnapping."
    As to kidnapping, Japan is an assailant and the DPRK is a victim.
    It is a stark historic fact that Japan kidnapped and took away nearly
200,000 Korean girls and
women from Korea and forced them to be "comfort women for the army," sex
slaves, and walked away
at least 6 million Korean young and middle aged men and made them victims
of the war of aggression.
    The "suspected kidnapping" cases raised by the Japanese authorities are
premeditated moves to
evade the issue of redressing their past and get a sort of political
concession from the DPRK.
    The DPRK is not frightened by their remarks that it is unthinkable to
establish diplomatic relations
with the DPRK without settlement of the issue of "kidnapping."
    If Japan set the non-existent issue of "suspected kidnapping" as
preconditions for the establishment
of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations, the DPRK will turn round.
    The DPRK does not care about whether diplomatic relations with Japan
are improved or not.
    The DPRK has no idea to open diplomatic relations with Japan while
allowing its self-respect and
dignity to be impaired.
    It is as foolish as coming home to roost that Japan continues to get on
the nerves of the DPRK by
raising the non-existent issue of "suspected kidnapping."

Working-level delegation for north-south economic cooperation leaves

   Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the north side left
Pyongyang by air to attend
a working-level contact for north-south economic cooperation to be held in
Seoul from Sept. 25
according to an agreement between the north and the south.

For Spanish-speaking people

"rodong sinmun" refuta insistencia erronea de director general de oiea

    pyongyang, 23 de septiembre (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de hoy refuta la
insistencia erronea del director general del organismo internacional de
energia atomica quien afirma que
la culpa por la cual no marcha debidamente la construccion de los reactores
de agua ligera recae sobre la
    el comentario senala:
    en la sesion del consejo de administracion del oiea iniciada el pasado
dia 11 en viena el dijo: "peligra
el plan de construccion de reactores de agua ligera basado en el acuerdo
basico rpdc-ee.uu. porque la
rpdc no reconoce como antes la inspeccion del oiea".
    el director general del oiea esgrime una insistencia de veras absurda
segun la cual dicho acuerdo
basico estipula que ee.uu. ofrece reactores de agua ligera a la rpdc a
cambio de que esta acepte la
inspeccion del oiea. pero en ese acuerdo estan senalados claramente las
medidas de accion simultanea
relativa a la construccion de reactores de agua ligera.
    el peligro que corre la construccion de reactores de agua ligera se
debe enteramente a las
maquinaciones obstructoras de la administracion, en particular de las
fuerzas conservadoras de los
    en el pasado mes de mayo la camara de representantes de ee.uu. aprobo
el proyecto de las fuerzas
conservadoras republicanas segun el cual la administracion norteamericana
no puede construir ni poner
en funcionamiento los reactores de agua ligera en la rpdc.
    en el pasado mes de julio aprobo el proyecto de un legistrador
conservador republicano de prohibir
cualesquier fondos de "apoyo" al exterior que "seran utilizados en la
obligacion de construir y poner en
funcionamiento los reactores de agua ligera en la rpdc".
    en la actualidad el senado estadounidense examina el proyecto de ley
que exige disfrutar de
ratificacion definitiva del congreso antes de que se ofrezca a corea la
tecnica de reactores de agua ligera.
    tal es la situacion.
    sin embargo el oiea hace vista gorda ante la erronea actitud de los
ee.uu. y acusa sin fundamento
alguno a la rpdc.
    a traves del presente caso el oiea vuelve a demostrar a la faz del
mundo que ignora la equidad y la
justicia internacional que debe considerar como su vida y sirve de
marioneta a los ee.uu..

parten de pyongyang canciller de rpdc y su comitiva

    pyongyang, 23 de septiembre (atcc) -- paek nam sun, ministro de
de la republica popular
democratica de corea y su comtiva partieron hoy de esta capital para una
gira por italia y yugoslavia.
    la comitiva fue despedida en el aeropuerto por el primer viceministro
de kang sok ju, el
embajador de yugoslavia milorad kosovac, el encargado de negocios a,i de la
republica popular china li
bin y el reperesentante interino de la oficina de intereses de la republica
federal de alemania hans-
joachim stechmann en la rpdc.


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