TODAY'S NEWS (September.24.2001 Juche 90)



Citizens' solidarity for peace and unification formed in S. Korea

KCNA slams Japan's moves for overseas troop dispatch

Inter-Korean unity called for

Shellfish farming

High-profile school table tennis team

Brilliant life of Kim Jong Suk lauded

Farming materials donated by India

Kim Jong Il visits catfish factory and Kwail county

Talks between delegations of WPK and SLPR

For Spanish-speaking people


personificacion suprema de defensa decisiva a lider

atcc comenta movimiento insolito de japon

locura de quienes estan presos de sentimiento de culpabilidad


Citizens' solidarity for peace and unification formed in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- The citizens' solidarity for peace
and unification had an inaugural meeting and declared its formation in Seoul
on Friday, according to Yonhap News from Seoul. In its statement explaining
the purport of the formation of the organization aimed at putting the
reunification movement on a mass basis, the organization noted that it was
urgent to create a citizens' organization where they play a leading role and
which specializes in the issue of reunification.
    The organization clarified that "it would conduct the movement for
reunification on the principle of placing it on a mass basis, making the
discussion on unification balanced and advancing alternative proposals on
the unification policy."
    It set it as the goals of its programme to implement the July 4 joint
statement and the June 15 joint declaration and realize the denuclearization
of the Korean peninsula.


KCNA slams Japan's moves for overseas troop dispatch
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- There are highly disturbing
developments in Japan in the wake of terrorist attacks on the united states.
Since the incident the Japanese government, the ruling party and the
"Self-Defence Forces" have been busy submitting a bill calling for the
revision of the law on the "SDF" to the diet and adopting a new law to back
the military attack of the U.S. forces.
    It was against this political and military background that the Japanese
chief executive announced a 7-point proposal to assist the military attacks
of the U.S. on September 19.
    Its key point is Japan's proposed official dispatch of "SDF" overseas
under the pretext of logistic assistance to the U.S. forces.
    As a matter of fact, terrorism that occurred in the U.S. is something
very regretful and tragic. And it may be a right option taken in line with
the policy of each country opposed to all forms of terrorism to make a due
contribution to the efforts of the international community to eliminate the
root cause of this terrorism.
    But the neighboring countries of Japan are becoming extremely watchful
against its hectic moves because what Japan chiefly seeks is not to "prevent
terrorism and eliminate its root cause."
    Japan asserts that it should make a substantial contribution through
practical military actions this time, arguing that its huge financial
contribution failed to get an international appreciation during the gulf
war. This is not its true intention.
    What Japan truly seeks is to unlimitedly expand the sphere of actions of
the "SDF," its main aggressor forces, and provide a judicial and
institutional mechanism for re-invasion of Asia with the terrorist attacks
on the U.S. as a momentum.
    If the proposal is adopted as a law at the diet and put into practice,
the overseas dispatch of the "SDF" not only to the Asia-Pacific region but
to other parts of the world will be completely institutionalized in Japan.
    This is by no means, a simple issue that can be interpreted in the
context of preventing terrorism.
    There is no need to recall that many Asian countries suffered horrible
disasters due to the overseas troop dispatch by militarist Japan.
    Japan is an abnormal country that took every opportunity to legalize its
aggression and war.
    It is a well-known fact that Japan has pushed ahead with the independent
development of reconnaissance satellites and inter-continental ballistic
missiles, adamantly insisting that the DPRK's launch of a satellite for a
peaceful purpose was a "missile launch." Japan has gone the length of
calling for the development of a "missile defense" system, independent of
the U.S. 
    Japan is misusing misfortune of the U.S. to pave the way for re-invasion
of Asia, in other words, to legalize its moves to become a military power
and realize the unlimited overseas dispatch of the "SDF" as early as
    This is the real intention of Japan which has evaded the settlement of
its past, the most urgent issue, for more than 50 years.
    Japanese authorities are well advised to think twice of the disastrous
consequences to be entailed by its overseas troop dispatch under the pretext
of "supporting the efforts to prevent terrorism."


Inter-Korean unity called for
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- The Koreans can demonstrate their
invincible might, foil foreign forces' aggression and interference and
achieve the cause of national reunification by their own efforts only when
the north and the south pool their efforts, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article. It goes on:
    The north and the south should pool their efforts for national
reunification. This is required by the reality to check and frustrate the
moves of the anti-reunification forces in and outside Korea to hamper the
implementation of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and block the
road of independent national reunification.
    What is important for independently settling the issue of national
reunification by the concerted efforts of the north and south is for them to
firmly maintain the stand of national independence and strengthen the
national unity through practical struggles to implement the north-south
joint declaration. 
    It is a senseless act to read outside forces' faces and yield to their
interference now that the north and south agreed to independently settle the
issue of reunification by the concerted efforts of the Koreans and jointly
declared this will.
    The Koreans can certainly pull through whatever obstacles and accomplish
their national task for reunification, if the north and south pool efforts,
no matter how many and arduous hurdles lying in its way may be, the article


Shellfish farming
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- The Unjon Fishery Station in North
Phyongan Province on the west coast has run a lucrative shellfish farm for a
decade. The idea for such a farm was raised when massive hauls of shellfish
considerably depleted ocean resources and increased the distance and costs
of open-sea fishing.
    The station launched intensive research into shellfish breeding and
built a 350 hectare shellfish farm and a 10 hectare breeding farm in
offshore waters. Vessels and workers were supplied to it and the breeding of
shellfish was established on a scientific basis. Every year shellfish are
tinned out and scattered several times, and the mud flats are ploughed to
make feeding easier. the flood-released mud is instantly removed and steps
are taken to protect the young shellfish from species of prey. in the
spawning season, people are barred from approaching the area, and special
attention is paid to preventing pollution from spills by vessels in the
    Thanks to artificial propagation, the farm and the surrounding waters
have a proportioned share of the shellfish population. Stocking a hectare of
the farm with three tons of young shellfish, each one to two grammes in
weight, will yield a haul of 30 to 40 tons in a year and a half. This figure
is 10 to 20 times as high as under natural conditions. by this method,
production has shown a steady increase.
    This low-input, high-return management contributed to increasing aquatic
resources and state revenue. The farm's target for the year was reached in
    The station is now set on research and expansion for the full-scale
breeding of various shellfish, including short neck clams.


High-profile school table tennis team
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- The Kwanghwa Senior Middle School in
Hamhung city on the east coast is a famous producer of up-and-coming table
tennis talents. In addition to the stress it puts on academic performance
and moral cultivation, it pays close attention to the students' physical
    Table tennis training started in the early 1980s, with the formation of
a team. 
    The coach Ri Tong Su tenaciously trained the pupils from the basic up to
advanced skills. He imposed strong demands on the trainees and helped them
carry out their daily training routines. To introduce more scientific
methods to training, he collected mountains of research material and applied
his findings assiduously.
    Thanks to his devotion and the students' enthusiasm, the team began to
dominate the national scene. the school has won the national junior
championships 17 times and swept the individual events. Many of the
graduates from this high-profile school are now active in the national


Brilliant life of Kim Jong Suk lauded
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- A large number of people are visiting
the statues of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk and
historic sites associated with her immortal revolutionary exploits in
different parts of the DPRK. They look back with deep emotion on the history
of her revolutionary activities and heroic feats she performed by devotedly
defending the leader.
    Throughout her life from the days of the anti-Japanese revolution till
her demise she was like a human bomb and shield in upholding the
revolutionary idea of general Kim Il Sung and devotedly defending him.
    She relentlessly fought against the renegades of the revolution who
interpreted the general's idea and line as they pleased and behaved quite
contrary to them or neglected the implementation of his orders and
    She dedicated her all to the general's personal safety.
    She heroically fought to safeguard the headquarters of the revolution in
many battles during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    What she did in a battle fought in early summer of Juche 29 (1940) can
be cited as an example.
    On spotting enemy soldiers coming close to the general who was
commanding the battle, she protected him at the risk of her life as a human
    During a battle fought in march of the same year, too, she discovered
the enemy soldiers approaching the headquarters by stealth and lost no time
to wipe them out by drawing them on her.
    She thus remained most loyal to the leader of the revolution.
    The immortal feats she performed by devotedly defending the leader serve
as a living example teaching the officers and men of the people's army and
people of Korea how they should uphold and defend their leader.


Farming materials donated by India
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- The Indian government donated a lot
of farming materials to the DPRK. It had donated 3,000 tons of food and
other aid materials to the DPRK in connection with its natural disasters.
    A ceremony was held at Nampho Port today to convey those materials.
    Indian ambassador e.p. to the DPRK Binanda Kumar Gogoi conveyed them to
an official concerned.


Kim Jong Il visits catfish factory and Kwail county
     Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the
Workers' Party of K1rea, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission
and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, gave field guidance to
the catfish factory under KPA unit no.534 and Kwail county on Sunday.
Accompanying him were chief of the KPA general staff Kim Yong Chun, minister
of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the NDC Ri Yong
Mu, secretaries of the c.c., the WPK Jong Ha Chol and Kim Ki Nam, KPA
generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and others.
    Leader Kim Jong Il first visited the newly expanded catfish factory
under KPA unit no. 534.
    Going round the interior and exterior of the factory including a
processing room for smoked fish, an outdoor round-shaped pond, a building
for fries and a building for fattening fish, he acquainted himself in detail
with the construction of the factory on an expansion basis and fish breeding
    What is very important in rapidly increasing the catfish production is
to strictly implement the party's policy of putting pisciculture on a
scientific and intensive basis, he said, stressing: it is essential to solve
the breed problem decisively and conduct the fish breeding in a scientific
and technical way based on latest piscicultural technology.
    The smooth solution of the food problem is also very important, he said,
calling for making researches into food suited to the specific conditions of
Korea and building reliable bases for it.
    Saying that measures for carrying and processing catfish should be taken
in line with its increased production, he clarified the tasks and ways for
doing so. 
    It is very gratifying that the factory has built up processing
facilities to produce delicious smoked fish, he said, urging the catfish
factories to turn out such products in a large quantity.
    The next leg of his visit was Kwail county. He dropped in at the
Pukchang Farm to learn in detail about the fruit production this year.
    Saying that in order to radically increase the fruit production it is
necessary to bring about a signal turn in the seed selection, widely
introduce advanced technology and raise the fertility of soil, he
underscored the need to provide a sufficient amount of fertilizers and
agricultural chemicals and other farming materials while firmly building up
research groups to intensify scientific researches.
    He also noted that in order to put orchards on a scientific and modern
basis to meet the need of the new century it is necessary to realign
orchards to put them in good shape so that all farm work may be done by
    He then moved on to the Phungchon Fruit Processing Factory.
    Seeing different production processes, he familiarized himself with the
processing in detail, even tasting dried fruit.
    He called for further updating production processes and adequately
supplying packing and all other necessary materials to boost the production
of high quality processed fruits.


Talks between delegations of WPK and SLPR
    Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between the
delegations of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Socialist Labour Party of
Romania here today. At the talks both sides informed each other of their
parties' activities and exchanged views on the need to develop the friendly
ties between the two parties and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    Present at the talks were Choe Thae Bok, alternate member of the
political bureau and secretary of the c.c., the WPK, officials concerned and
the members of the SLPR delegation headed by its President Ion Sasu.


For Spanish-speaking people

personificacion suprema de defensa decisiva a lider
     pyongyang, 24 de septiembre (atcc) -- en estos dias un gran numero de
habitantes de distintas localidades de la rpdc acuden a las estatuas de
bronce de la madre kim jong suk, gran combatiente revolucionaria comunista y
los lugares historicos en que estan impregnadas sus inmarcesibles hazanas
revolucionarias. ellos recuerdan con gran emocion la historia revolucionaria
de la madre y sus hazanas heroicas de defensa decisiva al lider.
    durante toda su vida desde el periodo de la revolucion antijaponesa
defendio resueltamente la idea revolucionaria del presidente kim il sung y
sirvio de escudo para defender a ultranza al lider.
    lucho implacablemente contra los traidores de la revolucion que
interpretaban arbitrariamente la idea y la linea presentadas por el
presidente, que contravenian a estas y que se mostraban negligentes en la
ejecucion de las ordenes y directivas de este.
    dedico todo lo suyo para propiciar la seguridad fisica del presidente.
    en particular lucho heroicamente para proteger la comandancia de la
revolucion en numerosas batallas del periodo de la lucha revolucionaria
    un ejemplo de ello es lo siguiente: a principios del verano del 29
(1940) de la era juche ella descubrio a los enemigos que se acercaban al
presidente quien dirigia una batalla y sirvio de parabala para defenderlo a
    tambien en una batalla librada en marzo del mismo ano al descubrir a los
enemigos que se aproximaban sigilosamente a la comandancia se los atrajo
para aniquilarlos. 
    asi la madre kim jong suk fue infinitamente fiel al lider de la
    las inmortales hazanas de la madre kim jong suk realizadas al defender a
ultranza al lider sirven de un gran ejemplo a los oficiales y soldados del
ejercito popular y los habitantes de corea al enaltecer y defender a su


atcc comenta movimiento insolito de japon
     pyongyang, 24 de septiembre (atcc) -- el japon muestra movimiento
insolito en torno al incidente de terrorismo ocurrido en estados unidos.
ocurrido el incidente en cuestion, en el gobierno, el partido en el poder y
las "fuerzas de autodefesa" del japon se ajetrean para someter a la
consideracion de la dieta el proyecto de enmienda de la ley de estas
"fuerzas" y para aprobar la nueva ley de apoyo al ataque militar de los
    bajo esta situacion politico-militar el maximo gobernante del japon
publico el dia 19 la disposicion de 7 puntos de apoyo al ataque militar de
ee.uu. el quid reside en despachar oficialmente al ultramar efectivos de las
"fuerzas de autodefensa" a rotulo de apoyo logistico a las tropas
    el terrorismo ocurrido en ee.uu. es muy desagradable y tragico, y hacer
debido aporte a los esfuerzos de la sociedad internacional por acabar con la
fuente de este terrorismo sera una correcta opcion segun la politica de cada
pais que se opone al terrorismo de toda indole.
    pero los paises circunvecinos abrigan una extrema precaucion por la
accion inmediata del japon porque este pais no pretende "prevenir el
terrorismo" ni "erradicar su fuente" sino aprovechar el terrorismo ocurrido
en ee.uu. para ampliar ilimitadamente la esfera de actividades de las
"fuerzas de autodefensa" y preparar un aparato juridico e institucional de
su nueva agresion a asia.
    si tal disposicion de apoyo a los estados unidos se aprueba en la dieta
japonesa y entra en vigor, se sistematizara por completo el envio de las
"fuerzas de autodefensa" a la region de asia- pacifico y el resto del mundo.
    las autoridades japonesas deben reflexionar las consecuencias funestas
que emanen del envio de sus "fuerzas de autodefensa" al ultramar a rotulo de
"apoyo a la prevencion del terrorismo".


locura de quienes estan presos de sentimiento de culpabilidad
     pyongyang, 24 de septiembre (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" en
un comentario de hoy senala que los reaccionarios japoneses realizan un
analisis al suponer un "gran terrorismo" de la republica popular democratica
de corea contra el japon tratando de definirlo como un hecho consumado y
anade que esto es la muy perversa provocacion contra la rpdc y una locura de
quienes estan presos del sentimiento de culpabilidad. el comentario senala:
    los reaccionarios japoneses tratan de aprovechar la tendencia de la
situacion internacional que se torna compleja por el caso de ataque de
detonacion ocurrido en ee.uu. para danar la autoridad y la dignidad de la
rpdc y lograr una malsana finalidad politica.
    ellos, al divulgar el rumor de "la amenaza del terrorismo" por la rpdc,
intentan definir a esta como "estado terrorista" para denigrar la alta
confianza y posicion internacionales de ella y aplacar las voces de protesta
y condena del mundo a los crimenes pasados del japon.
    no existe el pais que amenaza al japon ni "amenaza del terrorismo" a
    los reaccionarios japoneses astutos y malvados se valen de la situacion
complicada por el caso de ataque de detonacion ocurrido en ee.uu. y de
"penetracion" y "prevencion del terrorismo" del exterior para legalizar por
completo la operacion militar de las "fuerzas de autodefensa" incluyendo la
enmienda de la "ley de estas" y abrir de par en par la puerta de su agresion
al ultramar sus absurdas maquinaciones causan solo un mayor odio e
indignacion a los pueblos.
    haremos frente resueltamente a tales maniobras de los reaccionarios

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